Member Reviews

Excellent psycho thriller! Fast past read, keeping reader intrigued. I could not predict the ending.. Would highly recommend this book.

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Theresa Driscoll brings us a story that has mystery, drama and stark fear. This story gives insight into how life altering the disturbing act of being stalkied is. Someone is stalking Alice. At first she missed the signals however, when a call comes into her at work saying though a voice distortion machine,"I will use a cheese wire on you" it shakes her to the core. It's on a Wednesday and for the last few Wednesday's she has had some strange things happen. Things she just wrote off as curious. This latest one leaves no doubt. Why is someone so obsessed and angry at her? Could it be a co-worker, someone she angered in a article she wrote or someone from her secret past. A past even her boyfriend doesn't know. There is only so much the police can do and Alice fluctuates between anger and absolute fear. She wants to be brave enough to go about her daily life. The newspaper she writes for isnt taking a chance they make her take time off. Her boyfriend wants her to move in with him and he wants to hire protection one day a week when the stalker typically hits. Alice wants to do normal activities but as more and more happens she is forced into an existence of watching over her shoulder and staying where she is protected. Can the stalker be caught before he does more? The story is a roller coaster ride of ups and downs for Alice. Angrily going out to finish stories she started then being forced back into being very afraid and allowing protection. But even with protection she isn't safe. Sometimes I wanted to shake Alice and say don't do that or good choice! Theresa has a knack for putting you into the story. I liked this book. I liked the charature of the private eye they hired to protect Alice and find the stalker a lot. Alice made me mad at times there is only so brave you should be. There was an interesting twist at the end. Thank you NetGalley, the author and publisher for allowing me to read this ARC this is my honest opinion.

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Another page turning book by Teresa Driscoll. It was great that Matthew Hill and DS Melanie Sanders returned to be involved in this case where every Wednesday we waited to fond out what would happen next. I thought I had it all worked out until the final twist in the tale. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with the digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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spoiler alert ** A decently paced thriller,switching between timelines,of a woman being stalked,and what you assume is the backstory of the stalker.
I hadn't realised the characters of Mathew and Mel had been in a previous book,this certainly never felt like you were missing a past from them,but there relationship was a good part of the story.
In fact I'm hoping I get to read more books with them in.
I had my suspicions who was stalking Alice early on,ad the red herrings thrown in there almost wavered me.
I liked the pace of the book and the slow retelling of the story,so the reason for it all makes sense.
Enjoyable read.

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Thrilling, compelling and full of tension.

Brilliant story of how your actions ripple through the world. Tied up with a tragic story of a mother and grand mothers love.

I really enjoyed this book and read it in one sitting.

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“Every Wednesday, like clockwork, the terror returns.”

A creepy stalker with a dark past has turned Alice Henderson’s world upside down in this page-turning thriller by Teresa Driscoll.

Alice begins receiving threatening phone calls, packages, etc. (involving the use of cheesewire 😳😳) every Wednesday, causing her to enlist the help of private investigator, Matthew. What occurs beyond that can only be described as terrifying. The story is told from multiple perspectives through different timelines, and is pieced together in a way that gave me a growing sense of dread with each chapter.

I found myself most intrigued by the chapters from the stalker’s perspective because I wanted to know more about why he was targeting Alice specifically. I love a good thriller that keeps me on my toes, and this one sure did! I totally thought I had it figured out...but I was so wrong! Great book!

Thank you, Netgalley and Amazon Publishing UK for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Beyond amazing I enjoyed this book so very much. The characters and storyline were fantastic. The ending I did not see coming Could not put down nor did I want to.

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The threats come every Wednesday like clockwork. It started with a phone call, but it seems to be escalating, and now reporter Alice is beginning to wonder if these threats are not against the paper she works for...but against her personally.  She doesn't feel safe anywhere, always feeling as if the eyes of her stalker are on her; and as the threats become more personal, she worries her loved ones may be in danger, too.  

I was thrilled to receive this Netgalley ARC of I Will Make You Pay, by Teresa Driscoll. I was a huge fan of her books I am Watching You and The Friend, both 5-star reads for me, so getting my hands on this was a treat.   Driscoll has impressed me in the past with her talent of weaving domestic thrillers - of creating characters who at first glance appear to be your average, everyday person, but who slowly morph into something altogether creepy.  I didn't quite connect to this book as much as I did with her previous books, and I was a bit disappointed with the ending. However, I did still find this to be a compulsive read.  I had a mounting sense of doom as I watched the threats to Alice become increasingly threatening. There were plenty of twists and turns, and I kept finding myself scrutinizing every character, trying to predict the "whodunnit".  No one seemed safe, and that made the book all the more gripping. Overall, this was a ⭐⭐⭐⭐ read for me.

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With thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC, which I have enjoyed reading.
I have read other books of Teresa Driscoll’s and find them intriguing and entertaining, with a dark twist at the end. I Will Make. You Pay is a story of a journalist, Jenny, who has an unfortunate history with men. She is engaged to Alex, a music teacher whom unfortunately also grooms 14 year old girls and runs away with one. Then moves and changes her name and meets Tom, she has used her middle name to work with an online newspaper and it is whilst at work that she receives the telephone call that is the start of her being stalked.
It is very realistic and frightening the storyline that unfolds.
Throughout all of the stalking Alice and her sister are also deeply concerned about the failing health of their mother who developed CPD and is now fading away in front of their eyes.
I would highly recommended reading this book.

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To me, a good thriller includes the following: well crafted atmosphere, intuitive characterization, smart details, and a compelling plot. I Will Make You Pay just fell short of these requirements. The atmosphere is basic, the characters feel flat, details are lacking, and the plot is forced, with ending leaving the reader puzzled and skeptical. In an overcrowded genre, this story doesn’t measure up to the standards of a more experienced thriller aficionado.

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I wasn't sure about this book but thought i would give it a go. It was great!! Plenty of twists and turns with good characters, just when i thought i had sussed it out it turns out i was wrong. It certainly kept me turning the pages. I will look to read more by this author. I would definitely recommend.

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This book is an utter treat - it’s rare to find a psychological thriller that is so engaging it’s genuinely an effort to put it down! 5 stars without question. Alice is the victim of some fairly vicious stalking - the escalation (and oddities of which) ensure a suspense filled read. The backstory of the stalker is interwoven and told in an equally engaging manner which is a refreshing rarity in itself (I often find myself skimming over those!) Delighted that just as I thought I had the storyline sussed an epic twist was delivered - genius! Thank you to Net Galley, publisher and author for the absolute pleasure of an advance read of this gem!

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“I am going to use cheese wire on you”. First sentence. There. Totally hooked up. After receiving that threatening phone call, journalist Alice Henderson realises that that‘s not an isolated event, and that every Wednesday she gets a threat from an unknown stalker. As violence escalates we can feel the real sense of fear the main character is experiencing.

“I will make you pay” is a fast paced psychological thriller, and although PI Matthew Hill and DI Melanie Sanders make a comeback from previous books (nice surprise there, love the chemistry between these two) it can be read as a standalone.

This was my third book by the author and the one I enjoyed the most.

Thank you to Netgalley and Amazon Publishing UK for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Sorry but this book wasn't for me, couldn't really get into the story line, couldn't get on with the characters and I was glad when I had got to the end.

Thank you to Netgalley and Amazon Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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Well what can I say... after abandoning J.P. Delaney's last book, "The Perfect Wife", I tried my luck once again with Teresa Driscoll. I've already read "I Am Watching You" which I had to put down before the second half of the novel, as I found it to be lackluster and tedious as well as unoriginal. This one has a common story premise too, a young woman who starts receiving messages from an unknown person who seems eager to cause her harm and so the plot begins to unravel, the main mystery lying in the possible reasons that the anonymous sender might have. As usual, the answer can be found only if one delves into the protagonist's past which is full of secrets.

Unfortunately, I had to stop reading "I Will Make You Pay" after the first third of the novel, as the story was dragging on and the plot was almost non-existent. It is a typical novel of a specific crime fiction sub-genre, slanting towards psychological thriller. The characters are bland, a fact that adds to the overall mundane feeling that this book exudes. I couldn't identify with any of the main characters while the story left me cold. Actually, I can honestly say that I couldn't care less for what happens next in the tedious plotline, thus I decided not to waste any more of my precious time on this book and move on to something better.

It goes without saying, that this is strictly my personal opinion and nothing more. I am sure that there are many readers who will enjoy "I Will Make You Pay", especially those who are not so demanding when choosing a crime novel. It is the sad truth that the right chemistry between the author and the reader is sometimes very hard to reach due to the subjective nature of the literal taste.

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An author I’m very familiar with so expected good things and she delivered. Enjoyed the different character chapters, as they are something that always grabs my attention and keeps me wanting more. Never guessed the outcome and had a few different people in mind.

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Alice a journalist is sent a threatening note that she will be cut by a cheese wire, but this is not the first note she has received and strangely it always occurs on a Wednesday. After several more threats, her husband Tom employs Matthew a private investigator to keep her safe and discover who the culprit is.

Mathew discovers that Alice is keeping her own secrets, is the stalker something to do with her past or has she upset someone regarding an article she has written.

The story alternates between the present time and the past. In the past we are introduced to a small boy living with his gran,he loves his gran and hates the fact that she has to leave him on his own one night a week, so that she can work in a care home. These chapters kept me engrossed and guessing what happened to this little chap!!

This is a very gripping book with plenty of twists and red herrings along the way. I constantly changed my mind who the stalker was.

Beautifully written with a mixture of suspense and a heart wrenching story of love for a mother who does not have much time left. When Alice describes the love she feels for her mother I could not help but tear up, at the strong bond between them.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy in exchange for a review.

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Wow an intense thriller that kept me gripped right from page one until the last! Alice is being stalked and hasn't a clue by who and why, it always happens on a Wednesday. As a back story someone tells their story of why they hate Wednesdays, the two are tied together but how and why. Matthew is a private investigator trying to help Alice along with Mel the detective.
Can they find out who is stalking Alice before it's too late!!
A great suspense thriller.

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A gripping thriller twist turns characters that jump off the pages .A true page turner mystery writing at its best.#netgalley#amazonuk

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This is what all other psychological thrillers aspire to be. Teresa Driscoll, you had me at “cheese wire”. Every moment of the novel held this mesmerizing tension that was only abated by the pretense that the plot would reach its pinnacle sooner than later. It was fast paced, creepy, and magnificent. A must read! 5 stars

Thank you to #NetGalley for this ARC of #IWillMakeYouPay, which I voluntarily read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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