Member Reviews

This book was ok
It was an ok read with an ok but predictable ending
The wedding that doesn’t happen the accident and the truth comes out in the end
As I said it was ok

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I’d like to thank Random House UK/Transworld Publishers and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘Unexpected Lessons In Love’ by Lucy Dillon in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
After a whirlwind romance, Jeannie and her father are on their way to her wedding when she suddenly realises she doesn’t love Dan enough to marry him. She stops the chauffeur-driven limousine and tries to ring Dan to explain how she feels but the line’s engaged so she leaves him a message. As she’s trying a second time her father receives a call from the best man saying that Dan’s been seriously injured after stepping into the road in front of a bus whilst on his mobile phone. Jeannie’s convinced Dan was listening to her message as he stepped off the kerb and feels so guilty that she’s unable to tell anyone it could be her fault in case they blame her.
‘Unexpected Lessons In Love’ is a beautifully-written story of love and the sudden realisation that loving someone may not be enough to warrant spending a lifetime with them. Rather than tell everyone that she was probably the cause of Dan’s accident, Jeannie fills her time exercising the dogs at the rescue centre, helping arrange the charity sale, giving ukulele lessons at the local school and visiting Dan in hospital. I liked the characters who were down-to-earth and completely believable, the story was touching, and although I had a lump in my throat at Gem’s demise there was a heart-warming ending that left me feeling happy.

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A great read. The story follows Jeannie who is about to marry Dan when her last minute nerves become more than that and she tries to stop the wedding. However the situation is then out of her control when Dan is hit by a bus. It’s great to see how Jeannie copes with Dan in hospital and she grows a person. Add to that a whole load of cute puppies and you have a great read!

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Wow, how things changed. I loved this book, Whilst heart breaking at times, it shows it could happen to anyone. At least the truth came out and lives got on with.

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Could not put it down - this was a wonderful read of love, secrets and friendships. Jeannie's confusion and guilt was very real, some of the rescue dog story line was uncomfortable reading but rightly so and as a dog owner myself, I'm all too aware of their healing and friendship. The story is very well written with tangible and believable emotion throughout. The twist at the end was not entirely unexpected but well written and woven into the earlier story. Just loved it!

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As always with a Lucy Dillon book I knew I was in for a great read. I snuggled down on a wet weekend with tissues to hand. It did not fail to impress.
Based on Jeannies and Dan's forthcoming wedding when things took an unexpected turn when dan has an accident . It caused Jeannie to reevaluate what she wants from her life.
Excellent read !

I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley for an honest review

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I really enjoyed this book. A light hearted read - perfect for curling up with on a dreary autumn afternoon!

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In this story we meet Jeannie who is on her way to her wedding, when she realizes that she doesn't want marry her groom, Dan. She is very conflicted about what to do next and from that point on her life is changing.

Jeannie is going through a lot of difficulties that are making her reevaluate her life choices and path that she is on.

Jeannie meets her new neighbor, Rachel,who is also managing a dog shelter. They are a lot of cute moments with the dogs there, that every dog person will appreciate.

I thought that the narrative was a bit slow in the middle of the book, there wasn't a lot of action at certain points, but overall it was an enjoyable read.

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This is an easy read to put in a few hours but a bit predictable . It was ok but I'm not sure that I would be recommending it

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Unexpected Lessons in Love in the latest novel from Lucy Dillon and takes us back to Longhampton and some old friends alongside the new characters introduced here.

Jeannie is on her way to her wedding with Dan when she realises that she is making a mistake, she rings him to tell him she can’t go through with it. It then something happens that changes everything.

This is an easy read with (mainly) likeable characters although a little predictable in places. I would definitely recommend for anyone looking for a couple of hours of escapism.

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Unexpected lessons in love by Lucy Dillon
Daniel is a vet and Jeannie a part time music teacher and musician with a band. They have a whirlwind romance and on the way to the wedding Jeannie has cold feet and tries to call of the Wedding however Daniel gets hit by a bus on the way and is in a coma.

It is about the twist and turns of intervening events waiting to happen with new unexpected friends and explained events.

However It was very slow and for most of the book not going anywhere. There was so many strand sub plots it got very confusing. Part of story eventually got better but very long winded. i felt the Story Could of happened quicker which would have given it more teeth. It eventually got there but by then i was losing interest. It was all left a bit wanting with a flat ending. Plot line was ok generally just it took too long to get to the point.

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In spite of the fact that the big reveal wasn't, and that the ending was obvious from a long way out, I enjoyed Unexpected Lessons in Love by Lucy Dillon. I found her characterisation to be particularly strong and I was interested in the way in which relationships were revealed and developed. Whilst the idea of the plot wasn't new, I thought the writing was engaging and it held me until the end.

I still don't understand the appeal of a dog in a romantic novel, though. Am I alone in finding the idea neither endearing nor cute?

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Jeannie and Daniel are set to marry, after a whirlwind romance and a romantic proposal on Brooklyn Bridge, New York. But Jeannie is having second he really the they know each other well this really what true love feels like? As Jeannie makes the momentous decision that may affect both of their lives forever, fate deals a hand that changes everything.

I am ashamed to admit, I've never read a book by Lucy Dillon before - it's not my usual genre - but I was given the opportunity to read this advance copy of Unexpected Lessons in Love (thanks to Penguin Books and NetGalley) in return for an honest review.

I loved Lucy's writing style. I feel like I really got to know each and every character and cared about them - it takes a clever writer to do this. The storyline was a little predictable and there were times when I felt that I was reading the same information again, but I really enjoyed how the characters interacted and the story progressed at the same time as the secondary stories of the other characters. And, for me, an indicator of a really great book is when it evokes true emotion from me - I honestly felt the struggle that Jeannie was having with the choice she was making. There was a single point in the book (no spoilers) when I cried buckets.

All in all, this was an easy to read, well written page turner. I may even read more books by the same author.

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Jeannie is about to get married to Dan but on the wedding day she starts to have second thoughts. Dan is very romantic and kept taking her off to romantic places and proposed on their trip to New York. Jeannie starts to think that she doesn't really know Dan at all.

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A brilliant ‘what would you do?’ keeps you guessing until the end. Lucy Dillon writes so wisely about love in all its forms, from infatuation to life long partnership. It’s a romance with a mystery that unwinds through disaster, friendship and wedding dresses and of course dogs!

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Lucy Dillon's latest book does not disappoint. Pacy, suspensful and emotional at times, it ticked all the boxes for me.

The primary tale about a slipped moment in time and the resulting trauma, guilt, love and anticipation of a realised memory, the story always hinted at something other, hidden, but the twist in the tale caught me unawares.

The secondary love story of the heroine's land lady and her vet husband, and the mission to raise money and awareness of the perils puppy farming and the every day trials of marriage, were heartwarming and added another dimension.

A great read, and one I will recommend to others.

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A beach read - easy to get through in one sitting. Likeable main female character but some weak male characters, with a surprising ending

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A fluffy and fun easy read with likeable characters and a predictable ending. Very easy to read in one sitting.

Would recommend to others looking for a quick book to get lost in. 3.5 stars.

Thanks to NetGalley, Lucy Dillon and Black Swan for my free copy in exchange for review.

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In the car on the way to my own wedding my Mum and Dad said exactly the same thing- "it is not too late to change your mind". Apparently my Grandfather said the same to my Mum 50 years ago!
however, unlike Jeannie neither of us had any doubts and our days went as according to plan.
Jeannie however is thrown into turmoil as she has the conversation with her Dad and voices her hidden concerns and feelings out loud for the first time. The whirlwind of her romance suddenly hits home and her insecurities rise to the surface.
Meanwhile Dan is oblivious (or is he?) and on his way to the venue.
From there on in things take a very different turn for them both and Jeannie is forced to make choices that are almost impossible to come to terms with, all the while trying not to hurt those around her and trying to work out how to live her best life in the circumstances she is thrown into.
This is a really beautifully told tale of love, love doubted, love maybe lost and then re-found that keeps the pages turning and the reader on the edge of their seat hoping for the best and right outcome for everyone.

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I loved this book, all about weddings and dogs and relationships, such a good read and lovely characters; really enjoyable and not much idea as to where the story lines were going. Love Lucy Dillons books

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