Member Reviews

★★★★ ☐ The publisher has provided a copy for review
If you're tied in knots from sitting at your WFH desk all day, it's time to read this. If you're an athlete who is wound tight, read this. With illustrations and applications from nature, Doto offers the why and how of relaxing your body with clear instructions and illustrated stretches.
Cmon, get up and reach reach reach for the book now.

This book offers a good overview of 60 stretching exercises for the entire body, organized by target area and including tips on how to increase the stretches, safety tips, etc. Each stretch is illustrated, and I liked that the book had drawings rather than photos, as it makes it easier to see what muscles are being targeted. There are also sections with suggested stretches for various work and sports related activities, and stretches to help deal with aches and pains. A good resource for anyone!
#ThePowerofStretching #NetGalley

The Power of Stretching by complementary medicine enthusiast, yoga guru and wellness advocate Bob Doto is about as self-explanatory and eponymous as a book can be, and most of us are fully aware of the importance of looking after our muscles. The book starts off with a necessary and solid foundation by setting out simultaneously concise and in-depth/comprehensive information on why we stretch and why it feels as good as it often does, the basic anatomy of stretching, the proven benefits of stretching, general guidelines for performing stretches and a plethora of hints and tips to enable you to perform a stretch to its full potential.
What I particularly liked about this book is that it doesn't cater to merely a certain audience or demographic as everyone can participate in these stretching exercises regardless of age, fitness level or disability. There are many days due to diagnosed illnesses I can be almost completely immobile but I am still able to feel I am at least making some daily movement due to this book and others like it.
It features over 60 different stretches that cover from the head right down to the toes, are explained in easy step-by-step instructions accompanied by gorgeous complementary images and layman's terms are generally used throughout the entirety of the text with any necessary explanation’s being done in straightforward to comprehend definitions. It’s very easy to understate the benefits a book such as this can have, but I know that I have beyond a shadow of a doubt seen changes in my body during my time using these exercises. They are quick, effective and, best of all, free; you need to spend a big fat zero in order to partake in these wondrous treatments.
Overall, this is an accessible, user-friendly and informative guide to stretching, and despite not usually being the biggest fan of the colour pink I loved the structure and layout of everything so much that I have purchased a copy for myself refer to. Highly recommended. Many thanks to Quarto Publishing Group - Fair Winds Press for an ARC.

This book I highly recommend for anyone that needs to improve upon their stretching routine . The author starts with stretches for each area of the body that are easy and simple to follow. For those of us with disabilities and impairments there is even simple stretches for us to try sitting down . I enjoyed this book and recommend it.
Thank you to the publisher and to Net Galley for the opportunity.
My review opinion is my own.
It is nicely formatted and easy to follow as well as a enjoyable addition to your self care routine.

This book is easy to use because it separates the exercises into stretches for each part of the body. Drawings are shown for each stretch as well as the steps being listed in the order to do them correctly. If you have a disease or symptom you need to treat, this book will serve you well as it shows stretches recommended for many common ailments.

Interesting book. Something that I needed. The stretches are mostly easy and doable. I think I will try and keep this up.

Clear, concise instruction on how to stretch your whole body. Each stretch is accompagnied by a line drawing showing the direction of the stretch and the muscle(s) involved. Although I knew a fair number of the stretches already, it was good to recap their individual benefits. Chapter one is an introduction to stretching with all terms explained, chapter two describes all stretches, grouped into body regions. Chapter three recommends sets of stretches for specific purposes, like driving long distance. There’s even a part on how to combat certain aches and pains.
Apart from stretch #7 not having been given a name, this tidy little book gets full marks from me.

A very easy to use, accessible and concise book explaining the benefits of stretching.
Over 60 stretches divided by different areas of the body are described in a step-by-step way with the help of clear illustrations.
I also found very helpful that stretches are suggested for different activities, such as sitting all day, standing or walking and also by sport practised.
A well researched book that could be used as a reference.

This is a great book for anyone interested in stretching. It is a concise yet informative book full of illustrations of each of the stretches. The layout of the book was great and easy to follow. I enjoyed how first we learn about stretches categorized by body part and later they are broken down into various categories such as stretches if you stand all day, if you're stress, if you sit all day and so on. Definitely recommend. Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Fair Winds Press for an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

This is a good, easy-to-use book that walks you through simple stretches for all parts of the body. Illustrations and steps are provided for all kinds of stretches grouped by area of the body, and then specific stretches are recommended for a wide variety of needs (dealing with headaches, relieving aches from many different kinds of sports and exercise, relieving stress, etc.). Very easy to use. Especially recommended for those who are looking for specific types of stretches for injuries and issues.
I read a temporary digital ARC of this book for the purpose of review.

The Power of Stretching by Bob Doto is a simple, easy to follow guide for stretching. It starts simply with eyes and ears and rounds out with triceps to hamstrings. It is a quick guide that one can get through in no time at all and after an introduction on the how's and whys of stretching, it goes through muscle group to muscle group with diagrams. I was able to flip through the pages while following along with the stretches. I particularly enjoyed the closing chapters on activity stretches: i.e. stretching for particular sport activities such as skiing or hiking. He also includes stretching for some of todays activities that we would not think of such as texting. My thumbs appreciated that! All in all, this is similar to a poster one would hang to follow along with but in book format. I found it useful and give many thanks to Fair Winds Press and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was curious about this book since I’ve recently acquired a standing desk station at work and am looking to incorporate more stretches. As Bob states, ‘this is a book for everyone currently existing in a body’. I really liked the layout, design, and soft-color scheme; overall an inviting and calming book. I thought it was a great ‘basic’ book – just enough information to be able to retain, and simplified drawings that make an impression. It’s also a great reminder to stretch everyday for health and well-being. I’ve also never consciously thought about stretching my eyes, and ears. While I enjoy being active in running and lifting weights, after breaking my foot (on black ice of all things), I’ve been incredibly slow to pick up my normal pace, even after a couple of years. This book has encouraged me to start thinking about getting back into fitness with the appropriate stretching techniques.

I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.
This book is full of useful and easy to follow information on stretching and how to stretch for certain aches and pains. I found this very helpful as I suffer from Sciatica and have stretches to do already but I found some different ones from this book to do too. The book also suggests which stretches are good for thongs such as if you have a job where you sit down alot of your day, or drive alot of your day, and for sports such as skiing and surfing.
I found it a very helpful book that i will be referring to again and again.

Very interesting and informative guide on the power of stretching which i wholeheartedly recommend for those with particular aches and pains like me!

This is an excellent well thought out book that will give you all the information you need to get the benefits of stretching for all the key areas of the body. There is no unnecessary waffle, the book is concise and the illustrations are brilliant. You can access the right stretch for any part of te body or for any ailment, with ease. The instructions are so well written that you will understand exactly what you are doing and how to execute the stretch to maximum benefit. A brilliant little book that would be useful for almost everyone.

A beautiful book with very good illustrations and explanations, this is for those who like the stretches in Yoga, but not the rest of the system.
While other books start with the biggest and most visual stretches, this one goes from the top and down, and while this is logical in itself, it's also very practical in our life today. We tend to use our heads more than our legs.
The last chapter is organized by practical needs, and it's very clever, as you can find what you need very fast.
A book to keep close all the time.