Member Reviews

Man! What is it with me this year being late to the party! Yikes! First it was Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments series which I started last month and now it's this... Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. I really do not know what has taken me so long, why it has taken me the amount of time it has to actually pick the book up. I've had a copy of this for so long, both physically and on my Kindle as I knew whenever i eventually got around to reading it it would have to be on my Kindle because there wasn't a chance on earth that I'd risk damaging my beautiful finished copy, with it's perfect white spine and stunning cover which you can see above. I also had Crown of Midnight, which I got around publication and I already had Throne of Glass so I'd been sitting on it for a year. Yikes. That is terrible. I think part of my apprehension was the hype surrounding the book. I had heard so many things, so many people, blogger friends and non-bloggers alike, that it's epic, wonderfully written and so on. I was scared that a book with such a beautiful cover might have a flaw somewhere. As Beetee said, there is always a flaw in the system.
But when it comes to Throne of Glass I can throw my head back and howl with conviction that this book is flawless. It overshot my expectations big time! BIG TIME! I'd hoped it would be amazing but what unfolded before my eyes took my breath away and surprised me.
The world building is incredible. I loved the way that little tidbits were revealed as the story went along. It didn't feel like everything was being shown all in one go, like one massive information dump, and I really liked that. I think world building works far better that way, I find that I remember a lot more if its given in dribs and drabs rather than in one long section.
Celaena herself is an awesome character. She feels dangerous, unpredictable and untameable whilst at the same time there's this edge to her that you can tell some of it is just a front to protect herself. I liked this about her, and the fact that she is supposed to be the most dangerous assassin in all of Erilea was great, because everyone seems to be scared of her to start with even though she has been sent to the salt mines in Endovier for her crimes. We also meet Dorian, the Crown Prince of Adarlan, son of the King of Adarlan who is intent on taking over all of the kingdoms. Dorian himself is a bit more laid-back than his father. There's a cocky, arrogant and swaggy air about Dorian, himself. He's so sure of himself and isn't ashamed of his luck with the ladies. As well as Dorian we also meet Chaol, the King's guard, a fearful and authoritative figure who mistrusts Celaena and every step she takes. And rounding up our main cast, for now, is Princess Nehemia who becomes Celaena's best friend, Princess of Eyllwe and staying in the glass palace for the time being.
Maas' writing is so fluid and crisp that I quickly got into a rhythm and couldn't stop reading. Throne of Glass is an epic blend of fantastic writing and fantastical plot that is brilliantly executed and built up to keep the suspense going and the reader turning the pages at a hellish speed. You'll fall in love with the world, with the characters and with Maas' style itself! I cannot express just how much I which I had picked up these books sooner! It really was such an epic read!
I am currently reading the second book in the series, Crown of Midnight, and I didn't think it was possible for it to be even better than Throne of Glass, but so far I have been proved wrong! Look out for my review for that one soon!
I cannot wait to bet caught up with this series, although I'm dreading it too because then I have to wait like everyone else for the next book and I'm so impatient! Haha!

I am so happy to have read this book after so long, because this book was out of this world amazing!! This incredible fantasy was one that will leave you craving more after finishing it. Sarah J. Maas has created a masterpiece. Throne of Glass was unputdownable from the very first page. I loved the world Maas created because it is unique and creative. This book has become one of my favorites and its perfect for Game of Throne fans! Its also told from 3 point of views of Celaena, Chaol (love him) and Dorian.
Celaena is one kick-ass assassin that has survived slavery for a year. She is strong-willed and super clever. She may be a killer but she is easy to connect with as a character. Celaena back story is also a mystery and despite all the hardships she goes through she is the best assassin there is in this world. If I had to choose a kick-ass character Celaena is definitely one because her love life is all over the place.
I fell in love with both of these male leads and reading some of their point of views was the best thing ever! I could feel what they felt since it was emotional during some parts and gah!! I can just gush about these two forever!! There is a love triangle but its one of the best I have read because you can fall in love with either of them. Its not overbearing on the story line. Chaol Westfall (Captain Westfall) is one hot guard who has an interesting background coming from a different kingdom, while Dorian is the prince who brought Celaena to the kingdom for a position of being the King's assassin. But there is some dark things happening in the glass castle, of ancient evil.
The competition was less than moral and has a bit of gore but it is to become the King's champion. There was tons of action and Celaena is the perfect heroine. So much mystery behind this castle as well as trying to uncover the past. You will be hooked and having read this quickly I did lose track of time since it was so amazing. I am looking forward to the sequel!! (I already read it)
Overall this is a must read and I am looking forward to the novellas to still read! Throne of Glass was beyond addicting and full of action! Pick up this book immediately!!

Throne of Glass was one of those books that I thought would be amazing but disappointed me in the end. There's quite a lot of hype around the book, so my expectations were a understandably higher than they'd normally be but everything about it left me down. I had a lot of issues with the characters, plot and writing. I know a lot of people would eat me alive for not liking it but it's just how I feel, unfortunately.
My biggest issue was Celaena, who the story revolves around mainly. She was way too arrogant for me to like her and spend a lot of time thinking about how beautiful she is. Just... no. Also, she's supposed to be this asskicking assassin, and though we saw a little bit of her in that way, I thought it wasn't enough at all. The second biggest issue was how I quickly lost interest in the story. I had wanted more action and fantasy elements than there were.
The other characters in the book all blended into a faceless bunch for me. And what can I say about Chaol and Dorian? As the two love interests, I had expected to at least like one of them and I just didn't. Both had no personality for me. I felt like there wasn't enough character-building for me to get to know them. The romance was simply awful to me. It was mostly centered on Celaena and Dorian, though we can all see that Chaol was liking Caelaena too. Sometimes a love triangle is nicely done but the romance in this book was a lot of 'bleh'.
Even though I usually love multiple points of view, I found that in this book it didn't work at all. For one thing, aside from Celaena's, they were too short and I couldn't care less about what Chaol, Dorian, Kaltain were thinking or doing. They were completely unnesessary to say the least. At the end of the book there was also the pov of the king, which I have to admit was slightly more interesting, but only a bit.
All in all, Throne of Glass was an okay concept. It was promising but due to the lack of good writing, tedious plot and unlikable characters, it fell flat for me. I do want to read the other books because I heard they get better but this one wasn't a great one for me, sadly enough.