Member Reviews

It’s an ordinary Wednesday for journalist Alice Henderson until the phone on her desk rings. The caller, using a voice distorter, threatens her. Alice reports this to her editor who calls in the authorities. The police assure Alice they will look into it but are certain it is a onetime threat. When another threat occurs the next Wednesday, the police take it more seriously but have no leads. Is it an article Alice is writing? Or could it be something from her past? As each Wednesday goes by with a new threat, Alice’s boyfriend insists the police aren’t doing enough to protect her. He hires a private detective to try to figure out who could be stalking Alice. Alice’s secrets come to the forefront as the detective works with the police to solve the crime.
I Will Make You Pay kept me engrossed from the beginning to the twist at the end. The story is engaging and the characters are interesting. I will be looking for other books by Teresa Driscoll.

From the first page I was hooked, there is no prologue to tease you, confuse you or mislead you. The drama and terror are there right from the start, and you are in the midst of the story straight away. I started this late at night thinking I’d just read a couple of chapters to feel my way into a new book before I knew it I was 30% of the way in, bleary-eyed and forcing myself to put it down to get some sleep.
I loved the terror and thriller aspect of this book. I wouldn’t leave the house from Tuesday through to Thursday if this were happening to me. So the protagonist did annoy me a little as she still kept meetings on a Wednesday knowing that something could happen to her. Also, when she left travelling back from London until late on the Tuesday night, I was getting really frustrated and antsy. I just wanted her tucked up safe and sound in bed and the house bubble wrapped!
The book alternates between Alice’s version of events, Mathew, the private investigator (who we have met in previous books. I was shocked that he had a stroppy two-year-old on his hands as his wife had only just given birth to an angelic little baby in the last book I read!). There are also chapters entitled ‘Him- before’ giving us an insight into what we presume is the stalker’s life events and what has lead up to him stalking Alice.
It is very well done, the anticipation builds up at a steady pace, and you even feel sorry for the ‘him’ for everything he has gone through in his life. He didn’t choose Wednesdays to be a nightmare; however, he did decide how he would let it affect the rest of his life.
I didn’t see the ending coming; I had guessed why the stalker was doing what he was doing but not who he was. I figured he must be someone we had met because of the voice changer he used right at the very beginning. However, there was no one I could guess that would be in the frame for the leading stalking role. To say I was sideswiped would be an understatement!
Absolutely fantastic, another out of this world, brilliantly written book by Teresa Driscoll!

Thank you NetGalley for an ARC copy of this ebook.
This is my second read by Teresa Driscoll & she did not disappoint. If fact she made me kinda wary of Wednesdays... At least while reading this book.
It's Wednesday and you're first introduced to Alice, a journalist who receive the most disturbing call, a voice distorter (which immediately made me think of Ghost face since I just watched Scream last night) telling Alice:
"I am going to use cheese wire on you"
Well.. not the most pleasant call to get; but again she's a journalist and sometimes the nutters do call in. She advises her co-workers and boss, thinking nothing of it until someone (using the Ghost face voice) calls in her order at the coffee shop next door. The police come and take statements as a favor to the editor and that's it... Until the following Wednesday she is delivered peonies, her mother's favorite flower, however they aren't as innocent as they sound... There's a cryptic message hinting at her mothers safety... as well as the stems have brutally been wrap with.. you guessed it cheese wire. Its officially Alice has a stalker... but only on Wednesdays it seems.
As Alice's story unravels you are left thinking her stalker her could anyone. I mean at one point I was placing blame on a sweet Grandmother. As the Wednesdays go by the attacks on Alice from her stalker increase; she isn't safe anywhere; but she also doesn't want to cower in fear.
Will Alice's stalker have the last laugh that costs her life; or will they be stopped before it's too late.
This was a wild ride that had me continually guessing who it could be, while my brain was ping-ponging all over the place trying to read into each character she introduces.

A fast paced thriller ride that will have you sat in the same spot, not moving until you have finished! Get comfy and enjoy the ride.
A real twisty, dark thriller that follows the story of Alice, a journalist, who is being threatened/stalked/punished on the same day every week.
This novel is truly gripping with hidden layers that is full of suspense, tension and has a shocking climatic ending that I didnt guess in the slightest.
This is the 2nd book I have read by Teresa Driscoll and it will most definitely not be the last!
Characters are so well described and open within their narrative but also hold some intrigue which could be carried on into a series.
Loved every minute of this faced paced novel.
Huge thanks to netgalley and the publishers for the ARC.

Unfortunately, this book wasn’t for me. I just couldn’t get into it. I wasn’t connecting with the characters or the story and I gave up pretty early on.
Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher for sending me an ARC of I Will Make You Pay in exchange for an honest review.

An ordinary Wenesday immediately changes when a strange pone call comes for journalist Alice Henderson. Thus starts a suspense novel that will keep you wanting to read till you get to the end. Just the title and cover of the book is enough to draw you in and make you want to read it. Thank you NetGalley for an e-ARC.

I voluntarily read this ARC in return for an honest review - all thoughts and opinions are mine
Fantastic thriller, full of twists and turns
Well written, tense book - I could not put this down
A great read

Very good book! I thought I had it figured out early on, but I was wrong. Even though I discovered the "why" of the antagonist, I was still unsure who he was. I enjoyed all the back stories and misdirections. It kept me guessing.

This was a really good story, it left me guessing the whole way through. There was a creepy feeling to the story....that someone who wishes you harm could have so much access to your life. I read it in one sitting, I really couldn’t put it down.

A highly enjoyable and extremely well crafted thriller. I did not suspect the who until the reveal! Likeable and believable characters. with some very clever world building that isn't much different from current life.
Teresa Driscoll is a new author for me but one that has been added to my auto read list, thank you Netgalley!

Terrific thriller with a surprise twist. Well written and cleverly crafted, I was not disappointed. British mysteries are usually my favorites and this was no exception. Two story lines are told in alternating chapters that ultimately come together for the unpredictable ending. I am always pleased when I cannot predict who is the culprit and this novel maintains the suspense throughout. Thoroughly enjoyable... a great read.

Teresa Driscoll has an exciting stalker mystery i in, I Will Make You Pay.
From the beginning until the shocking conclusion, you won’t want to put it down!
Excellent read. 5 stars from me!

When journalist Alice Henderson receives her first threatening phone call on a Wednesday, she tries to dismiss it as a prank. But each Wednesday she continues to receive threatening notes, packages, and worrisome coincidences. Not only does she turn to the police for help, but her lawyer boyfriend, Tom, insists on hiring a private investigator.
Though mostly told from Alice’s POV, occasionally a chapter will be titled “HIM”, and it will be the antagonist’s POV. However, both types of chapters tended to feel more informational than suspenseful.
When threats against Alice continue, she is asked to take leave from her journalistic work, which at the time was campaigning for better living conditions for the tenants of Maple Field Housing. Her co-worker takes on her assignments as Alice takes some time off work.
As the mystery continues, the reader is given more and more information in the form of backstories of the two characters. And as we gather more history, it brings a better understanding of the actions of Alice and her stalker.
But will Alice’s mysterious trouble-maker be discovered before his threats are carried out?
What Concerned Me:
A few things concerned me regarding this story. None were extremely big, but things to be noted.
1. Several times information felt repetitive. I even looked back to confirm that it had been stated a few sentences earlier, and it had been.
2. I wasn’t a fan of the chapters switching POVs as well as past and present.
3. I didn’t feel the characters displayed too much in the way of personalities.
4. Without giving anything away, I felt like the antagonist displayed exaggerated and over-the-top behavior. And for mystery buffs, it wasn’t a difficult mystery to work through.
What I Liked Best:
There are just enough red herrings to keep the reader guessing and turning pages. And for those looking for breadcrumbs to the truth – -you should find it a fun exciting read! Enjoy!!

Excellent book! It kept me engaged, the characters were likeable and relatable. I was shocked at the end, I really thought I knew who it was from the beginning, and was wrong! Great job!

Thank you to the author, Teresa Driscoll, the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy in return for an honest review.
I will definitely be reading more from this author, as this book had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. While I thought I had it all figured out about halfway through the book, little did I know that I was extremely wrong.
The threats that 'Alice' kept getting every week were very detailed and chilling, and you could feel the bizarre-ness through the pages of the book.
I truly enjoyed this book, and very thankful for the advanced reader copy.

Wow! This book was amazing! I just devoured this book. Alice is a multifaceted character. I was surprised by the ending. Who Alice’s stalker was. I am happy with who she ultimately ends up with. There are a lot of twists and turns. I’d give this book 10 stars if I could. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own

A fast paced thriller, I Will Make You Pay by Teresa Driscoll is the story of Alice, a journalist working on a small local paper. One day she answers her phone to hear a chilling death threat. At first she dismisses it as a crank call, as do her colleagues and her boyfriend,Tom, but as more and more strange things happen, she comes to realise that she is the target of a stalker. While the police are trying to figure out who it could be , her boyfriend is still worried so hires retired copper turned P. I. Matthew Hill , to dig deeper into the case, and provide some surveillance.
I had hoped to really enjoy this book, having previously read and enjoyed I Am Watching You by the same author, but unfortunately this one fell a little flat for me. I didn't really connect to the character of Alice, and the book lost a lot of its credibility for me when a secret from her past was revealed.It seemed unlikely to me that she would have hidden that from the police who were trying to help her. I also thought the motivation of the stalker also stretched credulity and when their identity was unmasked it was not the shock I am sure the author hoped it would be , due in no small part to the heavy handed attempts to draw the reader's attention to a different suspect.
The thing I enjoyed most about the book were the chapters written from the stalker's perspective. I thought the author handled the child's perspective really well and with a lot of sensitivity given the subject matter. This character, who was nameless for most of the book, being referred to only as "him" was ironically the most developed of all the characters, thought I still found the final revelation underwhelming.
I read and reviewed an ARC courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher, all opinions are my own.

I Will Make You Pay starts out as most regular psychological thrillers, but your attention is soon captured when the main character Alice receives the threatening phone call at the newspaper where she works as a journalist. This phone call marks the start of the so-called stalker plot and definitely takes the story to the next level. The story switches between past and present and gives us different POVs as well. On top of that, one of the storylines mentions a little boy and his grandmother without revealing how it all connects to the present situation, making you wonder how everything fits in. There are different layers as well as plot twists and secrets involved, all trying to throw you off the scent of the truth while they try to mislead you. I admit I guessed the ending quite early on though, but that might just be me reading too many books of the genre.
As for the main characters... Despite the fact that it should be easy to warm up to Alice and feel bad about what is happening to her, somehow I never really connected to her. I'm not sure exactly why, but there was just something about her actions and behavior that really irked me... Likewise, most of the other characters failed to charm me, with the exception of private investigator Matthew. I liked both his character and the different angle he provided to the story... Having a private investigator working on the stalking case while also working informally with the police definitely made the story more interesting. The whole journalist angle made for an interesting element as well, especially relating to the dangers behind sharing too much of your personal life and always being on the hunt for a good story seemingly no matter what the cost. The flashback chapters were intruiging enough, although they didn't seem to be too relevant to the story at first... I'm still not sure what to feel about the ending though, as it felt a bit like an anticlimax. That said, psychological thriller fans will most likely have a good time reading I Will Make You Pay.

#iwillmakeyoupay #teresadriscoll #netgalleyreview #Netgalley #arc #books📚 #bookstagram this was book was .... Intriguing. We are introduced to three very different characters. #Alice is our main girl. And man. Her story. #spoileralert #stalker. The twists and turns that this book makes had me guessing from beginning to end of who was the culprit. I'll admit that I didn't see it coming which #letsbehonest is the best ending one can have. Quick read. #canyouguess

A real page turner. Loved this book! Great plot with fun twists and turns.
I read everything by this author. She's great!