Member Reviews

As someone who is constantly on an electronic device, cell phone, computer, e-reader, etc., this really hit home. It made me step back and make sure that I’m spending quality, not quantity, time on my electronics.
Read this book for a highly entertaining and cringeworthy story. You will find yourself thanking the heavens this wasn’t about you!

I very much enjoyed this book. It has a good story and excellent main characters. I would definately recommend this book.

This is cheerful and lightweight with some funny lines and gags and a few antic bits. Some surprisingly sharp and edgy episodes, (our hero's sales pitch at hyper cool Fluidity), are balanced by a fair amount of toilet humor. It's heart is in the right place and it's earnest without being preachy, so the end result is amusing.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.
After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.
I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

A cute, quick, light read. My biggest critique was that much of the plot, particularly the romantic subplot felt very predictable.

I think that most of us can relate to this book, always being sucked into social media. Andrew just can't seem to log off of Facebook and Twitter. He swears he has cancer, so he goes and consults with his doctor, who advises him to take a digital break. Like a detox!!
Now that we're all stuck at home this book seems to relate.

Quick read easy to get through, great for a light hearted read but one to get into to.
Filled with the usual humour you would expect from this Author, I would recommend it to anyone looking for an easy weekend read where you don't need to think to much about the storyline.

When you pick up a Nick Spalding book you know what you're getting! Slapstick comedy, madcap, crazy scenarios, crazy, quirky side characters and a usually neurotic, sarcastic, male main character who lurches from one disaster to the next. And underneath all the humour there is usually an underlying message of some sort.
The message in Logging Off is that we send too much time on our technological devices and it is no good for our physical and mental health. Main character Andy Bellows has IBS that rears its head at some unfortunate moments (cue a lot of poo jokes!) And suffers from neck pain and lockjaw. He is addicted to technology and when his doctor suggests a digital detox for 60 days he is not mad keen!
We follow Andy on his journey to technological freedom and actually it really did highlight how reliant we have become on devices and how much we avoid contact with other humans, preferring to hide behind a screen.
I'll be honest, it isn't my favourite book by Spalding but it was funny, enjoyable and entertaining with likable characters and laugh out loud moments. And it did make me briefly consider putting my phone down a bit more, until I had to pick it up again to write this review!

Graphic Designer, Andy Bellows is suffering. Lately his body has been trying to tell him something and by the short Google symptom search he just did he is convinced it's cancer, more than likely fatal. When the folks on his forum tell him that he should probably see a doctor Andy books an online appointment. After a quick examination, Andy's doctor knows exactly what is wrong with him...the internet. He's told that his headaches, stomach issues and insomnia are all from excessive use of technology and is prescribed a digital detox. 60 days, no phone, no iPad, no nothing. Even though Andy is not convinced this will actually help he is willing to try anything at this point to get his health back in order. As you can imagine this is when the fun begins, Reader. "Logging Off" provides perspective on exactly how much we rely on technology in our day to day lives. Need to go somewhere? GPS. Want to order take-out? Need to find the phone number for that. Wondering what the weather will be like today? There's an app for that. Nick Spaulding's casual, light-hearted writing style leads Andy on some mad adventures while he attempts to live a life untethered for 3 months. If you can get past the potty-humor (literal & figurative) then give "Logging Off" a read. Thank you to NetGalley & Amazon Publishing for a digital copy in exchange for an honest review...and no the irony that I read this book on a device wasn't lost on me.

Andy has a serious problem. He's addicted to technology. The cure? Logging off!
After you get as stressed as Andy during the first chapters of the book, the story is hilariously funny as Andy navigates his life without the help of Google and co.

This book fits perfectly with the current times. The main character is addicted to technology, and his doctor has him take a break from his phone for 60 days. This is a cute story that tells how Andy adapts to life without his phone all the time.
Overall, this story was cute, but it just wasn't for me. I walked away from the story a few times because I was just not as invested in the storyline as I wanted to be, but I did eventually finish. If you need a filler book and don't know what to pick up, this one is a decent enough story to tide you over.

Such a relevant story line, I cannot even remember the last time I logged off! Very timely story, with just enough humor and wit thrown in. Would definitely recommend!

I think we can all relate to the main character Andy as he struggles with his addiction to social media. A funny, quick read that had my husband always asking me why I was giggling out loud!

Hmm. I'm not actually sure how I felt about this one. It wasn't really what I had expected, but I do think it will find readership at my library. I've ordered a copy for patrons. Thank you!

Not what I would normally read. I passed this one onto my husband who I think will enjoy it more. I didn't enjoy some of the scenes.

For the last several weeks, while we’ve been at home, away from our friends and families and schools, most of us have relied on technology to keep us informed, educated, and connected. But while technology has its advantages, it also has its disadvantages—as one man learns in author Nick Spalding’s Logging Off.
Full review published on NightsAndWeekends.com and aired on Shelf Discovery

I haven’t read Nick Spalding for years so looked forward to this.
Andy is constantly online, like many of us, and it’s not until he gets some unpleasant symptoms and goes to the doctor that he entertains the idea of a digital detox.
His friend is a journalist and writes some articles on his detox which prove very popular.
The detox is eventful and in a couple of months Andy’s life has changed. Ironically, he is now influencing other people, despite being offline.
I found some parts of the story quite funny and it’s a light, quick read. I liked the characters and there’s an eclectic mix! The romance was a little predictable, but as I liked the characters I didn’t mind too much. The ending was good and not rushed.
The story made me think of how much we rely on technology, probably a lot more than we realise. As the story says, it’s important to find the balance.
3.5 stars rounded up to 4.
Thanks to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing for an advance copy of this novel for review.

I’be loved all Nicks books and this is no exception, Nick’s books always make me laugh out loud. I Loved this book not only because of the comedy but also for the message behind it.

This was a laugh out loud read for me. Very relatable subject about our addiction to all things tech. I'm not sure I could cure my addiction to my phone! Well written and very funny as always by Nick Spalding.

This one didn't do it for me. It was well written and at times humorous, making me laugh out loud. Unfortunately, I never connected with the main character.