Member Reviews

What a gorgeous book this was! I loved the development and empowerment of Jeannie as she faced some of her toughest tribulations. Read with tissues on hand- puppy rescue subplot was so saddening but great that Lucy Dillon has raised awareness of the brutality that of puppy farming.

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Love Lucy Dillon books and especially the friendly town of Longhampton and their dogs. Jeannie is supposed to be celebrating her wedding day the happiest day of her life when she finds out Dan her husband to be has been in a terrible accident so instead of enjoying her honeymoon she is wading her way through hospital procedure and worry about Dan, along with her nearly mother in law and his best man Owen. Jeannie finds support from her new neighbour and Dans new employer Rachel and Her husband George helping with the dogs in the rescue centre gives her time to think about something other than her relationship which isn’t as everyone thinks. This book has Great characters in Jeannie, Rachel and Natalie but also with Gem, Pierre and Lady Sadie some of the most moving parts of the bookinvolve the dogs. Lovely read

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Jeannie is in the car on the way to her wedding and is having second thoughts. Is this what she truly wants? Has it all been too fast? Does she call it all off minutes before the “I do’s”? While contemplating these questions fate intervenes and Jeannie is faced with a whole new set of dilemmas.

Oh I cried, and cried! But there was always puppies to repair my heart.

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This book was a bit of a mixed bag for me. One minute I was hooked and boom I was lost and skimming my way to the end. The beginning was great had all you needed to get you into the story but as the book went along the main story slowed down and it felt like the pages were just fillers as they had no true value to the main plot.

I also did not know whom to flight for Dan or Owen as they both played a part and I could feel the connection between Owen and Jeannie grown in the undertones of the writing. Or should I just hope that Jeannie finds herself and find her own love at the end?

In my opinion, this is not a romance read but a story of self-discovery and self-love. How to be strong and speak the truth even when it may harm or hurt someone else.

I believe this was my first read by Lucy Dillion but even after this read, I would happily read her again as the first half did grab me.

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Following a whirlwind romance, Jeannie is having second thoughts on her way to her wedding to Dan but in the meantime he gets badly injured in a road accident leaving Jeannie with overwhelming feelings of guilt. Can Jeannie support Dan on his long road to recovery? Or do the just not know each other well enough to get through it?

This is a book full of heart, with some seriously emotional parts (yes, I cried!) and not just a typical romance. Beautifully written.

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I absolutely loved this book and was hooked from the first page. I loved getting to know Jeannie and her life. I loved seeing her grow and develop over the course of this novel and it was just an absolute delight at every turn. If you like very character driven books and you like books with lovely dogs in then Lucy Dillon is the author for you.

I just absolutely loved how this book unfurled itself with the turns of every page, or the start of every chapter. I ended up listening to the audiobook of this one and it was incredibly well done. I think if I had had a physical copy I might have been tempted to flick forwards to find out more information about the mysterious Dan.

Jeannie was such a lovely character to spend this book with. She is a genuine person who is a lot like you and me. She wants to see the good in people and she wants to make the right call. I am so pleased with the friends that she made during this novel, they are the right people to be in her life. I also really liked the relationship she had with her father in this book, it is great to see a positive relationship between a father and a daughter, they're not all broken.

The subject matter of this novel is also awesome, showing people that relationships aren't always easy but sometimes nothing dramatic needs to happen in order for them to either become stronger or end. I really loved the message that this book puts out there, especially as someone who has had to cancel a wedding. The dogs in this book are of course awesome as well, I loved their involvement in the whole plot. I did shed a couple of tears where the dogs and their setting was concerned so be prepared for that.

This book was definitely up lifting and has such a well rounded plot with characters you're going to love getting to know. I enjoyed every moment of it and I am sure you will too!

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This story had me guessing and hoping all the way through. I try to avoid spoilers in my reviews and apologise if I give anything away.
Jeannie is forced to analyse her feelings for Dan and her guilt is tangible as we follow the aftermath of their big day.
As Jeannie’s tale unfolds, we are introduced to a range of adorable characters, some with 2 legs and some with 4!
Dan’s new boss at the veterinary practice, George and his wife Rachel, along with Dan’s best man, Owen, provide the support that Jeannie needs to get through the turbulent times ahead.
I particularly enjoyed seeing George and Rachel investigate their own marriage as Jeannie dealt with her problems.
Owen was the best friend that either Dan or Jeannie could hope for and, without question, his gentle yet strong spirit made me hope that there are more people like him in the world.
I laughed and cried with this book and certainly enjoyed the happy ending. Would love a follow up story as I believe that theirs is room to revisit these characters in the future.
Read this book, I wholeheartedly recommend it and feel sure that you will learn some unexpected lessons in love.

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Lost Dogs and Lonely Hearts is my favourite book of ALL time so when the opportunity came up to read this Lucy Dillon book, I didn't hesitate.

Jeannie is engaged to Dan, but as their wedding day rushes closer, she has this feeling that things are just not as they should be. And then Dan ends up in a coma.

It doesn't sound much like an uplifting book, but somehow, it is. It is a great book about being true to yourself, friendship and love, in all its guises. Jeannie has fabulous friends and great parents, and they help her through a lot of the turmoil after Dan's accident. Then there is Dan's best friend, who is the steady, reliable person that we all should have in our lives. Of course, there are puppies as well, and puppies make everything better :)

Lovely book.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House UK.

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You can really rely on Lucy Dillon to pull on the heartstrings and this was no exception. It was just what I needed in the hectic run up to Christmas. Rescue dogs, puppies, wedding dresses and romance, perfect!
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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When I first started reading I was unsure whether it was for me but as the story progressed I began to enjoy it and grew to love it. Soon I was reading into the early hours. It’s sweet and heart felt. Lucy Dillon writes beautifully about the complexity’s of relationships by cleverly weaving together different storylines. I hope that it raises awareness of the horrific puppy farming trade. Thank You to the publisher and Netgalley.

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This one is totally different to any other book I've read!

Jeannie is in the car with her father on the way to her dream wedding when she realises that the inability to breathe isn't entirely due to the boned corset of the fabulous frock she's wearing. After all, following a whirlwind romance how much does she really know about her fiance Dan? When Jeannie finally faces up to her feelings and braces herself to call off the wedding, fate intervenes . . .

This is not a scenario I've ever thought about; I'm not into the whole 'big white wedding' (despite having tied the knot twice) but author Lucy Dillon has done a fine job of getting under my skin with her latest book. There is no way of telling exactly how the story is going to play out, and it's skilfully crafted to keep the reader guessing. As well as dealing with the aftermath of the circumstances of the wedding, the writer brings the whole matter of the abhorrent 'puppy farms' to the fore. As someone with two labradors - from a reputable dealer - this is something which matters and I was pleased that the story included the results of such practices. It doesn't take away from the main tale of Jeannie and Dan's relationship though and I loved how the story developed, ending wonderfully. A worthwhile and entertaining read full of flawed characters which kept my attention right to the very end, earning it a full four stars from me.

My thanks to publisher Transworld Digital for my copy via NetGalley; this is my honest and original review.

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I recieved a free copy from Netgallery and now I'm leaving a voluntary review.

This is a contemporary romance by Lucy Dillion. She is a new author for me and I enjoyed her book.

I would of rated this 5 stars but the way the paragraphs were written they kept jumping around. One minute they would be one long paragraph then it would jump to having spaces then back to one long paragraph. 

The characters were likeable. I absolutely loved Owen. He was quiet and honest. I didn't quite like Jeannie though. She annoyed me quite a lot. She didn't tell Dan until the end where she should of said something sooner.

If you want a contemporary romance with some humour then give this a try

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This is the story of Jeannie - who is in the middle of jilting her fiancé when things go horrible wrong. What follows is a wonderful, touching story that I read in just a couple of day.
Although the puppy farming information was upsetting, I really want to go and live at Rachel’s house - all those dogs!!
I enjoyed it far more than I thought I would.
A great romantic comedy perfect to curl up with.

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I LIKED this book. A LOT. I also liked it enough to be more than happy with another Lucy Dillon book in my hands to read. However I am only awarding it 3 stars as I just don't think it will stand the test of time in my book addicted mind!
Jeannie is set to marry Dan after a whirlwind romance but all does not go according to plan on the Big Day. In fact, by anyone's standards, what actually happens is a disaster. Feeling shocked, torn and guilty Jeannie tries hard to make the right decisions but all her choices seem to be based on what other people want, think or expect of her.
The characters are likeable, the setting 'cosy' - rural Longhampton - there is a gorgeous cottage, a dog rescue centre, a wedding dress fundraiser and a lot of love, for the dogs and for humans, Dan, Jeannie, Owen and Carmen. Just one question prevails throughout the predictable plot, which humans are truly meant for each other?
At one point in the story I almost cried, but not quite. This book will make you savour the romance, it might make you cry, it might make you laugh and it will definitely be a light but welcome companion as you curl up with the book.

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You can always count on a Lucy Dillon story to tug at the heartstrings and leave a lasting impression. This book was certainly no different. The writing pulled me in like a warm hug and I was hooked from the explosive opening moments and found that the pages turned themselves the story was that enthralling.

As a master of character creation this cast was on top form. I fell in love with each and every member of the ensemble and felt that they elevated the book to another level. Jeannie was an outright winner from start to finish and I was rooting for her every step of the way to find that all important happy ever after.

As they say marriage is for life, not just for the wedding day and this story certainly delves into the trials and tribulations that marrying in haste can bring. Jeannie had her work cut out for her weeding through the forest of thoughts and emotions surrounding her near wedding to Dan and her emotional journey was one that had me reaching for a kleenex or two I must say.

Unexpected Lessons in Love is packed full of life affirming moments. It's an emotive read that has left a real impression on me and I know I won't be forgetting this magic little number any time soon.

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Very enjoyable romance with a twist which is always good.. light hearted but also just a little bit tense as you hope things will work out in the right way! Enjoyed..

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I loved this a little while ago but forgot to post my review. Not just your average ' romance' but a book about honesty and so much more. I really didn't want to put it down. I loved the characters, I loved the bravery and honesty from Jeanne and the way that she battled for what she felt was right. Would definitely read more from Lucy Dillon. A great holiday read.

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After meeting online and a whirlwind romance, Dan proposes to Jeannie on a romantic trip away and then suddenly all too soon it’s the day of the wedding and in the car to the church last minute doubts get to her and she has one last chance to put the brakes on. However those actions have repercussions that she never could have imagined and thus we go to the heart of the story.

There is so much depth and substance to this story. I was totally absorbed by Jeannie’s dilemma and in the circumstances she finds herself in, together with those of the people around her. There are some wonderful characters who begin as secondary to the story but who end up playing major supporting roles and I very much enjoyed getting to know them.

This is not just a story about Jeannie and Dan. Other people’s hopes and dreams (the wedding dress charity event was an inspired idea) and shows how complicated and imperfect love is. I also felt this was a great way to find out more about some of the other characters in the story - the exchange between Jeannie and another character when Jeannie reveals her true intentions were a good way to show that although not intentional, Jeannie's plan to jilt Dan were quite thoughtless.

Unexpected Lessons in Love is an emotional read but it is heartwarming and uplifting too. The unpredictability of the story makes it stands out from other reads in this genre. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it. My only complaint is that the epilogue should have been longer!!

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Unexpected lessons in love is a sweet and delightful novel from start to finish, albeit predictable and a tad cheesy. Very easy to read, the kind of unchallenging book that lets your mind drift and float away on a cloud of love, romance and happy endings.
Jeannie is about to get married to Dan when en route to the church she has a change of heart and rings her fiancé to call off the wedding. She can’t possibly foresee that the life altering decision she’s just made will haunt her over the coming months since Dan, on his phone, crossing the road,fails to see a bus coming his way and ends up in a coma. The only person privy to Jeannie’s decision is her dad and that’s the way Jeannie intends it to stay. How can she live with herself if she walks away now????
With her future derailed and uncertain Jeannie embarks on a journey of self discovery, learning what it takes to make a marriage work whilst making new friends along the way. By immersing herself in helping at Rachel’s dog rescue centre and giving ukelele lessons to a group of schoolchildren as well as playing dutiful fiancée at Dan’s bedside, Jeannie really does learn some unexpected lessons in love.
I like Jeannie’s character; she’s a good moral person at heart, acting with the best intentions even if it does take her a while to realise that honesty is the best policy. Has she got the courage to pursue
her own happiness or does that make her a selfish individual??
Of course, from the very first few pages it’s clear exactly which direction this novel is heading in, its like completing a dot to dot puzzle in your head in about 20 seconds flat. Despite the lack of surprises, this is an enjoyable read which will leave a warm rosy glow inside you as it’s impossible not to like Jeannie and Dan’s mother Andrea and Rachel and Natalie with their dog rescue centre and of course best man Owen.
A perfect read for those who love a good heartwarming romance and dog lovers alike, since mans best friend plays an important role in this tale, teaching us mere mortals a thing or two about trust and love and devotion. In a world of doom and gloom, reading Lucy Dillon’s latest offering is a pleasant way to while away a few hours and wrap yourself up in a world where happy endings really do happen.
My thanks as always to the author and publisher and Netgalley for allowing me to read in exchange for an honest review.

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Unexpected Lessons in Love is a story that should really be a romance, but isn't. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It follows Jeannie, beginning on her extremely eventful wedding day. First, she calls off the wedding via a voicemail to her fiancé, Dan. Next, her fiancé gets hit by a bus.

This book contains an incredibly unique portrayal of love. It's a will-she-won't-she story about telling Dan the truth if he ever wakes up and it has you trying to determine right, wrong and the best solution throughout the entire story. Plus, whilst all of this is happening, Jeannie finds herself getting ever closer to Rachel, Dan's new boss, and Owen, Dan's best friend, complicating everything just a little more.

I did enjoy this book, mostly because it so neatly wraps everything up. Everything that you think has gone wrong or could go wrong is resolved to some degree by the end, or at least solved in a way that some readers would approve of. I am sure here are mixed reactions to this book and found myself asking whether or not I liked where the story was going, a number of times.

As a character, I was surprised by how much I liked Jeannie. She was incredibly real and had thoughts that many people would be too afraid to speak themselves. I wouldn't consider her decisions throughout the book to be wrong, but it was very easy to doubt her at numerous points throughout the novel. Lucy Dillon wrote an incredibly believable woman with a decision that would be difficult for anyone to deal with. Unfortunately, though, I was not a massive fan of Dan. Much of what we find out about him is from Jeannie recalling moments in her relationship, but I found that these painted a picture that I didn't like. I was conflicted throughout about whether I should feel bad about my dislike of Dan due to his situation, but now definitely feel that I would have preferred a more believably likeable fiancé for Jeannie.

Overall, this book was enjoyable. There are a number of other things going on in the main character's life, besides Dan's situation, and I found these to be more interesting than Jeannie's primary storyline. It did take me a while to get through, but I would consider it to be an easy, thought-provoking read. It makes a nice change from the more predictable romance storylines I've read recently and I am impressed by the concept.

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