Member Reviews

Sehr schön gestaltetes Buch mit vielen Fotos und ausführlichen Beschreibung rund um Kristalle mit sehr vielen Details. Sehr informativ und lehrreich.

Cosmic Crystals is beginner friendly and guides individuals in rituals utilizing crystals and the moon. I felt it was also helpful in being mindful, weather that be intention setting or creating other things in life. An interesting reference.

This book had great potential, unfortunately for me, the early copy I received had all the pictures in black and white. Not entirely helpful when talking about crystals.

I really wanted to read this - but I was unable to download it for some reason :( I have since however purchased it so decided to come back to give feedback. As a learner in the crystal world, this was so educational and I absolutely loved it.

There is so much great information in it about working with complimentary crystals for each moon, moon phase and moon cycle. Also, additional add-ins about the elements, animal totems, herbs, essential oils, etc. She also talks about tools and layouts you can create to compliment your lunar celebrations and rituals! The photos are stunning and lovely, and the layout of the book is very easy to follow. A beautiful book! Well done

A great book for the new and the familiar alike. I loved the pictures! The information was easy to follow and was well informed.

Useful book for those relatively new to crystals and/or to working with lunar energies. Many lovely suggestions for those in the early stages of their crystal-lunar journeys.

Cosmic Crystals demystifies working with lunar energy, with month by month and zodiac based moon rituals. Ashley Leavy's rituals include crystal recommendations and are an easy way to take action with your crystal collection. Many people are attracted to crystals, but are unsure of how to "use" them and Cosmic Crystals is so helpful and easy to follow. Furthermore, the moon is one of the most powerful tools for showing how the energies of the natural world can affect our lives and you can see the magic working everyday with how it affects tides. Cosmic Crystals shows how incorporating its energy into your daily life can help to connect you to the universe around you and create better flow in your life. A wonderful read.

Thank you Quatro Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC.
I didn’t know anything about crystals or their relationship to lunar cycles, so I met this book with wonder and interest.
I loved the illustrations and learned a lot about crystals and their energy. I look forward to reading more on this subject.
thank you for this ARC in return for my honest review.

This is a perfect guide for those of us who work with the cycles of the moon and crystals. I was thrilled to receive this for review. Thank you to Net Galley and to the publisher for the opportunity. My opinion is my own.
As a practicing witch I work with both crystals and moon cycles. However I was not incorporating the two modalities until I was fortunate enough to receive this book for review. I found this immensely helpful to my personal practice.
The book has many outstanding features first of which are the professional done photographers that take your breath away. The author helps you to understand the moon’s phases and what you want to achieve with your crystals. It also provides an overview of the Lunar Zodiac and each crystal that goes with each sign. The thirteen full moons are explained with their corresponding crystals .
The author added a glossary with some basic definition, recommended books and websites for further study to be helpful. This is the perfect introductory book for anyone interested in using crystals with lunar energy. I highly recommend this book and will be purchasing it for gifts for friends.

The perfect guide book to working with crystals and the energy of the moon! Super helpful and packed full of useful information!

Edited: the kind people at Quatro sent me a clean copy of the book when the first one wouldn't work for me. First things first, I absolutely agree with everyone who commented on the photography! These images are stunning and in person would be even more so.
It's a fascinating read, and it'll need several more reads to absorb all the nuance. I can tell this is going to be the type of book I come back to to reread often. I love the care that's been taken with the different types of moon and different correspondences. I also love the index at the back! When I get new crystals I can look them up to see what they're best suited to. Wonderful.
I will definitely be coming back to this one over and over.

So many wonderful rituals, and beautiful photographs abound in this magical book! I was impressed with the breadth and depth of knowledge the author has on this topic and it’s unique to any other crystal book I’ve read or seen on the market.

If you’re looking to match up your crystals and gemstones with the right moon phases this book would be great for you.
In this book, you will find very detailed and had colorful photos which guide you with each moon phases. You get the list of crystals to use, dates, element, keywords and a bit about the crystals or gemstones being used.
The 13 Celtic moons you get alternate names, animals, crystals, colors, deities, essentials oils and more.
I recommend this book to anyone who would like to know more about how to use their crystals and gemstones in everyday life.

I just love this book. As an avid crystal enthusiast I can never get enough of books on this topic. The one thing that was refreshing was the simplicity of the book. The author gave enough background on each topic that gave you a great understanding without overwhelming the reader with information. Everything in the book is very clear and concise, which makes this an excellent quick resource book.
The one thing that I immensely appreciated was that the focus was spiritual and not focused on a particle faith. That made the book extremely inviting and non intrusive on your personal believe systems.
If you are looking for a book on lunar and energy and crystal use, this is the book for you. Ms Leavy gives a brief introduction and example of things like brief historic information, various lunar cycles, cleansing, grounding, programming your crystals and the different uses of them in various lunar cycles. She also covers the Modern, Native and Celtic 13 moons and how to utilize lunar energy depending on which astrological sign it falls into.
As a metaphysical practitioner, I love the direct and to the point approach which makes finding the information you need simple and easy. A book to be enjoyed by all levels of experience.

This book was easy to read thanks to the sections and the set-up, but I just wished there would be a bit more info.

Do get a bit of variety of topics relating to crystals and the moon (black moons, blue moons, Celtic). A nice book for those who have an interest in the lunar energy and want something a little different than other moon books.

Well presented manual that is appealing, easy to use and handy to have around. Written in plain English, this is a fabulous book and full of helpful tips and would suit any level of knowledge.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

I had technical difficulties with this title; I couldn't get the manuscript to download properly onto my computer or tablet. As I was only able to read part of the text, I can't review totally accurately.

This is an extremely thorough book regarding all aspects of the moon and how to use crystals during the lunar cycle to benefit you. The photos are outstanding all through it. Just looking at those through the book is calming and makes the book really worth the money. The author gives a quick but good lesson on crystals themselves regarding charging, cleansing, and grounding before using them and gives a short list of some of the most popular ones to use and what they are used for. There is a very detailed section on each part of the lunar cycle and which crystals are good to use and for what reason. The author also has another detailed section on the moon in zodiac signs and which crystals to use at those times. She then discusses special moons, such as blood moons and black moons, for every single month of the year – I had no idea there were as many as there are. I cannot imagine anyone have any questions left regarding this subject after reading this book. The author has obviously done a great deal of research into the topic. She does mention at the beginning what got her started on crystals with the lunar cycle in the first place. This would be a great book for anyone wanting to advance their learning with using crystals and the moon in their practice.