Member Reviews

This was a really great read and I raced through it , typical of Jane Corry full of drama and emotion .
The story is told in the present by Poppy and in the past in a series of letters from her mother in law Betty . It really is a tale of two marriages , Betty documents hers in the letters she sends to Poppy , I really felt for young Betty who fell head over heels with a good man who turns out to be anything but . Poppy's marriage is a bit stale and they both take each other for granted , leading busy lives with two teenage daughters . when Poppy has a one night stand with an old flame things get increasingly desperate for her as he starts hounding her .
As usual there are one or two twists to come , this was probably my favorite so far and can't wait for the next

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Thank you NetGalley for this advanced copy. I have tried and tried to get into Jane's books and I just can't do it. They are so slow and I have a hard time even finding a plot in most of them. I keep hoping I will like them but I end up just skimming. Just not for me.

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When Matthew Gordon appears back in Poppy’s life after almost 20 years, Poppy is shocked to feel the same way she did as a teen. For Poppy, who is married to Stuart with two daughters, life had been muddling along, her agency doing well, Stuart’s dentistry practice thriving, the only issue is that neither seem to have time for each other.

For Poppy, there are two types of women in this world: those who are faithful to their husbands, and those who are not. Until now, Poppy has never questioned which she was, then she makes a mistake and life takes her on a rollercoaster of emotions and with her family being threatened, someone is going to pay for it with their life . . .

What I loved about this book is the interaction between Betty, the mother-in-law come Mother that Poppy never had. Betty didn’t have the best of starts in life and could she be the heroine Poppy needs to save her from self-destructing and ruining her marriage, or will she be her worst enemy?

The ending was not what I was expecting and wanting to know what happened kept me on the edge of my seat!

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What a clever plot! What a good read!

The plot begins with a death, when someone dies underneath the wheels of a tube train at Waterloo Underground Station. Who died? The platform was crowded, did they fall or were they pushed? This introduces us to the sub-plot of Jane Corry’s novel.

We then flash back to six weeks before this incident when we are introduced to Poppy as she attends a function in her role as the owner of a small but successful business and where, unfortunately she runs into an ex-boyfriend – ‘the man that done her wrong’ – ‘her first, and perhaps her true love’.

The plot unfolds in three time frames; the current one in which Poppy is married to Stuart (a successful dentist) with two daughters (17 and 14) and her mother-in-law, Betty who lives with the family and is just indispensable. The second time-frame flashes-back to when Betty was a girl and her unhappy marriage to Jock. The final time-frame is current and sees someone in the dock at the Old Bailey accused of murder.

And of course there are surprises as the plot unfolds. Did I like Poppy – not so sure. Same for Stuart really, but I did really like Betty. Her story held me captive. I made a mistake – haven’t we all, one way or another. However, no mistake here – Really hits the mark, great story.

Thank you to the author, publishers and NetGalley for providing an ARC via my Kindle in return for an honest review.

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Jane Corry has done it again! I Made a Mistake is explosive!

I love the struggles in this story, it felt incredibly real. It’s a little slow to start but it picks up quickly. Betty is probably my favourite character, can I adopt her as my grandmother please?

I liked that everyone is flawed but still trying to do the best they can in life. It’s refreshing, we all make mistakes and it’s nice to read a story that shows just because of a bad decision or two that you’re not a bad person (other than Jock, clearly he’s scum.)

A strong read. 5/5

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I Made a Mistake by Jane Corry was a bit of a slow burner but it held a sort of expectancy which kept you reading. I enjoyed the writing style and the subject matter would make it a really useful educational tool on post World War life up to the modern age. Virtually every description of morals, suffering bad marriages til death us do part and brief flashes of happiness and friendship along the way were so recognisable and well described. These days Jock could have been prosecuted for coercive control, so much has changed in a few generations and Betty would have had support and not had to suffer. I doubt youngsters these days would believe how things were, which is why I think it would be instructive for them to read.
Nonetheless, just as it is with buses, so it is with this novel, you wait for something to happen and then it does by the spadeful towards the end. Quite nice little twists too.

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Jane Corry's previous book, 'I Looked Away' is a great crime thriller that pulls at the heartstrings. 'I Made a Mistake' is more of a psychological thriller, with the characters more defined from the outset. Poppy and her mother-in-law, Betty, are both keeping similar secrets of infidelity. Neither knows the other's secret at the outset, though Betty is about to reveal hers. The story flicks between Poppy's story and an on-going court case, where the reader hears evidence from people who know Poppy. Gradually, a story of manipulation and blackmail unfolds, making for a tense plot line with a slam-dunk ending. Another emotional rollercoaster from Jane Corry.

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Another fantastic and believable read from Jane Corry. I really like Jane's style of writing that is so easy to read and packed with emotion and suspense.

Brilliant story with great characters. I really adored Betty and her life story. One mistake can have drastic consequences, this is the story of two women and their stories. The term page turner is bandied around all too often but in this case it is completely true. I didn't want to put it down.

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Poppy Page is married to Stuart, a dentist. They have two young daughters whose day-to-day care is provded by Betty, Stuart's mother. Poppy runs a talent agency for film and TV extras. One evening she attends a networking party and who should be there but her first love, Matthew.

The story is told from two points of view, Betty and her life story which I found engrossing, and Poppy in the present day and her reaction to Matthew turning up in her life, and the repercussions.

Once again Jane Corry provides lots of twists and turns in this family drama and her fans will love it. Many thanks to Net Galley and Penguin UK for the opportunity to read and review I Made A Mistake.

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An enjoyable psychological thriller with family overtones.
Poppy Page, now married with two lovely girls, unexpectedly meets her first love at a work function. As the title suggests, she makes a mistake, one that has unbelievable repercussions and causes her to bitterly regret her actions.
I raced through this believable story. - definitely worth the read.

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Absolutely brilliant! Jane Corry is a wonderful author, she writes domestic thrillers so well. This is the story of Poppy, married to Stuart, when old flame Matthew comes back into her life. The mistake she makes has severe repercussions for her and her family as more and more twists are revealed. Betty is Stuart's mother who lives with the family and her backstory is revealed through letters written to Poppy. I loved the way this was done and the way we find out how different her life had been to the one portrayed to her family. When all the strands of the story are revealed, there are plenty of shocks!
Excellent book, I would certainly recommend it.

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#IMadeaMistake #NetGalley
The queen of psychological thrillers is back with a bang.
Poppy and Stuart are happily married. Poppy is a businesswomen running her own business whereas Stuart is a successful dentist. His mom, Betty wrote a letter to Poppy explaining her life.
Jane Corry has done it again, she's successful in writing a captivating psychological thriller.
Betty and Poppy are likeable while Stuart, i personally find him a bit boring.
Narration of the story is at its peak, it couldn't be better than this.
Thanks to NetGalley and Penguin UK for giving me an advanced copy of this book.

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I loved absolutely everything about this book, it was a fantastic read. I’ve always really enjoyed Jane Corry’s books, but this is by far my favourite. The main characters Betty and Poppy are likeable, relatable and well developed.
It’s a true page turner and a definite big fat 5 star read.

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Jane Corry is one of my favourite author and in this novel, she does not disappoint. Poppy Page meets up with an old boyfriend and makes the mistake of sleeping with him. Instantly regretting her decision, it takes everything to stop her husband Stuart, her two daughters and mother in law from discovering what she had done. The story is told from 3 POV's (points of view), Poppy's, her mother in law in the form of a letter and third person. At first I could not see how or where the letters from the mother in law were leading to, but it all comes together brilliantly and the ending is stunning. One that I did not see. I loved this book and cannot wait for the next Jane Corry novel. This is a must read.

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Absolutely brilliant, loved it, I thought nothing could be as good as ‘I Looked Away’ but how wrong could I be. I loved the two stories that came together especially Betty’s story of her earlier life although all the characters were very likeable apart from Matthew. I found it very addictive and hard to put down the ending was fabulous and never would have guessed it I couldn’t recommend this book enough it’s definitely a must read.

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I have to say that even thinking about a new Jane Corry book makes my toes curl in anticipation. You can be sure that it will be an addictive read, that you won’t be able to put down!!

Poppy and Stuart have two daughters and have been married for twenty years. They have drifted apart as poppy runs her own business Poppy Paige Extra Agency and Stuart is a busy Dentist, with work and raising a family they have little time for one another.

When Poppy meets up with her first love Mathew at a time when she is feeling insecure, it turns her life upside down, the consequences rippling throughout the family.

The story is from Poppy’s prospective and of a London court where there is a murder case., also through a letter Betty has written to her daughter in law poppy, we get to see what her younger life was like with her husband Jock and the mistakes and regrets she has kept secret.

This is such a well written addictive twister of a book, loved how it all came together at the end. At one point when there is a reveal, I screamed out loud as I never saw that coming!!!

A must read book. Everyone makes mistakes but some are more deadly than others!!

Definitely recommend this. If you haven’t read a Jane Corry book then you are missing out on a thrilling author.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy in exchange for a review.

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Another great read from Jane! Thrilling and intriguing from start to finish, fast paced and draws you in so you don’t want to put it down!
Complex family dynamics and old secrets are bought to the fore, in this great read!
Poppy and Stuart are a busy successful couple who live with their two daughters and Stuart’s mother Betty, the book is told from bettys perspective from the past and Poppy’s from the current,lovely to see inter generational living portrayed in such a positive light and lengths people will go to for love and family even in the most difficult of times!
A great addictive thriller!
Thank you so much for this early read.

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Betty is the Grandma and she tells her story in a series of letters to her daughter-in-law, Poppy. Betty had an unhappy marriage to Jock and explains in those days she had to accept things. Poppy is married to her son and she's busy with her acting agency when Matthew Gordon an old flame appears to reignite the spark in her life. But is he everything he seems and have women get more rights these days? That is the question subtly put through the subtext of the book. Betty supports Poppy and this is a tale of female empowerment and supporting one another and Betty is haunted by the death of her friend, Jane when she wasn't there to support her. This is a page turner and again delves into the history of the recent past and interweaves it with the present. Another amazing thriller and page turner by Jane Corry. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for letting me review this book.

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I have enjoyed Jane Corry’s previous books and this was no exception. A good storyline that kept me reading and I liked the way it swapped between the different characters so the reader got views from different perspectives. I recommend this boom to anyone who likes a good novel with a bit of intrigue.

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I loved this! Told from the perspective of a woman and her mother-in-law interspersed with courtroom scenes, a LOT of people make mistakes in "I Made a Mistake." In fact, there isn't really a character in her who doesn't do something wrong or could have made better choices.

That's one of the good things about this book - it could so easily happen to anyone. It's realistic and well paced, forcing you to read on because you have to know who died, why, who did it, what their motives were, and how on earth you can fix a fatal mistake.

Thrilling and enthralling, this is a must-read for any thriller fan.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC without obligation.

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