Member Reviews

Ahhhh this is really sweet. A lovely Christmassy romance. In a modern take on Dickens, the main character has to confront his past and take responsibility for his choices and mindset before he can move on.

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A delightful romantic Christmas read with more than a touch of magic in the form of time travel. The book is easy to read and flows well with believeable characters although I found the main character, Ben, somewhat selfishly annoying but then that is part of the purpose of the book. Based loosely on Dicken's classic tale Christmas Carol set in modern times all around Christmas as was the original. Thought provoking on the theme of 'grass being greener' that maybe if we we were all able to time travel we would stop making further ones. A refreshing change to have a romantic story written by a man.

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This book is a perfect read for the lead up to Christmas. It shows how the decisions we make in life affect our future and that we must choose wisely. The way the story panned out was magical, emotional and gripping. I would recommend this easy read to all ages from teen upwards.

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This is a modern take on the classic, A Christmas Carol that is a fantastic read.
It’s emotional, touching, surprisingly relatable and comes with a pinch of Christmas magic to make it even more special.
I loved it and would recommend to anyone.

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This is a wonderfully enchanting re-imagining of A Christmas Carol, with memorable characters and a moving story.

The author grabbed my attention from the very first page and I couldn't put the book down after that. As Ben travels back in time and revisits key moments in his life, we join him on his journey rediscovering the past with fresh eyes. He develops a lot as the book progresses and he re-examines his decisions, regrets and mistakes. His relationships with Daphne, his mum, his best friend Harvey and Alice are explored in different ways, and show how people and experiences shape us.

The book was also incredibly emotional and it moved me to tears more than once. I loved it and don't hesitate to give it 5 out of 5!

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Christmas Eve 2020 and Tom is at the pub reminiscing with his friend Harv about the past, Tom’s marriage to Daphne is on the rocks and he’s wondering if he made the right decision to kiss Daphne all those years ago. A twinkly eyed stranger sells Ben a mysterious watch, the watch stuck on one minute to midnight - Ben has a second chance to go back in time to see if he chose the right path of life ✨ I really enjoyed this book, it was told from a male perspective which I liked. Tom and Daphne were likeable characters, I felt sad about his last conversation with his mum so I’m pleased he was able to see his mum again. I loved the premise of the story and going back in time to see if the right decisions were made. A nice Christmas read that I highly recommend. Thanks to @netgalley and HQ for the book, it is out to buy in October 2020 🌟 If you don’t like your life, you can change it 🌟

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What a delightful and even, magical, love story that shows how the choices we make affect our whole lives and that if we could go back, would we make a different decision and if we did would we keep making the same mistakes or would we actually learn from them.
What a charming read this book is. I was fully swept away by the magic of it all; it’s a bit like a love themed, modern day Christmas Carol. It had me laughing, teary and I really wondered about the choices I’d made in life and what I would do if in Ben’s position.
Great characters and writing, it does really get you thinking. I wasn’t expecting to get so involved. There are some really emotional moments, when he gets to spend time with his Mum again – woah that nearly broke me!
A gorgeous read that I’d recommend.

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Lovely read about a man who gets second chance to revisit key Moments in his life and possibly alter the consequences. Beautifully written and an enjoyable read. Thanks for letting me review it.

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All About Us by Tom Ellen a magical five-star read. If you have ever had a what if moment, then this story is for you. Tom Ellen has a way with words that brings magic to the page, when you read Ben’s story (incidentally I am so glad that Ben is the lead, his battle and self-doubt should make him appear weak, but he is so strong) It was nice hearing the male perspective, hearing him tell his story and hearing him tell it just made it so much better. The watch seller added a light-heartedness in an odd way, as he isn’t a light-hearted character. This isn’t a light-hearted story, but there are light-hearted moments, this is however a compelling story and one that you need to read if you have ever had a what if moment, have you ever wished you could go back and re-live one moment, wonder what if I hadn’t made that decision, what if I took a different path. This may just be one of those stories that will be read and re-read several times as I know on each read, I will find a different aspect to this amazing story. I am so excited to see what Tom Ellen will come up with next.

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A Christmas Carol for the modern day. This is the story of Benjamin and Daphne and how their marriage is falling apart. Ben meets a strange old man in the pub and begins his Dickens-esque glimpses into Christmases past present and future after being given a watch. This is a lovely heartwarming tale that is the perfect read in the run up to Christmas.

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This modern day take on A Christmas Carol is a delightful love story, written refreshingly from a male perspective. The writing is warm and has a poignancy about it that had me crying more than once with its heart-breaking tale of loss. Lovely, relatable characters in Ben, Harv, Daphne and Ben’s Mum. A charming Christmas read.

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I went in reading All About Us thinking that it would be a quick, easy holiday read. I was pleasantly surprised that this was not the case. All About Us is a quirky modern retelling of the Christmas classic, A Christmas Carol.

We are introduced at the start to Ben who is married, rather unhappily, to Daphne. After a mysterious watch seller gives Ben a broken watch, Ben is transported back through the years to take a second look at his past and dissect his relationships, not only with Daphne but friends and family as well.

Tom Ellen brings a perfect balance of emotion to the book and the characters with the themes of love and loss. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book, and as a first time reader of Tom Ellen, I would definitely read more of his work.

Thank you to HQ for the copy of the book to review.

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A great twist on the popular Dickens storyline perfect for this time of year. Well written, interesting characters, fast paced and a plot that kept to the classic but allowed for a different spin on it. Enjoyable

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A thoroughly enjoyable and lovely story from the very first to the very last word!
Ben is in doubt. He doubts his current life, his past choices and his future happiness. Then he meets a strange old chap in a pub and gets a watch that doesnt work....except it projects Ben back in time to re-live moments in his life that do not seem momentous but become very revealing as he re-experiences them.
I really loved the main characters of Ben and Daff, particularly as they developed through there-telling of those moments in his ilfe. I found myself initially doubting alongside him then cheering him forward to the right decisions all the while enjoying the wonderful scenery, funny life experiences (particularly the student days) and beautifully complimentary secondary characters.
A fantastic read!

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This book took me a while to get into but once I was in there was no leaving especially at the end. With all the different twists and turns it was a really good book to read. The meaning of the book was much deeper than portrayed on the pages.

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As soon as I hear about this book I bumped it up my TBR list. I did enjoy the Christmas element but didnt think the story was very original and I didnt really take to the main male character. Readable but not as good as I thought it would be.

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This is an easy read so I raced through it. It wasn't at all what I was expecting with it's touch of magic and time travel. It is charming, thoughtful, even sad and poignant at times. Told from a male point of view, gave it a different feel to the usual romance novel. A modern Christmas Carol with a festive feel, it's a solid 3* from me.

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Again Netgalley has given me the opportunity to read a book that I wouldn't normally have picked up, a romance written from a male perspective.
Loosely based on Dicken's Christmas Carol Ben, whose marriage to Daphne is on the verge of failing, is given the chance to go back in time to review life defining moments on Christmas Eve over the years. He first revisits the first time that he met Daphne and then hops forwards to other Christmas Eves and slowly realises the reasons behind his issues and how they affect his relationship with Daphne and his other friends.
It did make me think back over my own life and how decisions made at the time, for right or wrong, changed the direction of my life.
I ended up really enjoying this book, to the detriment of my sleep as I just had to finish it and then reflect on the story.
Thanks again to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an ARC of this book, however it did not influence my review.

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A book that is exactly what it says on the tin - the protagonist has a chance to relive key memories in his relationship and see if he made the right choice of partner.

It’s a good story that flows well, but no surprises here or key moments. Enjoyable but not one to reread.

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What a truly delightful read! As a massive fan of a Christmas Carol I had high expectations for this book and it certainly didn't disappoint. Reading it over the festive period just enhanced the charm. The story was written so well that I was totally engrossed from start to finish. I foresee this being under quite a lot of Christmas trees.

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