Member Reviews

I started this book and I was confused straight away., but confused in a very good way. Maybe intrigued is a better word for it. :) and this was the start for me to shut the world out and dive into this great story.
OMG I know what it is like being assaulted. Not sexually, thank God but someone jumping me from behind and hitting me, yes I am familiar with that, unfortunately. It was more than 30 years ago, but you never ever forget it. I still don't like people walking behind me to closely and I still don't like going out in the dark.
It changes you in a way that cannot be undone and I admire Eve. I can understand you wants to make him suffer too. I understand her rage and the feeling of being let down by the police. I did not have the same reactions, but I was in a different situation. Being let down by the police is something I went through too. I am sure they tried, but never found him...
It was a story I could relate to in a certain way and although Eve's way was not the right way, she wanted to make the street a safer place.
So the stalking can begin. Who is chasing who though?
Little by little everything is unraveled. I thought this was a brilliant story. 5 stars
Thank you

This author gets better and better. I loved this book and just wanted to keep reading as I was so gripped by it.

A fab read from Gemma Rogers. I can't wait to hear more from this author. Enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks to the publisher/netgalley.

Eve Harding is violently beaten and raped while on her way to the tube to meet her best friend one Sunday morning. After reporting it, she is fairly certain that law enforcement won’t be able to find her attacker. Eve does a bit of investigating, and slowly and methodically puts clues together to find out who her attacker is. Wanting to get vengeance and insure that this monster doesn’t do this to anyone else, she works hard to learn his name and then takes steps to meet him and start a relationship so that she can eventually beat him at his own game. Eve turns the tables and begins to stalk this man in Stalker, by Gemma Rogers, and even witnesses an attack on another unsuspecting woman.
Rogers does a good job of developing Eve Harding’s character so that she seems real to her readers. Eve has a platonic male roommate and he is patient with her during her times of trauma caused by the attack, and the interaction between them, as well as her roommate’s girlfriend (definitely a bimbo) is interesting and makes for good characterization. The story may be a little implausible, since Eve is sure her attacker doesn’t recognize her and he is sure Eve doesn’t recognize him, and the fact that she hangs out at the gym and gets in the best shape of her life. But it certainly keeps readers’ interest, especially due to the fact that everyone wants to see rapists punished. Suspense builds throughout, with readers worrying that he will attack Eve again or that Eve will attack him.
There is a fair amount of unnecessary profanity and sexual innuendo, but no graphic violence in this novel. However, there is also a surprise ending, which makes it worth reading.
Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

Wow, what a read, this book really kept my interest., thank you to Net Galley and Gemma Rogers for the opportunity to read the ARC of Stalker. The characters were well introduced, I could picture them in my mind, it was easy to keep track of who was who, the story line was well laid out, a couple of scenes were quite graphic and hard to read. Overall I really enjoyed this book and will read the next books that Gemma has written since this one.
This story is about a young woman named Eve, living with Ben who rents a room from her. Eve was on her way to meet a friend one morning when she is raped. She does not report the rape right away. She is left with emotions that she is unsure how to deal with. She reports the rape a couple of days later to police and slowly tells people what has happened. She doesn't feel the police are ever going to find who did this to her and takes the investigation into her own hands. She leaves her job, starts working out to build stamina and muscles and learn self defense. Eve manages to find the guy who did this to her, and devises a plan to make him pay unbeknownst to any one else. Read the book to find out how it ends...

In her debut novel Gemma Rogers plays a cat and mouse game of who is stalking who:
Eve Harding is walking to meet a friend when her world is completely destroyed when she is grabbed and violently sexually assaulted. Her world completely changes, how she sees herself, her body, everyone around her as well as the places she is familiar going. She wants her assaulter found and punished, but he has eluded the police. Then Eve comes up with a plan, she will not stand by and let this man destroy another woman's life. Eve now has a new mission in life, try to find the main who assaulted her and make him pay.
This was really impressive for a debut novel, I felt that Rogers laid out the story she wanted to tell really well minus at the beginning when I found the time jumps a little bit confusing as they are fairly close together. I wish she would have used titles like before and after or 6 months before or 6 month after. However, I do like books that tell the story where the time frames get closer and closer together, which Rogers does here. This also heightened the suspense throughout the book as you begin to wonder how did Eve after everything end up in the jail cell?
I think that Rogers did a great job in not romanticizing rape in any way, from the rape itself to showcasing the fact that there is not only an physical toll that the victim can experience but the emotional one as well. Rogers does not sugar coat a thing. Do I think that Eve was maybe outside the norm of "recovering" so fast, sure, but I think that all the other aspects that Rogers presented around sexual assault in this book were glamorized at all that this can be overlooked.
Speaking of Eve her growth within this book is amazing, from devastating and destroying her life to trying to take aspects of it back to hunting down her assaulter, you cannot help but cheer for her all along the way. Eve just seems like such a real person throughout and you really get to know her as majority of the chapters feature her. There are a few chapters from the detective, which were good, rounded out part that side of the story but there were also chapters featuring her assaulter. Normally, I like when an author put the bad guy front and center as you as the reader gets to know them better their motives, but in this case I wish Rogers would have held them back. They heighten some of the suspense as you wait for Eve to find out the information that you as the reader know, but I personally think they gave away too much and would have preferred to be left in the dark.
I know I have put quite a few things in this review that wish were different in the book (and I guess I will add that I was kind of hoping for a more realistic ending) but all that said this was an awesome debut novel I did not want to put the book down, and I highly recommend this book who like psychological suspense reads as well as cat and mouse thriller books. I look forward to reading Rogers next book.

I loved every single word of this book. The way that Eve takes control of the revenge after a terrible crime was committed, thrilled me to no end! Really well written! Recommended.

Three and a half star rating.
Eva, minding her own business is brutally attacked one morning but when the police don’t appear to be getting very far, decides to take matters into her own hands. There follows a lot of back and forwards in time which meant it wasn’t very easy to go back to check on something if this is being read on a kindle. The story is gritty, down to earth and mostly holds the reader’s attention but I felt that some parts dragged a bit so skimmed those. The ending was predictable. This is a cat and mouse thriller but who is the cat??

5 stars, but it is very dark at times, so if you don’t like the darker, disturbing themes, definitely not a great choice for you. Personally I love dark, disturbing reads, so this was an amazing read for me. It gave plenty of thrills, chills, and suspense you can cut. Was very surprised it was the authors first, because she nailed what I love in thrillers and made sure to develop well and make it realistic, original, and unputdownable!
Will make sure I buzz this book up!

A debut novel by a very talented author Whom will be following.So well written tense chilling dark.I was drawn right into the story.#netgalley #boldwoodbooks

This was a new author for me and even though it was dark and sometimes I was cringing I did enjoy the book, but it has some triggers you may think twice about it, but all that said it was well written and it did keep me on the edge of my seat. So we meet Eve who is brutally raped on her way to visit a friend. She unfortunately showers right after cleaning off all evidence before calling the cops and I know we are thinking noooo but you can understand that at the time she wanted all traces removed, i felt for her. They aren't able to catch the person so upset she decides she is going to do it and get her revenge.

Stalker is the debut novel from new author Gemma Rogers.
It's one of those books that you can easily get lost in with a story that's easy to follow.
This book is told over different timelines and is based around Eve who has been the victim of a terrible sexual assault, we learn how she tries to deal with things in the aftermath and then that all she really wants is some sort of revenge, her attacker can not get away with what he did, but first of all Eve needs to find out who her attacker was.
This is a very cleverly written book for a debut, and I can certainly say I will look out for more books from this author in the future.

Wow what a debut book by Gemma. I look forward to reading whatever book she writes next . It is a dark gritty read that grabs you from the start. Eve is attacked in broad daylight and it has a profound effect on her. Determined to find her attacker she starts to think of a way to find him and stop him once and for all. The way the book is written you are totally drawn into Eve’s life as she struggles to carry on after the awful attack. A fantastic read.

Stalker had me hooked right from the first chapter where we find out the main character is in Jail. Then we jump back in time a couple of months and find out a horrible incident occurred to the main character. How did the victim suddenly become the accused? In a Now and Then format the story slowly unfolds. It was am intense, fast paced captivating narrative. I could not put this one down. Gemma Rogers I applaud your courage for writing gritty thrillers because of the traumatic event that happened to you nearly twenty years ago.
Eve's life is completely shattered, ripped apart and turned upside down on the way to the train station one Sunday morning on her way to meet a friend. Jumped from behind Eve is brutally attacked and raped. Eve tries to get her life back on track but she has terrible functioning in the real world. Her anger building at the attacker whose still out there, at the police for not catching him. Eve then has work issues on top of everything else. Life and bills are becoming too much to handle. With the help of her flatmate Ben, she begins to regain confidence by going to a gym and buying a rape whistle. Eve has also taken it upon herself to find her rapist, since she doesn't believe the police have tried their best. Will Eve find her rapist? Will he get what he deserves? Will Eve go back to her old self and get a happy ending?

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book for an honest review.
Stalker is about a victim seeking justice and revenge against her perpetrator. This book was well written with graphic details of the violence inflicted on the victim. The story was long winded at times but overall a good read.

Stalker was not what I expected, and I was unable to read this book. I found it disturbing, and I just couldn't read it after that. Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

The rape scene in this story is brutal, the violation and loss of control implicit in every word. This description is harrowing. Given the inspiration for this story, the attack is realistic and sets the scene for what follows. This an adult story. One that will upset most people, but it doesn’t detract from it, or the message it is sending.
Eve’s attack and subsequent action is the main storyline, but running alongside her need for retribution is the need for closure to heal, and the need to stop this happening to anyone else. Eve is complex, but she is easy to empathise. You want her to have justice.
Including the friend and lodger characters, may seem incidental to the story, but they are important. Eve’s reaction to them shows how emotionally scarred and traumatised she is, and why she does what she does. They are an important focus for her mental state.
The plot is chilling and suspenseful, and whether or not you agree with the outcome, or what happens before, the ending is well thought out and believable. A fusion of the psychological thriller and crime genres, with authentic emotion and a menacing antagonist, and an ending that leaves you with a moral dilemma. Perfect.
I received a copy of this book from Boldwood Books via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

3.5 stars rounded up to 4
This story is about Eve, a woman who was brutally assaulted. She was raped in broad daylight and when she was en route to meet a friend. She vows to get revenge on the man who assaulted her. The police can't find no trace of him. She had went in the shower before contacting them. Eve decides to start her own investigation. She wants him caught before he wrecks anyone else's life.
*WARNING* The rape scene is very graphic.
This is quite an enjoyable read but the subject matter won't be for everyone. Emotions are high with anger and frustration. The chapters kept jumping from character to character with nothing obvious to tell us we were now reading about someone else. Does she find her assailant? You will need to read this book to find out. Over all, a decent read.
I would like to thank Netgalley, Boldworld Books and the author Gemma Rogers for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Does a book get better by jumping around in time instead of following a chronological order? For me the answer is no, I don't like it.
This book deals with serious issues, and one I do know something about is the lack of the right to self defense in Britain and many other countries.
What I don't understand in the book are the following: After an attack, isn't it easier to call the police and get help? And if you want revenge, why make it so complicated?
I'm sure many will like this book, but for me it's too messy.

Wow, for a debut novel - this book was amazing!
I was literally hooked right from the beginning and genuinely couldn’t put this book down, it has all the ingredients for a gripping thriller,
The book is centred around Eve, who is pretty stable in life - work, house etc until she is randomly and sexually attacked one morning on the way to meet a friend. After the attack Eve’s life is turned upside down and gradually things start to take a downward spiral, she looses her job, runs up debts and manages to get into a complicated type of relationship with her lodger. The plot goes on to explore how Eve fights back against what happened to her, not only was she attacked bit other young women also become victims of the same violent monster.
The book is so well written that you feel that you are on the journey with eve with getting her revenge on her attacker.
Would highly recommend this book and will be following this author for future books.