Member Reviews

The Extraordinary Hope of Dawn Brightside by Jessica Ryn - publish date 20 may 2020
A sincere thank you to the publisher, author and Netgalley for providing me an ebook copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.
This is not my usual genre, I’m more of a crime/thriller reader however this story intrigued me. I absolutely loved it, truly one of the best books I have read. I am extremely pleased and grateful to both for opening up my mind to something totally different.
I won’t say much without revealing too much of the magic held within these pages. It is a story of strength and resilience; hope out of despair; and triumph over obstacles. It’s such a current issue just now with all the media coverage of mental health issues and how they contribute to such a massive homeless issue too.
I absolutely loved Dawn Brightside and wished that I knew her after travelling with her along her journey of courage, self discovery and in regaining her autonomy. Moreover how her presence changes all the lives around her. As I’ve said I won’t post any spoilers but I can not recommend this book highly enough. 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

I absolutely loved this book. I'm not sure how many times I was reduced to tears but that's a good sign for me! I would give it six stars if I could.
Dawn Elizabeth Brightside did not have an easy beginning. Her beloved father disappeared when she was a child and her mother - well let's just say she wasn't the best. Then something happened and Dawn has been running for 22 years. In fact the exact time since her daughter Rosie was born. We don't know why she's been running all this time but the reasons why are revealed bit by bit.
The story really begins when Dawn is accepted into St Jude's hostel for the homeless in Dover. St Jude's is run by Grace (half of the story is seen from her point of view) and Peter, an ex-service user himself. Then there is Cara, whom Dawn befriends, trying to get off drugs so she can be reunited with her twins, Jack, in care and then prison but trying to turn his life around once and for all, Teardrop Terry and a host of others, living in the hostel or on the streets. Everyone has a backstory, most are heart-wrenching.
But Dawn is full of hope and blessed with a vivid imagination. How can she and Grace and the others save St Jude's when funding is withdrawn and the hostel is faced with closure? This is a book filled with sadness, but more than anything it's filled with love and of course extraordinary hope.
Many thanks to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

In these dark days of 2020 where many of us sit confined to our homes watching the Covid 19 news on our TV screens every night you need something in your life to help counter the fear, the depression, the isolation.
Meet Dawn Elizabeth Brightside. She has been running from her past for the last twenty two years. When she is offered a place at St Jude’s Hostel for the Homeless in Dover she has finally found a place where she can be herself and make sure that everyone else there is looked after as well.
Grace runs St Jude’s and has been battling with budget cuts for the last few years. The thought of having to reduce her services or even to close it completely just breaks her heart. This is a beautiful story that doesn’t shy away from some pretty dark subjects including mental illness, homelessness, post natal depression, addiction and alcoholism. Even so this is a book that exudes warm and joy and indeed extraordinary hope. It truly is a tonic for the soul.
Dawn has nothing and no-one, but a ready smile and a willingness to help see her winning friends and becoming a central figure at St Jude’s. Told with such compassion and empathy it feels like Jessica Ryn has real experience of this emotive and often controversial subject. Shut yourself off from the world outside, be prepared to laugh and to cry and then marvel at the triumph of love and hope over an impossible darkness.
Supplied by HQ and Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.
UK Publication Date: May 28 2020. 400 pages.

Okay, so I have to officially say, I am in love with this book.
I was lucky enough to win an advance copy from HQ Stories, as well as approved for a NetGalley copy, and I am so grateful to them for choosing me as a winner because this book was just AMAZING!
Through quite a light-hearted way, author Jessica Ryn tackles some pretty HUGE issues, such as mental health, postnatal and homelessness, and more.
It is told from the perspective of two women.
Dawn Brightside, our main character, who is homeless, and running from someone, has been for a long time, yet has the positivity of Little Miss Sunshine. All she wants to do is help others. And find her daughter, Rosie.
Then there is Grace Jennings, manager of St Judes, a hostel for the homeless that is on the brink of having funding pulled.
Both have led hard lives in their own ways.
Both want to help others.
Both would be devastated if St Judes closed.
I don't quite know how much to say, without giving away spoilers, but I was totally immersed in the story, pretty much immediately.
I giggled at points, and honestly, felt tears pricking at others. Life, love, relationships - all covered.
A simply magnificent debut from this author, who I will definitely want to read more from!

A truly moving story of the power of hope.In these times when many people are homeless or not far from it, this book is a reminder about how love, perseverance and hope can win through. Beautifully written and we worth reading

You’re going to need a whole box of tissues for this one. I don’t think I’ve cried so much at a book since I read Our Song by Dani Atkins. It’s not all sadness though, there is much to smile about too.
I don’t want to say too much about the story as I would hate to give anything away, it’s one you need to read yourself and let the story unfold in front of you as you read.
Basically the plot centres around St Jude’s Hostel for the Homeless in Dover. A refuge where the homeless can turn, not just for a roof over their head and a bed for the night but where the staff offer a listening ear, a helping hand and do their best to support those whose life hasn’t gone well thus far and get them back on their feet.
So many current issues are covered in this book; how cuts to services, including homeless hostels affect already vulnerable people, mental health, addiction, and family break ups. It’s far from doom and gloom though, and is told mostly in a lighthearted way, with lots of humour throughout. But there are also deeper tragedies that unfold further along which are truly heartbreaking.
All the characters are so well drawn. Whilst Dawn Brightside is the central character, everyone at St Jude’s has their own story to tell. Yet despite their circumstances, there is so much warmth surrounding the narrative. They’re all ready to help each other out in any way they can, supporting and looking out for each other.
As I said at the beginning there are some very poignant parts in the book and it does get very emotional. All the situations that both those living at the hostel and working there too are very real life situations that anyone could find themselves in and it is this that makes for a teary read. You just know there are real people out there that have lived this.
The underlying theme is an important one. It is said we’re all only a couple of pay cheques away from falling on hard times. Many that find themselves homeless, especially under our current political climate are in that situation for a myriad of reasons. So the message is don’t judge, show a little kindness. A kind word, a listening ear, even a smile in the direction of someone down on their luck can make all the difference to their day, if not their life.
Once I reached the end I genuinely missed reading it, there was such a positive vibe about it, where no problem couldn’t be overcome one way or another that it just lifted my days while reading. A lovely warm hug of a book that everyone should read including the folk at the DWP.

From the beginning of this book we know that something terrible has and is happening to Dawn.
We know that she is not always truthful or indeed in the real world but we like her.
Then things change when she gains a place in a shelter and then the fun starts, Dawn takes control of what she can and shows what she is capable of.
I cried, an unlikely heroine but a real one.

I absolutely loved this, it’s an absolutely wonderful book. It’s told with compassion, humour and empathy, it deals with homelessness and mental health issues with sensitivity and it’s eye opening and scarily close for most people how easily they could become homeless. A real insight that is thought provoking and poignant, but isn’t depressing it brings the hope and friendship to the fore. Highly recommended
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

“..most of us are only three steps away from homelessness.”
(The Extraordinary Hope of Dawn Brightside)
The truth of this quote is evident from many charity organisations who provide both short-term and long-term help to people who find themselves either homeless or impoverished. Many people who walk through their doors have had their home and family taken from them due to life events. This debut book by Jessica Rya gives the reader an insight into many of the problems faced by the homeless.
The story follows the main character, Dawn, who despite her struggles with her past, always sees the bright side of life. The book tells Dawn’s story, which is both emotional and inspiring. The other characters in the novel provide readers with a greater understanding of the effects of homelessness. Reminding us that while many homeless people turn to alcohol, drugs, or crime to survive, they are simply trying to get by, something many of us take for granted.
Whilst ‘The Extraordinary Hope of Dawn Brightside’ gives the reader an insight into many of the problems that can lead to homelessness and what it might be like to be homeless, it also tells a story of friendship and hope. This will pull at the heartstrings and leave you feeling uplifted. Jessica’s writing enables the reader to visualise the characters and scenery. The Extraordinary Hope of Dawn Brightside is a must read that will leave you feeling satisfied and thankful.
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely loved this book. I felt as if I was living Dawn's struggle with her. Putting aside her own issues with homelessness and Mental Health, she sets about trying to save her new home at St Jude's with the help of the fascinating residents and staff, each one fighting their own demons.
The whole story is told with compassion and humour and I fell in love with all the characters. Yes there are many moments of sadness but with hope, friendship and trust, these were overcome. Well done for bringing these (sadly increasing) sensitive issues to the fore.

This is a perfectly positive debut book.
Dawn Brightside is a character that is relatable and real and her story is one that could happen to so many people.
A woman left homeless with no-one to turn to, who still manages to smile and provide others with such necessary guidance and comfort, rebuilding her life one step at a time.
She is as the title suggests, extraordinary.
Filled with hope, this is a novel that makes you stop and think about others around you. To consider the struggles which they may be facing and the idea that the problems they face might not be of their making.
By the end of this tale I was left with a heartwarming feeling and a smile on my face.
I'd quite like to see another book with Dawn included in it to see how her life progresses.

This was a lovely book, both thought provoking and poignant. A real insight into homelessness done with gentle humour and insight. Very enjoyable, thank you.

A wonderful, enlightening and thought provoking read that tackles the sensitive topics of homelessness ,mental health issues and post natal depression in a manner that draws the reader in without being depressing!
St Judes is a homeless hostel on the coast and is run by Grace the Manager and Peter- who was once a service user. There are various service users all with their own issues and back stories as well as some of the homeless people living outside the centre who are on the waiting list for limited places. The story also tackles what could happen to people when funding is threatened and how the people go about raising funds.
This is a wonderful story of of hope, friendship, support, love, as well as looking at homelessness from the angle of the people who find themselves in this situation and how they can be helped [ if wanted] to move on with their lives.
There are back stories of each of the people and you get a real sense of who they are and how they came to be at that point in their lives.
This book shows that any one of us could end up in the situations the people of St Judes find themselves in and how vital these services are.
This is a wonderful book and I would recommend everyone to read it

Intriguing - I read this with the speed and ease of a lightweight chick lit piece, but it selves into some really heavyweight social issues including homelessness and mental health issues. And a happy ending. Very accessible.

A really uplifting novel with being overally sweet. Dawn homeless with such a tragic history, Jack fighting back from a terrible start in life, Peter who was so damaged by a terrifying experience and Grace a girl with an amazing heart all fill the pages with a believable tale of love, repair and recovery. Well written with honesty and a clear direction.

I loved this book. I think character was spot on and could really relate to them. Loved the setting, the plot and couldn’t put the book down. A must read book.

A great read, which was quite emotional at times.
Told from the point of view of Dawn and Grace, and with a range of interesting characters.

I have to say that it took me a little while to get into this book, but once I did I couldn't put it down. The story slowly builds up . It is very believable and well told. I`ll definately look out for more from this writer

What a lovely, life-affirming read this was!
There are quite a few books around dealing with the emotional, material and personal development of Female Characters With A Past at the moment but this one stands out. The author’s obvious knowledge and experience in the area of homelessness gives it a weight and impact that in less knowledgeable hands could have come across as trite.
One or two genuine shocks in the novel, which I won’t give away in a review, so don’t expect a sanitised version of life on the streets and in hostels. There’s an enduring optimism to go along with that, however, without being annoyingly cheerful.
One or two plot twists seemed a bit....fortuitous, which made those sections seem a tad rushed. But then again, why shouldn’t life sometimes give you what you need rather than what you think you need?
Thank you for the opportunity to advance read this book, I find myself wondering what some of the characters are doing now!

An amazing emotional rollercoaster read. Felt it all, just Beautiful. Will be looking out for more from Jessica.