Member Reviews

I love a romance and this was perfection! A great well written book with great chemistry and was such a cosy read!

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I really enjoy reading Mandy Baggot’s books, but this one wasn’t one of my favourites of hers. It took me a while to get into the book and took longer than normal to read. I enjoyed the story of the Civic Centre, but the characters were a little frustrating and it took a while for the book to ‘get going’ for me. It wasn’t seasonal at all as I waited until Christmas time to read it, more of a winter seasonal read.

It won’t put me off reading more of Mandy’s books, roll on the next one! Thank you for accepting my request for an honest review.

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I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. I liked the characters in this book but the storyline fell flat for me and was too predictable.

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[Thanks Netgalley for the ebook. This review is my honest opinion but just another opinion, you should read this book and judge it by yourself]

Mi opinión es minoritaria, viendo que el libro no tiene mal rating, pero de verdad que yo no le he visto nada que lo haga atractivo, ha sido un suplicio leerlo de principio a fin. No he conectado nada en absoluto con la protagonista, por la que podía tener cierta simpatía por sus ataques de pánico, pero que me ha acabado pareciendo una boba egoísta. Su hermana, peor, insoportable por completo.
Lo mejor es el maromo, que es un amor, pero no tiene espacio para brillar, la relación amorosa está en un segundo plano y lo que más importa es la protagonista y su amor por el edificio en el que trabaja (ya van dos libros que me dan en Netgalley con un edificio que tiene más protagonismo que el maromo, qué ojo tengo).
Por supuesto, no hay guarrerismos en página y el amor entre la pareja protagonista es mñe.
Nada, que no ha habido feeling entre este libro y yo. A otra cosa, mariposa.

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Samantha Smith works at Civic Hall. Her job is her life. She does not go out, she has no desire to meet a man and she lives with her sister. She also has panic attacks every time she feels she is under pressure which has her hyperventilating and laughing in a high pitched, hysterical way. When the ice show is booked for Civic Hall, she meets the star of Skating on Broadway, Jimmy Lloyd. She is immediately attracted to him, but refuses to accept those feelings. As she and Jimmy get to know each other, he asks her to be his guinea pig by allowing him to teach her how to skate. He wants to retire from the show circuit and become a coach. Of course the more time they spend together, the closer they become. All is not rosy, as the council is considering closing and selling Civic Hall. Samantha doesn't know what she will do if that happens.

This was a fun romance, but it also dealt with some serious issues. I loved both Jimmy's and Samantha's characters, but I can't say the same about some of the others. Samantha's sister, Cleo, is not very nice to her. She doesn't believe things she tells her, she bullies her somewhat and doesn't give her credit for what she does or has accomplished. Her workmates and boss take advantage of her easygoing nature and dedication to the Hall. I loved the addition of Gobby cat, the stray Samantha fed at work. It showed her compassion and caring nature. The characters were real and dealing with authentic problems, such as anxiety, addiction, jealousy and finding one's place. The romance was fun, and I enjoyed seeing it develop. Of course this story is not without angst, but you will have to read it to find out about that. I had one issue with this book and that was how quickly Samantha came to grips with her anxiety and reactions to it. I read this with my Christmas reads and felt that it could be read anytime. Besides the ice skating, there wasn't a lot of seasonal content. A sweet romance that I enjoyed.

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I really enjoy Mandy Baggott books and realised it had been way too long so I picked up this one as it was from back in 2019. I have read a fair few crime and thrillers so I needed something a little more light hearted. Samantha Smith is a pretty neurotic, socially challenged and complex character but for some reason one I liked a lot almost from the get go. She works as a box-office assistant for the Civic Hall and takes her job very seriously (like she does with most of her life). 

The Civic Centre is hosting a show with the celebrity lead skater Jimmy Lloyd. Of course Samantha's interests only seem to stretch as far as her beloved job so when their is the threat of the Centre closing she goes to pieces. The other character in this story other than Sam and Jimmy is Sam's sister Cleo. Cleo is everything that Sam isn't and is actually a decent balancing character for the book. 

This isn't one of my absolute favoruites by this author but was certainly a really good book that I thoroughloy enjoyed. It's light-hearted and funny and such an easy read. I have yet to be dissapointed by any of Mandy Baggott's and this is no exception.

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“Sometimes in life you get given this amazing opportunity to try and make something good happen out of something bad. And, even if it doesn’t work, you’ll know you had the courage to stand for something you believe in and you’ll know you have it everything you had to give.”

Samantha Smith liked order and predictability in every area of her life. She worked at the same place for years, wore the same outfits, ate the same meals, and never ventured outside of her comfort zone. She was very different from her sister, Cleo and every other girl she ever met.

That was until she met Jimmy Lloyd, professional figure skater and lead performer in the latest show at Civic Hall. Her panic attacks and quarks didn’t run him off, in fact they drew him in and she found herself trying things she never would have before.

In One Night on Ice, both Jimmy and Sams’ lives get turned upside down in the span of a few weeks. Sam has to fight to save the Hall from being closed, and Jimmy has to fight to protect his reputation, and his place in the show. Throw in some crazy co workers, some blindfolded figure skating and a stray cat named Gobby and Jimmy and Sam have their work cut out for them.

I have read a few other books by Mandy Baggot and always enjoy them. The characters are never perfect, but you find something enduring and lovable about them anyways. They are such a fun, quick read, and One Night on Ice was no different.

Thank you Netgalley and Aria for the eARC to read and provide and honest review.

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I normally love books with a Winter theme and although this was a lighthearted read I felt that it was a little farfetched at times hence only giving it 3 stars. I feel that the panic attacks could have been described more effectively and although I liked the main character Samantha and the happy ending, the book felt a little flat in comparison to the countless others that I've read over the past few years.

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Sam works at a civic hall in London and is very shy and routine driven, sounds like she it's on the autism scale, so when the gorgeous ice skater Jimmy is the main attraction at the civic hall she is taken right out of her comfort zone. Jimmy from the start sees something in Sam and sees past her embarrassing panic attacks, where she laughs hysterically, and wants to help her and give her confidence especially when her beloved civic hall is under the threat of closure, but can he really be interested in someone like her?

A lovely story quite slow burning but great to see the way Sam gradually grows in confidence and forces herself out if her comfort zone, no thanks to her egotistical selfish sister Chloe who thinks Sam is fantasizing and making up stories about Jimmy

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A heart capturing read that comes to life in front of your eyes. Fantastically written, laugh out loud and so romantic. A perfect addition to Mandy Baggot's repertoire!

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A cute chick-lit about two unlikely people who meet and fall in love. The ending is super cheesy but I liked how everything worked out perfectly for Sam and Jimmy.

My main problem with the novel was the characters. Cleo was mean, insensitive, self-centered and overall an unlikeable person. Cleo had a Yorkshire Terrier killed because it bit her and she claimed it was vicious. This was just the final icing on the cake for Cleo’s cold-heartedness. I liked reading about Sams transformation as she develops more confidence and self-worth but her panic disorder didn’t feel real. I’m not an expert on panic disorder by any means but she to recover far too quickly after one.

There were some comedic moments that brought a smile to my face. Not a full-fledged chuckle or smirk, just a partial smile.

Thank you to Netgalley for this novel.

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Aww, Samantha is such a timid little mouse that I just wanted to scoop her up and give her a cuddle. She really suffers with anxiety and is a sweet little soul who really finds is hard to cope with everyday life, unless she's in her comfort zone. But when Jimmy and other events conspire to yank her out of the familiar and the safe, instead of falling apart, she finds grit and determination that she didn't know she had.

I was rooting for her every step of the way, and really, really hoping she'd get her happy ever after.

A sweet, funny, poignant story that you won't want to put down.

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Dreams do come true!
I am a huge Mandy Baggot fan and this book didn't disappoint. It tells the story of Samantha Smith who works in an old fashioned theatre/civic centre in London and her foibles and obsession with routines.
She comes across as an introvert who keeps herself to herself and lives for her job but is whisked off her feet by a handsome visiting ice skater.
Their romance progresses slowly with several cracks in the ice along the way keeping the reader with everything crossed hoping they get together in the end.
There are some lovely descriptions of the civic centre and the auditorium that conjure up a nostalgic feeling of actually being at the performances every night, with several laugh-out-loud moments and lots of romance.
A feel good easy to read tale.

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This book was a brilliant read and one that is perfect to escape for a few hours and loose yourself.
Characters that fall out of the pages of the book and make you fell apart of the story, the setting comes alive and captured is well with words.
A great read. that I would highly recommend.

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I have to be honest, I really didn't like this book. I found the characters extremely difficult to relate to and although at the beginning Samantha seemed quirky, towards the end it was just neurotic. There was some good humour at parts though and I did like the cover.

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I loved this book! It was light, easy reading with a strong storyline but sometimes this is just what you need.
Samantha works at the Civic Hall as ticket seller and general help. A character full of issues!
When the civic Hall puts on a ice skating show we meet Jimmy Lloyd a famous skater, again with issues!
The book concerns their story and how they help each other, as well as Samantha having to battle to save the Civic Hall. The story was very humorous at times and extremely enjoyable- pure escapism!
Thank you to Netgalley, Aria and Mandy Baggot for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review

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Just could not work up the courage to continue.

Liked the cover, though. I'll stare at that some more.

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I like this one, but I had a hard time connecting with the characters, so it dragged out a little for me. Overall though it wasn't bad, but I didn't LOVE it either.

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I really enjoyed this book. Samantha suffers with anxiety issues and she leads a very sheltered life, with her job at the Civic Hall. When they are hosting the ice show she meets the lead skater and unusually feels an instant attraction. They develop a friendship whilst dealing with the threatened closure of the Hall. I loved their relationship and the way he drew her out of her shell and gained her confidence.
I grew to love the Hall and was willing it to be saved. I also enjoyed the ice show- especially with the return of Dancing on Ice this week. I could just picture the routines under the show lights and imagine the atmosphere in the audience.
A great book that just wouldn't let me put it down. I just had to keep reading.

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One Night On Ice by Mandy Baggot is a solid three and half star read that will have you chuckling and smiling at some parts and shaking your heads at others. While this book was a quick and easy winter read I didn't necessarily enjoy some of the subplots and the characters. It seemed like the author was going for quirky but jumped right to neurotic and zany, which got on my nerves. I'll definitely have to try another Mandy Baggot book before making my final decision on her writing style.
Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me an arc for an honest review

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