Member Reviews

What a fantastic read, loved it and a bit upset I've finished it, wonderful charecters with a wonderful story, makes me wish I could go back in time to ask my mum all the questions I never got the chance to ask, loved it from beginning to end

Whilst this isn’t a typical Christmas read the way this is a loosely reimagined version of A Christmas Carol makes it a perfect Christmas read although it’s great for anytime of the year. Ben is a fantastically flawed character at a crossroads in his life and his visits to key moments in his past work well to tell his story. His discombobulation at waking up in his life of 15 years ago was well depicted and the decision by the author as to whether or not his actions should impact on his present was in my opinion the correct one. This is a great look at relationships, aspirations and grief and was ultimately very heartwarming.

Today I’m pleased to be sharing my review for this gorgeous new book by Tom Ellen, published recently in ebook format. It will be published in paperback on October 15th in the UK by HQ, who kindly sent me a digital proof copy via NetGalley in return for an honest review.
I loved this romance/time travel story and I’m gutted that I had left it on my NetGalley shelf for so long (NetGalley had it down as an October 2020 publication date).
As the synopsis states, Ben is wondering what would have happened if he hadn’t got involved with his wife Daphne and had romantically pursued his University Halls neighbour, Alice. This book mixes up Sliding Doors, Doctor Who and A Christmas Carol to provide the reader with a great story, so many ‘what if’ moments and a dose of magic.
I started this book one evening and found myself unwilling to put it down, despite the long list of jobs on my to do list. This is one of a small handful of books I’ve read this year that has been written with a male main character and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I also enjoyed the fact that Ben talks about having a lots of ‘mardy’ books on his bookshelf (to try to appear cool). As a Sheffield born lass now living in Wiltshire, when you tell someone they need to stop being mardy, they don’t understand you.
A great story with believable characters, where Ben gets chance to visit certain key dates in his life and starts to realise what is important to him. I have seen lots of great reviews for this book, and I’m happy to add my own 5 star rating – definitely one of my favourite books of 2020. I look forward to reading more books by Tom Ellen in the future.

This was my first Tom Ellen read but it certainly won’t be my last. I just loved this little gem of a book. I’m a sucker for a time travelling story, and this one was perfect. I loved Ben’s narration of the story, the whole ‘what if I’d taken a different path or made different decisions? dilemmas. To tie it in with Christmas and give us a modern twist on the classic A Christmas Carol story was a brilliant idea. Smart, warm and witty. It was the perfect weekend read.

I have never read a Tom Ellen book before but OMG I want to read more!
What a beautiful, magical and timeless love story - a reminder that the decisions we make shape our lives as H.G Wells says: If you dont like your life change it.
The book itself is well written at times I wanted to cry (Ben and his Mother) and it made me laugh. (the uni play)
It is a thought provoking read and it was hard at the beginning - but I became gripped very quickly.
I loved the character of Ben and the journey he went on - I could tell Daph was the one for him and it was nice to follow the journey of him discovering so.
I love the fact its set around christmas - Favourite time of year for me.
All in all i loved this book and I would recommend to other readers.

On Christmas Eve Ben and Daphne are not getting on well.
I absolutely devoured All About Us over a couple of days because it’s such an enchanting read. Although very much romantic fiction, it has a fairy tale aspect with the watch seller that is so perfectly woven through the narrative that I believed every word. There are those who might eschew reading All About Us before December as much of the action takes place on various Christmas days or dates nearby, but that would be to miss out on a simply wonderful book.
The plot absolutely zips along in a highly entertaining fashion that would make a fantastic film, but also tripping up the reader by surprising them by the level of humour and emotion in some of the sections. I found tears in my eyes on several occasions, and yet I have finished reading All About Us feeling optimistic and uplifted because Tom Ellen has shown me there is a world of glorious possibility if only we grasp it firmly. Indeed, it is the themes of All About Us that make it such a brilliant and affecting story. Ben’s time hopping actions make the reader realise that there may not be a second chance with some of those in our lives so we need to make the most of here and now, that being true to ourselves is far better than trying to make ourselves into someone that others want us to be and that love – deep abiding love – is the most precious commodity we have. I feel my personal life has been enhanced by reading All About Us.
It was so refreshing to have a romantic novel written from a male perspective too. Ben is totally realistic as a flawed thirty something man who has some considerable growing up to do. For all his imperfections, I so wanted him to be happy because Tom Ellen made him a character I cared about completely. I loved his relationships with other men in the book, Harv in particular, and the way Tom Ellen illustrates how those relationships usually work. I found this a very insightful aspect of the narrative. The different time periods that Ben lives through had the effect of making me relive and reflect on some of my past memories too, giving me an added joyfulness as I read. I thought Daphne was so cleverly conveyed through direct speech particularly. I began reading All About Us wanting one outcome for Ben, Alice and Daphne and ended it having have my expectations and readerly desires completely inverted by the super story-telling.
With a sparkling plot and every emotion possible from confusion to fear and love to grief holding the reader spellbound, All About Us is a gorgeous, gorgeous book. I adored it and can see it becoming one of THE romantic fiction reads of 2020. Fabulous stuff Tom Ellen!

How many times have you sat back and wondered 'what if'?
Ben is having a personal crisis. The world and its aunt seems to have their lives all mapped out, from his wife, Daphne, to his old uni mucker, Herv. Everyone has goals and seems intent on getting there. Ben, however, is wallowing in a pool of self-pity. His dream of being a writer, following in the footsteps of his estranged father, seems increasingly unlikely. In fact, he is just not cut out fo this life. He's no good for his wife, his friend, himself. Better than he walks away now, right, and steps into a relationship that was the 'could-have-been' in his life...
All About Us charts a Christmas Carol style tale of visitations into key points in Ben's past, Could things really have been better if he'd done something different at these times?
It was an enjoyable read, and I especially felt for Ben, with regards to his mother. All those unspoken words, conversations that you wish you'd had when they were alive...
Oh, and, sometimes that old adage, that the grass is greener? It ain't always true!
Many thanks to NetGalley and HQ Stories for an arc, in exchange for an honest review.

This made my heart ache for all the right reasons. I adored this. Could not put it down from start to end. Wonderful.

I have yet to read this book as I’m waiting for closer to Christmas or the colder months but I already know it’s going to fab and exactly what I’ve been waiting for. And the cover is absolutely gorgeous.

If you could turn back the clock, would you choose a different life?
Ben is married to Daphne, the love of his life, they've been together since second year at uni, but things aren't good between them and recently an old friend from uni gets in touch. In Ben's eyes, Alice was the one that got away and he's wondering if things would have been different if he'd chosen a different path 15 years ago. It's now Christmas Eve 2020 and Ben is at the pub with his old mate Harv, after another row with Daphne, when a stranger sells him a watch, he doesn't realise till the man has gone that the watch doesn't work and is stuck at 11:59. When Ben wakes up the next morning, he realises he's back in his uni room, the date is 5th December, 2005 and the day he first kissed Daphne, how did he get here and what does that mean for his future, has he been given a chance to change it, will he do anything different second time around? The events that follow show Ben that he could do some things differently if he got that second chance, but will he follow his heart and which path will he choose?
Tom Ellen usually writes YA, so he's not new to the literary world but All About Us is his debut adult novel and he's totally smashed it with this one! The concept is fresh, innovative and exciting. I would never have thought romance and time travel could go in the same book but this absolutely works, it's crazy, funny, emotional and so unbelievable but that's what makes it so good. How many of us have thought during our lives "I wish I'd done that differently" and would we, if we had that chance? The story is written from Ben's perspective and I quickly fell in love with both Ben and Daff, hoping for a happy ending (i'm a sucker for them). It's a modern take on Dickens 'Christmas Carol' and it's a belter, this author is definitely one I will be reading again. Loved it!
I'd like to thank HQ and Netgalley for the approval, I will post my review on Goodreads now and Amazon on publication day.

Unexpectedly thought provoking.
It took me a little wild to get into this new twist on A Christmas Carol, it took me even longer to review due to the visceral emotions this story evoked.
I found it hard to resonate with the protagonist, Ben, a down on his look writer/journalist who married his university sweetheart, his soulmate only for doubts to come creeping in as his wife’s career is progressing as he is stuck in a job he doesn’t like.
Don’t get me wrong, just because I didn’t like where Ben’s mind was going, did not mean it didn’t like the book, I loved it. Through a very odd evening, after a few too many drinks, Ben relives the key moments in his life, even going to what the future might have been. This series of events is what made the book for me. Our lives are so fast-paced, always looking for ways to improve, in our jobs, home life, love life, but how many of us stop to take the time to appreciate what we have? Take the slower route, so that we can think about our decisions and how they may change our lives? These are the questions which have held me back from reviewing All About Us immediately after I finished reading it, it has taken me three months to put fingers to keyboard, but I am glad I waited. It is rare for a book to have such a profound effect on me, I can count the number on one hand.
There is so much more I could say about this book, but I don’t want to spoil any of it for future readers. Take a little time this festive season for yourself and enjoy the ride and that this 5 star read offers.
My thanks to #Netgalley and #HQ for allowing me to read and review All About Us by Tom Ellen
Pre-order Links:
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/All-About-heart-warming-uplifting-beautiful/dp/0008336032/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1QBAO7DIL4OV4&dchild=1&keywords=all+about+us+tom+ellen&qid=1597186508&sprefix=all+about+us%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-1
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/All-About-Us-heart-warming-emotional-ebook/dp/B0842DNVBS/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=All+about+us+tom+Ellen&qid=1597186803&sr=8-1
Waterstones: https://www.waterstones.com/book/all-about-us/tom-ellen/9780008336035#write-review
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/gb/en/ebook/all-about-us-4
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/all-about-us-tom-ellen/1136015010?ean=9780008402679

I enjoyed this book but it did not wow me. I am sure that it will appeal to a wide grop of readers though, just not really for me.

All About Us by Tom Allen
Romance/General Fiction
Blurb: If you could turn back the clock, would you choose a different life?
Ben usually loves the month of December, but this year, with his relationship with Daphne on the rocks, it’s missing its usual magic. And then his old friend Alice gets back in touch. Ben’s always thought of Alice as the one that got away, and he can’t help but wonder: what if he’d done things differently all those years ago?
He never imagines he might get to find out… but when a stranger sells Ben a mysterious watch one freezing winter’s night, he’s astonished to wake up the next morning on 5th December 2005: the day he first kissed Daphne, leaving Alice behind.
Now Ben must make the biggest decision of his life, all over again. But this time around, will he finally find the courage to follow his heart?
All about us is a magical and heartfelt story. Its a retelling of Charles Dickens A Chtistmas Carol.
The characters are funny and bond with each other really well. It has elements of a second chance romance between Ben and Daphne.
I havent read a nale author book before that was humorous and magical.
If you like time travel in your stories aswell as second chance romance then please read this.

I loved this very modern twist on a Christmas Carol. I wish I had read it at Christmas time instead of summer as it is the perfect festive read. I fell instantly in love with the main character and wanted to find out how his life turned out. Ben is handed a unique opportunity to explore his past and to reassess the kind of person he is. What does he really want from life? It was a funny, heart-warming read.

Ben and Daphne...what can I say... I was hooked and couldn't put it down. Which was a delight, and a treat. Thank you

How many of us would love the opportunity to go back in time and perhaps do a few things differently? Have you ever wondered if you’d just made one small decision differently, how much that would impact your life today?
A chance meeting and a strange quirk of fate lead to a Christmas Carol-esque jaunt through Ben’s life - past, present and future, taking him back to key pivotal moments where he’s clearly meant to learn something.
At the start of the story Ben is teetering on making a life changing decision and he thinks he knows what he wants...but revisiting his past and reliving key moments with fresh eyes changes everything he thought he knew.
I really enjoyed this book although at times it moved a little too slowly for me and some of the detail felt a little unnecessary, like it didn’t add a lot to the overall story but generally it was a great storyline, the characters were likeable for the most part, some genuinely funny lines were delivered, and it was a nice, clean, modern reworking of a much loved classic.

So, I’m writing this review a few days after finishing it, and I have lovely fond memories of the story. It has left me feeling all warm and fuzzy and ready for Christmas (it’s only July!!).
I knew I should have left it until later on in the year to read to get me all festive, but I was in the mood for a lighthearted happy-ending book. This is exactly what I got with ‘All About Us’. It is an effortless and easy read and has the right amount of drama with its ups and downs.
As many others have said, it is a very modern version of ‘A Christmas Carol’ and even the author acknowledges Charles Dickens at the end. It is great going back in time with Ben, and I even felt like I was back at uni with him. All the technology being different was a hoot, and the scene telling was on point.
I did feel at times, however, that we were moving through the story a little slowly and the revelations he was getting from each jump wasn’t profound enough. I felt like he was just, now and again, going through the motions. I think the impact of the jumps would have been better if he’d been older when it all started, but then I suppose that wouldn’t have served the end of the story very well.
The ending was superb; I honestly didn’t know how the outcome would unfold. We are tricked a few times, and I had my heart in my mouth, I think it was the second to last chapter. I was like “this can’t be it”! However, the author comes good and gives the perfect ending that we have all been waiting for.
I was pleasantly surprised by this book and very much enjoyed it. I will be looking up this author’s other work to read some of his back catalogue.

If you could turn back the clock, would you choose a different life?
Ben’s always loved the month of December, but this year, with his relationship with Daphne on the rocks, it’s missing its usual magic. And then his old friend Alice gets back in touch. Ben’s always thought of Alice as the one that got away, and he can’t help but wonder: what if he’d done things differently all those years ago?
He never imagines he might get to find out… but when a stranger sells Ben a mysterious watch one freezing winter’s night, he’s astonished to wake up the next morning on 5th December 2005: the day he first kissed Daphne, leaving Alice behind.
Now Ben must make the biggest decision of his life, all over again. But this time around, will he finally find the courage to follow his heart?
All About Us is a love story for anyone who’s ever wondered what might have been. Perfect for fans of One Day and Me Before You, it’s a moving novel of heartbreak and hope – and how the choices we make throughout our lives will shape our destiny.
Thanks to Netgalley for a digital arc in return for a honest review of the book.
I loved this book. Ben is given the opportunity to relive key Christmas periods in his life to see what would happen if he lived them differently. It's very interesting to read a book where the male is the main character and second guessing himself all the time.
It's not a difficult idea to understand, most people have had moments in their lives that would be different if they were to live them again. Its executed very well, there are moments of humour and sentimentality in the book that we can all relate to.
One of my most favourite characters in the book was Ben's best friend Harv - we all need a Harv in our lives to keep us grounded! I loved how he was a constant throughout Ben's life.
If you are a fan of contemporary romance I would definitely recommend this to you - easily a 5 star read.

I started reading this book, not knowing much about it, and for whatever reason I abandoned it after only getting 21% in. So it took me awhile to get back to grips with who was who and why they were important to the protagonist. Only at the very end did I twig the connection to the classic work of literature and how the story followed that!
An enjoyable read. I don’t always like time hop sort of novels, but this one felt real in the midst of the unreality of that device. Raised some very interesting questions about what’s important in life, regrets, living in the moment, and not taking for granted what you have while pining after what you think might be better.
4 out of 5 stars. I’d recommend it.

“All About Us” has hooked me from the very beginning. Ben made me angry and frustrated right away — and that’s a good thing.
The story is told from Ben’s perspective and focused on his feelings of inadequacy and unhappiness in his marriage. Day after day he makes hurtful mistakes, but instead of fixing them, he drowns in self-pity and makes the decision for his wife: He decides that Daphne is better off without him.
Angry already?
Ben also wonders if Daphne is the right person for him after all. Once upon a time, she was his destiny. Maybe he was wrong. Perhaps he should have chosen the other girl instead. What if…?
Thankfully, Tom Ellen takes us with Ben on a journey back to his past so that he can actually get his answers to “What if?”
This book is crazy relatable because we all make so many decisions in our lives that shape our destiny. We all go through rough patches and we can’t help but wonder, what if we have done things differently? What we have made different choices? But as The Cure say: “There is no if, just and…”
The beautiful message about this book is that it reminds us that we are not powerless. We have the power to fix our situation, regardless of what it looks like now. However, we need to become aware of this. We need to trust our decisions and live with no regrets.
I loved pretty much everything about this book, especially the male POV. The characters are far from perfect, and sometimes it was hard to even empathize with Ben, but at the same time, it’s beautiful to see him grow through the narrative.
Overall, “All About Us” is a relatable and realistic romantic story that will most likely make you reflect as well on some of the things or people you’ve been taking for granted.