Member Reviews

Received an ARC for an honest review.

This was cute! I liked getting Remi's story - an actress on the run from a stalker and the bodyguard who only wants to protect her. There were a few times it dragged a little, and I'm not sure if it was because I was expecting more from the stalker, but it felt slow. I really enjoyed their relationship though and the way it progressed into something real. It was great to catch up with the Dalton's too.

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Dont' worry if you haven't read book one, this easily stands alone :) A sweet, sexy, heart pounding romance with a bit of drama and intrigue to keep you reading well past your bedtime!

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Parmi les auteures anglo-saxonnes que je suis, il y a Melissa Foster que j'ai découverte il y a quelques temps et soyons claires, chaque fois qu'elle sort un livre, je le prends et ne suis JAMAIS déçue! Cela a été encore le cas avec le tome 2 de la série "Harmony Pointe", "This is love" qui est sorti le 3 décembre et que j'ai donc reçu en ARC (ou service presse VO) via Inkslinger Pr et NetGalley US que je remercie comme à chaque fois pour leur envoi et leur confiance.
Une fois de plus, j'ai dévoré cette histoire entre Remi dont j'avais fait la connaissance dans le tome 1, une actrice hollywoodienne et l'une des meilleures amies de la famille Dalton (dont est issu le héros du tome 1 qui travaille aussi avec son frère, Aiden) et Mason, un homme mystérieux que l'on avait brièvement rencontré dans le tome précédent puisqu'il avait recherché la mère du bébé abandonné (voir ma chronique du tome 1) il possède donc une agence de sécurité et lui-même est un ancien militaire. Aiden va donc embaucher le jeune homme comme garde du corps (elle en a assez de ses précédents, qui travaillent pourtant pour Mason) car Remi est menacée et est victime d'un harceleur qui lui envoie des lettres menaçantes et s'est introduit dans sa maison à Los Angeles.
Or son frère doit partir en voyage d'affaires et la jeune femme est en plein tournage : Mason va donc venir s'installer chez elle mais dès le départ, avant même qu'ils ne soient présentés officiellement, on constate qu'ils sont attirés l'un par l'autre. Mais Remi en a assez d'être gardée comme un bébé, elle étouffe et il va falloir toute la patience de Mason pour lui faire comprendre qu'elle peut être qui elle est réellement sans pour autant mettre sa vie en danger... Et évidemment, ce qui devait arriver arriva : nos deux héros sont de plus en plus attirés l'un par l'autre mais non seulement Mason a une règle - on ne sort pas avec une cliente- mais en plus, il se sent pour différentes raisons indigne d'elle... Mais en côtoyant Remi, il va rentrer dans un monde qui lui est inconnu : non pas celui du cinéma mais celui d'une famille aimante, d'amis fidèles etc... et ceux-ci sont prêts à tout (surtout les filles) pour que Remi ait enfin le droit au bonheur... Est-ce que tous deux vont enfin succomber à leur attirance et finiront-ils par trouver le bonheur? Le harceleur sera-t-il arrêté à temps? Comment Aiden va-t-il réagir lorsqu'il découvrira que l'homme qu'il a engagé est amoureux de sa petite soeur qu'il élève depuis qu'elle a 12 ans, même si celle-ci est une adulte aujourd'hui? et bien vous le saurez en allant cet excellent et passionnant roman...

Mon avis : vous l'avez compris, il est très positif : j'ai adoré ce roman. Il est tout ce que j'aime dans ces sagas familiales que seules les auteurs nord-américaines savent faire : en effet, à l'origine, il y a une série "les Braden" et depuis... elle a décliné plusieurs séries spin-off et souvent que j'ai découvertes lors de la proposition d'un service presse. Et elle a le don de faire envie d'aller lire les autres tomes ou autres séries en lien avec les personnages secondaires puisque cette nouvelle série "Harmony Pointe" fait suite à celle intitulée "Sugar Lake" et qui met en scène les soeurs de Ben (le héros du tome 1) mais aussi le meilleur ami de Mason dans le tome 2 (il est donc avec l'une des fameuses soeurs lol) vous voyez comment tout s'entrelace? et à chaque fois, même si vous ne connaissez pas, vous avez envie de repartir en arrière et de lire leurs histoires.

Remi est donc une jeune femme brillante que la vie n'a pas épargnée : elle est actrice, a du succès mais a perdu ses parents dans un accident alors qu'elle n'avait que 12 ans. Son frère a donc abandonné ses propres aspirations pour l'élever et le moins qu'on puisse dire est qu'il a réussi (j'ai tellement hâte de lire l'histoire d'Aiden) Quand commence le roman, elle en a assez d'être surveillée et souhaite simplement vivre "normalement", pouvoir sortir quand elle veut avec ses amies (elle a environ 25 ans) mais elle est menacée : quand elle rencontre Mason, avant de savoir qui il est, elle craque sur lui (et c'est réciproque) il va devoir gagner sa confiance et lui montrer que bien que prudent et sérieux comme bodyguard, il peut lui offrir une liberté qu'elle n'a quasi jamais connue et va la pousser à s'affirmer. Plus ils passent du temps ensemble, plus leur entente (et plus) est évidente : elle se sent en confiance et pour la première fois de sa vie, va revendiquer l'homme qui la bouleverse plus qu'aucun autre. Elle pourrait être une diva mais elle est loin de tout ça : c'est une belle jeune femme avec de vraies valeurs qui mérite enfin de connaître le bonheur.

Mason, quant à lui, est plus âgé (il a environ 34 ans, plus l'âge de son frère) et a connu une vie difficile avant de s'engager dans l'armée : il a perdu sa mère très tôt, a connu des tas de familles d'accueil et c'est une rencontre qui l'a amené à s'engager et à partir de là, il est devenu un homme bien avec toutes les valeurs que cela suppose (on voit la nette différence entre la France et les USA où l'on rend régulièrement hommage aux soldats, aux vétérans...) Il essaie de résister à son attirance pour Remi mais plus il la découvre, plus il ne peut que succomber et le jour où elle se décide à lui montrer qu'il lui plait et que c'est sérieux, il ne peut que craquer. Mais rien n'est simple dans leur situation puisqu'ils doivent partiellement se cacher afin de ne pas mettre la vie de Remi en danger encore plus et ils attendent qu'Aiden rentre pour le prévenir... C'est à la fois un mâle alpha et en même temps, il est hyper respectueux, tendre avec elle... bref, on ne peut que succomber à son ou ses charmes.

J'adore la famille de Ben, les Dalton -mais aussi leurs compagnons ou compagne puisqu'il n'y a qu'un garçon- rencontrée dans le tome précédent et qui sont donc les amis de Remi et par extension, celle de Mason puisque lui est déjà ami avec Bodhi, le mari de Bridgette. C'est une famille unie, drôle, qui se soutient les uns et leurs autres mais laissent aussi entrevoir des relations hot et sexy entre chaque couple. J'ai adoré le projet qu'ils vont lancer et quand un propose, tous soutiennent (je vous laisse découvrir lequel) J'ai beaucoup aimé aussi Piper, la meilleure amie de Remi, une femme de caractère et qui est pleine d'humour aussi : j'ai déjà hâte de lire son histoire prévue pour avril 2020 et bien, je suis sûre, je craque complètement pour le frère de Remi, Aiden qui a quasi toutes les qualités pour moi ^^ hâte de lire son histoire et l'on se doute avec qui il sera puisqu'on voit les premières bribes de la romance dans ce roman.

Si donc, vous avez envie de lire de vraies romances comme seules les Américaines savent les faire avec des liens vers d'autres romans tout aussi passionnants les uns que les autres, foncez! Vous ne le regretterez pas : chacune peut se lire comme un roman seul (un standalone ^^ ) mais est aussi une porte d'entrée sur un univers et différentes séries. Chaque livre est sexy mais est touchant en même temps et a de vraies valeurs et de vrais messages véhiculés. Je vous le dis, je suis fan de chez fan et n'ai qu'une chose à dire : vivement le prochain! (même si entre deux sp, je lis maintenant les tomes que je ne connais pas des séries que je suis et je compte m'attaquer à la série "Sugar Lake" rapidement.

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Alpha bodyguard? I'm all for it!

I loved both of the characters, Remi and Mason, and the connection between them is wonderful. There's humour and many light hearted moments but also some difficulties and flaws which they both carry. You might think Mason's this big and burly guy, but then we soon discover there's a softer side to him too. He falls hard and fast for her. When he thought he could never fall for anyone. He opens up to her. And I think he's the most sweetest guy ever and definitely someone who Remi needs in her life.

A sweet read with plenty of heat, passion, a little suspense and everlasting love! Worth the read!

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This Is Love will steal your breath! This story will keep you on the edge of your seat, and yelling at the author for things you won't see coming. This Is Love is the second book in the Harmony Pointe series and I loved every single page! If you're looking for a book with romance, comedy, drama and suspense - this is the book you don't want to miss!

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When I met Remi Divine in Call Her Mine, I was beyond excited for her book. This Is Love is exactly what I wanted for her love story. Her hottiguard, Mason, is everything and MORE! I love a book that pairs two people together that's more than fate; they're the missing piece in each others lives. Everything becomes clear, they become whole, it's what they were missing to discover endless happiness. It's the reason I read romance. Remi and Mason are the epic swoon moments, they are magic together. I get all the warm feels, those goosies down your arms, when Melissa Foster tells one heck of a story! Their chemistry is instant, their happiness is infectious, I can't stop smiling.

I love reading Melissa's books for the feel goods. While Remi and Mason have a dangerous and mysterious path to navigate, it never overshadowed their love of family, their search for happiness and their desire for each other. I loved every page of their story, it was all kinds of steamy, the most swoony, and just the best for a feel good read.

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This is Love is the second book in the Harmony Pointe series.
Remi Divine is so much more than the cameras show. As an A list actress she's in demand from everywhere. Her life has taken on a more restricted pace since a stalker threatened her. But she's done with the stifling coverage that doesn't give her a moment to breathe. She knows her brother Aiden loves her but ever since the death of their parents he's taken the protective role to the extreme. When everything comes to a head he finally listens and assigns Mason Swift as her new bodyguard.
Mason is willing to take on the role after Remi manages to elude her two bodyguards and as the owner of the company he feels he can protect her while giving her room to be herself. He's able to see right away she's not what he expected and getting to know the parts that no one sees draws them closer together. And of course that line between professional and personal is blurred and then completely destroyed.
Enjoy the laughter, the soul bearing, the mystery of uncovering the stalker. You're going to see many characters from other series. Although I've not read them so you don't actually feel you're missing out but it certainly may want to pick up the other books after you read this one.

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Remi and Mason OH MY! I absolutely loved them! Another story where there is more than meets they eye to both characters. I loved how Melissa just makes you a part of the story. You feel close to them and like they are your friends and family.
Mason was able to help Remi learn about herself, set boundaries with her fans and relax to enjoy herself more. Remi helps Mason in many ways as well. They were so good together! I could not put this book down I loved every bit of it! This is such a great series and as always you find yourself laughing and feeling all the way through! Enjoy!

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I love switching on my kindle and finding an new story from Melissa Foster as I know I'm going to be completely hooked from the very first page and This is Love was no different.

Remi is a stunning actress who hates her bodyguards but with a stalker on the loose she needs someone to protect her.
Mason owns the security firm in charge of taking care of Remi and when she runs her latest two bodyguards off he steps up to the plate himself.
Fireworks soon start to erupt and maybe neither one is what the other originally thought could true love be in the air?

A cute and sexy story that will capture your heart and I cannot recommend it enough.

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Highly entertaining, action packed, emotional and heart racing adventure filled with dangerous twists and thrilling passion..... was a great read from beginning to end. Really enjoyed this exciting journey!

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The hottieguard and the starlet!!

I've been waiting for Remi's HEA, and this is the perfect one!!

Remi has a stalker. Her brother, Aiden, has her surrounded with protection, but she is so tired of feeling like she's being suffocated in cotton-wool, Aiden has been forced to bring in the big guns since Remi has been ditching her detail.

Mason owns the company Aiden has been using. He thinks he's going to be guarding a spoiled brat, only to discover Remi is so much more than he expected or thought.

Remi is drawn to Mason from her first sight of the hottie who turns out to be her new guard. Mason is tempted by Remi from their first encounter.

Full of feels, fun, passion, drama, suspense, and love. Remi and her 'hottieguard', Mason, are exactly what I was hoping for!

I love that Melissa's bookiverse is filled with strong, independent, loving women who support each other. And the men all cherish them as they are!! And lots of love, family; both by blood & choice; and friendship.

I received a review copy. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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Remi is a major movie star - America’s Sweetheart - in NY to film a movie. Her brother has hired stricter bodyguards to keep her safe - her home in LA was recently broken into by a stalker and he hasn’t yet been caught.

Remi isn’t happy with the bodyguards she’s had - so her brother tells her he will fix it. Naturally her new bodyguard ends up being Mason - the super hot guy she was instantly attracted to and just had an embarrassing encounter with in the hall.

I was into it at that point - but never really felt like we saw their relationship progressing. It was more that we were just told they were both instantly in love but trying to fight it because he’s her bodyguard and it would be wrong. I gave it a while because I kept wanting to feel more of their connection but realized I’m not the right reader for this story and am going to stop reading at 50%.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the free reading copy.

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Melissa Foster did it again! Another great read! Loved it

Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I loved this book!I lived Remi and Mason from the minute they met,just knew they were going to end up together:Remis brother hires body guards for her and she cant stand it,feels shes being suffocated till she meets Mason..He understands her and his main job is to protect her from a stalker.He fights his attraction to her for her safety but as the book progresses they become friends and lovers.Very enjoyable story,another 5 star book by Melissa Foster.

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I absolutely adored this, it’s a great ride ! Two absolutely fantastic lead characters (can I have my own Mason please) a fantastic read, well written, great pacing, just the right amount of tension and angst and of course romance, you won’t want to put it down until you are finished. Fantastic romance

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Mary – ☆☆☆☆☆
4.5 stars

Remi Devine has a stalker and her brother has gotten her a bodyguard. Several actually and she has slipped past them. Now he has hired the owner of the security company, hoping he can keep up with Remi. While Remi is in Harmony Pointe filming her latest movie, she wants to take some time off as soon as filming is over, spend time with her brother and their friends. When she meets the new bodyguard, she is drawn to him in a way that will test both of their limits.

Mason Swift is the man people go to when they need security or protection. His first impression of Remi was that she was a spoiled princess and just needed to be brought down a notch. But what he found was a woman who needed someone that saw the real person. She is a strong, independent woman. And Mason is trying to not lose his heart to her.

Can they catch the stalker before he gets to Remi? Will they be able to keep their feelings hidden until the time is right to share? What will happen when the job is over for Mason?

Remi and Mason are made for each other in a way that makes you wish everyone finds their soul mates. The way he wants to protect her and let her live her life as free as possible is so heartwarming and loving, it makes you swoon. The story is perfect and has you rooting for a happily ever after ending for them.

I love Melissa Foster and look forward to anything she writes, she is an automatic yes author for me in the review group. So, if you haven't read anything of hers yet, you need to now. You will not be disappointed.

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This is the second book in the series, but if you are a Foster fan you will catch familiar characters from other books. You could also read it as a starting point to Foster's work and go back when you want to read more of the goodness!

Actress Remi Divine has a stalker, but she hates having a bodyguard even more. However, her brother calls in Mason to keep her in line as she starts filming a new movie. As you can imagine that does not go down well, but they somehow call a truce, and even become good friends. I really enjoyed being with them on set, and the insight into how it must actually be to switch on and off between scenes. There are hints as to who the stalker may be... and the level of concern cleverly swings from pretty serious to being low key, which works well with regards to tension!

It was fun to see them open up to each other and behave in a very close and friendly way, as well as being strongly attracted to each other. When they visit with Mason's friends and Remi finally gets to have some girlfriend time, we get to see how cut off her life has always been.

I was completely captured by this book and read it late, late into the night and didn't get up in the morning until I had reached the end – this is nothing new for me with a Melissa Foster novel, but I am warning you to make sure you have no other commitments when you start, because it is very difficult to stop reading 'just one more' page.

Mary Jo – ☆☆☆☆
Reading a Melissa Foster book is like a hot fire on a cold night – comforting. This book is no exception.

Remi's stalker won't quit. She's done everything she can, she's even agreed to bodyguards supplied by her brother. She doesn't expect the head of the security agency to become her personal bodyguard, but Mason Swift is taking no chances after Remi keeps ditching her detail.

As the sparks begin to ignite between Remi and Mason, you can feel the heat flowing off the page, which to me is a sign of a great romance.

I really adored this book and I can't wait for the next book in this series.

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Reviewed on behalf of KindleFriendsForever

This is my second book by this author, a contemporary romance that reminds me a lot of that movie The Bodyguard. But I must tell you that this book’s main characters have more chemistry than a science lab and it’s off the charts!

Remi Divine is a famous actress who is at the peak of her career. Her life is almost perfect: adoring fans, protective older brother but she has a stalker and she needs twenty-four-seven protection. Feeling hemmed in, she'd created problems with her previous bodyguards and when her latest one turns out to be the guy who caught her eye at a party, life suddenly becomes more interesting.

Mason Swift owns a security company and decided to take up the job of protecting the famous Remi Divine. She turns out to be more than a handful and the more he got to know her the more he becomes intrigued.

Even though there are a lot of secondary characters from previous books/series and I felt like the last one to arrive at a family party, I really enjoyed reading this book. The writing style is excellent and fast-paced, riveting with an element of suspense. Mason’s brooding but protective persona is fascinating not to mention he is a total hottie with a good sense of humour, a dirty-talker, can be intense at times but is also a kind soul. This man is perfect, holy molly!

Remi at the age of twenty-five is still unattached and is always under her brother’s protective wings. Given their family history, you can’t blame her older brother Aiden from being too alpha at most times. I love the close relationship between the two siblings even though there is a twelve-year gap between them. I get the feeling that Aiden is going to have his own book in the near future, I sure hope so.

This book was a quick read for me because I couldn’t put it down. All throughout the story, Remi’s stalker is the lingering shadow that made me worry that something bad was about to happen but as the author wrote a tight plotline, I never even guessed who the stalker was until at the very end.

The banter between Remi and Mason was entertaining, but what I love most about this couple is their end goal and the way they pursued their dream of creating the project that meant a lot to both of them. It feels great when reading a book about a couple who actually talk and not get bogged down by miscommunication, two grown-ups who tackle their issues head-on and find their happy ending without the over-the-top drama. And yes, the book cover is gorgeous, absolutely Mason to a T!

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I was so excited for Remi's book and it definitely did not disappoint. Remi is an actress and has not acquired a stalker and her brother insists has a bodyguard with her at all times and Remi hates it. Mason is Remi's newest bodyguard, he sees Remi as a person not just a job. The more time Remi and Mason spend together the closer they get and the more they fight their feelings. I absolutely loved this story and as always i enjoyed all of the characters

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I have read a few Melissa Foster books in the past, and enjoyed them. This Is Love, however, wasn't one of my favorites.

This is the second book in a series, and I have not read the other. I don't know if it would have made a difference. I just thought that Remi and Mason were a bit boring. The older bodyguard/young actress pairing had potential, and the story is easy to read... there just wasn't anything about it that really called out to me.

Unfortunately, this one was a bust. I received an advanced copy and voluntarily left a review.

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This Is Love is the second book in the Harmony Pointe series by Melissa Foster. While this is the second book in a series, and related to previous series, it can be enjoyed as a stand alone. Although, long time Foster readers will get more out of the references and cameos to those from prior books.

Actress Remi Divine is sick of bodyguards, sick of stalkers, and sick of feeling like she is always under a microscope. But this movie star isn’t helpless by any means. She’s got a rebellious streak, and she knows how to use it. First order of business: getting rid of the overbearing bodyguards who are sticking to her like glue. Mason Swift has made protecting others his life, and when Remi ditches his two best men, he takes over and gives it everything he has. Having grown up in the foster-care system, and as a former special operative, he knows all the tricks. Nothing gets by him, especially not gorgeous, sneaky Remi. He thinks she’s a diva. She thinks he’s arrogant. But when sparks turn to flames and their walls come down, their true hearts are revealed, and their connection is unstoppable. And when tragedy strikes, Remi realizes that being protected isn’t the worst thing in the world—but losing Mason just might be.

This Is Love is a slow burn romance with misunderstanding, misassumptions, and honor slowing the couple's connection. I loved getting to know Remi and Mason as they got to know each other. The mystery and suspense elements regarding the stalker were very well done. I felt like the experiences and emotions involved were very realistically portrayed, and while at one point I was practically holding my breath waiting for the other shoe to drop I was still surprised by the details. The amount of heart and character development is amazing, but will come to no surprise to returning readers. I enjoy that every character, even secondary characters, clearly have a story. They are not fillers or placeholders to keep things moving but rather built up to be just as real as the main players. I also enjoyed seeing characters from previous series pop up in conversation and get an understanding of how their live continued even after their books ended.

This Is Love is another great story from Foster, with complex characters that stay with readers long after the book has ended. It is a must read for fans.

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