Member Reviews

The main characters Ben and Daff met at uni and ended up married more than a decade later. Once the repetitiveness of everyday life kicks in Ben starts to wonder if Daff is the one or should he have chosen Alison. A chance meeting in a pub whilst out with his lifelong friend Harv takes him on a journey which makes him face some of the decisions he made in the past and gives him a glimpse into the future. Will Daff and him survive or will he choose Alice?

This was a beautiful book.
Sliding doors is one of my favourite films but I preferred this version.
Easy read and I devoured it within a few days .
Can’t wait to read more from this author .

This is the story of Ben and Daphne who met at university and have been together ever since. Now they are in their thirties and things are not going so well.
Ben has met up with Alice who was also a university with him and is the person he thought he might end up with.
It is Christmas Eve; Ben is s out with his best friend Harvey and Daphne is at her works 'do'. Ben is contemplating having an affair with Alice. He is disappointed with life and thinks he could do better than stay with Daff.
Ben is given a watch by an old man he meet in the pub. But it is stuck at 11.59.
This is a love story with a huge nod at Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.
I didn't like Ben much but Daff loves him and has stuck with him so he can't be quite as bad as he seems at times.

This is a pleasant change from my normal genre, thrillers. It was an interesting aspect of ‘sliding doors’ moments. I loved the maim character, Ben and it was a cosy read.

I really enjoyed this one. I like a break from thrillers now and again and this provided enough of a difference to put a smile on my face :)

Ben is a turning point in his life and has a chance to look back at his past choices.
A romantic novel that reminded me of A Christmas Carol.
Thank you to NetGalley and HQ for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Having taught A Christmas Carol for many years, I liked the modern alternative take on time travel and although it isn’t the first time it’s been done, it was still fresh and it entertained me. I liked Ben as a main character and thought the supporting characters were well drawn. The narrative was well structured, as you’d expect! I’d definitely recommend this as an enjoyable, entertaining and engaging read.

This was an interesting book - imagine if you could go back in time to certain key points would you have done things differently? That is what happened with Ben - it starts at Christmas Eve, Ben and his wife Daphne haven't been getting on well for months they have drifted apart... Ben starts to tell his friend he isn't happy and doesn't know what to do and is approached by someone... I can't say much more but its essentially a modern day version of the Christmas Carol. Its a perfect book to be reading at Christmas. I really enjoyed it.

Meet Ben who usually loves December and Christmas. However, with his mother's death a couple of years ago and his marriage on the rocks, he is beginning to wonder whether he took the right path in life. What if he could go back in time and rewrite his path, would his life be any better now?
A modern-day twist on the classic 'A Christmas Carol', in which Ben meets a watch seller in a pub on Christmas Eve. Giving him a gift of a free watch, Ben discovers that it is broken with the time stuck at one minute to midnight. After heading home and drinking more than he should have he decides he must decorate the tree before his wife Daphne gets home. Heading into the loft and falling over he stumbles upon some of Daphne's memory boxes. One of which contains items from the night that they first met. Starting Ben off on a trip down memory lane as to whether he kissed the right girl that night.
Take a trip with Ben through key areas of his past life, the present day and a glimpse into what the future may hold - if you could turn the clock back, would you want to change your life?

This was such a lovely read. The idea of being able to travel back in time to a particular moment and seeing how making different decisions would affect your future and that of other people is a great idea for a book. It is well written and the main character Ben has an interesting journey through his past revisiting key moments in his life. Definitely recommend this book.

A really enjoyable read!
Similar tales start the same as this one but I love the warmth you get through every chapter.
Meet main character Ben who is feeling a little blue this christmas, after an encounter with a watch man has his whole world turned upside down.
Through out the story I really felt every emotion for Ben.
Beautiful written, get a cup of tea and a blanket ready your in for a real treat!!

A really lovely book about family and all its secrets and hang ups.
Cecilia has been sent to live with her Grandmother Astrid after being kicked out of school and her parents not knowing what to do for the best. Astrid has watched an acquaintance being killed my a bus. Eliot has bought the empty store in town and Porter is pregnant with a sperm bank baby. All have their own stories and all the stories are entertained with humour and love. A really nice read.

I loved how different this book was! The time travel was a change of pace to what I would normaly read. Was a nice change. Also makes you think about what you would chance if you had the chance to go back

I loved this book to the point I didn't want to put it down. Written along the lines of A Christmas Carol, Ben finds himself on Christmas Eve 2020 wondering if the choices he made in the past were the right ones or would things have been better if he made different decisions especially now his marriage to Daphne seems to be floundering.. What if he had chosen Alice instead? Beating himself up about how he had last spoken to his Mum before she suddenly died didn't help his situation either. Such a well written book that i would recommend reading without hesitation

Lovely and generous. Lighthearted and so easy to read no matter what mood I was in. Thank you very much for the opportunity to read it.

This book is a much happier and more romantic version of A Christmas Carol. I did enjoy the book but I did find it a bit strange and not really my thing. However it is worth a read.

This book was fantastic! Highly anticipated and well worth the wait! The characters were rich and believable and it was thrilling to take this journey with them.

A lovely romantic story of love, loss and second chances, this book was delightful. Ben is unhappy with his life and wonders if he made the right decisions in uni. Upon meeting a stranger in the pub who gives him a watch, he finds out how decisions have created the life he has and will have. This is a story that is a joy to read and full of hope for a good life.

It has everything - magic, love, twists and, of course, a mysterious watch-seller. Because why not? I was hooked from the moment I started reading and invested everything in Ben's journey through key moments in his life. The new perspectives he found were interesting, heart-warming and often quite poignant too. The character development was brilliant - Ben confronts his own flaws and failings as the watch hurtles him through time and gets to know himself and the people around him on a much deeper level. I cried, I laughed - it was a perfect treat of a book!

To be honest I wasn't completely sure that I was going to like this book but after the first couple of chapters I started to enjoy it.
I did feel that Ben was a bit of a 'wet weekend' but the time travel element and the 'what if' idea grew on me and I was curious to see what would happen in the end.