Member Reviews

DI Eve Hunter returns to work after an incident in which one of her colleagues was injured. Her team don’t trust her and she’s not sure she trusts herself. When the bodies start piling up she needs to get her team on board and push through them blaming her for past mistakes.

Be prepared for some gritty and gruesome murders in which the victims lose a body part. Plus we get to meet the killer and hear their thoughts. This added a lot of tension because the killer really is merciless and clever.

I enjoyed the second half of the story more than the first. There’s more action, the team dynamics aren’t so prominent and there are some great twists. I had no idea who the killer was and the reveal was a good one. In the first half Eve’s difficulties felt a bit laboured but I have to say I ended up liking her.

I’ll definitely look out for the next in the series.

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I so so hope this is the first of a series!

Absolutely fantastic read, definitely in my top 3 of the year. A real thrilling read with real premise and the most explosive ending, I honestly had NO idea how this would end and was literally turning pages so fast until the early hours just to find out "who done it".

The crimes are brutal, gruesome and intricate but are written amazingly well, I loved the POV from the killer aswell which really had me guessing the whole way through.

I must admit when I first started reading I thought I had missed the first in a series as it starts going into brief detail of a previous investigation and the outcome but this is all explained further along in the book. I also had so many unanswered questions as I got further and deeper into the story but once again Deborah Masson brings it all together to a beautifully explosive ending.

The characters are written with real depth and creativity, they all have their own story to tell and flaws that show but this makes them all the more likeable. The POV of the serial killer gives a super creepy and somewhat scary feel to the storyline which worked brilliantly.

The story moves from the present and moments from the past but is weaved together expertly.

I can't believe this is the authors debut novel, the writing style has you intensely gripped from the get go. This could easily be turned into a TV series it even a film. I am such a fan already!

If your after a book full of twists and turns which has you wanting more with each chapter, look no further.

The biggest thanks to netgalley and Random House UK for the ARC.

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If Hold Your Tongue is to be a series, then it's a brilliant start. A well thought out police procedural with an excellent premise and a real twist at the end. This one will keep you guessing, just how I love them.

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I originally thought I may have missed the first book to this as it starts off talking about a previous incident that happened to DI Hunter and her colleague DS Sanders. But this is actually the first in the series, I thought I may have lots of unanswered questions but they were all answered in the book. This is a cracking book which I thoroughly enjoyed. The crimes are brutal and the story from the killers perspective is fascinating. There's lots of twists which I loved and I did not see the ending coming, which is unusual for me! This is dark, gritty and a little scary. I can't wait for the next 😊

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Hold Your Tongue is the sort of book that would make for an intense and fast-paced TV show—the kind that you would want to binge watch at the cost of sacrificing your sleep.

DI Eve Hunter returns to the force after a six month absence due to a harrowing event that ruined her life and the lives of those around her; an event she blames herself for. While burdened with the guilt, Eve is tasked with investigating a series of brutal murders that take place in Aberdeen. The murderer's MO is unlike any other the department has come across—newspaper clippings pinned on to the bodies of the victims and each one of them is missing their tongue. In a race against time, Eve struggles to catch this psychopath before he claims his next victim.

Deborah Masson's debut novel is impressive to say the least. She has succeeded in writing a gripping thriller that is hard to put down. There was something about the gruesome, intricate murders that reminded me of the thriller series Hannibal (the one with Mads Mikkelsen & Hugh Dancy).

I liked the way Masson has portrayed the characters in this book. They each have their flaws and yet they are likeable. Even when it comes to an irrational character, Masson's incredible writing helps you put yourself in the character's shoes and understand why they are the way they are.

At times I did question the efficiency of the police team and some of their decisions but I eventually let it slide. The murderer's identity was a little predictable from the subtle hints that were dropped throughout the book but the reveal was a good one and the end was extremely satisfying. This book is the first in the DI Eve Hunter series and I will definitely be keeping an eye out for the next one.

[I'd like to thank NetGalley, Random House UK and Deborah Masson for this ARC. Expected Publication Date: 9 January 2020]

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#HoldYourTongue #NetGalley It took me a while to get into this book, mainly because I couldn't warm to any of the characters especially the main character DI Eve Hunter. Apart from Cooper, her team seemed to dislike her and didn't give her any respect and I was waiting for her to take control and be the boss! The serial killer storyline was interesting albeit gory and the theme that linked the killers was different (although I wish it had come out earlier in the book). As the characters developed and we heard more of their history, I started to enjoy the book much more. The last quarter of the book had loads of action and I found myself continually saying 'just one more chapter'. I'm not sure if this is the start of a series but I would definitely read more in the series if it were.

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Coming back from six months of enforced sick leave most people would hope for a little time to get back into the swing of things. Unfortunately for DI Eve Hunter that isn't even a remote possibility after a young girl's body is found at a local Aberdeen hotel with all the signs pointing to a possible serial killer.

As the body count begins to rise the hostility Eve receives from colleagues and the local press bring previous mistakes back into the limelight and her insecurities to the fore. When a victim is discovered which hits far too close to home Eve and her team realise they have far less time and way more to lose than anyone could imagine.

This is the first book by Deborah Masson but I  have absolutely no doubt more will follow. To begin with this was an entertaining story, one which set the scene well, had a main protagonist with an interesting history and a seriously flawed killer but somehow it didn't quite reach unputdownable status. Then, wham, a victim was found which changed everything and turned 3 stars into 4 in one powerful chapter. From then on it was an indication of what Ms Masson is capable of and I can't wait to see what comes next.

I was able to read an advanced copy of this book thanks to NetGalley and the publishers in exchange for an unbiased review and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a new author to follow or enjoys good, well written police procedurals which has the ability to surprise.

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Right up my street!

A credible and descriptive police procedural so it that’s your bag then you’ll love this.

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When I read the synopsis for Hold Your Tongue by Deborah Masson I was instantly intrigued and wanted to know more. It is a dark and gruesome police procedural set in Aberdeen and I must warn you that it will not be for everybody as it quite violent and descriptive.

The story opens with the body of a young girl being discovered in a hotel room. She has been brutally murdered - and her tongue has been removed. Reading this I did feel quite ill but I have read worse. DI Eve Hunter and her team are on the case to find out who would do such an evil thing and why? Before long more bodies are discovered - all with their tongues removed. Is there a connection and why take the tongue?

Whilst I did enjoy this book I did struggle with it at times. The main character Eve felt like so many other female detectives that I have read before. She is very damaged, battling demons and feeling guilty. There just did not seem to be anything about her that was original. The story felt like it dragged and repeated at time, making it a bit too long for me.

Thanks to Random House UK, Transworld Publishers and Netgalley for my advanced copy of this book to read. All opinions are my own and are in no way biased.

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A dark and shocking thriller. Hold Your Tongue is a police procedural and the first in the DI Eve Hunter series set in Aberdeen. This is a great debut. The plot follows the investigation into a series of gruesome murders. The violence and description of way the victims died is gory and Masson doesn’t hold back. I particularly liked the chapters told from the point of view of the killer and their identity isn’t revealed until the end, as the police reach a number of dead ends in their investigation. But can they get to the killer before it’s too late to save the latest victim...

Like many protagonists in good detective novels, Eve Hunter is haunted by her demons and is a flawed character with strong moral and personal motivations. The relationships between the police team are full of mistrust, anger, fear, respect, friendship. Deborah Masson has created a police team with plenty of mileage for a series of books. I didn't personally connect with them which was the only downside of the book for me and it's why I've rated it 4 not 5 stars. But that doesn't take away the fact this is a really well-written crime thriller and a highly entertaining read.

My favourite aspect of the book was the serial killer. Their chapters are creepy and scary, particularly as I couldn’t work out who it was. I won’t give away any spoilers here but the tongue references make for uncomfortable reading. I thought the theme connecting the murders was really interesting and would liked to have been brought into this earlier, maybe from the killer’s chapters rather than the police working it out. The plot is pacy, packed with action and has plenty of twists. The last few chapters are really well done and had me racing through the pages.

Well worth a read, and highly recommended for fans of police procedurals looking to discover new writers. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for my personal review.

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A very impressive debut novel by Deborah Masson. Very well written and a great storyline that keeps you reading. I loved the descriptions and back stories of the characters and how they all fitted together in the story. Plenty of twists and turns to get your teeth into and I thought I had guessed the killer but I was wrong. A great debut novel, bring on the next one!!!

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This is an exciting debut that is set in Aberdeen and introduces us to DI Eve Hunter and her team.

From its first pages this book hits hards with its graphic description of murder and police procedures. It is a brilliant police thriller full of twists and turns that kept me guessing right till the end.

The story is like a jigsaw puzzle and as a reader I was trying to all get the pieces to fit just as the investigating team where. Urgent to solve the crimes with ever turn of the page and new character we are introduced to.

The rich characterisation and back stories really help make this book so gritty and believable. Emotions of love, trust, guilt and how decisions we make can affect the lives of others run deep.

DI Hunter is flawed liked so many of us and is still in physically and mental pain from the result of a previous investigation.
This makes her a very relatable and likeable character.

The books switches between the present and moments in the past perfectly weaving everything together till we reach a satisfying conclusion.

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I've just finished reading this excellent story. It really had me gripped and I couldn't wait to read it whenever I could. There were a few 'Americanisms' in it here and there which irked at me but overall, I really enjoyed it! Definitely surprised me at the end when we found out who the killer was.

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This is the first book featuring DI Eve Hunter and it's an impressive debut. Set in Aberdeen, this novel starts with the discovery of the body of a young woman in a hotel room. She has been brutally attacked and her tongue removed...and if that's too gory an idea for you then this is a book to avoid! It doesn't hold back on the violence and, as the bodies start to stack up, it's grim and bleak and dark.

Still, it's also so good. Eve is a sympathetic heroine who is fighting her own demons and suffering from an injury sustained during a previous investigation. She has a problematic relationship with her team, but they are also an interesting and convincing group of characters. The plot is twisty and clever and readers are kept guessing right to the very end - I had several theories, all wrong! My only criticism was that there were an awful lot of characters and I couldn't always remember who was who, which lessened the impact of some of the events.

I'd recommend this to anyone who likes their police procedurals with a dark side. While it's not perfect, it's a very promising start to what I assume will be a series.

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Oooooooh it’s good , it’s very very good. Brutal, evocative and well written. The dark streets of Aberdeen and DI Eve Hunter go well together. If you like your police thriller dark and bloody, this is for you.

A very welcome addition to Tartan Crime Noir ! Loved it, bring on the next one

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a super creepy and thrilling crime drama - for fans of MJ Arlidge, and those who love police procedural dramas, this is for you! Hold your Tongue is a sinister crime fiction about a woman who was murdered and had her tongue cut out.... if this sounds gory then this is right up your street!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Random House for the advance copy of Hold Your Tongue, an exciting new detective thriller by Deborah Masson.

Detective fiction is my favourite genre so I was keen to read this, and overall it did not disappoint. It was twisty and turny, and followed multiple viewpoints - all of which are factors I love. A real page turner with short, digestable chapters. The characters are solid, believable and relatable.

My only niggle was some of the gruesome violent description, which I am the first to admit I'm not great with, despite loving the genre. I do think its possible to write a great detective thriller or police procedural without delving into graphic detail - Jane Casey is a great example of this, with her excellently written Mauve Kerrigan series. But it's a personal thing and this author writes extremely well, so kudos to her. There were a couple of points where I had to go back and re-read as I was struggling to follow but this was few and far between if I'm honest.

All in all, this was a great read and I would definitely consider reading more in this series.

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A brilliant debut police procedural from Deborah Masson. Excellent characters and a suspenseful plot. I am looking forward to the next instalment already. With thanks to Netgalley for the preview copy.

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I really enjoyed the first book in the DI Eve Hunter series .This is a dark gritty story ,Eve returns to work after a six month absence due to injuries she received on her last case and is involved in a very gruesome murder.Some of her team seem not to trust her so she has to build the trust again .Set in Aberdeen this is a very gripping story one that is hard to put down .Gradually Eve's back story is revealed I like her very much .I also liked the characters of her team which to me seemed very believable ,the story is very clever and had me guessing to the end I look forward to reading the next book in the series .Many thanks to the Publisher The Author and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review .

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Having recently requested to read this novel on Netgalley, I quickly devoured it within two days, and was not disappointed.

I’m usually quite a reluctant reader when it comes to crime/thriller/investigative novels but I think one of Masson’s strengths is her ability to create a fleshed out team of characters that keep you invested as a reader, and this is something which is often lacking in the genre. The compassion and investment displayed by these characters, in both the victims and each other, is a testament to Masson’s writing.

Following her return to work, after some traumatic events six months prior, you instantly feel a lot of empathy for the main protagonist, Eve. This particularly cuts deep when it comes to her relationship with Sanders and plays nicely into the themes of guilt that Masson has explored in each of the individual characters throughout the story. Some multiple narration keeps the read fresh and intriguing, and there really is some beautiful descriptions, particularly of Aberdeen, which gives the reader a real sense of setting.

Fans who are thirsty for violence and grisly murders will be pleased with what the novel has to offer – there’s definitely no shortage. This is then coupled with an intricate plot which has many layers and connections that need to be unravelled throughout the story. It took me a while to put the pieces together but when it happens, they come steamrolling in. It’s safe to say that I was kept guessing and suspected pretty much every single character, including the killer, but Masson masterfully ensures there are plenty of subtle details and misdirection interwoven throughout the investigation to keep you questioning the true killer’s identity until the end. Ultimately, there is a very satisfying resolution to the case which goes beyond just nailing the killer, as there is so much more to uncover about the history and motives behind the madness.

Thank you to both Netgalley and Random House UK. Transworld Publishers for giving me the opportunity to read and feedback on this great novel. I have no doubt that it will be a popular addition to the shelves in January 2020, and definitely the start of a new series, I expect!

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