Member Reviews

This started out as a light, gentle read but became so much more. As a light, gentle read, it's good. As a lesson in understanding that the decisions you make along the way can change your life, it's even better. Not only a good story but also an understanding that actions really do have consequences and so to consider those actions carefully.

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This is a great Christmas read and a few friends are getting this as part of their Christmas parcel this year! I’m a little glad that illness has set me back a few months and I ended up reading this just before Christmas. It’s made me feel fuzzy and full of warmth. This is a sort of Christmas Carol meets One Day type premise. We follow Ben and Daphne who meet at university in an amateur dramatics production and are now married after fifteen years together. From love at first sight this couple’s relationship is fading fast. Ben feels he is at a crossroads and we see their life from his point of view. He feels unsuccessful after several fruitless attempts at a novel, whereas Daphne goes from strength to strength as a literary agent. We start in Christmas 2020 as Daphne goes to her work ‘do’ alone, while Ben is set to put up the Christmas decorations at home. Instead, Ben is at the pub lamenting his lot over a few pints and musing on his marriage, They seem to argue all the time and Ben can’t see a way forward. However, he does find a way to go back.

He meets a watch seeker in the street. An elderly man who reminds Ben of his Grandad. Although he tries not to engage, he somehow ends up with a wristwatch stuck at one minute to midnight. This is of course the device the author uses to send Ben through time to strategic points that will hopefully be revelatory, in time to save his marriage. For some reason I hadn’t expected this magical element and that really elevated it above the ordinary for me. It made me think of the film About Time where life lessons are learned through the ability to time travel and also dissolves me into a sobbing heap. I love that there’s also a psychoanalytical aspect to these travels - he’s faced with the truth of himself and past events, is the image he has of his absent father a true one, what upsets him so much about the discussion he had before his mother died, and why does he now believe that it was his friend Alice, not Daphne, who he should have fallen in love with that night long ago? Is he thinking about Alice because he truly feels she’s the one or is it simply that he has idealised her when compared to the complexity and hard work of living with someone long term? If he thinks about his father as a great playwright he can possibly excuse his absence and imagine he has inherited some genius writing genes (as yet unseen).

Of course each time hop helps him come a little closer to the truths of his life. I didn’t always like him, but then I’m not sure we’re meant to. He needs to be a little flawed, in order for the revelations that come his way to have an effect. I did find myself hoping for a happy ending and I did wonder at times if we were going to get one! It’s a simple lesson - that none of us are perfect, that all relationships involve an element of taking the other person for granted even without meaning to, and that we have to accept our own flaws and mistakes as well as the flaws of our loved ones. Love, acceptance, time travel and Christmas - it’s a magical combination.

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Wow - what a great book! I have to say that I struggled a little to get into it at the beginning but I am so glad that I persevered. Time travel is a big feature of this book - not something that would usually interest me, but please don't let that put you off if you are like me. Once I got the hang of it, I just couldn't wait to see the story headed to next. It really wasn't confusing - it didn't jump back and forward all the time so you didn't know where you were, it was very logical and very well written. I understand it is loosely based on Charles Dickens "The Christmas Carol" so if you know that story you will understand the premiss of this book.

I really got into the characters who I felt were very believable and I so wanted the relationship between Ben and Daphne to work out. I couldn't possibly spoil it and tell you if it did - you'll just have to read it yourself! And I would highly recommend that you do - you won't regret it! I am definitely going to look out for other titles by this author.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publishers for allowing me to review this book in exchange for an honest review, which is what I have given.

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Going into this read, this really seemed right up my street, but I wasn’t expecting the ‘magical’ element. The story was so engaging and a lovely twist on Dickens’ A Christmas Carol with a modern day spin. I must admit there were parts that I did struggle with as I lost my way, but thankfully Ben’s journey pulled me back in. Several standout moments for were; the sheer emotion that Ben feels after seeing his beloved mum, and the grief around that was a real sucker punch - Ellen had me in tears after only reading a third of the book. It was also really refreshing to see this kind of story from a male perspective (written by a male too!) particularly as it includes male mental health and their difficulty in opening up about their true feelings with their friends. Ben’s friendship with Harv as they each navigate new relationships that impact on their own relationship was very relatable. I loved how the story was able to show that the grass isn’t always greener. A great read!

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All About Us is a romantic retelling of A Christmas Carol. Tom and Daphne have been having problems in their relationship, and he begins to wonder whether life would have been better if he’d pursued a relationship with Alice from uni. When he gets the chance to go back and live life differently, he realises how much he loves Daphne and how desperate he is to fix everything before it’s too late.

This is a heartwarming tale which is the perfect Christmas read. If you’ve been experiencing relationship stress due to this hellish year, it might be worth picking up All About Us, because it reminds you to remember why you fell in love with your significant other in the first place, and does a great job of revitalising a relationship that has grown a bit stale.

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This was a great magical romance read.

The story is about Ben, who is feeling a bit down about his life and feels he has disappointed everyone. When he bumps in an old man who gives him a watch that is stuck at one minute to midnight and then Ben finds himself traveling back in time to key moments in his life. Will he change anything?

This was a fairly quick and easy read for me. I was quickly hooked in to the story. It was an emotional read especially the moments between Ben and his mum. It was a freshly unique read which I really enjoyed reading and it does have small festive element to it as well.

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I didn’t know what to expect from All About Us before starting it – I worried it might be a little too cheesy for me, but I was completely captivated by this story. Tom Ellen’s writing – it flows so well, and the story is so easy to lose yourself in, that I didn’t want to put the novel down, and raced through it!

I always enjoy reading romantic stories which are told from a male point of view, as it makes a nice change – and it touches upon some important issues, one of which was the way in which male relationships often differ to women’s. When Ben tries to talk to friends about his relationship, or how he’s feeling, he often finds it difficult to spark a proper conversation, and we can see – from being inside Ben’s head – that this is something that’s really lacking in his life… and no doubt man other men’s lives too.

Also, time-travel element is something that always intrigues me. I love stories that play with time, moving the reader back and forth, and in All About Us, main character Ben travels back to his past and relives some key moments in his relationship with wife Daphne.

I don’t want to give too much away, but the plot is a sort of modern retelling of A Christmas Carol and it manages to be sweet, poignant and, at times, funny too. It has the perfect blend of escapism and emotion; it completely drew me in and I found myself rooting for certain people to end up together.

Although some parts of All About Us are quite easy to see coming, and perhaps a little predictable, I felt this doesn’t matter because the journey is so enjoyable!

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This book is the perfect tale for the build up to Christmas. Yes I know its only October, but I love a good trashy romcom to sit down to watch on the TV thats perfectly orientated around Christmas, way before the actual day! So another good way to feel Christmassy is to read a book in that theme too. Although I would like to point out that this book is not trashy in anyway. Not that this would bother me or make me dislike it, but this book has been well written and with a really great flowing narrative.

I found this book easy to read but also really enjoyable too. Ellen is not a novice writer which really comes across in this book. Sometimes I find awkward repetition and points that I feel are unnecessary but clearly in books as a filler, but in Ellen’s book, there’s none of this. Each section is purposefully placed and works to make the story flow from moment to moment, bearing in mind you are time travelling throughout.

Each date that Ben travels through in the ebook, is linked with the back drop immersed in Christmas, love and friendship, all of which are tested throughout the whole of the novel We learn how Ben has to decide where to go from what he learns in each moment in time he revisits.

This ebook was so good, and I really actually want to re-read it. I was telling my children the about the watch man that gave Ben a faulty watch and all of them were fascinated to hear what Ben did next. Obviously its not one they will be reading just yet, but the its such a lovely and heartwarming story in the end that its definitely one to read with a nice hot chocolate and marshmallows by your side!

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This was great. I was telling a friend about this book, and I realised that i've read several versions of this same story and yet, it manages to stand out. I love time travel in stories and this one managed to have a unique take on it. I did think it starts to unravel a little - it doesn't stick as closely to the "rules" - when we're nearing the end, but I didn't personally mind.
The biggest draw of this novel is undoubtedly its characters. The main character Ben is so thoroughly REAL. He's so frustrating and this quality of his doesn't lessen as the book goes on, as it usually goes in an attempt to make the MC more palatable. I was getting more annoyed with him and this made me want to finish it all the more sooner so i could see the outcome. I really enjoyed this, and i think it was really warming.

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I absolutely loved this book! Real hidden gem.
We meet Ben having what we can only say is a bit of an early mid life crisis. Is he with the right person. Should things have been different?
Ben smd Alice were at uni together and it looks like tonight is the night they'll finally kiss. When along strolls in Daphne who shakes everything up. We jump to 10 years later - did he make the right choice that night? Are things going so wrong now due to this, maybe they just weren't meant to be. Ben and his best friend Harv have a pint and meet an odd fellow who gives Ben a gift, this gift helps Ben find out where he really should be in life.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and would recommend to others. I'll definitely keep an eye out for more of Tom Ellen's books.

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A Christmas past, present and future, a true journey which made me pause and reflect.

The time travel element really isn’t my usual comfort zone but I feel it really worked here. It was an emotional page turner of a story!


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This has an easy premise and follows a sliding doors type analogy where the main character experiences the path of his life and love hingeing on a single moment.
I struggled personally to relate to the main character but the book still has potential to be an easy read and distraction for a journey or a holiday.

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This was a fabulous feel good book that was like comforting yourself with your favourite hot drink and a fluffy blanket. It was a perfect escapism read and wasn’t just an ordinary love story. It was a magical read with a twist involving the time travelling watch than enabled Ben to see how his life life might turn out depending on the choices he made. This is a guaranteed feel good read

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A really good read. This story was like a modern day Christmas Carol and Ben saw how his life was going to turn out if he didn't try to change. Well written and shows what can happen when life takes you on a different path. I enjoyed it ,was different ,interesting and charming in equal measures

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All About Us’ is the latest book by Tom Ellen.

Ben’s always loved the month of December, but this year, with his relationship with Daphne on the rocks, it’s missing its usual magic. And when his old flame Alice gets back in touch. Ben’s always thought of Alice as the one that got away, and he can’t help but wonder: what if he’d done things differently all those years ago? He never imagines he might get to find out… but when a stranger sells Ben a mysterious watch one freezing winter’s night, he’s astonished to wake up the next morning on 5th December 2005: the day he first kissed Daphne, leaving Alice behind. Now Ben must make the biggest decision of his life, all over again. But this time around, will he finally find the courage to follow his heart?

If you’re looking for a male perspective on love and relationships, then check out the latest book by Tom Ellen, a witty and poignant festive tale with a modern take on ‘A Christmas Carol’

The story is seen solely through Ben’s perspective, as he ponders what if. Having been with his wife Daphne for 15 years, Ben is beginning to get itchy feet in life. Far from being the successful writer that he aspired to be, his relationship is drifting further apart and Alice, his old friend from university has gotten in touch about meeting up. Ben wonders what life could be like if he hadn’t chosen Daphne in his path for life and went with Alice instead. But on Christmas Eve when Daphne has to go to a work party, Ben goes out with his best friend Harvey and finds himself approached by an old man with a broken watch.Taking the watch, which is stuck at 11.59 finds himself being sent back to key moments in his life where he is able to make changes and really find out if life is better on the other side.

This is the second book that I’ve read in 2020 by a man writing romantic comedy and it was a breath of fresh air, filled with wit and love and injected with festive nostalgia. Ben is an interesting character who’s struggling with his place in life. Having aspired to be a successful writer and follow in his father’s footsteps, Ben is working in a job that he’s not happy with and the divide between him and Daphne grow more as she becomes more successful and his resentment grows. I loved Ben’s best friend Harvey, who’s there to offer words of support and encouragement when Ben is at his worst.

The story then flows in past, present and future sequences as Ben gets to relive the most important moments of his life and change the path of his life. These moments include him and Daphne’s first meeting as well as Ben spending more time with his mother before her sudden death. I particularly enjoyed the moments with Ben and his mother, she brought him up as a single parent and it’s on this nostalgia journey that Ben really takes the time to appreciate everything his mother did for him and this makes for poignant and reflective reading. Throughout the story, the old man who gave Ben the watch reappears with wise words helping him get on the right path.

This is a genuinely heartwarming story that is filled with hope and love. Concentrating on the complexities of relationships on all levels and the pressures of life. Beautifully written with witty and tender dialogue, relatable characters and such vivid descriptions that the roasted chestnuts were literally dripping from the pages, ‘All About Us’ is emotional roller coaster of a story that will make you shed sad and happy tears.

You can buy ‘All About Us’ from Amazon and is available to buy from good bookshops.

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This book is an emotional and funny rollercoaster with real people who you really get to know and twists and surprises that do not disappoint. I am sure this thought provoking story will be loved by everyone.

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This book is based on a Christmas Carol but Charles Dickens and goes back in time and makes Ben review his relationship with his wife Daphne.
I enjoyed the book it was a little different from your normal romance.

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I received an ARC of this book thanks to NetGalley and publisher HQ in exchange for an honest review.

What a joy this book was! All About Us is the story of Ben, a man concerned that his relationship with his wife is falling apart. One Christmas Eve, he gains a watch from a mysterious man in a pub and finds himself thrust back in time to various important dates in his life (and his relationship). The blurb is a little misleading because it implies he will go back in time and reverse the initial decision of which girl he picks, but actually the book is not focused on that almost at all. It isn't a question of which girl is better, rather whether he wants to pursue Daphne at all knowing that they might inevitably drift apart. There is also a focus on how he has generally messed up his life outside of the romance, particularly his relationship with his mum and estranged dad.
Firstly, I have read this author's previous book which was co-authored and I'm pleased to find that I definitely loved this author's writing. The characters are brilliant and I was particularly impressed with the protagonist. It would have been easy to make him a stereotype who was bored of his wife and wanted a shiny new partner, but Ben has depth and a lot of heart. He clearly adores Daphne throughout and he was incredibly likeable. I wanted him to work things out and do well, and I was never rolling my eyes at his behaviour. Daphne was similarly great and I loved all the characters and felt connected to them.

The plot is unoriginal on paper but the execution is perfect. I couldn't really tell where it was going even though I should have been able to, and the Christmas elements are also really well done. The book starts on Christmas Eve and a few of the important dates take place on Christmas, but apart from some lovely imagery it isn't super Christmassy. I didn't feel out of place reading this in October and I was concerned I would, so that was a great balance hit.

Overall, I would strongly recommend this book. It's perfect if you want a well-written, interesting romance that you can actually root for. It avoids all of the pitfalls romance books can fall into, and it has convinced me to check out this author's entire backlog now. I am so so glad to find a good romance book written by a male author with a male protagonist that didn't alienate me as a female reader, and to find a book with a lot of heart and charm is always a treat.

Overall Rating: 4.5/5 stars

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This was more drama than romance and i really wanted a romance romance that was sweet and less emotional. I did like this but i wasn't expecting the hard hitting moments in this. The characters were done well and i did like the way the story took. This overall was good but it wasn't a hundred percent what i wanted.

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Time travel through your love life, did you make the right choice? It would be great if we could do this, really entertaining and not sure where it is going to end up. I loved reading this, some unexpected bits but really entertaining.

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