Member Reviews

This was a fascinating thriller that kept me up past my bedtime. Excellent character development along with a twisty story. Highly recommended.

I Choose You by Gayle Curtis was a book I tried really hard to get into. Sadly I gave up half was through. Sorry.
I found the story of Elise and Nathaniel all over the place. There were too many characters within this book that didn't fit in and it was a messy read throughout.
Sorry Gayle, especially as I was looking forward reading this new book by you.
PS...I hate giving a bad review and stars.
Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK for the copy in exchange for an honest review.

Wow what a read! I loved this book. The plot thickened with every page turned. The suicide killer needs to be found but who is he? A brother? A father? A grandfather? An uncle? A stranger? Things are not always what they seem, and that is very true for this book. I could not put it down. Highly recommend it

Thank you NetGalley for my ARC! This book has a whole lot happening. The premise was really interesting and I was excited to get into it... But it pulled me all over the place. There are a lot of characters (too many so it confused me) and many different storylines. Personally, I really saw the intent here to throw you off of "who done it" by having so much happening, but it ended up being too much and I felt it didn't flow well. I would be willing to try another Gayle Curtis book though!

A very twisted lifestyle with strange characters inhabiting the story but so twisted that it has to be true. Elise and Nathaniel three kids and though life is a bit strange it all goes completely ballistic when their daughter is abducted and then found murdered.
What follows is a story of suicide, suicide watchers, promotion of suicides and with no apparent detective/police follow up as to the series of coincidences where people took their lives and nothing happened.
The book is confusing and though I thought I knew who was behind the killings, I was not absolutely sure. There are a lot of clues strewn around and the subject matter is so emotional in itself that I was floundering.
The story was a good one albeit confusing.

It’s it often I don’t like a book but unfortunately this was one of them. The author put too much into one novel and it was too much. It started as a family recovering from the murder of a child and added in missing children, serial killers, pornography, and a cast of characters that was just too vast. The main characters married couple and parents Elise and Nathaniel weren’t likeable in anyway.
Thanks to Amazon publishing and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

What a strange story! With the jumping timelines and POVs, I had a little bit of a hard time keeping up.
Things definitely were not as I thought they would be. This story was fairly unpredictable and I enjoyed that. Though, the stuff that was unpredictable seemed to come out of left field.
I highly recommend this book if you’re looking for a good psychological read. You’ll spend the whole book trying to figure it out.

For what could have been an exhilarating read, I could not get into this book. The story lacked cohesion and jumped around far too much, making it difficult to follow and stay hooked. The character development was pretty much non-existent and there were too many characters introduced too quickly, making the story confusing and draining to read. I also found the references to mental illness problematic, it felt as though the author did not research paranoid schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I gave this book three stars because I really enjoyed the authors writing style and characters. However I thought the ending fell apart a little and could have been done much better. I would want to try more from this author but this book was not necessarily my favorite.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the free, digital ARC of this book. The book began very intriguing, but sadly by the end of the book, I really didn't even care who the Suicide Watcher was, I was so confused. The book moved between several people as the point of view. There were so many characters, I couldn't keep up. The plot was interesting, but it was hard to really enjoy because of the point of view switching.

Review featured at www.books-n-kisses.com
1.75 Hearts Oh wow… I had a lot of thoughts about this story but let me tell you pretty much every other review on GoodReads has the same thoughts. Mainly it is… What the h___?
There is so much going on and so many characters that it is confusing but not like easter egg confusing but real confusion. Why so many people are there, I have no idea because they are certainly not needed or wanted.
I guess Elise is suffering from some issue or two but in layman’s term “she is nuts!” OK not really. I think there is a number of issues going on and possibly postpartum depression and/or other issues but no matter what the story is just too much.
Sad to say…. I really do not recommend this story.
I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

To be honest, I really did not like this book. I tried very hard to find redeeming qualities. Curtis added too many characters who all sounded very similar, and who lacked character development. I had a lot of trouble keeping track of all these characters and how they knew other or were related.

This book was good, but it definitely took some effort to read. It was so hard to keep track of all the different characters, the decisions they were making, and the overall storyline. There were definitely some surprises that I did not see coming, but those still did not account for feeling lost the majority of the time.

2.5 stars rounded up
I quite like the book, it was well-written with pretty much unexpected plot (and twists), I'd say unexpected because usually I would try to guess what's the twist/whodunit, etc, but with this one, there was secret within secret so I might as well gave up and just enjoyed the ride. At least with alternating POVs between (wait, let me count...) (it might be) six+the killer, I didn't get the confusion separating which was which. The 3rd person pov helped too.
That being said, I did have some confusions regarding the timeline, an error that could be mine only, and I might say the plot was... too thin.
It was still an enjoyable reading that beat my reading slump (finished it within a day) and the ending was satisfying, so can't really complain.

This book has a whole lot going on in it. You have a person who targets others and encourages them to commit suicide. It’s a sort of game for the person. They present them with a question,l. Shoot yourself or I will shoot you, which so you choose?
Then you have the murder of a young girl and an investigation behind who did it. Within the investigation other things come to light sparking other arrests.
You also have a husband and wife who have lost a parent to suicide. They believe that the parent was a victim of the “suicide watcher “.
I wouldn’t say that this is the best book that I have read. But it was a fast enjoyable read however I did find at parts I was left wondering what are we reading? I think the thing that pulled it through at the end is I did not see the twist coming. I really thought that I had a good grasp as to who did it. But come to find out I hadn’t even thought of that person.
It was an enjoyable thriller to begin the new year with.

I loved this book!! It was a crazy book!! Received this book from Amazon uk from netgally!! 1st book I have read by this author!!

Married couple Nathaniel and Elise met at a support group. They both lost their mothers to a serial killer known as the suicide watcher. And that is just part of the story. There is a whole lot going on. I enjoyed the book, but I had to really focus in order to follow it.

This is a strange read, at turns mixed and confusing.
Elise and Nathaniel have a bond, formed when their mothers both committed suicide years ago, manipulated by the Suicide Watcher. They are now married, with children of their own and then one dies and things begin to fall apart.
It’s a good premise, I just found it became too convoluted with lots of characters and a confusing plot line that just, for me, didn’t flow.
It’s an ok read, with a tidy ending, but, not for me.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the opportunity to preview.

I've been looking for a good thriller for a while and the last few I've read have been mediocre at best. I Choose You, however, had me intrigued from the start. The story flashes back and forth in time to before and after a murder as well as features chapters from the point of view of a mysterious killer. At first, you're not sure how everything fits together but the puzzle pieces come together very nicely.
This was a real page turner for me and I finished it in two sittings! The writing is good and the emotion surrounding the tragedies feels real. You see each character reacting to the deaths around them quite differently and that impacts their actions. There are a few red herrings thrown in for good measure but the ending is completely plausible. This one reminded me a lot of last year's big hit The Chestnut Man, if you liked that, you'll like this one a lot!

I love books that will give you goose bumps and this is one of them. The creep factor keeps ramping up page after page but you can't put it down because you just have to know what is going on. Don't start this book at night and if you do sleep with the lights on. Happy reading!