Member Reviews

Book Title: Honeymoon alone

Author: Nicole Macaulay

Genre: Fiction /Romance

My Rating : ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ / 5 ⭐

Just a plain and happy story. The story is very predictable in every aspect and we could say what would happen next without turning the pages. Yet the writing style is magnificent, very easy going and pleasant to read. Though the story is ordinary I felt a lot of subtle changes in characterization and other circumstances make this book very different from other books in this genre stereotype. But the climax is kind of a bummer which I couldn’t stop rolling my eyes out. Seriously how many more books will have this kind of cheesy and not so practical climax !!! Other than that I like this book. If you want to read something light and enjoyable go for it!

Thoughts while reading :

This section contains subtle spoilers.

The female lead! Usually, in these types of stories, the heroine would be a silly character. But here she is adorable, good-hearted yet knows her game.
And the same way, the family would always criticize the female lead or at least seem like that until the moment she realized they really loved her, but here from the beginning the love and affection among family members are adorable and make us yearn for it.
Even the friend character is designed as matured and responsible one unlike the usual loony types
And the way she enjoyed her trip to London and Paris make us yearn one. The Paris section seriously reminds me, my time over there and I enjoyed it.
After the Paris trip, the story is a usual misunderstanding, an unbelievable stunt which is kind of tolerable.
But the climax is the total cheesy one, which I wish she should finish the story in London itself.

Favorite Quotes From the Book:

“Sometimes it’s really great to just not be yourself”

Disclaimer: Though I received this book #honeymoonalone from #netgalley ARC, the opinion is straight from my heart without biased in any way.

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This book was not at all what I expected and that is just one reason why I loved it so much. Get your passport ready and prepare to swoon!
Lucy's is the maid of honor at her sister's wedding and the control freak bride has planned every detail of her wedding...TWICE! When the wedding is over it's Lucy's job to cancel her sister's back-up honeymoon, but instead she decides to take her first vacation ever and pose as her sister at the fancy hotel. There's just one problem: the hotel is for honeymooners only and Lucy has no groom.
So often, travel romances are a steamy romp on a beach in Fiji with all sizzle and no substance. This book surprised me with friendship, mystery, romance, family, humor, and love! No canned storyline or super-predictable tropes here.
This is a wonderful story that makes you feel ALL THE FEELS in the best way. There are great friendships in this book, a suffocatingly involved family, and some life lessons thrown in there too.
I absolutely adored the unexpected twists in this story and fell in love with every character, even the very grumpy hotel concierge! I certainly hope we get to see more stories from these supporting characters in their own books. A series...pretty please?
I received and ARC of this title from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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This was such a fun book. What Lucy thought was going to be a relaxing trip turned out to be an experience she'd never forget. It was great writing and can't wait to read more.

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A quite predictable storyline however a great feel good read nonetheless! I couldn’t put this book down and finished it within 2 days!

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What a fun read, full of quirky yet relatable characters! This book was light and fast paced. I instantly felt connected to the characters and laughed out loud countless times. The story was cute and sweet but also had some twists that I never saw coming. If you like quirky rom-coms with a happily ever after, I definitely recommend Honeymoon Alone! I received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a fun book, mostly. Lucy doesn't want to be predictable so she shakes it up and takes a trip. Most of it is predictable with extras added in. It was all going good but the end, it really sucked. I was disappointed.

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Honeymoon Alone is a novel that contains fake marriage and mistaken identity. Main character, Lucy, is determined to take chances by acting upon instinct rather than always calulating and planning her actions. This story is kind of like a Hallmark movie in a book but also contained themes about self-discovery.

Lucy ends up having a fantastic adventure in both London and Paris. These places are written so well that it's easy to fall in love with them through Lucy's eyes. On Lucy's adventure she steps out of her comfort zone and does something just for herself -- no matter what her opinionated family thinks.

Honeymoon Alone is well written with great character development and chemistry between characters. It's a lovely tale about stepping out of the comfortable and finding your independence. It also made me want to go to London and get caught in the rain!

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I received a free E-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. All of the thoughts and opinions are my own. This book is about Lucy Gray, who is ditched at a wedding by her date in front of her whole family, With the advice of a psychic still running through her mind, Lucy decides to take her sister's second honeymoon trip to London. There she finds herself tangled in a web of lies, which includes a fake husband. As Lucy travels around the European cities and keeps running into Oliver, Lucy finds herself on a journey of self discovery and love. Can being honest with yourself and other give you everything you want or lead to hurt and heartbreak?
This book was very good, but predictable. The story has most of the common tropes of fake marriage and mistaken identities. I loved Lucy throughout this book as she is determined to take chances by acting on instinct rather than rational thoughts. I enjoyed following Oliver's and Lucy's journey as their feelings from distaste to love change the nature of their relationship. I was sad for Oliver as her fought his attraction for Lucy for no reason other than he believes Lucy is married. The writing and pacing of the story was good. The ending was well wrapped up and satisfying. I would recommend this book to those who love the Hallmark romance movies or who love a cute and clean romance story for a weekend read.

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My only regret with this book is that I didn't got the chance to read it on Christmas time! It was an absolute amazing reading. I read it in just two days and I love almost every single part of it.

To begin with, I loved Lucy, she felt incredibly real, she was honest, she was herself and even when she was looking for a chance she kept being herself. Her family describe her as predictable and reliable and I couldn't help it, I saw myself in her. This whole story is about finding out who you are, going a little further in life, thinking about yourself and knowing it's possible to do all that and still love and be there for your family.

About Cary and Oliver, I really loved those two. They were absolutely amazing, handsome and totally boyfriend material haha. They were always there for Lucy, helping her to find her way even without noticing it.

The story was cute, heartwarming, and full of excitement. I enjoyed this read and I'm pretty sure it will become one of my favorite reads of the year. Literally the only thing a didn't like was the last page, maybe we can expect a second part? I would totally loved to because I find Nicole's writing really good. She know how to make you feel part of the story, how to make the characters feel real and all of that in a really easy way.

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An adorable, cute read, not a huge amount to it, but a sweet reach which will distract you and make you smile. I liked Lucy and liked the story centring around her not every other character, although her family really annoyed me and her friend’ wasn’t that much of a friend, but it was an enjoyable read.

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Very cute, quick read. Not particularly my favorite read recently but definitely breezes through this very easily!

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This book was a whirlwind! Lucy is the ultra-organized sister of Marian, who is getting married at the beginning of the book. Known for being a perfectionist, Marian had double bookings for everything-- including her honeymoon in London. When Lucy realizes that the trip was not cancelled, she makes a spontaneous decision-- something she never does-- to go to London for Christmas vacation. Along the way, her best friend sets her up with high school friend Cary, who ends up staying with her as a pretend boyfriend. She also meets Oliver, who is supposedly a concierge at the hotel.

While very well written, there were some scenes that felt a little ridiculous, but overall a great read!

**My thanks to the publisher for providing me with a free copy for an honest review**

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I had high expectations for this book. The description had sounded great. But sadly it just didn’t catch my attention. It just wasn’t as interesting as I’d expected. I was disappointed

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Sweet, quick, easy read. I think I finished it in about 3 hours one morning with coffee. The story was cute, not much to it, but a great beach read for your next vacation.

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This was an engaging read from start to finish. With a slightly quirky family base Lucy is guaranteed to have a life that is always a little challenging. We meet her at her sisters wedding where she is Maid of Honor, cue a highly inappropriate colour choice of a purple polka dot dress for a redhead and her guest "boyfriend" for the event, aka as a fellow teacher, disappearing into the photo booth with her cousin. A series of mishaps lead Lucy to decide to take up her sister's alternative honeymoon plans, yes she did seriously book two of everything. An impromptu trip to London to stay at a honeymooners only hotel leads to a whole trail of adventures and she encounter gorgeous Cary from her school days but also the enigmatic Oliver who never stops asking questions.

Add in the international hunt for The Honeymooners - a pair of criminals, a quick trip to Paris and a sad lack of rain in London and this is a surefire enjoyable read.

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I was pleasantly surprised by Honeymoon Alone. I was expecting a simple plot with a cute ending, but I really enjoyed some of the extra plot details that Nicole included. The beginnings had all the makings of a classic fake-relationship romance novel. As soon as she met Cory, her fake husband, I guessed how the book would end, but I was pleasantly surprised by the path the book took. As someone who has traveled to London and Paris, I loved re-living these cities through the eyes of Lucy. Overall, I found this to be a fun and exciting modern romance novel, with a fun twist at the end. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a review copy of the book!

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Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in your 20s, going nowhere? You’ll find a part of yourself in Lucy, the girl who’s always seemingly left behind in her family. When she is able to take the second honeymoon offer not accepted by her sister—why not? I found so many reminiscent memories of my own gallivants through London. I was as charmed by Oliver as she was, and dreaming of my own London coffee shop visits. There are great plot twists to be found, cute scenes to be explored... read this book!

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Adorable story! Unfortunately I was only able to read a sample on Amazon because this wouldn’t download for me. Hopefully, I can read the entire story because I was really enjoying it!

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I actually had to read this book on Kindle Unlimited because for some reason, it wasn't showing up when I requested it through NetGalley on my Kindle, even though it was showing up on my shelf. Any way, I am really glad it was offered through Kindle Unlimited, because I totally loved this book. It was a great story with such fun characters. Even though I've never really had the itch to travel abroad, it sounded so appealing that I kinda want to now . This was the author's debut novel and I look forward to reading future books by her.

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This was a cute story of a girl who decides to take a chance and go on an unexpected adventure. She inspires people to do what they really want to do as a result and she finds a little excitement along the way. This was an easy enjoyable read and I found myself smiling along the way.

*I received a free electronic version from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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