Member Reviews

Just do the thing.  Do it.  Show up for people, use the good soap, drink the good wine, decide what matters and make it a priority.  For someone who has spent their whole life being called an overthinker and an "old soul", which I'm pretty sure is just a euphemism for a child riddled with anxiety, this book felt like a hug from a friend.  Strategies for easier decision making are complemented by personal stories about how Anne's own tendency to overthink led to the development of these suggestions.  If you are an overthinker, you will feel seen.  If you are not, you will be entertained by the tales of where overthinking can lead you.  If you feel like you need permission to buy the flowers, you don't, but this book will give it to you.

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This book. Wow. I already know that this will be the one that I pick up over and over and over. Overthinking is one of the parts of my life that too often steals joy, not only from me but from those around me and those I care about the most. What Anne has done in this book is so incredible; she has not only given us the information; she has given us the tools to look inside ourself and evaluate our actions and motivations, and then also to look outside of ourselves and take steps forward… away from anxiety, self-pressure, analysis paralysis, and into freedom and joy.

What a breath of fresh air this one is. I will read it over and over and put it into the hands of all of those I love; because the freedom to stop overthinking and just rest in the perfectly imperfect life we have been given is such a gift.

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This book is amazing! I thought I was an overthinker and then I realized yes I am in some aspects of my life, but not all. I have overcome some of them.

The author did a great job of helping people with seeing that productivity and making wise decisions and not overthinking it is a better way to live your life. I enjoyed so much of the book. There are so many little things that have resonated with me. For instance, making better decisions, deciding what values really matters to me, complete the cycle and just do the little things (like buying the flower at the store) that make you happy.

There were so many real-life examples in each chapter of overthinking that you could find yourself in most of them. Even if you don't think you are an overthinker, you might be surprised to find that in some cases you are.

I will definitely be reading this book again. I can't wait to get the physical copy of the book!

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I didn't think I "needed" to read this book - until I read the first chapter. In Don't Overthink It, Anne Bogel provides practical tips for regaining control of our thought processes. She encourages us to pay attention to our thoughts and choices, spend time deciding what really matters to us, and then gives us a variety of actionable steps we can take to simplify our decision-making process and free our minds from spending unnecessary time and energy thinking (and over-thinking) about things that do not line up with the priorities that we've made for ourselves. And she does this in a very relatable, readable style. Highly recommend!

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Let me start by saying, I am huge fan of Anne Bogel and her blog Modern Mrs. Darcy and I am also a member of book club. So it will not come as surprise when I was given the opportunity to read an ARC of her newest book, I was extremely excited.

I will also say this, I am absolutely not a fan of self-help books, but Bogel outweighed that con, and I am very glad that it did.

This book is short and sweet, and will give you tools, how to make better, easier decisions. I tend not to be a huge over-thinker myself, at least when it comes to my personal life, however, I can say this, I agree with many of her ideas.

She talks about routine, how not to over-think commitments, splurging, even meal planning and how to dress (think Steve Jobs). These are things that I know make life much easier, and Bogel lays these ideas in a very readable format. Bonus, at the end of each sections, she provides exercises which will make you think about how you handle these issues day to day.

I found this extremely enjoyable read and I loved how it reinforced many of the mantras I live by. She will give you many personal stories, they will make you and laugh and really think about you would handle that situations. Even if you are not a fan of this genre, I think you will find this a very enjoyable and easy read.

Thank you NetGalley and Baker Books for an Advanced Reader’s Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I never thought about how much I overthink things until I read this book. And it didnt make me feel bad about it. It's full of sweet stories that most people will relate to and offers helpful, practical advice to simplify your everyday decisions. If you love Anne's other books, add this to your collection. You will find yourself turning the pages again and again because it's that good.

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As a fan of Anne Bogel's blog, podcast, and first two books, I couldn't wait to receive my ARC of Don't Overthink It. Written in Anne's delightful, conversational style, Don't Overthink It delivers a dose of common sense while also giving the reader permission to chill out and take life as it comes. As an overthinker, I will admit that I was nodding my head pretty much the entire time I was reading this book.

This is a book I recommend to all overthinkers.

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I was given an ARC of this book as part of the launch team. This turned out to be the perfect time in my life to receive and make use of this information. I found out that I am an overthinker and didn't even know it! I can't begin to describe how helpful this book has been.

In "Don't Overthink It" Ms. Bogel describes the many types of overthinking and includes excellent examples of each type. She provides quizzes to help you determine if and/or how you may be overthinking, examples of the effects of overthinking, and also a step-wise method to work through each type. This is an amazing, well thought out and well written book that I will keep close and refer to often! (And gift to my overthinking friends....)

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Have you ever read a book and felt so understood and seen by the author? Add “Don’t Over Think It” to my list! This beautifully written work gives hope and practical tips for those who struggle with over active thoughts (I have already implemented some of Anne’s recommendations). Reading her words in this book remind me of the comfort and joy you find when gaining a newfound friend... The first time you connect and say “No way?! You too? I thought I was the only one!” Do yourself a favor and add this to your TBR!!

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I wanted to take my time and thoroughly soak up the wisdom in these pages while simultaneously reading quickly to see what else I could relate to in this book. It made me laugh. It made me consider my own habits and inclinations. It surprised me. I love when a book can do all of these things! This one is definitely worth a read!

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This is a lovely little book! Most of us are prone to overthinking things that don't deserve it, and the more aware among us even know that we're doing it. But how do we do something different? This book gives practical advice on getting (and staying) out of that overthinking loop.

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Because I preordered this book, I got to read the ebook over a month before it actually releases. I have both of Anne’s previous books and had the delight of meeting her when she visited Florida (almost a couple of years ago now), so to preorder and get to read this book took barely any thought at all. It is more amazing than I imagined it would be and I can’t wait to read it again when I get a paper copy in the mail. Anne has a way with words that engages you and makes you want to try her suggestions without seeming preachy or bossy. There are so many good suggestions in this book that it would take days to talk about them all...even if you overthinking isn’t your own diagnoses problem I think you would take something away from this easy to read, entertaining, and fun self-help book! #dontoverthinkit @annebogel #bestbookthisyear

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This book provided an excellent opportunity to reflect on my over-thinking habits and to implement new habits and rituals into my daily life that encourage simple abundance, moments of splurge, and being a force for good in the world. I highly recommend this book for unpacking the negative aspects over-thinking can have on our lives such as time suckage and additional stress. I choose to be more open and flexible in my decision making process and to not dwell on the over-thinking scenarios that arise.

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"You can't control what happens in life, but you can control how you chose to interpret things"
Anne Bogel

Instead of bombarding you with how-to’s, Anne takes you on a journey to build knowledge on the subject of overthinking. With each personal experience and example, she takes you through a journey to not only try to relearn your behavior but to reorganize your thinking in order to live a better, stress less life.

I liked the questions at the end of each chapter that made you look inward to assess your current behaviors and look forward on what adjustments need to be made to not overthink.

If your are looking for a book that gives you concrete advice without beating you over the head and with great stories and examples, this book is for you.

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(Thanks to NetGalley and Baker Books for providing an ARC of this book.)

Analysis paralysis. Rumination. Perfectionism. How do we fight these and so many other types of overthinking? Values-based decision making. Completing the cycle. Simple abundance.

Is this a self-help book? Of course. Is this a self-righteous book? Obviously you don't know Anne Bogel.

Fans of her blog, Modern Mrs. Darcy, and her podcast, What Should I Read Next, will be familiar with Anne's talent for bringing universal subjects to an intimate level and helping us see them with fresh eyes. (See: any of her periodic What's Saving Your Life Right Now? posts.) She is unassuming, inclusive, and congenial. You could easily see yourself meeting her at the local coffee shop to talk books and catch up on each other's week. These are the strengths she brings to her book.

The thoughts, ideas, and processes that Anne shares in the book aren't highly original; we've heard them before, seen them elsewhere. The genius of the book is that she's brought them all together in one place and presented them in such an engaging manner. She speaks directly to you. She speaks directly to me. She tells stories from her own life to underscore the points she's making. And it's all done from a true desire to help, both on a personal level and in the larger world.

Life-changing is an over-used phrase lately. But it's accurate for this book. Reading it has changed my life for the better. It will be re-read many times and loaned to family members. It will be recommended every chance I get. There are very few books I can say that about. My rating is five stars and then some.

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“Don’t wallow, don’t wobble, move on.”

Are you an overthinker? If so, then Don’t Overthink It by Anne Bogel is the book for you. I don’t gravitate toward self-help books, but I’m a follower and fan of Anne’s podcast What Should I Read Next and her blog Modern Mrs. Darcy, so I wanted to support her work. What I love is how she provides several different scenarios behind why one might overthink, along with great example stories from her own family life, and then steps one can take to change the way we make decisions. Not every set of steps applies to or works for everyone, but depending on the underlying fear, concern or motivation behind your overthinking, you will find a path that hopefully ends the cycle and gives you back control of your headspace.

Some of my favorite quotes:
“When we assume we can’t, it’s guaranteed we won’t.”

“when we aim for perfection, we freeze.”

“When I’m wondering if my life and my values are in sync, I’ve found it helpful to take a look at my calendar, because it reflects those things I value enough to actually plan for.”

“When we put off doing something we don’t want to do, we keep the unpleasant thing right in front of us for much longer than we need to.”

“treat your mind ‘as you would a private garden and [be] as careful as possible about what you introduce and allow to grow there.’”

“A task that needs doing is not the same thing as a task that needs to be done by you.”

Benediction: perfect way to close
“May you be peaceful, happy, and light in body and spirit. May you live in safety. May you be free from anxiety and worry. May you learn to look at yourself with the eyes of understanding and love. May you be able to recognize and touch the seeds of joy and happiness in yourself. May you know how to nourish the seeds of joy in yourself every day. May you be able to live fresh, solid, and free.”

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Just as the title suggests, Don't Overthink it is all about how people tend to complicate life by overthinking situations. I am a classic overthinker. Reading this book helped me recognize that how I think/feel is more common than I realized. I am not the only one in my social circle overthinking everything. Anne Bogel was able to help me recognize how my whole life has been impacted by how much I overthink small (and large) decisions and how in turn it is impacted my daughter. Some "self help" books are hard to relate to, but as I turned the pages (err, swiped on my kindle) I found myself in this book. As I read the book the first time I was just reading it, but I am excited to go back and read it again and this time take the time to stop and really ask myself the questions that are found at the end of each chapter. I need to apply all of the ideas to my life now so that I can stop overthinking everything and experience more joy in my life.

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Anne Bogel’s book, Don’t Overthink It”, is just the book I needed to read in this season of my life. As a chronic over thinker, I have been struggling to overcome my practice of second guessing everything! Full of personal reflections and practical suggestions, this a book I can read over and over again to help me in my quest for peace. Anne’s layout of the chapters are easy to follow and I appreciated the questions at the end of each chapter to help me “make a plan”. I recommend this to anybody who struggles in this area in their life. Thank you, Anne!

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As a fan and follower of Anne Bogel's blog and podcasts, I joined the launch team of this book not because I thought I was an overthinker but just because I enjoy Bogel's writing (I loved "I'd Rather Be Reading" and gave it to many people as a gift). I tend to be a "satisficer" with most decisions, but a few minutes into this book and I realized that this was the book I didn't know I needed.

"Don't Overthink It" is not just a book about over-thinking but a book about productivity, navigating life and making wise decisions. My favorite chapter is the one about using our values to help us make decisions without overthinking. There are often times I've second guessed myself about a decision that should have been a clear yes -- it aligns with my values -- but secondary concerns stalled me. I needed the reminder that our thought lives are truly our lives, and retraining our thoughts can reshape our actual lives. I saw myself in many of the examples Bogel gives, especially when she writes about deciding to splurge and rethinking all the costs, over and over again.

I might adopt her phrase "completing the cycle" for myself. "Open cycles," she writes, consume mental energy, occupy brain space, and beg us to monitor them as 'jobs in progress." Our brains get anxious when too many cycles remain open, because it takes energy to maintain them." I go through this a lot with small cycles (putting things away) and bigger ones (executing on a task or project before starting a new one).

This is a book I'll return to and likely give as a gift. It makes a great graduation gift for young people heading into adulthood. But most of all, even those who don't overthink will learn something from this book.

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Like many bibliophiles, I'm a huge fan of Anne Bogel and her podcast What Should I Read Next. Even though I'm a fan, and an ISTJ and Enneagram 5, i.e., someone who overthinks A LOT, I wasn't sure if this book would be for me. Self help books usually aren't my jam. I was so wrong. It's for me. And it's for you. This is that book you didn't know you needed.

Don't Overthink It delivered on a lot of what I expected. Anne's conversational voice and relatable anecdotes, check! Tips and ideas shared concisely and casually, check! A bit of humor and a lot of heart, check! (There's a story about spaghetti squash that had me laughing out loud... and I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I audibly laughed while reading... never?).

It also delivered beyond my expectations. I'm going to be honest. I love Anne but before opening this book I asked myself "what gives her the authority to write on this topic?". Life experience is great, but if I open a self help book I want it to be from an expert. Well, I was pleasantly surprised to find Anne's recommendations incredibly helpful. Her stories add an ease and warmth to the book and her strategies are delivered with authenticity. I love that the tools she offers are suggestions, not rules. Pick what works for you, ignore the rest. It's a quick read with a lot to highlight and return to. Everyone will find something here that they can put into practice to live more mindfully and make their life easier. I'm a huge believer and practitioner of mindfulness and its power to change your life. Anne Bogel's book taught me some new tricks and helped reinforce ideas I needed to return to. Marie Kondo your stuff, Anne Bogel your mind!

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