Member Reviews

Was reading this and had got about half way through it when I heard the news my own dad had passed away. I couldn't continue reading. This book will always be the book I was reading when I got that news and I just couldn't concentrate on the plot anymore. Up until then the story had been good

Due to a sudden, unexpected passing in the family a few years ago and another more recently and my subsequent (mental) health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for several years after the bereavements. This meant I didn't read or venture onto netgalley for years as not only did it remind me of that person as they shared my passion for reading, but I also struggled to maintain interest in anything due to overwhelming depression. I was therefore unable to download this title in time and so I couldn't give a review as it wasn't successfully acquired before it was archived. The second issue that has happened with some of my other books is that I had them downloaded to one particular device and said device is now defunct, so I have no access to those books anymore, sadly.
This means I can't leave an accurate reflection of my feelings towards the book as I am unable to read it now and so I am leaving a message of explanation instead. I am now back to reading and reviewing full time as once considerable time had passed I have found that books have been helping me significantly in terms of my mindset and mental health - this was after having no interest in anything for quite a number of years after the passings. Anything requested and approved will be read and a review written and posted to Amazon (where I am a Hall of Famer & Top Reviewer), Goodreads (where I have several thousand friends and the same amount who follow my reviews) and Waterstones (or Barnes & Noble if the publisher is American based). Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for the inconvenience.

A great, thrilling read, which will keep you entertained throughout. A good one sitting read, get the nibbles ready, close the door, and read!

I really enjoy Claire Allan's books because they are always set locally. This one is Derry-based.
Joe McKee is on his deathbed and stepdaughter Heidi, now married to Alex and with a daughter of her own, calls Joe's estranged biological daughter Ciara to inform her of the news. Neither women are happy; Heidi being around Joe, and Ciara being around Heidi, the girl whose mother tore her family apart when she was a child. But more and more secrets come out and we learn just how much Joe was keeping secret himself.
This was a bit of a tough read due to the nature of the storyline but it was very well done. There were a few twists and turns, some I saw coming and others I didn't. An enjoyable one!

The Liar's Daughter starts with a dying man. Joe McKee hasn't been given long to live from his cancer diagnosis by doctors and is taken home to be cared for, rather unwillingly by his step-daughter Heidi. From the very beginning though, you can tell that there isn't much love lost between the two of them, though it's clear from what everyone else thinks that he is a 'good man' who has spent his life raising Heidi as his own. As the book progresses we meet Ciara, Joe's daughter from his first marriage, the one he left to begin a new relationship with Heidi's mum. There is definitely no love lost between the two women though and even when faced with Joe's imminent demise, the two cannot forge a bond.
With everyone in the house looking after Joe in his final hours, it isn't long until he passes away and the family can start to move on; that is until the body is examined post-mortem and it turns out that Joe didn't die of natural causes after all. Suddenly everyone is a suspect: his cold and seemingly unloving step-daughter Heidi, his own daughter Ciara, who has never forgiven him for abandoning her as a teenager, Heidi's husband Alex who is learning more about his wife's childhood the longer he is in her family home and Joe's sister Kathleen who has come all the way over from England to be with him during his last days. Which of these, if any of them, would have killed this sick man who only had a short amount of time left to live, and more importantly, why?
Finger soon start being pointed with Ciara blaming Heidi and threatening to go to the police to tell them what she thinks is the truth. Suddenly both women are having to face truths both of them put to one side over a decade ago and it might be that they aren't the only ones with secrets to protect.
This is an interesting book in examining family relationships though it does contain aspects that may trigger some readers. An interesting twist at the end that I didn't see coming!

The premise of this book was excellent.
I enjoyed this book but I felt that the pacing slowed in the middle of the book.
This book unravels the dynamics of a dysfunctional family
An ok read

A deeply dark and claustrophobic read, full of tension and twists and turns. It deals with some very disturbing themes but it's very well handled. It kept me guessing all the way to the end.

I really enjoyed the concept of this book its very refreshing and very well presented. I was memrmrsied and got chilli down my spine whilst reading this book.

Well she’s done it again!! Another brilliant book by Claire, quite a sensitive subject and dark to boot but a brilliant read all the same, I loved it. Some great twists and characters, what more could you want in a book....buy it 😃

Even though I did end up buying myself a physical copy of this book, I would still like to thank Netgalley and the publishers for providing me with a copy to read and review.
Claire Allan never fails to completely grip me with her intensely addictive, captivating page-turners. Touching on a very sensitive subject, this book takes on a darker tone to previous books, but through incredible writing, I definitely felt a whole range of emotions while reading.
Told from a few points of view, predominantly Heidi and Claire, switching between past and present, the plot is perhaps a slow burner, but I never once felt bored or uninterested. My thoughts about both Heidi and Claire definitely changed throughout the book - which only made me appreciate the story more!
And that end reveal?!? Shocking!!
Another book from this author that I highly recommend! Can't wait for her next!

Not an easy read. Tricky characters, dark subject matter. But handled sensitively and very well written.

A very dark and disturbing book, not for the faint hearted. The way the story unfolded was very good and the characters were very relatable.
Many thanKs to Netgalley and Claire Allan for the copy of this book. I agreed to give an unbiased opinion voluntarily.

What I read of this book was brilliantly written, tense and kept me turning the page. Unfortunately there was some unexpected and triggering content in this for me and so I was unable to finish reading. I would definitely read other books by this author though, as I really loved the writing style and the suspense.

Well written story. Kept me engaged the entire time. A page turner for sure! Looking forward to reading more books by this author!

‘The Liar’s Daughter’ is the latest book by Claire Allan.
Joe McKee – pillar of the Derry community – is dead. As arrangements are made for the traditional Irish wake, friends and family are left reeling at how cancer could have taken this much-loved man so soon. But grief is the last thing that Joe’s daughter Ciara and step-daughter Heidi feel. For they knew the real Joe – the man who was supposed to protect them and did anything but.As the mourners gather, the police do too, with doubt being cast over whether Joe’s death was due to natural causes. Because the lies that Joe told won’t be taken to the grave after all – and the truth gives his daughters the best possible motive for killing him.
Claire Allan is back a new thriller that had my attention gripped throughout. Set in the maiden set of Derry, this psychological thriller is a twisted story of lies and deceit. To the outside world Joe McKee, is the perfect man, God fearing Catholic who took over the care of his partner’s child when she died. But there is another side to Joe, that the only people closest to him know about. So when Joe finds out that’s he’s dying, he expects everyone to rally around him, but everyone is actually counting down until he dies and when he suddenly does die, everyone is a suspect.
The story is seen primarily through the eyes of Heidi and Ciara, the daughter of the dead partner and Joe’s biological daughter. They hate each other, Ciara hates Heidi for taking away her father and Heidi hates Ciara for the bullying and pain Ciara inflicted on her whilst going up. But unknown to both of them, they have more in common than they had ever known.
Both women are interesting. Heidi is a new mother who is fiercely protective of her baby, she’s meek and has struggles in her life, whilst Ciara, I found to be quite a dislikable woman. She’s brash, harsh and is always turning on Heidi, who I found myself quite protective off.
The story is written in past and present tenses and really helps with characters development and shows the reader why both women behave in such a way. I despised Joe, Claire really achieved an instant hateful man who’s slime and sleaze oozed off the pages. So when he’s killed, it’s understandable why there are so many suspects!
Bleak and atmospheric, this book is a tough book to read, touching on abuse and mental illness, this pacy thriller really gripped my attention. With unreliable characters and suspicious situations and a menacing plot line that really pulls the reader in, ‘The Liar’s Daughter’ is a taunt and twisty story that will have you guessing throughout.
You can buy ‘The Liar’s Daughter’ from Amazon and is available to buy from good bookshops

I started reading this book as I had heard so much good things about it . At first I though it was a bit slow going back and forward between the past and present . But I am glad I stuck with it because the pace got quicker and the story line better and almost couldn't wai to see what happens . It ends up a gripping story although the subject is sensitive but still realistic . I would recommend this

Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to preview this ARC of The Liar's Daughter by Claire Allan.
When Joe gets the diagnosis that his life is quickly coming to an end, the community mourns. But his daughter and step-daughter do not. Even though the two have never gotten along, they both have similar reasons for feeling an unsettling relief to hear of Joe's impending demise. So when his condition brings them together, they must find a way to heal old wounds and work together to find peace from the damage Joe committed in their lives.
This was very compelling, written well, and addresses some important and real topics. A lot of it was difficult, there are definite triggers (abuse victims, please approach with caution), but I felt like the author handled it with respect and dignity.

This was really good book that talks about important topic called pedophilia. It should come with trigger warning, even though some would consider it a spoiler.
I agree that it is spoilery, but then again, I think it’s better to know what it is about then to have unwanted flashbacks of your own unpleasant experience.
The only downside to the story is it’s predictability.
Then again, maybe it was predictable to me, because I do have experience with a pedophile (I talked about it in my review for Living Dead Girl).
The writing style was really good and very easy to follow.
There were all kinds of characters, all gray in their own ways, and after a long time I found a character that really got on my nerves that I started to feel the similar thing to hate. If I said I hated her it would be too strong of a word, but it wasn’t far from that.
I also appreciated the creepy vibe of small town this novel provided.
In the end, I would recommend this book to lovers of dark mysteries.

This is the first book I have read by this author and I can’t help but think why have I never read this authors books before now. How have I missed them ? This Book was just so flipping good, in fact it was amazing.

Joe McKee is dead. A pillar of the local community, his family and friends are shocked and upset at how cancer has taken him too soon.
But Joe’s daughter Ciara and step-daughter Heidi knew the 'real' Joe, and grief is the last thing they feel. The man who was supposed to protect them did anything but.
When the police voice their doubts over whether Joe’s death was due to natural causes, it's revealed that his daughters had a very good motive for killing him… but did they do it?
I really struggled to get into this book in the beginning. The pace was very slow, and I almost didn't finish it. There were a few twists towards the end, but I'd guessed them quite early on and found them quite predictable.
It's never easy to read a book that contains themes of paedophilia, rape and child abuse, however, I did feel it was written with sensitivity and compassion.