Member Reviews

DNF after 4 attempts. I have tried this book in audio and print.

I love Anne Bogel. I have loved her last two books. But this one just missed the mark in a big way for me. As a constant overthinker, I was excited to read this one. Yet no matter how hard I tried, I felt like nothing here hit the mark. It felt very repetitive and tbh it was just anecdote after anecdote.

I would have loved this as a blog post on her website, but without anything other than anecdotes, this definitely was not worth a whole book of reading.

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Don’t Overthink It gave practical advice that can be put into practice right away. I suggested reading this book as a team project at work and all of my coworkers were able to take away something helpful. It was a big hit.

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Anne Bogel has done it again. She has taken a topic near and dear to so many readers’ hearts and explained it clearly, concisely, and with compassion. Don’t Overthink It is a guide for those of us who, ahem, struggle to do what comes easily to so many others—make a decision. When in doubt, just buy the flowers.

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I discovered Anne’s blog years ago before it was ever a podcast. Then she had the idea for starting the podcast, and I wasn’t interested in only reading posts about books. My how things have changed! Now I can’t get enough of her book recommendations and credit her for my annual reading habit of more than 200 books. Without Anne I don’t know how I would find so many great titles to read.

These great titles include her own work. Don’t Overthink It is just the book you need. If you find yourself thinking right now, “should i get this book next from the library or read something else? I just can’t decide,” this book is for you. I read it with a pen over the course of two plane rides and loved it.

Anne talks about establishing rituals, core values, and indulging in abundance. Just buy the flowers she says (ch 13, which is also a podcast episode if you want to listen to it before you get the book). Last night I had to run to Target to get a new bag because the handle on my duffle broke as I was pulling it off the baggage claim line. So I headed to Target to get a bag and found some cute jeans and shorts that are a length I can’t seem to find anywhere. Oh, also some earrings since I forgot mine.

I couldn’t help but think about the book (which I ran back to my house after Mass before my chiropractor appointment which was right before my flight) to grab. I’m so glad I did. Anne was the perfect companion for my flights today! #dontoverthinkit just get this book now! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Another fantastic book from Anne! I continue to think of her story about the Trader Joe’s flowers every time I’m at my grocery store, and I buy the flowers. I’ve used her suggestions to simplify the decision-making process, and I’m always happy to be able to move on. Anne’s books are accessible, relatable, and easy to read.

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I loved this book so much! I really struggle with this and loved the practical tips.
From now on, I buy the flowers.

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Anne Bogel runs my favorite bookish podcast „What should I read next“ and has written two other books that I have enjoyed before, so I was excited to read this one to get 2021 off to a good start.
The writing style is delightful, conversational, and makes you feel like you’re having a cup of tea with a very knowledgeable friend. The tone is warm and understanding. There is a well balanced combination of personal anecdotes, and scientific facts as well as question sheet for your own guided reflections.
I thought this book was both helpful and relatable, I loved this book and will definitely pass it on to others.

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I immensely enjoyed this book. Anne has an easy way about her writing that I have always enjoyed in her past work. However, this book hit home in so many ways and her words were very relatable. I learned a lot from this book and immediately ordered copies for my friends as gifts after finishing. This will be a book I return to many times when I find myself in a rut of overthinking everything.

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I've turned to this book over and over since I read it earlier this year. Full of practical advice to keep you on track. Don't get stalled in a loop of overthinking again!

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Ooo, this one is like salve to a busy mama's heart. It provides commentary that feels like something I would say to a friend or even myself.

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This book really spoke to me, as a constant overthinker, when I first read it. The timing of reading this title was perfect, as the pandemic that followed the publication was a prime time for me to overthink. I was able to put some of the practices detailed in the book into practice, and I truly feel like they helped me be more present with my family and feel more peace with the decisions I made and with the flexibility in planning that has been necessary during 2020. I have already gone back to this book multiple times, so I am glad I marked it up with book darks after reading. Don't Overthink It was a very helpful, practical book, and I am really thankful it fell into my hands at just the right time.

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I didn't think I was much of an over thinker until I read this book. Wow! There are so many ways we overthink things without even realizing it. Anne is spot on with her details, her understanding, and her in depth explanations of this problem we all have at one time or another. Other reviewers have called this book "life changing" and it is. I even shared it with my husband! It's on his nightstand and he's just starting to dig in. I know it will be helpful for him too (and us a a couple).

It is not just for those who want to feel good about themselves. It's for everyone who wants to address this issue head on and learn how to deal with it. Anne shows us the everyday energy-sappers like decision fatigue, technology overload, and self-sabotage disguised as data collection. Who knew?? I get bogged down in data collection. And now during this pandemic, Anne'’s advice to build in margin for the unexpected is perfect and timely. Again, who knew???

This should be a required book in high school so kids could get to know themselves better before heading off to college. It could really help them moving forward!

Love this book.

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Anne Bogel does an excellent job of describing everyday situations that we spend too much time debating. She provides a series of logical steps to help get through each situation . She gives readers a variety of options on how to approach problems from what to have for dinner to whether or not to travel. This was particularly helpful during the stressful times of the pandemic. I highly recommend it.

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How I Will Use Don't Overthink It
I got a lot of ideas from the book but I'll just share three of them here...
Problem: Decision Fatigue
Solution: Limit Yourself to Free Yourself
My Action: Don't we all feel like we're having to make decisions ALL.DAY.LONG?! Not just that, but there are so many choices out there that I can feel overwhelmed. Anne talks about ways you can limit some of those decisions including looking at what you're wearing. I'm not quite ready to have a 'uniform' like Steve Jobs with his jeans and turtlenecks but I'm really intrigued by the idea of Project 333 from Courtney Carver where basically for 3 months I will limit myself to 33 items. Fewer choices = easier decision making! I've been thinking about doing this for awhile and this book gave me the motivation to go for it (I'll write about my experience here in a few months!).

Problem: How Do I Decide Where to Spend My Time & Energy?
Solution: Decide What Matters
Action: One of the biggest 'ah-ha' moments for me with this book was tying together decision making with my values. Once I know what really matters to me then the decisions can flow from that. Something I'm working on is putting together my priorities for the year and I'm not talking 20 different things, that doesn't narrow it down! I'm looking at the top 3 so I really put my focus and energy into those and once that's set deciding how to spend my time (or where NOT to) should be clear. I'm using the tool/goal planner Cultivate What Matters but really you can use a pen and paper.

Problem: Enjoying Simple Abundance
Solution: #buytheflowers (this will make sense in a minute)
Action: I LOVE Anne's story in the book about being in Trader Joe's and deciding whether to buy flowers or not. Haven't we all sat there and asked ourselves 'should I or shouldn't I'. I love that this book is saying...You Should!!! So here's my equivalent: Chips and Guacamole. I love Chips & Guac but here's how my mind works when I see it on the menu:
-Are tortilla chips gluten free?
-I really want that but is it too many calories?
-Aren't avocados good for you? It's healthy fat, right?
-Maybe if I only have a few and save some for later?
-Who am I kidding, if I order chips & guac I am going to inhale that whole thing.
ARGH! If I get them I feel guilty, if I don't get them I feel like I have deprived myself.
So here's my decision, if chips & guac are on the menu I AM ORDERING THEM! There, my decision is made so now I don't have to decide whenever I go to a restaurant (don't you want to go have dinner with me now :)

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An excellent and progressive way to consider decision making and daily life. Anne writes like she is talking with her best friend and today, that is you. You will pick up great tips on how to improve. I particularly liked the exercises at the end of each chapter to help me work through and remember the tips. This is a great book for most everyone in your life as we all overthink in some area or another and I have not seen anyone else tackle it in such an easy to read and fun way.

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Anne Bogel runs my favorite bookish podcast and has written two other books that I very much enjoyed, so I was extremely excited to get an ARC of this with my pre-order bonus.

There’s not much to say, and in testament to everything I learned from this book, I’m not going to overthink this review. Her writing style is delightful, conversational, and makes you feel like you’re having a cup of tea with a very knowledgeable friend. The tone is warm and understanding.

What I love about this book is that there is science behind it, but since Anne isn’t a scientist, she explains things in a way that the average reader can understand. There are anecdotes galore, and everything is so relatable, whether you’re male, female, in your 20s or in your 60s. I loved this books, and will definitely read it and pass it on to others.

Many thanks to Anne Bogel for offering such a great pre-order bonus, and to NetGalley for providing the ebook.

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Don't Overthink It was such a helpful, hopeful, and practical book in assessing the challenges of overthinking and anxiety about decision-making. I really loved the author's different approaches and strategies towards. decision-making for different personality types and the overall diminished stress I felt after reading the book.

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Reading “Don’t Overthink It” by Anne Bogel was like reading a book about myself. How comforting to discover that I am not not alone in a world where I lie awake at night obsessing!

I don’t read many self-help books, but I found this one immensely useful. I have recommended it to so many friends, and it has opened up a whole conversation about my family about how we think and what we need to spend our time thinking about.

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I am the Queen of overthinking. I think things into the ground. I think about everything. My mind is constantly spinning, it’s never at rest. I can never make decisions, even simple ones. So this book really resonated with me.
I think this is one of those books that I need to read again and again. All the ideas sounded like great ideas to help me stop overthinking but now I’ve forgotten them and I’m still overthinking. So don’t think you will read this and magically be done with overthinking.

HOWEVER, The advice was very good advice. I just need to read it again and make a list I can hang up to remind me. With any self-help book, just reading it isn’t enough. You have to enact change. She gives lots of examples from her life, of overthinking she does, and decisions that are hard to make for her. I really appreciated that because sometimes you can feel like no one else obsesses about things like you do. It was refreshing to see that even accomplished writers overthink too.

Please note this is a Christian self-help book and so mentions God. If this isn’t your thing, it’s not overly Christian and I think you could still benefit and just overlook the Christian parts but personally I find asking God’s help with overthinking to be beneficial.

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Anne Bogel is brilliant and she definitely showed her intuitive understanding of human nature again! I loved it and will return to it again for sure!

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