Member Reviews

This is the second book by this author for me. I really liked My Husband's Wife, and the premise for this book sounded twisty and interesting so I was excited to read this one. Whilst the writing was good, characters enjoyable to read and the pace not too slow, I did find this one to be a bit predictable and definitely more of a domestic drama than thriller with suspense, which was kind of what I was hoping for in this book. Thanks to the Author, Publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this ARC to read and review.

I Made a Mistake by Jane Corry
It starts with a court case then the different parts from all the people involved.
A well written story with many twists and ultimately a murder. Not always fast flowing it dragged a bit but like most thrillers was a bit dark in parts . I had mixed feelings about this story but still a good read on the whole.

A gripping book which examines the consequences of one fatal choice. It put me in mind of Apple Tree Yard a bit, so did not feel totally original because of that, but the treatment of the plot was fresh. A good read nevertheless.

I made a mistake by Jane Corry
I rate this book 4 stars
It started with a kiss and ends with murder
You didnt mean to do it
It was only once
But now hes dead...and someone has to pay!
A family and their relationships and secrets.Poppy and Betty's back stories are told in between inserts from a court case.A good solid storyline that intertwines together giving a suspenseful and emotional read.
Thank you to Netgalley for the chance to read this.

Love the multi-layered complexity of this book and the different sides to each story which is told from Poppy and her mother-in-law Betty.
We know someone has been murdered but we don't know who or why.
Story of how regret and a lapse in judgement can alter the lives of an entire family.

This book is a great read and kept me totally absorbed. The story is told in alternating chapters from the point of view of Poppy and her mother in law Betty. Both characters are deeper than they first appear, and I especially enjoyed reading about Betty's earlier life. The book starts with a death and then goes back to Poppy bumping into her first boyfriend, Matthew a few months before. Poppy is married with two teenage daughters, Betty is widowed and lives with them. The story unfolds really well, with lots of layers, and the author keeps you guessing about what has really happened.

This unfortunately was a book that just dragged for me. Poppy, the central character, seemed to elicit no sympathy from me as she just seemed to be the architect of her own unhappiness. The whole story seemed to hinge on an inability to communicate despite the closeness of the family and friends. I get frustrated with characters who behave in a completely illogical and implausible way, and there were too many like that in this book.

The story is told from Poppy's pov and her mother-in-law, Betty and chapters about a court case. I really liked the letters from Betty, reading about her telling Poppy about her mistakes she made in her marriage with Jock and the secrets she kept all her life. I warmed to her personality and wanted to know more, so I kept reading. It's made clear with this story, mistakes and secrets can result in tragedy and despair.

With thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the arc, which I have enjoyed reading.
I Made A Mistake by Jane Corry is a very clever and well thought out drama. When a man dies, who Poppy has had a one night stand with and who also happens to be her first serious boyfriend at 18, It appears that her marriage, her children and her business are now all at risk. When her mother in law is charged with Matthew’s murder, life seems even more complicated.
An interesting and fascinating look at two women’s marriages and how both woman work hard to keep their marriages strong against all odds.
Highly recommended.

I didn’t realise how much I enjoyed this book until I finished it! A slow builder from different perspectives but before you know it you’re hooked!
A great story with a clever ending. Thanks for letting me read this great book.

Author Jane Corry’s books are like opening a gift not knowing if I would get a surprise or a kickass shocker. Reading this book kept me in heady anticipation waiting for that twist which would turn the story at its end.
Poppy and Stuart had a stable marriage, though twenty years of being together did lead to complacency and lack of intimacy. Entered an old flame, the first love, and Poppy made one mistake which saw repercussions until the last page.
The book started as a family drama, showing me Poppy’s life. I was ambivalent toward her though she did lead me on a merry trail when she wanted to play with fire. The book slowly turned darker as the one mistake came to light, and things started happening to her.
The author built up suspense by interspersing chapters of Poppy’s statement at the criminal court where she was being cross-examined. I eagerly waited for the other shoe to fall, and reveal the truth. And oh boy, did it!! Poppy’s life turned upside down, and I was the perfect voyeur to witness that.
The last few chapters had the biggest of twists and turns, some I had suspected and others completely blindsided me. It was a delightful well plotted story, which made a delicious afternoon read.

Really enjoyed this one. Good characters and well developed plot made it well worth a read. First time I have read Jane Corry but recommended.

Quite a suspenseful tale, too slow moving in places. Worth persevering with however as the pace picks up toward the end. A family saga with a difference; I liked the way the story spans between two generations. You get the message of how one lie can lead to another until it’s too late to put things right.

This story is narrated by two women. Poppy, who is married to Stuart and has two daughters and Betty, her mother in law who lives with them and her and Poppy are very close. The book opens with a murder and someone being questioned in a courtroom. Poppy’s life is turned upside down when she runs into an old flame Matthew. We learn that he ended their relationship but he seems to want to rekindle it. Poppy then has a moment of weakness which results in a series of mistakes that have devastating consequences. Betty’s story is told in a series of letters written for Poppy going back to the marriage of her deceased husband and how her strict upbringing in the 1960s impacted on her life. This book is a story about blackmail, secrets and infidelity and one that I thoroughly enjoyed. A brilliant read.
Thanks to Netgalley and Penguin for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

I have just read this book this week and I must say I really enjoyed it.
I thought the storyline was quite interesting and I loved how fleshed out and developed the character as were.
I honestly found myself feeling for them.
In terms of plot I felt that the ending was quiet predictable however I'm someone that reads a lot of thrillers so maybe that is why, it just wasn't unique enough.
I also felt that the way the character died was quite a cop Out.
I still really enjoyed the book where did take a couple of issues with it, primarily the Thriller aspects just missed the mark for me

A strange mix this book - did I find it compelling and readable - very much so but also did I find it cliched and corny - again yes I did. It was a little like reading a Barbara Taylor Bradford novel - seemed old fashioned to me.
A very easy read with relatable characters - however without spoiling plots they main character Poppy was just unbearable - so selfish and full of herself and her problems - this over shadowed everything in the book for me and I found myself getting frustrated about it - it just needed toning down a bit.
The book was perfect though to just read quickly and dispose off - a perfect beach read.

I really like this author's books. I recommend this book as well as all the author's other books. I look forward to more books by Jane Corry.

I love most of this authors books but this was a DNF for me as I could not get on with the writing or the story - apologies

Poppy Page always wanted to be an actress but settled for second best in her business providing extras for films. Her life is hectic and she sees very little of her husband and two children but is thankful that her mother-in-law, Betty lives with them to help out.
When she bumps into an ex, her first love at a party her life starts to fall apart. She has always been proud of being a faithful wife until Matthew comes back into her life and she makes one mistake. Matthew will not accept that she is married and is determined to cause problems and threatens to tell her husband of their one night together. Poppy has to find a way of fighting back with disastrous results but who was really responsible.
The story is told from the perspective of Poppy and Betty and flashbacks over the past weeks. The sections for Poppy and the flashbacks are dragged out, repetitive and irritating. Bettys story tells of her upbringing and marriage and is the more interesting part of the book. The end of the story seems rushed in comparison to the slow build up and a little unrealistic and gives the impression the author just wanted to finish without thought of the flow for the reader.

Different Points of View, past and present, is my ideal type of book. I Made a Mistake did not disappoint..
A great “who done it” to get your teeth stuck into.
4.5 stars