Member Reviews

Alice is a journalist who starts getting threats from an anonymous Pearson. Hire boyfrieNd ,, Tom, heiress a PI, MAtthew to find out who the threats are coming from. Every week, the threats worsen.

Matthew finds out that Alice's ex fiance was released from prison early. A hunt begins to find him immediately. Alice decides to movies her, mom to a new nursing home just in case the threats may start to include her also.

The story is a great who done it. Although I didn't particularly think there was, a great twist, it did keep my interest. It goes between Alice's present story and here stalkers child hooks story slowly revEaling why Alice must pay.

Thank you Netgalley for giVing new an FaRC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I quite liked this book. I enjoyed the pace and the plethora of suspects, all of which seemed valid. I don't want to spoil the book for anyone, so I'll just say that if you like a thrilling mystery, this is for you.

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*3.5 stars*
This was my first book by this author and it was definitely a page turner! The book immediately opens up with journalist, Alice, answering her work phone to someone on a voice changer saying “I am going to use a cheese wire on you.” It’s a Wednesday, and what follows is more Wednesdays filled with a stalker trying to scare Alice. Alice is rightfully terrified and is trying to find out who this could possibly be. Her boyfriend, Tom, involves a PI named Matthew. There are alternating chapters from Alice’s POV, Matthew’s and then Him, which we assume is the stalker, and paints the picture of his reasons for doing this. I thought the writing was great, pace was good and characters were average. You could guess the stalker pretty easily, but there were definitely some twists thrown in there. It was entertaining and a quick read, so I would recommend it.

* ARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

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Creepy psychological thriller. Told from several points of view and smoothly woven into a single resolution.

The stalker is smart and skillful, the stalker's backstory is sadly common in today's internet news.

The victim is simply doing her job while keeping her own secrets.

It's an interesting story of how a single action causes ripples in lives days, months and years later.

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I Will Make You Pay by Teresa Driscoll covers everyone's worst nightmare: a stalker who takes it too far. It starts with a strange phone call, followed by increasingly escalated attacks, both physical and emotional, until Alice becomes terrified of Wednesdays. Driscoll's novel is a fresh take on the thriller genre with lots of twists and turns you don't see coming! If you want a new book for Spooktober, pick this up!

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This is an especially satisfying thriller from start to finish. Written from the POV of Alice, the journalist who receives threats and is stalked, "Him before", the stalker as a child living with his Gram and Matthew, the PI hired by Alice's husband Tom to help protect Alice and solve the mystery. I found the writing succinct and very well paced, the plot is dark and exciting and the tension as it raced to the climax, palpable. The different POV's lend themselves to wonderful character development and insights into their motivations and what makes them tick. I thoroughly enjoyed this one and highly recommend this twisty thriller. I look forward to reading some of the authors other work.

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A fun thriller by Teresa Driscoll. The novel had me stumped as to who the stalker was and I found the reveal to be a bit anti climatic. Still a fun and quick read. Goes to show you never really know anyone.

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Wow what an incredible gripping page turner. Jennifer becomes Alice and the Wednesday’s become a fearful day every week...who is the stalker, and why? Twisted until the last page. Great read.

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I Will Make You Pay is a great psychological suspense thriller! Very intense! It’s chilling and scary! As the story unfolds, there are many unexpected situations that make this an entertaining read. It is an intricate drama with multiple characters and an extremely clever and highly entertaining plot. My thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for an advance copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Really well written book. Scary and realistic, I felt like I was experiencing the fear that Alice was feeling as she was being stalked. And I never guessed who the stalker was till the author told me at the end of the book! Definitely a page turner but I would have liked some lighter bits in the story... it was quite dark and a little sad. Highly recommended reading in any case.

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Journalist Alice Henderson receives a threatening phone call one Wednesday afternoon. She believes it to e a random phone call that's not meant for her. But each Wednesday she gets another phone call with a threat from her stalker. The police are unable to give Alice the protection she requires so her boyfriend hires a private Investigator. At first she thought that the threats might be against the newspaper she works for but she ow realises that they are more personal. She also worries that her loved ones might also be in danger.

This story is told from three peoples point of views, Alice, the private investigator and "Him" who we naturally assume is the perpetrator. "Him" side of the story unfolds slowly as we learn about him from when he was just a child living with his grandmother. Alice's story is told in the present day starting when she recieved the first threatening phone call at work. The timeline goes back and forth from the past to the present day. The pace is well set with lots of twists. I was intrigued to find out who "Him" was and why Alice had been targeted. I was hooked straight away. This is a well written story that you will read quickly as you will ot want to put it down.

I would like to thank NetGalley, Amazon Publishing UK and the author Teresa Driscoll for my ARC in exchange for an honest

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Every Wednesday, like clockwork, journalist Alice Henderson receives an anonymous threat. They are becoming steadily more aggressive and she is beginning to fear for her life. So her boyfriend has hired a private investigator to find the stalker before things turn deadly.
I could not put this book down. The chapters were told in the voices of Alice, the detective, the stalker-present day, and when he was a child growing up. It was impossible not to feel sorry for him as a child, and the way it was told there was no way to tell which of the men in the story he was. It kept me guessing until the very end. I can not recommend this one enough. Definitely a must-read!

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I didn’t realize I had tried this authors debut novel of “I’ll  be Watching You” some time back. I DNF’d it after 25 % in. I stated that I didn’t care for the writing style or execution of the plots and that there were too many of them. 

I’m glad I didn’t know that I’d tried her before or I might have not requested this and I’m very glad I did. Apparently she has much improved since then. 

The subject matter is stalking, but it is much more than that. It is told from two viewpoints, the stalked journalist/reporter, Alice, and “Him” which we assume is the perpetrator. His story unfolds from the time he is a child living with his grandmother and continues through adulthood. Alice’s story is told in present day, as she receives her first threat via a telephone call at work.

This flows very well, migrating the two stories with finesse and keeps the reader interested in who “Him” is as there are several possibilities. Who and why being the key elements of this story.

Apparently author Driscoll has other previous novels featuring the two crime-solvers involved here, but it is not necessary to read them before enjoying this work.

I particularly liked the relationship between main character Alice, her sister Leanne, and their love for their aging mother now in her final days at a nursing home. She raised them as a single mother, and the nurturing love between them balances out the intensity of poor Alice’s situation. As the bold actions from the perpetrator escalate towards Alice, the tensions rise for all trying to protect her, and for us readers as well.

When you think you’ve figured out who the “Him” is, don’t get too smug, because it probably isn’t who you thought. it was. I loved this and highly recommend it . Many thanks to NetGalley for the e-ARC to read and review.

Readers get your copy on October 10 at your favorite retailer. subject matter is stalking, but it is much more than that. It is told from two viewpoints, the stalked journalist/reporter, Alice, and “Him” which we assume is the perpetrator. His story unfolds from the time he is a child living with his grandmother and continues through adulthood. Alice’s story is told in present day, as she receives her first threat via a telephone call at work.

This flows very well, migrating the two stories with finesse and keeps the reader interested in who “Him” is as there are several possibilities. Who and why being the key elements of this story.

Apparently author Driscoll has other previous novels featuring the two crime-solvers involved here, but it is not necessary to read them before enjoying this work.

I particularly liked the relationship between main character Alice, her sister Leanne, and their love for their aging mother now in her final days at a nursing home. She raised them as a single mother, and the nurturing love between them balances out the intensity of poor Alice’s situation. As the bold actions from the perpetrator escalate towards Alice, the tensions rise for all trying to protect her, and for us readers as well.

When you think you’ve figured out who the “Him” is, don’t get too smug, because it probably isn’t who you thought. it was. I loved this and highly recommend it . Many thanks to NetGalley for the e-ARC to read and review.

Available October 10th at your favorite retailer.

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This thriller is told in alternating perspectives, which I really enjoyed. There were several mysteries taking place at once, and it was fun to switch back and forth between present and past. The author did an amazing job with the setting descriptions and dialog. I have read many books with a UK setting, but this was the first book that as I read, my mind automatically transferred dialog to an English accent.

Usually I save my star rating until the end of my reviews, but I feel like I need to be up front about this so that I can give this a proper review. This was a 3 star read for me.

The mysteries and suspense last throughout the entire book. That itself wasn't the issue. I just could not relate to a single character. Not one seemed "realistic" to me. I like flawed characters, but every single one seemed either to perfect or incomplete.

I also think it all came to a end without closing up loose ends, while other things were explained away as an afterthought. Some relationships between characters felt deep enough that I wanted to know more, but their backstories were never discussed. Other characters in the book were introduced and then never got further "play" and I wondered why they were even brought into the story at all.

I feel like I am so jumbled in trying to explain my feelings about the book. It was a decent thriller, a fast read that I did enjoy. But when all was said and done I didn't feel like I got the complete story and was left wondering or wanting more.

"I Will Make You Pay" is due to be released October 10, 2019 here in the USA. Preorder now so when the cold autumn nights come you have something to curl up on the couch and read!

Thanks so much to Netgalley and Amazon Publishing UK for the eARC to read and give my honest review.

Happy Reading!

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5 Stars from me!

Oh that poor little boy, that 'brave little soldier' on his own while his Nan goes out to work. Oh my heart broke for him and I just wished they'd asked the teacher, or found a nice neighbour to help out. I found that whole bit of the story utterly heart-wrenching - very emotive and powerful. I know it's just words on a page but I still feel so sad for him!

I liked Alice, although blimey some people just attract bad luck don't they! I thought Matthew was a great character and definitely someone I would like looking after me in a similar situation!

I thought all the characters were very well defined and I enjoyed all the different threads within the story - Alice's own family dynamics with her mum and her sister were a sweet interlude among all the fear.

As for the fear, it was great, really palpable and effective - had I have read this book alone at night I am pretty sure there were many sections where I would have slept with the lights on :)

Teresa Driscoll has done a great job with I Will Make You Pay, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I WILL MAKE YOU PAY is about a journalist who is being stalked and harrassed by someone. The question is who? And why only on Wednesday? The identity of the stalker isn't revealed until the very end of the book and it is a clever twist.
I enjoyed the book immensely, it kept my interest all the way through and the characters were very interesting.
Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read the advanced copy to write an honest review. 5 stars...very good read.

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I really enjoy Teresa Driscoll books, this is my third and probably my leading favorite. This book is just so creepy and disturbing from nearly the first page, in a good way! It was very worth waiting and keeping until the Halloween month to read. I thought the premise was interesting, I always like a little Matthew Hill in there, and Alice, while not my favorite, was a good balance between unreliable, relateable, and compelling. She didn't quite play the victim which kept her from getting too annoying, and we had other characters to balance her out. The entire story kept you going with suspense and intrigue, red herrings making you want to finish it in one go. Which I think I would've done had I not been wary of reading this too close to bedtime! The only thing I could've done without I think was the twist. I feel that writers of this genre feel compelled to get you in the end with a huge gotcha! that usually falls flat, or feels unrealistic tainting the overall story. This gotcha felt like the latter to me, where I actually didn't need it, having had the other background story given, and when I started to think too hard about it it didn't quite match up. But overall, very satisfying and a good spooky October read.

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In I Will Make You Pay we find a journalist, Alice, who becomes the subject of a stalker. The stalker appears to have no direct motive in his choice of subject, which baffles both the police and her private investigator. Tension builds as the stalker’s contact with Alice becomes more menacing.

Sadly, we aren’t given any clue as to the stalker’s identity until the last few page turning moments. In some ways it makes the reader feel cheated. However, the sub plots are good and the way Alice’s fears are described makes you realise the impact a stalker has on a person’s life.

In the few hours of musing having finished the book it made me wonder (wrongly) whether Alice attracted a certain type of male, as sometimes this follows but no. The second time around she unknowingly, through her campaign as a journalist, set herself up as an unwitting target.

My one criticism, the suicide of the gran by gassing one’s self in the oven died out with town gas many decades ago.

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The question is: why is someone frightening Alice with terror that happens on dreaded Wednesdays. The author does a good job of keeping parallel storylines either separate or interweaving, depending on what is necessary for the plot. My favorite storyline was ‘him – before’.

Ms. Driscoll also does a good job of keeping the mystery alive. Doubt was thrown at many different suspects along the way. Just when I thought it might be becoming a bit long-winded, the thriller picked up. Sadly, though, I guessed early on who the culprit was, and it turns out that I was right.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review I Will Make You Pay. It was an enjoyable read.

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Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to preview I will Make You Pay by Teresa Driscoll. This is a suspenseful "whodonit", and Driscoll does her best to keep the reader engaged in the plot.
This very well could be a "movie of the week" for TV - and it may have been done on Lifetime.
The lead character was just too nice for my liking - the dialog was stilted and not naturally flowing.
Fans of this author will like it - 3 stars.

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