Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and Aria Fiction for a copy of this books to review. Clarrie and Simon have been friends forever! Simon won’t stop asking her out. So a bet forms, if their team wins the quiz league she will go out with him. It was a cute premise! I had a really hard time keeping track of all the characters especially in the beginning. Also, it is very British! I had to keep looking up what different slang words mean so it made the dialogue hard to understand! Overall a cute story though!

Unfortunately I found the pacing slow and didnt enjoy the dialogue so DNF this one. I also found the 'banter' between the friends quite uncomfortable.

Thank you netgalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.
Clarrie and Simon and their friendship to relationship. Swoon!!
Cute book. Easy read.
Loved the ease of the relationships in this book.

This book had the premise that completely sold me, a friend group/cast of characters that made me smile and an overall promising read, but it also had a main character who made this really hard to get through. Her inner conflict and the conflict in general felt easily fixable with a simple conversation. It wasn't a fun time.

This book just didn't do it for me. The dialogue was kind of hard to understand and I didn't feel the characters developing into ones that I liked.

This adorable book had me at pub quiz. I did not know anything going into this book and I am so glad. I felt an internal sense of elation when the book started with a pub quiz night. An activity I look forward to all too often mixed with romance makes this read freaking adorable. I enjoyed being able to relate to the scenery described as well as the mannerisms and quirks of the English folk. I felt like I was enjoying an evening at the local pub whilst reading this book.
The romance was slow burn romance to the max! Another tick mark in my book. Heck, it took these two forever to finally end up together but when they did it was so sweet and beautiful. The depth of their romance is backed up by a great retelling of their friendship via storytelling, jokes, memories and games. I enjoyed Simon's wit, humour, sharp tongue, genuine demeanour and a sense of acceptance of who he is.
I loved the protagonist, Clarrie, as she is a rough-around-the-edges type of gal, a tomboy who doesn't have a filter, down to earth and can definitely hold her own amongst a group of dudes. She is real in the sense that she is completely relatable. Just a late-twenties gal struggling with issues that most of us struggle with in our twenties. It was quite a refreshing take on the role of the protagonist.
I adored the story of friendship in this book. The kinship of the various friendships as well as the tight-knit community made my heart swell.
It was a glorious read with lots of literal laugh-out-loud moments and several awww moments. I am definitely buying a hardcopy.

Honestly, most of this book was probably a two-star rating, but I was fond of the ending so I bumped it up to three. I was really interested by the premise because it seemed like a fun, cute read (and it was) but it was also slow and boring at times. There was a lot of unnecessary dialogue that I ended up skipping over because it didn't contribute to the story. I liked Clarrie and Simon's relationship, but I got annoyed by the constant back and forth indecisiveness that Clarrie went through. This is also the most British book I've ever read, so a lot of the language threw me off kilter a bit. I did like Sonny and Gem and it was a cute book, overall, though it could use some editing in some of the slower areas.

This book was a lot of fun. It had great characters (and character development, it wasn't just about the main two protagonists which helped build up the story), and it was funny! The dry humor was excellent and had good dialogue that kept me smiling on the train like a crazy person while reading it. The relationship development made you actually want to root for the characters in the book, and the premise was different and relateable for those of us who are terrible and pub trivia. But I will say that it just went on a smidge too long. By 60% of the book I was kind of ready for it to be resolved and over. Overall, charming.

Oh my goodness!! What an absolutely wonderful and fantastic story. I have literally laughed my head off.
I have just one question for the author- where can I get a Simon? Right from the start of the book, the connection is genuine. The characters are extremely likeable both together and separate.
Mary-Jayne has a way of writing which makes you feel as though you are watching the story unfold. This is a book I haven’t wanted to put down- it truly is fantastic.
I have loved the friendships in this book, the fun and support amongst the group has made me smile on numerous occasions.
Simon and Clarrie are just fab, I can’t imagine any reader not rooting for them from the start. The book has its ups and downs but it wouldn’t be the same without any of them. I can honestly say this should be on everyone’s must read list.
I am a huge fan of Mary-Jayne’s books, I haven’t read any that I dislike. She is definitely a talented author and deserves recognition for the fantastic stories she produces.
Truthfully, I cannot give this book five stars because it just isn’t enough. Five stars doesn’t show how fantastic and wonderful this book is. I wish I could give more than five! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I highly recommend this book as well as Mary-Jayne’s other books. Each one will get you hooked but they are definitely worth the read.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Aria for an E-arc in exchange for an honest review.
A sweet, funny and unapologetically British friends to lovers romance.
Alright so this was a delightful friends to lovers romance, and it was sloooooow burn, so if you like that then it will be right up your street! It also features pub quizzes, which are one of my favourite things to do with a group of friends! So much fun!
This was about Simon and Clarrie, best friends since they were 4. Simon keeps asking Clarrie out but she thinks he's joking so keeps turning him down (even though she's really into him) He then makes a bet with her that if their pub quiz team wins the league, she has to finally let him take her out on a date!
Simon and Clarrie were the best! I loved Simon, what an amazing book boyfriend! Such a good friend to Clarrie and the rest of the gang, he wasn't afraid to cry and show his emotions. And he's fit! He and Clarrie had such a great connection, and great chemistry! Clarrie was the narrator and she's great! A bit rough around the edges, she suffers from anxiety but was a very likeable character. I do wish the anxiety had been explained a bit earlier, and the book had delved in a bit deeper into that though. My only negative about Clarrie was how long it took her to realise that Simon had feelings for her, and how long she took to decide, it was a bit frustrating.
Anyway, even though the book was about Simon and Clarrie, it was also about their group of friends Sonny, Gem and Dave. I loved the friendship dynamics in this! They loved and supported each other and it was so nice to see! These characters were so precious! They clawed their way into my heart throughout the book and I love them all. They could be quite immature at times, but they felt like real people in their late 20's, struggling with the types of issues that you do at that point in your life.
This book was so funny! The humour was really dry, and the banter was relentless! It was spot on to be honest! I grew up with a group of lads and girls in my friendship group, and we're still mates now. Our WhatsApp group could be straight out of this book. Lots of swearing, boob and penis jokes etc very immature but still funny lol. I snorted and laughed out loud a few times reading this! That's just what it's like here, we take the piss out of each other constantly if we love you! I loved the back and forth and snarky wit!
The book was also about family, and about the tightknit community which these characters live in. I also liked that. So many romances just focus on the main couple, whereas this book felt so raw, messy and real. All of the characters were important in this, and they had their own lives and storylines.
So yes I loved this slow burn friends to lovers romance! It was the perfect beach read for me. I had such a smile on my face after reading it, and was on such a high! If you do decide to read this and don't understand parts, then either look it up, or message me friends!😂

4.5 stars
This book was just what I needed! I absolutely loved the characters and the dynamics between them. They were always horsing around and I loved it.
Si is absolutely swoon-worthy and may have just become my favourite book boyfriend. *sigh*
I also liked that they dealt with important topics such as anxiety and cancer (though maybe a bit too lightly).
Recommend it for anyone looking for a hilarious romance!

This was a cute read. The main character was a bit to drama filled and immature at times. Ah, to be young. There were also a ton of misogynistic jokes. That didn't sit well with me. Overall, the premise was cute and the arc of the main couple was rewarding.

A Question of Us caught me by surprise. It's been a couple of months since an adult romance has fully captured my attention, and this book definitely did. I couldn't put this down, and when I finally finished it, I couldn't stop thinking about it. A Question of Us is an adorable read, with best friends who become lovers and an amazing cast of characters.
I usually don't love-love the best-friends-to-lovers trope because it's always one person long-term dating someone else before they realize they're in love with their best friend or something similar that I don't really vibe with. This book is a bit of a departure from that; Simon has so obviously been in love with Clarrie for so long, but since she's scared of change, of commitment, of screwing things up, she's refused to see it. They've been best friends since they were four, and there wasn't a come-to-terms moment, that Clarrie loved Si. It was much more gradual, and I really liked that.
Also, I totally felt how Clarrie wanted to use the quiz as a means to say yes, despite knowing she likes Si romantically. Sometimes it feels better having a big decision made for you even when you know what you want. Change is scary and I definitely relate to wanting no responsibility for your feelings.
The characters were so detailed; they truly felt like real people to me. Clarrie being a mess and just trying to get her life together is such a mood. I also loved that Si is hot and a playboy, yet he's not overly masculine. He studied history and became a teacher and isn't afraid to cry in front of Clarrie. I love him! Also, let's ignore the fact that The Bachelorette has corrupted me and I picture him as one of the contestants that I like . . .
I wholehearted loved the friend group. Please give me more adult romances where the friends get up to no-good-hijinks and know each other so well! They're all so supportive of each other, and there's just so much love.
You all know that I love books where the main character likes living in their small town, and this book was no exception. Reading the characters joking with their parents and being really open with them...it was nice, it was so soft.
I think the summary makes Si asking out Clarrie to be little "can't take no for an answer," but in reality, it's much healthier than that. They're friends, and Clarrie treats it as a running joke, rather than it being unwanted advances.
And this book was genuinely so funny! It's a very British humor, which my sense of humor is very much in line with, because it's dry and witty.
I said it before and I'll say it again, but I still can't stop thinking about this book. Please, Mary Jayne Baker, I need a sequel...I'll take a novella, I'll even take a long extended scene... A Question of Us is definitely one of my favorite romances this year! Pick it up today.
**This review will be up on my blog Magical Reads on September 5, 2019.**

Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest.
I had mixed feelings about this novel. I felt that most of the characters acted like horny teenagers and I couldn't tell if they were really adults. Simon was annonyingly persist in pursuing Carrie who is his best friend but the reader doesn't show us the depth or growth of that friendship.
This group of friends meet to play trivia games and the novel centers around those interactions which are honestly uninteresting and immature. I just wasn't taken by this romance.

I wanted to love this one a lot more than I did. The characters were alright, interesting enough with some fleshed out backstories. I enjoyed the addition of supportive parents and some diversity. This book did move pretty slow however and the main female character was so maddening. I felt like a lot of the conflict in this one was contrived. I still did enjoy the book though and would recommend it for anyone looking for a light read.

<i>A Question of Us</i> is a British romance about two childhood best friends Clarrie and Simon who along with their group of friends participate in pub trivia, but without much success. Simon, who has long harbored a crush on Clarrie, bets that if the team wins the trivia contest Clarrie will have to go out with him.
This one was hard to read since the book was like 95% dialogue and no exposition. This made the characters feel very flat to me. Since we never get any real insight into the characters, there's no real tension between the two leads, which is always a bummer.
The book also felt oddly dated? The characters smoke chimneys (I don't think I've read about a character in a romcom smoking since the 90s? It made me wonder if Philip Morris got into the publishing business because so much of the very little exposition is dedicated to describing them smoking) and there's a lot of time devoted to the male characters talking about the breasts of the female characters.
Thank you to NetGalley for providing an ARC of this book.

A group of twenty six year olds who spend their lives dating, drinking and quizzing is not my usual choice of novel characters but I love Mary Jayne Baker's witty books so I gave it a go. And what an endearing likeable bunch they are! Their constant banter, insults and teasing just add to the feeling of how close and caring they are, and have been since primary school. They have each other's backs. Clarrie holds Simon at arm's length because his friendship means everything to her and she can't risk losing it. After all, two of the others have tried being a couple and already failed. So when Simon gets Clarrie to finally agree to a date if they win the annual pub quiz league it's game on! We watch them get higher up the league as each quiz plays out. So, will they or won't they? A little drawn out and frustrating in places as Clarrie continually denies her own feelings but I enjoyed it very much.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.
The plot of this book caught my attention. Childhood friends to possibly more, especially when there's a bet involved? Who wouldn't love that?
Me, apparently. The pacing of this book is godawful slow. It's also so British that it's distracting and off-putting. I nearly marked this as DNF on a few occasions. At times, the conversations seem hectic and hard to keep track of. Then other times, my eyes glazed over because the characters are rambling. This book could do with a fair bit of editing. Multiple chapters for one event? Just get to the point already. Simon has been in love with Clarrie for forever and asks her out whenever possible. It's cute in theory but I don't think it was executed as well as it could have been. There has to be a better way of telling your childhood best friend that you've been in love with her for ages than to jokingly ask her out constantly and then turn around and date other girls. The reason this even gets two stars is because when the book DOES get to the point, it's decent. There are great sweet moments with Simon and Clarrie where you can clearly see how much he loves her. Every time she's drunk, she wants him but then doesn't realize that's what she wants once she sobers up? It gets very tiring and boring. The pacing is just too uneven throughout to earn more than 2 stars from me. I really wish this book was better than it was.

This was way fun! I really enjoyed getting to know this group of friends and follow their ups and downs. As a huge fan of pub trivia, this absolutely hit all my right spots. Very charming.

I LOVE a friend turns to more story. I also love the main character having tomboy tendencies. I loved Clarrie and Simon. I feel like they are so relatable and you really are rooting for them. These are the exact books I love reading and will be recommending to my friends