Member Reviews

First off I would like to thank @netgalley and the Author for generously providing me an ARC copy In Exchange for an honest review.

I throughly enjoyed this book, it was a psychological thriller and I thought it had great pacing. The characters are likeable and it was very well written.

I thought I had the book all summed up but was quickly proven wrong so that was good.

The story is told mainly from the POV of Julia but every over chapter very cleverly gives you some insight into the mysterious villains mind and also provided some very interesting facts about Moths.

All in all this was a great and quick read that kept me on my toes.

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A good read, but it took me a long time to get into. Most of the action took place in the latter part of the book. The moth references seemed too detailed initially, although made more sense as it went along. Everything tied up neatly in the end, except for why her husband had never told her (can’t say more than that for fear of giving anything away!).

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This one definitely started out a bit slow but then pulled me in after about fifty or so pages. From that point on, it was suspenseful all the way through, with a protagonist you want to root for. I would read more books from this author.

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This was a great read! It started out slow for me but started to pick up towards the middle. I loved the main character, I was totally able to identify with her and her decisions!

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Can You See Me by Lynne Lee was a brilliant read and I was hooked from the very first few pages. This book is a psychological thriller that has lots of twists and turns throughout which I love in a book. I loved the way Lynne threw in a few red herrings within the book Very Clever! Didn't see them coming!!!

Can You See Me is beautifully written and is very addictive that will have you glued to your kindle or book.

I highly recommend this book. Its Just Brilliant!

Big Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK for a copy of the book. This review is my own opinion.

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Can You See Me by Lynne Lee is a psychological thriller.

First, let me thank NetGalley, the publisher Amazon Publishing, and of course the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

My Synopsis:   (No major reveals, but if concerned, skip to My Opinions)

Julia's husband has recently died, and her focus has been on seeing her daughter Tash through this devastating time.   Although she had plans to divorce David, no one knew, so she's keeping that a secret.  Turns out he had some secrets too.

When Julia sees a strange young man hanging around the cottage, she gives chase, only to have him fall and end up in a coma.  She saves his life, but feeling somewhat responsible, she is determined to find out who he is, especially when she finds her husband's watch in his bag.  At this point, Tash starts telling her of other strange things that have been happening to her, and Julia starts to wonder if her daughter is being stalked.

 Julia is determined to get to the bottom of this.

My Opinions:  

The story is told from Julia's perspective, as well as another voice which talks about moths.....yes, moths.  I was over 50% into the book before I became at all interested in what was happening. Yes, I should have quit much sooner, but I didn't.  In for a pound....

If only I had been able to like one or two of the main characters, it would have helped.  Julia kept secrets, David kept secrets, Tash was only really into herself and very happy with her privileged lifestyle.  Kane was an immature idiot with blinders on, and Rachel was .... well mentally ill doesn't really cut it.  Rachel was a drug addict, but she knew what she was doing most of the time, so I wouldn't say that mental illness was a big factor.  She felt entitled, and hatred and revenge was going to be sweet.

The actual plot, when you look at the whole thing, was interesting.  The writing was fine.  The twist was really good.  So at 50% it started getting interesting, and at 75%, I really wanted to keep reading.  So this one was hard for me to rate.  It started at 1 or 2 stars, but ended at 4 really late in the game, so I'm going with a comfortable 3.   I never read other reviews before writing my own, but I bet I'm going to be in the minority here.  But every book can't be for everyone.

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I loved this book!! Great story!! 1st book I have read by this author!! Received this book from Amazon uk from netgally!!

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2 stars

It might be just me since almost everyone on this website gave more than 3 stars to Can You See Me. However, to me, it was boring, too pretentious with all the metaphorical talk, and none was engaging enough for me to keep reading it.

I lost my interest right after 10% mark. The alternating POVs didn't work to me as well and I'm tired of an antagonist with evil thoughts explained extendedly (insert muahahahahaha evil laugh here). The pace was slow, so slow that at 40ish% I thought I was at least reading 70ish%, but alas, I still had a long way to go, a lot of things to uncover.

Oh, God, what a bad way to start my year.

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This was a very slow read and not what I expected. I didn't understand the whole science of moths between the chapters. Very disappointed

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Can You See Me? by Lynne Barrett-Lee is a psychological thriller that has a bit of a twist on it’s style. The story is mainly told from the point of view of the main character, Julia, however there are also little chapters told from the point of view of the antagonist in the unique way of comparing themselves to different species of moths.

Julia is now a single mother after the sudden passing of her husband six months before and is not only recovering from the sudden loss herself but concerned for her teenage daughter. When visiting their beach house Julia sees a young man watching in the distance but before she knows it he falls and Julia has to help administer first aid waiting for an ambulance. After the boy is rushed to the hospital Julia begins looking into who he is and why he would have been near her home when a watch that belonged to her husband is found in his things.

First, the author did a great job making this one unique in the style with the moth chapters giving a new take on the “mysterious voice” in the story. The book was one that kept me engaged throughout and was also full of twists and turns to keep a reader guessing. And while I thought I knew of a few twists it actually kept me on my toes for the biggest part of the outcome to the story which is nice for the amount I read.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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This book was an OK read but sadly didn't live up to the description. I did skip a lot of the bits about the science of moths. Just OK !!

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I recieved a copy from netgalley!
I loved this book, great story!
was the first book I read by this author!
hope to get to read more!

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Even though I enjoyed this book it was rather slow at times and I didn't find it as easy to stay with as other books in this genre. I got through it and liked the story. However I found a lot of it to be predictable. I thought the chapters about the moths were interesting and added a bit of mystery. All in all it was a good read.

Thank you Net Galley for allowing me to read this ARC for my honest review.

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*thanks to amazon publishing + netgalley for the arc!*

okay so... familiar saga of postmortem lies and major revelations. it took me a while to get into this one, and i enjoyed it but it's not one that i feel like i'll be talking about months from now.

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David never thought that his helping out two friends would cause so much grief for his wife and daughter. But it does. When he was a young doctor two women friends that were a couple wanted a child. He donated sperm for the cause. Through this a daughter and son came to be.
When he married and had a daughter, he never thought of disclosing the information. He has now died of a stroke. The peril his wife and daughter will now endure could cost them their lives. Because, one of his other children is deranged and seeking recompense for a life they believe they were cheated of
This book weaves drama, psychology and the science of moths. All women together to make an excellent read!!

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An okay book that didn’t deliver after loving the description and cover. The excitement ended after reading the first page.

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This was just "okay" for me. I didn't like the alternate chapters about moths - I skipped a lot of them until close to the end. The end was good, and made it worth the read.

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No spoilers! Julia's husband David died, leaving her shocked and her daughter Tash adrift. Things change, however, when Julia finds a young man (the "kid") after he is injured and then discovers that he's got her husband's watch in his pack. Hmm. He's also got a tattoo of a butterfly. Butterflies and moths are something of a theme in this suspenseful novel where you might think you know what's happening but, trust me, you probably do not. Tash and Julia realize quickly that some of the creepy things that they've discounted over the last months have root in something they should be concerned about. This is about how they sort things out and find a way to move forward in their lives. And, oh, then there's the kid. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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This is a really good read. I did not guess the twist at the end at all. The whole story is very cleverly written. The details about the moths I felt added to the story. I felt involved with the characters and the short chapters kept me reading.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy.

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The writing style of this book was a bit prosey, if that is a word. The language and sentence structure were a bit poetic and at first it was a bit off putting. However, I got used to it quickly and actually enjoyed how it was written. Additionally, I loved how the chapters alternated between the mom/wife/main character Julie and the antagonist, whose chapters were written based on a variety of different moths. You know how I love a little education snuck into my fictional reading! The book had plenty of action and suspense but I wish I could have gotten to know a few of the characters, beyond Julie and the antagonist, better. Overall, it was a very enjoyable read!

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