Member Reviews

An enchanting and fun guide to beginning Japanese or a refresher for anyone who has studied in the past. Nimble and easy to absorb.

I was definitely hopeful for this book to strength my Japanese skills, which Ive started learning through Rosetta Stone. Especially since the book description includes things like: "I understand a little Japanese" and "I studied a little but it was difficult so I stopped it." But when I opened this book, I was so disappointed to see everything is in Japanese! This definitely isn’t learning material for a beginner or someone who “studied a little” or was finding the language difficult. This is definitely for an intermediate learner who has a grasp of the alphabet and can read the Japanese characters and needs the words for traveling through the country.

This book fails because it is only in Japanese. Teenagers would be attracted to the manga style but the fog of Japanese words so small they are difficult to read would quickly dispirit them. Some pages contain so much that it all becomes a blur. What a shame!

I think this book was fairly well done. I have been speaking/reading Japanese since 1992 but haven't had the chance to use it on a regular basis so I was looking for someway to brush up. I thought the pictures and the dialogue were pretty good however, this book assumes the reader already knows Japanese and is more like a quick refresher course. Definitely not for someone new to the language.
Thanks to #NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to review this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

Overall, this is a nicely illustrated travel guide filled with cute chibi characters and drawings. The book is filled with comics, colorful diagrams and tons of activities/examples. For further guidance, they have several activities with video support and other supporting materials that you can access via a QR code.
Unfortunately, I was unable to open access these links or videos as I could not get the QR codes to function. This may be due to the version I was provided with, as I received an eARC for review purposes. Based on some of the other reviews I have seen on Amazon, it seems that those using the physical edition of the textbook had no issues accessing the supplemental videos.
In terms of the textbook as an educational tool, I am sad to say that I would not recommend this to any beginner as it is primarily all in Japanese with a few English sentences sprinkled in. Now, the videos may be fully in English and may walk you through the entire textbook, but I cannot confirm this. Those with a high enough Japanese reading level are sure to enjoy this though as the activities appear to be creative and engaging. I can also confirm that the answers are provided in the back of the book.
My final thoughts: I strongly recommend that only advanced beginners use or those able to fully read Japanese use this textbook. Due to the lack of English translations, I don’t find this to be very beginner friendly. Since I do not speak fluent Japanese, I was unable to fully review this textbook and therefor give the following ratings:
For beginners: 2/5
For advanced beginners (who can read Japanese): 4/5
My overall rating: 3/5
Disclosure: I received an eARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes

Wow! What a cute and educational book! I've been studying Japanese for a little while so I was extremely excited to dive into this book. I learned a lot of new thinds and really recommend this to someone thinking about visiting Japan.

The blurb of this book says that it is aimed at people who understand a little bit of Japanese and have stopped because they are finding it difficult. I am firmly in this camp. I have been attempting to learn Japanese for longer than I would like to admit, I have multiple books with numerous attempts at learning this language. I am able to recollect some words and a few basic sentences but beyond that it is a mystery. I thought that this book would be a perfect tool for me to attempt to learn with a practical application of being able to communicate while travelling.
Well, this entire book is in Japanese!
I do not know how I am supposed to be learning how to speak Japanese is I do not even know what it is they are trying to get me to say. I feel like this book is not aimed at beginners and more intermediate Japanese language speakers who want to know what to say while travelling Japan. But honestly y that is just a guess as I cannot read it!
That being said the illustrations are cute.

We are likely going to purchase this title for the library collection.
However I can't give a review. When I downloaded the digital book to Adobe Digital Editions the pages were blank except for some manga pages in Japanese. I think is was an issue with formatting.

At first glance, this book appeared to be fun and interesting but boy, was I surprised at what little sense I could make of anything in this book. I thought that even if the book was written in Japanese that there would be explanations along side it In English but I was caught totally off-guard. This was an ebook that I downloaded to review. The illustrations may have been interesting but I could make neither hide nor hair of what was going on. Unless you can read Japanese, you're out of luck.

Let's Talk in Traveling Japanese gives us a illustration it gives a kind-of easy to read by looking at the picture. The topic is very thematic and fun to learn, you will never get bored by this.
But as for beginner I think it would be hard for them because there are less english word, if its for me I would try to translate it with translator tools.
Overall I would give 3.5/5
Thank you

Excellent book to continue learning Japanese. This book is for someone with intermediate level japanese proficiency. It’s colorful and fun and uses real life language instead of made up phrases you never will actually use in life! It would have been helpful if all the kanji had readings above.
As a person having a degree in Japanese this book is great. I love to learn language in the language I’m learning. It does make for a more challenging learning experience but it stretches your mind. This book is not for a beginner. But it is a great book to further your Japanese study. I would recommend it.

I'm very much a beginner in Japanese, and this book was too advanced for me. The illustrations and layout were great however, and if you're intermediate level I think this would be perfect for you,

This is not a book for beginner or even early intermediate. I really can't review on the content since I'm a beginner and the whole book is mostly in Japanese.

I think the layout of this book makes sense, and would be a good book for someone who has a rudimentary understanding of the Japanese language to begin with. I have friends who are living in Japan and thought this book would be a good way to familiarize myself some of the language and culture before we go to visit them. I was lost in trying to understand the book. I also had problems accessing it on my computer, which didn’t help my frustration level. I think this book would be a wonderful asset for someone, like my friends, who have traveled there to live and are immersed in the language and culture. #netgalley #Let’stalkintravelingJapanese #goodreads

I misunderstood this book, and from the cover I thought it would have both English and Japanese translations. It definitely does in some areas of the book, but generally just to explain unique expressions or grammar.
This is a very similar (but updated) version of the textbooks I used when I studied Japanese. With cute illustrations and places to write. This isn't a style I enjoy studying with, as the books always seem to lovely to write in.
I liked that along with language it discussed customs, food and specific locations to visit in areas of Japan.
Definitely a useful book if you have been studying Japanese for some time and are planning a trip. Too advanced for beginners, and not useful enough for anyone fluent. A great middle ground book though, with answers provided at the back.

I selected this for my daughter to check out, as she wants to LEARN Japanese, but unfortunately there is NO English direction, so there is literally NOWAY to use this workbook, even with the Youtube channels (which are also ALL IN JAPANESE). The synopsis on the book is VERY misleading. It should state in the FIRST sentence, ALL IN JAPANESE. From a workbook perspective, it looks like the graphics would appeal to older teens and kids, but hard to tell, as I cant READ Japanese.
Note: Because there is no way to review the book, as I cant READ Japanese, I did not share with my blog readers, with a blog post.

I'm a bit confused who this book is designed for as reading the description it sounded like I was going to learn Japanese practical for travel. Unfortunately the whole book is written in Japanese so without being able to understand and read the language you don't get anything out of this book. The added extras like VR etc aren't included with the ARC copy so I'm not sure how they would help.

As a student of US college level Japanese, I love this book. It provides the grammar explanations and colloquial usages which are hard to find in American language learning materials. I will be buying a copy of this book for my own personal collection of study materials. This intermediate level book fills a need in the American market which caters mainly to the beginner self-lead student of Japanese. This is definitely a book for the beginner-intermediate learner. The book is written mainly in Japanese with firigana to assist with unfamiliar kanji. English is used to help explain grammar and usage. The phrases and situations in the book are useful for traveling in Japan while assisting the learner to achieve a more conversational voice,

At first, I thought it was going a mixture of Japanese and English explanations, but it's all in Japanese... I'm not sure if this is a starter Japanese book, but it maybe with all the media support this can be easier than it seems.
I loved the clean leasons and the illustrations
I'm sure that this can be an excellent and helpful book to learn the language.

I will not review the content since my Japan is not that advance. But you still can learn from this book, because they provide you with katakana and hiragana. I like the illustrations in this book. It has manga style. If you are a beginner maybe you want to find another book that has romanization.