Member Reviews

We’re all mad here’
This novel is the perfect follow-up to Clean and Meat Market, Dawson never fails to entertain, captivate and shock.. and Wonderland is absolutely no exception.
Alice (Dodgson, previously known as Charles, a nice touch), is our heroine this time, and parallels with Carroll’s classic feature throughout. When her friend Bunny goes missing, it seems only Alice cares, and a chance discovery of an invitation meant for Bunny to ‘Wonderland’ - THE party to be at - Alice decides to gatecrash certain that she’s following Bunny there. Wonderland is a hedonistic weekend festival hosted by ‘it girl’ Paisley, and endless quantities of drugs makes for a wild weekend.. which quickly turns into a nightmare for Alice.
This is a fast-paced, punchy read, with great reimaginings of Carroll’s characters, and featuring cameos from Dawson’s previous novels. Quite graphic in parts, this is not one for the younger teens, but this book is a great retelling of a trip in Wonderland. Clever, compelling and very on point. I like this a lot. An easy 4 stars.
Many thanks to Net Galley, Juno Dawson and Quercus Children’s Books for allowing me to read and review this book.

I’m a big fan of Juno and do really like her books. Unfortunately I struggled to connect with this one and ended up setting it aside. Look forward to reading more from her in the future but this one just wasn’t working for me right now. Gave it three stars as I feel it could very well be my mood, rather than any real reflection on the book.

Wonderland totally blew my mind. I've read several of Juno's books and each one is so filled with authenticity it feels like the characters are right there - not in the book but leaping off the page. This is definitely a YA book tackling some serious issues. Set within the social circles of London's elite it is sizzling with tension right from the off. Alice is transgender and finds herself caught up in a weekend of hedonistic debauchery. Examining the lives of people with extreme privilege and how having everything can actually leave you with very little. Mental health problems among young adults can be extremely serious, and through Alice's journey into 'Wonderland' we see how she has coped with the difficulties she has overcome. If you have read Birthday by Meredith Russo, or any of Juno's other books you will be drawn into this just as easily. It wasn't at all times an easy read - but books are there to challenge us, make us stand up and think. Which Wonderland does impeccably.

I thought Wonderland was fantastic, and is possibly Juno’s best. It’s an Alice in Wonderland retelling, and the way Juno weaved in the original plot and characters while staying true to the story she was telling, was amazing. I loved Alice, with all her secrets and self-doubt, and I really liked the way it tied in with Clean (and, to a lesser extent, Meat Market). I definitely recommend it, although be aware that there are a number of content warnings listed at the front of the book.

Loved this! The retelling of Alice In Wonderland I had no idea we wanted and I'm not sure we deserve - as it's just so well executed. For me, It's up there with Kiran Millwood Hargrave's 'Deathless Girls' (a prequel of Dracula about his wives) in terms of high quality reinvention of a canon text.
Wonderland is essentially Gossip Girl meets Made In Chelsea but psychedelic. The book is littered with all sorts of references to the original story but with a modern twist - the Caterpillar is now an all-knowing student with a gossip app, the Queen Of Hearts is the most popular - and cruellest! - girl at school. The story it follows, of a young girl/woman going through the Rabbit Hole into a strange and new world is very much there, but still manages to feel like it's own new story.
Alice is a fantastic protagonist - so dry, sharp and scathing. Her reportage of the various indulgences she is force to bare witness to, and occasionally partake in..., make for often hilarious reading.
PSA: I'll be recommending this to students in year 10 or 11 and above, as it does get pretty raunchy and the drug consumption is frequent.
This is a fun, engaging and gripping read that makes for an irresistible binge!

As always Juno delivers a fast paced and relatable novel that picks up on current trends and cultures.
While not a story I would have read had Dawson’s name not been attached, this modern retelling will have Gossip Girl fans itching to get their hands on this high society romp into Wonderland. Drawing on the bonkers fun of Riverdale, Alice will keep you entertained, questioning and holding your breath as all the threads unravel, up becomes down and you recognise some classic characters with the Dawson mark.
It did take me a little longer to read, but that’s okay; it’s a book to be savoured and not rushed.

Wonderland follows Alice over the course of one night at the most crazy party you’ve ever imagined. I’m a sucker for Juno Dawson and love all of her books and whilst this had all of her usual charm, Wonderland fell a little flat for me.
I loved Alice and wished we could learn about her life in more detail over the course of some time rather than just one night. She’s funny, witty, snarky and full of flaws which make her incredibly compelling.
The setting just didn’t work for me - I found myself getting a bit bored of the party. Overall I would definitely recommend that people read Clean or Meat Market before Wonderland.
(Thanks to the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review)

Wonderland was a wild trip down a rabbit hole that I didn't want to end. Here are three reasons I loved it:
1. Alice was snarky, fierce and she leapt from the page. I loved everything about her, from her realistic teenage insecurities and struggle to work out who she is, to her quick comebacks and brilliant internal monologue. She is a very fun character to follow and was the perfect guide for somewhere as insane as Wonderland because she sees all its flaws and horrors as well as its wonder.
2. Wonderland is a brilliant, contemporary twist on a classic. I loved the character names, all the little references, and the Alice in Wonderland craziness of the whole thing. Caterpillr, the croquet, and the constantly running Bunny. It was very clever and so much fun to read.
3. Wonderland was as addictive to read as Clean and I really struggled to put it down. There are so many crazy twists in the plot and I was never quite sure what was going to happen next (or how true to the classic story the ending would stay). Dawson's writing is superb and this story shines.

I can certainly see why this will be popular. Familiar writing style of Juno Dawson which is clever and witty. I struggled with the alice in wonderland retelling bit so wasn’t really for me sadly.

I loved this book, a thoroughly convincing retelling of Alice in Wonderland. Secrets, lies, privilege and parties - this is Gossip Girl on LSD.

This book hooked me from the first chapter. Alice is a character that I'm sure people will be able to empathise with. The story is wonderfully Gossip Girl-esque and full of twists and questions that will keep you hanging onto every word just to find out what happens.

Alice used to be Charles but kept her past a secret despite her mother being a well known author and now attending a posh sort of school not a normal state one.
After an amazing night together, Bunny her friend of sorts disappeared and they only clue is an invite to Wonderland.
It was a clever idea but to me I found it a bit odd and confusing in parts and not as great as previous Juno books like Clean however the plot was clever using typical Alice In Wonderland characters and placing them in this modern underworld of school, drugs and high class home's.
Many thanks to the publishers for allowing me to review this book for them!

Alice in Wonderland, but certainly not for the young and naïve among us. This book parallels Alice’s adventures in Wonderland with the fall into the baffling unknown, the bizarre characters, the (vast) amounts of dubious drugs on offer. It’s not just the hatter who is mad. All these young people have their own demons, whether that be rivals in love, rivals in popularity, trying to hide sexuality which is really common knowledge, or desires to murder!
Alice, the central character who goes chasing after Bunny, is far out of her comfort zone and away from her antidepressants. She dips her toe into a party, to which she was not invited and doesn’t intend staying. But unlike her previous life and feelings she had kept some degree of control over, this spirals out of control until she finds herself running for her life.
The constant references to AiW keep reminding the reader it is an adventure, then a shocking revelation turns it into a nightmare. The insertion of Clean and Meat Market cameos also surprise, but don’t demand the reader to have read those titles already.
Definitely an older young adult, this book will earn its place in the YA market.

Plot wise it all gets pretty nuts pretty fast but our heroine is a marvellous & fascinating character like no other & the premise has plenty of appeal with many clever & witty nods to the original 'Alice'.

Juno Dawson is an I follow like she is the White Rabbit. Having devoured Clean and Meat Market, reading Wonderland was a no brainer. Wonderland is a Skins-esque retelling of Alice in Wonderland, which is completely fully realised and references the original story in a truly magical way.
Sure some of the references are obvious, the main character’s name is Alice for starters, but the majority of the references reveal themselves slowly and unexpectedly. I found myself chastising me for not noticing some sooner.
In the book Alice finds herself attending a festival come party to end all parties hosted by a girl from her private school. There are secret invitations, the eat me drink me’s, and drugs, drugs and more drugs. Alice is on the tail of a girl named Bunny, a girl she may or may not be in love with and who may or may not be a missing person. Expecting to go to the party for just one night, Alice is ill prepared for the experience she is about to have, but she soon finds herself alongside that Cheshire Cat, Mad Hatter and the Red Queen without means of escape.
Oh and friends, keep your eyes peeled for some Clean and Meat Market character cameos!

Absolutely brilliant. I couldn’t put it down. One of the best Alice in Wonderland adaptations ever. Loved how it linked back to Meat Market and Clean. It was all excellent. Stayed up all night to finish it. It makes me want to binge read everything Juno has ever written

Oh but dear this is not the Wonderland you want to fall in to, this is the wonderland that will devour you!
I can not believe how incredibly lucky I am to be able to read this book early, I love Juno Dawson’s work and Clean is one of my favourite books so you could say my expectations were high. Don’t worry because they were met I loved this and really want a sequel.
Juno Dawson writing is, honest, exposing and at times crude and I just want more. I swear at times reading this book took me to another place. Alice is like no other Alice you know, strong and unique with a heart so big. I enjoying watching her try to catch Bunny through a magical setting dripping with money, secrets and unreliable narrative at time (eat me).
The setting was the thing that brought this book to life but the character are what keep you turning the pages. The honest thoughts at times felt a like a stream of consciousness from Alice, the narrative made you think things. I would read four hundred more pages about what happens after the end of this book.
Overall amazing book, so incredibly lucky to have read this early and I cannot wait for Juno Dawson books in the future.
Go join Alice down the rabbit hole I promise you won’t regret it.