Member Reviews

Due to a sudden, unexpected passing in the family a few years ago and another more recently and my subsequent (mental) health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for several years after the bereavements. This meant I didn't read or venture onto netgalley for years as not only did it remind me of that person as they shared my passion for reading, but I also struggled to maintain interest in anything due to overwhelming depression. I was therefore unable to download this title in time and so I couldn't give a review as it wasn't successfully acquired before it was archived. The second issue that has happened with some of my other books is that I had them downloaded to one particular device and said device is now defunct, so I have no access to those books anymore, sadly.
This means I can't leave an accurate reflection of my feelings towards the book as I am unable to read it now and so I am leaving a message of explanation instead. I am now back to reading and reviewing full time as once considerable time had passed I have found that books have been helping me significantly in terms of my mindset and mental health - this was after having no interest in anything for quite a number of years after the passings. Anything requested and approved will be read and a review written and posted to Amazon (where I am a Hall of Famer & Top Reviewer), Goodreads (where I have several thousand friends and the same amount who follow my reviews) and Waterstones (or Barnes & Noble if the publisher is American based). Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for the inconvenience.

Unfortunately, had to DNF this book. There were too many characters to keep track of and it just did not keep my. attention. Not for me but hopefully others enjoyed it!

A great, thrilling read, which will keep you entertained throughout. A good one sitting read, get the nibbles ready, close the door, and read!

Unfortunately I had to DNF this book at 20%. I don’t think I’ve ever been this confused so early on in a thriller. As soon as I got to 15% I became really confused. I tried to keep reading, but unfortunately it just wasn’t for me.

Great read! Looking forward to reading more from this author! I highly recommend this book and author to all!

Thanks to Netgalley for sending me the ARC! I liked this story. It was a solid read but didn't keep me interested the entire time. There were some slow holes in the story. I rate this story a 2.8

I had mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand I was quite gripped but on the other hand, it was disjointed and the two plots running alongside each other felt a bit much at times. I didn't guess the perpetrators until just before they were both revealed.

A truly awful series of events leads a mother to question everything she’s believed about her own life. A chilling reminder of how easily manipulated a person can be.

I Choose You wasn't the right book for me. Featuring several different storylines and 3 timeframes, the plot was all over the place and, at times hard to follow. I don't think the reader is meant to like any of the characters, but all 3 main adult characters made me shake me head.
I will admit that the big reveal at the end was a surprise to me, but I felt really uninvested in the story and characters by the time it all got wrapped up.
Reader warning: there are several sensitive topics in this book including miscarriage, abuse, parent death, child death, and suicide.
Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

What a dreadful book. This was just so busy that it was impossible to know what was happening.
I DNFed just over half way through

I Choose You by Gayle Curtis is about Elise and Nathaniel whose mothers were manipulated into committing suicide by an evil murderer who had been dubbed “The Watcher” thirty years prior. They are now married with children and have been doing fairly well. However, when their daughter is murdered, they wonder if The Watcher is back and if it’s the same person who was responsible for their mother’s deaths. As expected, the murder of their daughter has had a major influence on Elise and Nathaniel’s relationship.
While the novel is well-written, and includes interesting (albeit a few non-plausible) scenarios, as well as building suspense, it may not be enough to keep every reader’s interest. The characters aren’t particularly likeable, and their relationships tend to be forced and phony. Elise and Nathaniel don’t have a very good marriage, and the supporting characters aren’t very exciting. Many readers will find that because they can’t relate to the characters, the novel will drag, and the readers won’t really care what happens to them. Even though the novel contains all the elements of a good thriller: building suspense, a murder or two, and unique characters, there is something about it that doesn’t capture interest.
This novel really wasn’t personally enjoyable, and even though the murderer wasn’t revealed until the dénouement, it wasn’t exciting. Some readers will love the novel, but there are dozens, maybe hundreds, of better ones out there. Unless readers are bored and have no choice but to read this novel, they may want to choose something else.
Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

Elise and Nathanial are shattered over their daughter, Ida’s, murder and want to know why she was killed. Their are a bunch of suicides happening but the police looking into them think they could be murder. Is Ida a victim of this Suicide Watcher who is committing all of the suicide/murders? Weird, disjointed, hard to follow. But if you stick with it there are some different twists, and some plot points that are a bit over the top. After reading the premise for this book it was not what I had expected, or hoped for.
Thank you NetGalley, Gayle Curtis and Thomas & Mercer for this edition and hearing my honest review. Looking forward to reading more with you

A very interesting start to the book, but the story became quite lame as it went on. The story didn't follow through properly and jumps from one thing to another. Although I got into the book right at the beginning, but I was getting quite bored towards the middle.
The characters were not described enough for me to like them or bond with them and as the story went on I became more confused about them and their personalities. I found Ida's mum and dad's relationship quite strange and not very close as the author had wanted them to be.
There were a few turns and twists but not much excitement or thrill. I felt that a lot was thrown into the story to keep it going, which made it very confusing and quite boring. I love books of this genre but unfortunately, this wasn't for me.

Great premise but too much to absorb. Too many characters and different points of view. Too many subplots. I really wanted to love this book as I've enjoyed similar books but this one just exhausted me and I didn't look forward to picking up where I left off! Some good twists and I didn't guess the ending but I'm not sure who I would recommend it to, I'm hoping this is a debut novel and the writer will hone her skills as the idea was great, the blurb had me!
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

This is more of a 3.5 stars for me. There was a lot going on in the book and many narratives. When I had to put it down and come back, I’d be a little lost and would have to look back because of how much it jumped around. I kind of lost the whole suicide watcher in parts and when it loop back I’d have to remember the opening. I did however like that loose ends were wrapped up in the end of the book. That is why I gave 3.5 stars, I was satisfied with the ending.

Unfortunately this book was one that I struggled with. I found it quite confusing at times with too many characters and hard to keep track of what was going on.

This is my first book by this author and it left me with mixed feelings. I actually liked the 'who done it'; had me hooked but also left me feeling confused. Maybe how the plot progressed that left me feeling lost. Flashbacks did helped me to make sense of the plot, which is used interestingly in this book.
Overall, a good book that would definitely satisfy a mystery/thriller reader.
Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for approving my request to review this book.

Too many twists and turns. Too many characters to keep up with. It was hard for me to read. The psychological aspect of the story would have been fine if I didn't have to keep up with everything and everyone in the story.

This was an easy to read thriller thaylt kept my attention all the way through! Lots of twists and surprises I didn't see coming. Very good, would recommend! A brilliant book!

I love psychological thrillers and looked forward to reading this. Sadly, I found this book to be too complicated, multiple time lines, many subplots, different POV's, characters that were not compelling or likable. Can you guess I didn't get to the end?