Member Reviews

what a twisted thriller! A mother determined to protect her children, despite beliving one of them to have done the unthinkable. Did they? and if so, what could have been the motivation?

This is a great book which is filled with many well developed characters. I would say that this was confusing at times.
The ending was very unexpected.
A good book

Thank you #netgalley #amazonpublishinguk #tracybuchanan for a copy of this book to review.
Melissa has the perfect life. A loving husband, three perfect children and a stunning home in Forest Grove.
One night she comes home to a scene from her nightmares: her husband lying on the floor with stab wounds caused by the knife lying next to him and her three children just standing there looking at him. They claim to have just found him like this, but if that was the case, where is the knife? It was there when she arrived home and turned to call the police, now it's missing. Did one of them take it?
As rumours and mistrust spread around the small community of Forest Grove, Melissa starts to question everything she knows about her husband, kids and friends.
And then Patrick wakes from his coma. Finally she will find out the truth, whether she wants it or not.
There are three POVs in this book which keep things very interesting. Packed to the brim with twists and turns that keep you guessing.
Overall, an excellent read that I would quite happily recommend.

I will not be giving feedback on this book as I couldn’t really get into it but I think others may enjoy it.

Wall of Silence Tracy Buchanan is the first book in A Forest Grove Suspense series. Narrated by: Moira Quirk and I really enjoyed this book and kept me guessing right until the end. It was a good story that kept my interest The audiobook. was excellent and Moira was excellent for this book.

This book was okay, but didn’t peak my interest. I found the main character quote annoying and the entire premise really unusual and unrealistic. I don’t read blurbs and go into books blind - so had I done so I probably wouldn’t have chosen to read this book. But definitely recommend it if it sounds like your thing

Great book. Highly recommend and will most defiantly read more by this author and suggest to others!

My first read by Tracy Buchanan but most definitely not my last! Wonderfully constructed story line and excellent characters make for a fast paced read that will keep you glued to the pages

Thank you Netgalley and publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Not all families are as the seem on the outside. This was one of those books I couldn't put down because there were so many loose ends that didn't make sense until the end when it was all explained. Everything in the end ties the story together and I was happy with the ending. I felt the characters were well developed and everything they did had a reason for it. I thought the facebook chat parts were a little over the top. These people are literally obsessed with this family it's all they talk about! But was still entertaining nonetheless. If you're looking for a great quarantine read I would definitely recommend this one!

Father lying badly injured on the kitchen floor with his 3 kids surrounding him. Something isn’t right! In a way it’s like reading an Enid Blyton book for adults with all the chat about the huge forest that even the locals get lost in and special trees. Melissa is aggravating and does she ignore people and what’s going on around her, only seeing the trees as there appears to be so much that she has missed. Sorry to say this isn’t the best book I’ve read lately and left me feeling exasperated. A lot of it was predictable too. This is possibly a Marmite book that you either love or hate.

i really felt for Melissa, it was a really interesting read. Melissa and the other characters were really interesting and I enjoyed reading this.

found myself constantly annoyed when reading this lmao like it wasn't bad but I just didn't care for it much I guess

Tracy Buchanan is becoming one of my best authors she never fails to deliver and her writing style is so fluent and easy to follow.
Wall of silence follows a mysterious accident with the three main suspects being the injured mans’ own children.
Based in a smalll hamlet in the forest where everyone thinks they know everyone else’s secrets - this couldn’t be further from the truth. As all the shocking secrets are revealed you are taken to an unbelievable climax.
Thoroughly recommend this book.

I really enjoyed this book and will give it a huge thumbs up. With a great story line and excellent main characters - I would highly recommend this book.

Does the perfect family actually exist? Well, that's the image the residents of Forest Grove have of the Byatt family. That and the fact that the residents of Forest Grove also live in the perfect village, perfectly carved out at the edge of a thick forest, that had never existed up until a couple of decades ago. But when a tragic incident occurs and as the cracks start to appear, it soon becomes clear that nothing is what it seems in this close-knit community.
Melissa Byatt returns home one evening to a scene which could only be described as a nightmare. Her husband Patrick is lying unconscious on the kitchen floor, having been stabbed with the knife still at his side, and her three children standing wordlessly around him. They claim to have found him like that but after Melissa rings the ambulance she sees the knife has disappeared. The only people in that kitchen were her three children. Did one of them remove it? Or was she imagining things?
The police ask the usual questions and without a second thought, Melissa jumps in to back up her children. There was no knife at the scene; the attacker must have taken it with him. All the while asking herself just exactly what did her children do and how much did they know about the attack?
As the minutes pass into hours and the hours into days, Melissa begins to suspect her children know a lot more than they are letting on but each time she tries to question them, a wall of silence goes up between them and they refuse to tell her what they know. Going out of her mind with worry, Melissa is certain one of her children did it as who else could it have been? But how can she help them if they won't tell her?
Patrick's parents, Bill and Rosemary, are on hand immediately to take Melissa and the children in whilst their home remains a crime scene, all the while offering tea and platitudes. Rosemary insists on being by Patrick's side whilst Melissa is determined to get to the truth of what really happened. Her in-laws fail to understand who could do this to Patrick as he is loved by everyone...nor do they understand why Melissa spends most of her time traipsing through the forest when she should be at her husband's side.
Then the rumours start. Melissa has been having an affair with long time friend and forest ranger, Ryan Day. And the perfect village begins ripping the perfect family to shreds.
But this village has its own share of secrets. Secrets, deceit and lies that will rip this family apart at the seams as wild accusations abound causing Melissa to question everything she ever thought she knew about the man she has loved since she was 15 years old.
And then after nine days, Patrick wakes from his coma and everyone waits with baited breath as to who he will identify as his attacker.
WALL OF SILENCE is one wild ride. There are so many red herrings, twists and secrets that will make your head spin. Who is lying? Who is telling the truth? And what really happened to Patrick Byatt? And what are the residents of Forest Grove really hiding?
The story cleverly unfolds through the diary excerpts of one of the children whose identity remains unknown, a third person narrative from Melissa's perspective as she endeavours to uncover the truth and pretentious Facebook group chats that become vicious taunts between villagers as they turn on each other.
There are so many layers to this story that goes back several years. Throughout the unfolding narrative the reader learns about Melissa's childhood, her parents and how she came to meet Patrick. Her friendship with Ryan is also ruminated on growing up in the forest and how the village once referred to Melissa as "that feral child".
In the midst of the many characters within WALL OF SILENCE, I love how the forest is a character all of its own. I was reminded of the Scandanavian noir thriller "Jordskott" some years back where the forest played an important part in that story, just as it does here. It has an element of creepiness about it as if the answers somehow lay at the foot of the great oak tree at its heart, where Melissa often sought and found refuge. But will the great oak tree give her the answers she seeks now? Who stabbed Patrick? And how to get the truth from her children?
While I guessed the "who" in the whodunit fairly early, I was still left questioning my belief throughout as the author weaved a web of deceit that became a tangled mess of secrets and lies. As I was to discover, and you will too, that it's not the "who" so much as the "why" that is important.
I really cannot convey just what WALL OF SILENCE does within a few paragraphs. One has to read it to experience it themselves. And I do recommend doing so. It is a different thriller, but it is a twisty journey filled with secrets and lies that will leave you breathless.
A domestic thriller with a touch of noir for something different!
I would like to thank #TracyBuchanan, #NetGalley and #AmazonPublishingUK for an ARC of #WallOfSilence in exchange for an honest review.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing this book for my honest review. This book was a little slow for me. I liked the basic storyline of the book but it just dragged on for too long. I did finish the book because I wanted to know which of the kids stabbed Patrick and the secrets they were hiding.

Melissa is a happily married woman with three children she adores. She arrives home after work to find her husband, Patrick lying on the kitchen floor in a pool of his own blood. His three children are stood around him and a bloodied kitchen knife mysteriously disappears when the paramedics arrive.
The story unfolds from that point with layer upon layer of secrets unveiled. It is obvious that Melissa has been misled by many people around her, and it is unclear who she can trust.
I have read several Tracy Buchanan books and enjoyed them all. I did find this novel quite difficult to get into, mainly because of the far fetched nature of the story. It is difficult to believe someone can be so blind to the nature of the man she’s married to, her ‘friends’ and family.

While I enjoyed the overall story and it kept me engaged, It was just too unbelievable that a mom wouldn't immediately demand to know what had happened to her husband! It just enraged me every time she would question them and let it go.

Firstly a big thank you to the publishers for approving my request to read on netgalley. Ive read all of this authors books and really enjoyed them.
This is a real who done it and things arent what they seem.
Packed with twists and turns as secrets and lies are revealed.
I loved the extra snippets shown from Facebook page which is so accurate of a nosy group.
Who could possibly have wanted to hurt Patrick…hes a good guy with a loving family….isnt he??
Compelling and unpredictable this is a great thriller with characters im sure a lot can relate to.
Published 1st April

Oh my gosh! Just WOW on this book. I really totally loved every minute of it. Starts with a bang and had me hooked from that to the final paragraph. So many unexpected twists and turns.
I loved the deep exploration of family ties, secrets and vulnerabilities. How much we love our children and how far we will go to protect them.
A multitude of life changing secrets and lies. We can be so vulnerable in this life.
Big 5 stars from me! Highly recommend.
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.