Member Reviews

Andy Bellows is a graphic designer who is addicted to modern technology. His life is controlled by the apps and the internet. When his health takes a nosedive through anxiety, his doctor recommends a detox from technology, logging off from digital life for 60 days!

What follows after this is the usual crazy and farcical high jinks that Spalding loves putting his characters through. My only negative about the book was that there wasn’t as many laugh out loud moments as there has been in his previous books. But, to be fair, not many authors make me laugh out loud and after reading a certain scene with a pug I had tears streaming down my face!

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4.5 stars I have read a few of this authors books now and I always know they’ll never disappoint me. This was a fun lighthearted read that had me laughing out loud a few times. A very funny and thought provoking read with great characters.

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Ah I wanted to love this book so much but I found myself skimming through the middle trying to complete it. I loved the idea behind it- imagine giving up your phone for two months? No social media, google, email (unless for work).... I don't think I can do it. I loved the beginning when Nick was heading to a job interview yet constantly checking his email, weather, facebook, twitter along the way. Honestly it stopped me in my tracks because that is something I find myself doing, going in circles refreshing my apps throughout the day. So while this book did get me to work on changing my habits and had me LOL in certain scenes, I felt it lagged a bit of a storyline.

This was my first Nick Spalding book and I hope to read more, I am do like how his writing style so hoping to check some out.

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Andy is ridiculously addicted to the internet. To such an extent that he barely manages not to defecate all over himself at an interview and experiences symptoms similar to a stroke in said interview.

He books himself a Drs appointnent, spends the time leading up to the appointment Googling his symptoms (always a great idea), to be told by his GP that he needs a technology detox.
Now Andy must spend two months navigating life without technology while learning exactly to what extent he has let that technology completely take over his entire existance.

I am a Nick Spalding fan and do already have this book pre-ordered. Having read all of Nick's books, I was absolutely delighted to find that I could access #LoggingOff it early on #NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

As a fan, this book does not disappoint. Filled with witty language, a hillarious storyline and loveable characters, this is one of Nick's best books yet. I loved how characters from some of Nick's other books make little cameo appearances too.

This book, whilst being hilarious, also shines a very real light on the serious effects that
the overuse of Technology can have on us. Also, how unrealistic it is to aspire to be anything like the trendsetters on Instagram as profiles are often fake or heavily edited/retouched and only show what the account holder wants to project to the world which is not necessarily the truth.

If you are a fan of other Nick Spalding books, you are going to love this one. It is very typical of his writing in that you will laugh out loud while reading. If you have never read any Nick Spalding read this book to see why you need to read the rest of his books.
Although the book will not be released to the public until next month, you can pre-order it on Amazon now.

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I love Nick Spalding’s books. He always manages to take real life issues and explain them away with real life humour.
This book, just like his others, didn’t disappoint. Technophiles, like myself, will love reading this book. How to cope without technology? How to fill your time and get back in to the real world? This is actually an issue many people may be facing. Such a good book about 2020 issues.

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A fun, quick read. I especially enjoyed the links to Spalding’s other novels.

This is witty and highly amusing in places - although I found sometimes that the pushing of the realms of reality made it a bit wearing.

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Such a good book. Definitely one to enjoy and it makes you think. How much time we spend a day focusing on the stuff that really does not matter when we should be seeing what is right in front of us! I love it!!

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I literally cried laughing at this book. I love Nick Spalding's sense of humour and his books always make me laugh. Some of the opening scenes where Andy is being interviewed were hysterically funny! After Andy realises the amount of stress he is causing himself by living his entire life online, he attempts to detox from technology. Some of the situations he finds himself in are just incredible and I particularly liked the reference to some of the characters from the previous book Dumped Actually.
Humour is very subjective and maybe not everyone would find these books as funny, but I can honestly say they suit my sense of humour completely and would urge everyone to give them a go! Thanks for all the laughs Nick, your books never fail to cheer me up.

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I have read a couple of Nick Spalding’s books before, and enjoyed this one just as much. So much in fact, I got asked if I was going to laugh whilst reading in bed and keep my husband awake! There were several laugh out loud moments both during my lunch break and during my evening that lead to this remark. The story of Andy Bellows and his digital detox is something that all of us can relate to (hopefully not the duck pond incident!).

Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK for the advance readers copy of this book.

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Quick and funny read about being addicted to technology. There were a lot of really interesting points and I liked that it was funny and not patronising.
Some of the humour was… questionable; I think there are only that many poo jokes you can make before it stops being funny and starts being irritating.
Overall though it was enjoyable, and it is a good addition to Nick Spalding’s collection of books about different addictions and societal issues told in a humourous manner.

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Logging Off was a quick, extremely relevant read. A few parts had me laughing and I enjoyed it overall. This was my first book by the author and I will be sure to check our more.

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As is always the case with a Nick Spalding's book, I loved it! His brilliant use of the language could again be worth the reading alone. This is top comedy and intelligent humour on a very serious matter and I think many will have a few home truths delivered while effortlessly reading what can be a very light, very funny story or the report on the recovery of an addict. Or a beautiful, heart-warming love story, too. I laughed (much) and cried (a little and they were happy tears) and adored all the characters, and that includes Puggerlugs! How lovely to see a the cameo by characters from Dumped Actually, too!
I can only recommend this book!
Thank you to NetGalley, Amazon Publishing UK and the author for an early copy.
#LoggingOff #NetGalley

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I’m a fan of Nick Spalding and have read lots of his other books. I think this is one of his best. Very modern with an engaging story. Read it in one sitting.

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I’ve always been a fan of Nick Spalding and find they are good for when I have read too much of one genre.

This is another funny, witty and thought provoking book which is really apt for this period of time. We are all so plugged in and logged on all the time that we could all do with Logging Off at times..

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This was my first book by Nick Spalding and I thought it was brilliant. The story is very apt, as I think we could all do with a technology detox! From the first page, I found it easy to read and had me wanting to keep reading. I liked the characters and thought it was funny. I also liked the use of wording in the book – very refreshing! How often do you hear the word discombobulated?!

Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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Quick read about the effects technology has on society.

Andy Bellows is a 30-something graphic designer, with a strong penchant for overuse of screen time. This culminates in a wide variety of physical ills leading to a very uncomfortable bathroom event during a pitch. His doctor recommends cutting out all things web-based, aside from work, for a period of 60 days. And here we have Logging Off.

Some of the escapades Andy gets into during his journey are genuinely humorous. And the love story with the beautiful Grace is nicely played out. However, it feels like the author didn’t hit his stride until about 3/4 of the way through the book. My number one piece of advice would be to edit out the majority of “poo” references. I couldn’t go two pages without one; it was distracting and added nothing.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK for an advance of this title in exchange for my honest review. This is a relevant title (no pun intended.) I go through this all the time, and I think so many of us know how Andy, the main character feels and the issues he goes through. I love that it's a quick read as well. A lot of what the author talks about took me back to some of the things I used to do, that I no longer do, because of all the technology. I love it, and I hate it. I'm betting pretty much anyone can relate.

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Such a relevant book for today. I think many people will relate to the character of Andy and his experiences of living in a world that is constantly 'switched on'.
I think this book highlighted both the pros and cons of the online world, particularly of social media.
It covered so many areas: online dating, social influencers, the media.
I liked the glimpses of going back to a simpler time: using maps, landlines, using the high street instead of internet shopping.
Well done Nick Spalding, you definitely have a hit on your hands here. Also thankyou to Netgalley for allowing me to read this in advance of its release.

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A very quick and humorous read! I use my phone far too much so completely enjoyed this story.... Well done Nick Spalding for highlighting this and how life improves when you detox from your phone and other electrical devices.

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Another funny, witty and thought-provoking read from Nick Spalding.
When main character Andy Bellows finds himself in a sticky situation at a work presentation he decides there is no alternative to visit the doctor- that is after he has diagnosed himself with 5 types of cancer using “Google”. The diagnosis: Andy spends too long connected to the online world and needs to embark on a digital detox. The story follows Andy as he begins “Logging Off” and reconnecting with the real world. A world where he has to use paper maps, leave the house to buy food and speak to actual human beings. Before long Andy’s story appears in the paper but Andy is beginning to have second thoughts.
Overall, an absolutely fantastic read. Nick has written in such a lovely style yet again, funny and gives the reader something to think about. I’m sure this book will do well once published and I have no doubt that it will end up as one of my top reads of 2020.
A huge thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK for this ARC.

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