Member Reviews

This book was very captivating. I highly recommend this book. I really enjoyed reading this book. This book is an easy read.

I have had a long run of crime and psychological thrillers so figured I would break it up a bit by reading something a little more light hearted...enter Logging Off. Andy Bellows is our lead man, and what a state he has got himself into. His whole life is lived online and he has some what of an addiction to tech from texting, tweeting and gaming to online dating. A short trip to the doctors makes him realise that the tech may be the problem and he makes himself a promise to complete a 60 day digital detox. For those of us old enough to remember a time before the internet, this has some valid points made in an amusing way. We follow Andy's journey while he attempts to live life without the use of technology and see his various dramas and inconveniences he is up against. The story itself is light hearted and amusing and very easy to read. I wouldn't say it was laugh out loud funny but it certainly gave me some light hearted relief from all the dark stuff I've read lately.

Logging Off was billed as a silly novel about a technology/internet-obsessed man who decided to take a "digital detox" from his screens and stumbled into some shenanigans during his time away from his technology. I really read a silly novel with a ton of heart. I read a dang Hallmark Movie!
Yes, some parts of this novel were just silly (driving into a duck pond for one example). Still, each chapter seemed to relay some profound message about finding balance in your life and focusing on the important things, like friends, and family, and actually doing something with your life.
I really enjoyed getting to know the main character, Andy Bellows, and the various characters that crossed his path along the way, and loved the heart that the author was able to build into his novel. The only thing that I think could have been changed, was how much talk of poo was included in the novel. It did serve a purpose for the larger plot, but at the beginning, it seemed a bit excessive.

This book was fun to read. There were so many funny parts esp. the part with the pond. I just think people were putting too much pressure on Andy.

I’m not sure how I feel about this one still. I liked it while I was reading it but I found it very forgettable. I did really like the characters and the story line.

Fun book with a great lesson. This was just a great funny book. Andy needs a digital detox. 60 days with no technology. In today's time, it would be very difficult to do but I can certainly understand the need to go offline. This book was well written and made me take a look at my own time online. 4 stars

A hilarious and relatable book about the perils of social media addiction
Nick Spalding is a master of witty dialogue and clever plot twists
The characters are realistic and likable, even when they make bad decisions
Highly recommended for anyone who needs a good laugh and a reminder to log off once in a while

I do enjoy the concept of this book, and it seems like it was a funny and entertaining read for many. Certainly it is a thought-provoking angle and one that is increasingly challenging in our world today! I did not finish the book and so I cannot provide a fully thorough review, but I don’t want my feedback to skew anyone else’s opinion.
Thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for an ARC of the book in exchange for my opinions.

The social commentary that this book provokes is amazing and it was a refreshing read. It really deserves to be talked about more, especially when it can be applied so easily to the world we live in.

Andy needs to go cold turkey and stop using the internet for his health. We follow his humorous journey as he does this.
If you've read a Nick Spalding book before, you'll know what to expect. It has a heart even though it can be crude at times.

This is a good book that makes you think about the impact that technology has on your life!! Rethink tech! It was a very quick read as well.

I have seen some great reviews and was going in with high hopes. But i ended up sitting there with a frown on my face and kept rolling my eyes. It was trying too hard to be funny and come across as awkward and just...plain....boring. The writing made it to be like it was a person constantly talking about nonsense all the time... it felt like nothing spesial ever happend.. I understand that sometimes technology takes "over" and sometimes it is good to log off...but this was just so boring, i have almost forgotten 70% of it.
1.5 stars.

An entertaining read with the author being on top form creating a very relatable character. So funny. A digital detox could do anyone good, right?

Absolutely hilarious! Nick Spalding is back on top form with Logging Off. I could relate to poor Andy but a digital detox can only be a good thing, right?

Genuinely entertatining and a relatable character. Always enjoy the author's characters and they never feel to entertain.

I'm giving a 3-star review to be fair to the author because I did not finish reading it. I really liked the idea of this book. We all need to log off of technology and get back to living our lives. The first part of the book is something everyone can relate to - checking FB, then IG, then weather, then texts, etc. It was humorous, but also a reminder to put your electronics down and live your life. This is the first book I've read by this author. There were parts that were humorous, but also parts that were pretty crass. Because of that, I was not the right reader for this. I will not post a review in other areas to be sure it doesn't skew the overall rating.

Have you ever thought that technology is taking over your life? If that is the case, then this book may be a good read for you. There is plenty of dry humor and sarcasm. Sometimes it's way over the top but it will also have some scenes that will keep you laughing. The best part of the book it is that it may help you reflect about your own life balance. How much time are you spending in the cyber world? Do you still connect with friends and family in a non-technological sort of way. If you overlook some of the "not likely to happen to you" scenes, then this book may open your eyes to your own quality of life.

I don’t normally give my time and attention to books by white male authors, but this was the first book I requested on NetGalley because I love toilet humor and have severe IBS. I found the writing impressive and easy to follow, and the story was funny and intriguing. I recommend

Sometimes what we read is a hit. Sometimes it's a miss. For me, Logging Off was a miss.
Logging Off follows Andy Bellows, a graphic designer who is completely addicted to social media and the internet. When he starts developing some health problems, his doctor suggests Andy should take a break. Andy then decides to go on a complete detox from technology.
Logging Off is an interesting book in the sense that it shows how reliant society has become to our cell phones and social media. We wake up and check Twitter or Instagram, check online ratings for restaurants we want to eat at, swipe on dating apps, and rely on GPS for the fastest, most efficient route to where we are needing to go. Technology fully runs nearly every aspect of our lives.
So while the social commentary on our addictions to technology and social media was an interesting concept, the humor within the book is what killed it for me. British humor is something you either love or hate, and I think you can tell by my rating which category I fall into. That's not to say that there weren't parts of the book that were funny, because there were! But way too much of it was immature. I didn't need so much about Andy's bowels and IBS details included. I know there are people out there that enjoy this level of humor, but I prefer a higher level of intelligent humor.

Thank you to the publisher for my eARC copy of this book. Unfortunately I didn’t love this book and therefore didn’t finish, I just didn’t connect with this one. Not for me, sorry.