Member Reviews

20th Victim storyline basically centres around sniper attacks on apparently random individuals across the country. The timing and details of each attack is precise. Sergeant Lindsey Boxer and her partner Richie Conklin are investigating but can’t seem to catch a break and the body count is continually increasing.
I love most James Patterson book series and the Women’s Murder Club is one of my favourites. However I just thought this one was a bit disjointed in parts and too ‘busy’ with the main storyline and a couple of other minor ones that seemed to be thrown in just to keep some of the main characters involved. Indeed there were times when I had to go back to re-read a section as the story line seemed to ‘jump’ without you actually knowing how it got there - like a chunk of the story was missing.
There was also the matter of Sergeant Boxer leaving her sleeping child alone in the house while she went for a run or a walk in the moonlight! I was a bit concerned by this to be honest.
That being said it was an easy read with short, sharp chapters and it won’t put me off reading more of the same. I just wish that the magic from the first few books in the series could be recaptured.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced read copy of this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Thank You to NetGalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for this free ebook!!
When three murders in three different cities happen at the same time Sergeant Lindsay Boxer of SFPD takes the lead in trying to identify the shooters. As the casualty list expands, fear and fascination with this shocking spree provoke debate across the country.
James Patterson is one of my favourite authors and The Women's Murder Club is a series that I enjoy reading. In this installment of the series, the plot is good and the leading ladies are amazing as always but I felt something was missing.
Overall 20th Victim is a good read but the earlier books are slightly better so it didn't excite me much.

Thanks to Net Galley and Random House UK for an ARC of this book in exchange for a review.
James Patterson is one of my favourite authors although I much preferred his earlier books this is another book featuring the Woman’S Murder Club.
Short sharp chapters tempting the reader to keep reading, though sadly I wasn’t gripped by the story at all, it was like reading several different books at the same time. A lot going on for all four women but I didn’t think the plots connected.
Sadly I think it’s time to kill off the Woman’s Murder Club.

James Patterson does it again!! The Women's Murder Club is the series that keeps me coming back for more. 1st to Die was the first 'adult' book I ever read growing up and I've had a love affair with this series and these women ever since.
As always, the plotline is well thought out, fantastically written and captivating. Our leading ladies are as fantastic as we remember them and as badass too!
This is another brilliant installment to an already fantastic series!

This is the first time I’ve read this author’s books but based on this it won’t be the last. Kept my interest from start to finish.

I love James Patterson's books and this did not disappoint. I was gripped from the start and this was a real page turner following 3 separate stories that kept me intrigued and up until the small hours. Keep up the good work.

Another good read from Patterson. I found this one a little harder to get into than others but still very enjoyable as usual

With thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the arc, which I have enjoyed reading.
I have read many James Patterson books over the years and one of my firm favourites has always been The Woman’s Murder Club. In book 20 of the series, 20th Victim is an excellent read, although may I tentatively suggest that the books are now getting just a little bit predictable.

I would like to thank Netgalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for a review copy of 20th Victim, the twentieth novel to feature the San Francisco Woman’s Murder Club.
When three murders in three different cities happen at the same time Sergeant Lindsay Boxer of SFPD takes the lead in trying to identify the shooters. The victims turn out to be criminals and the killers vigilantes.
I enjoyed 20th Victim which is a non stop action fest with not only Lindsay and the shootings but her husband Joe investigating claims that his friend Dave’s father was murdered and the other characters having their own problems. It is an easy way to pass a few hours. The novel is told from various points of view with Lindsay giving her first person take on events and the other narratives in the third person. I think this is supposed to help the reader identify with Lindsay but it doesn’t dive deep enough into her character to be effective.
I’m not knocking the novel as it isn’t designed to be anything but a straightforward action thriller where characterisation takes a back seat to entertainment and set pieces, rather like a film. As such it does a good job. The plot is well enough done with lots of action and most of the strands coming together for a feel good finale. It is, however, superficial and glib. I like this series and will continue to read it as the novels are entertaining and require no serious thought.
20th Victim is a good read that I can recommend.

I really enjoy this series of books. This was an ok addition to the series but by no means as good as some of the others. I think the plot was maybe not as strong as some of the others

#20thVictim #NetGalley I love James Patterson but this is the first I have read in this series. Whilst it can be and I did read as a standalone, a bit of background on the main characters would no doubt help. At first I found this confusing, there was so much happening with different people I had to keep backtracking to understand where I was up to. It may be because it was an ARC but the bios at the start of the book were all jumbled up and no help to me! Once I understood the characters the book became far more interesting. As well as the main storyline there were lots of little sub storylines from all the main characters to keep up the interest and keep me turning the pages. I did find it a little concerning that Boxer appeared to leave her young daughter alone in the house whilst she went for a midnight walk with her husband and dog but other than that a really good read as to be expected from James Patterson!

Typical a James Patterson. Totally gripping and a real page turner. Couldn’t put it down.
I love the fact that the main characters are women who are trying to juggle home life and work life, while still solving murders.

I have read all the books in the women's murder club series and love all of their characters. This one does not disappoint and is a page turner as is all the others. I will highly recommend this series.

I was sent this book in return for an honest review. Thank you to Netgalley and Random House UK.
I must start by saying that I have read James Patterson for over 20 years and have rarely been disappointed in a book.
This book was great from start to finish and I love how the characters have evolved over the course of the series (although some are no longer ‘with’ us)
One thing that did bother me was that Lindsey, a police officer, seemed to leave her child home alone on at least 2 occasions. Which seemed odd and a concerning thing to normalise in a book. I am hoping it is just a misstep in the writing.
I do feel that the series is becoming a little bit stagnant but I have been reading these for a long time.
Overall a good book but I’m not sure I would rush to buy the next one.
I also realised that I missed reading book 19 which may be why I was a bit confused in my timeline from memory.

‘20th Victim’ is the 20th novel in the ever popular detective series by James Patterson. Patterson started the series in 2001 with the title ‘1st to Die’. I recall reading this first book and being excited that the major mystery/detective series, lead by women (!) was being launched by Patterson. I believed that having such a prolific and commerical author could only ensure the success of the series – no harm to have a group of women leading a series!
Now, while I have not read every book in the series, I have followed the majority of Lindsay and co’s adventures. It is not necessary to have read any of the preceding novels in order to read ‘20th Victim’ and this is definitely a draw for potential newcomers to the series.
This time around, our intrepid quad of ladies (Lindsay Boxer, Cindy Thomas, Claire Washburn and Yuki Castellano) are facing a dangerous group of trained shooters who are taking by possible drug dealers one by one. During an online discussion with Cindy, the shooter provides his manifesto and receives the support of the general public, especially when the shootings move from San Francisco to the east coast. With public support in favour of the shooters, dealers dying and no clues, can our heroes save the day?
Admittedly, I do have a soft spot for this series, but I must admit that this time around, the storyline did not engage me as much as I had expected. Enjoyable but I expect more excitement from our crime fighting gals and honestly, the side line of Joe’s story, was actually more interesting for me. Perhaps, after 20 novels it’s time to re-event the team so happened with the death of Jill and addition of Yuki. (Books 2 and 4).
I received an ARC of this book in return for an honest review.

This was a good story, although I didn't find it particularly compelling. The characters all seemed a bit too good to be true, and the whole thing seemed a but formulaic. It is a good read if you want to while away a few hours with an undemanding book.

James Patterson is one of my favourite authors, who always produces well written and researched books. He definitely has his own style, such as the short chapters, which is great if you’re snatching a sneaky read when you should be doing jobs.
Lindsay Boxer and her friends in the Women’s Murder Club are all likeable, realistic and well rounded characters. This being the 20th in this particular series, it’s nice to see that it’s just as enjoyable as all of the others. These books always feel very modern and relevant, with several story lines running alongside the main one. Each in the series can be stand alone reads but I’m glad I’ve read them from the beginning. I’d highly recommend this book.
Thanks to netgalley and the publishers for an ARC in return for,an honest review,

Another great story in this series. The woman's murder club are fab,a mixed bunch with complicated lives. Fast paced thriller with many twists.

This was my first Women’s Murder Club read. I thought the plot was interesting and it was an enjoyable read but not very gripping. The ‘good guys’ all seemed a little too perfect for me & the ending rather abrupt.

Simultaneous murders hit LA, Chicago and San Francisco. SFPD Sergeant Lindsay Boxer is tasked with uncovering what links these precise and calculated killings. Lindsay discovers that the victims all excel in lucrative, criminal activity. As the casualty list expands, fear and fascination with this shocking spree provoke debate across the country.
Finally an instalment of the Women’s Murder Club that fans can be proud of! We have a return to the three friends being the core of the read, which is the whole point of the read! Lindsay, Yuki, Claire and Cindy all have their own plot threads in this, they all play a vital role and they all feature prominently. Recent books in this series have seen them somewhat lacking but they are back and I love it!
Now, do not get me wrong, a read such as this is never going to set the world on fire. But you know what you are going to get and Patterson delivers an adrenaline filled, high intensity read. I sat and read this in one go and there are not a lot of books you can do this with. Not only do we have the intense, thrilling investigation side but there is an emotional, heavy hitting aspect as the characters experience their own turmoil. I just adored being back with the gang, reading this highly enjoyable read.
’20th Victim’ is a worthy instalment of the Women’s Murder Club and sees a return to form for Patterson. Fans of the series will love this.