Member Reviews
Disclaimer: I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Rachel’s Random Resources, Netgalley, and Boldwood Books for this free copy. All quotes in this review are taken from the Advanced Reader Copy and may change in final publication.
Do you know how much I needed this book in my life though? To have the freedom to say “NO!” every once in a while without feeling guilty or any type of negative way. I feel like as humans, we are programmed to try to say yes to everything because we want to be able to show that we can handle whatever comes our way, that we are dependable and that we can do what needs to be done. But think about it, if we say yes to EVERYTHING, sooner or later, something is going to fall through the cracks. Would we really be considered dependable then?
Plus we start to break down because we just don’t have enough time in the day to dedicate to what WE actually want to do, rather than what someone ELSE wants us to do. So we put ourselves and our wellbeing last for everyone else because we just have to show that we can be relied on by anyone.
But not anymore, fam. We are NOT doing this anymore because WE need to put ourselves higher in our priority pyramid.
This book reminded me that it’s okay to say NO and do things for me, and that’s what was really great about it.
Thanks to Boldwood Books for the ARC!
I took longer than I expected to finish this one.
It's a sweet story, but it can also be frustrating sometimes.
Recommended to slow-burn romance fans.
My Year of Saying No is about Lottie Beckett. After a 7 yr relationship disintegrated, she tags along with her friend Jess for a year of yes. And when that bombed she decided no more. It was time for her to say no to the things she truly did not want.
In the meantime, Lottie talks to Seb Marshall every day and crushes hard. Except, she talks to him as her client- she's his virtual personal assistant and they video chat every time they speak. Their friendship strengthens thru the years and all of a sudden Lottie finds the line btwn work and personal kinda fuzzy... Talk about slooow burn!
What I liked about this novel was it's complexities among the light-heartedness. It was such an easy, well written read that I almost read thru the whole book in one go (looks like the British lingo stuck with me😂). Even so, the author was able to make Lottie such a nuanced character, allowing us to get a glimpse into every area and relationship in her life. I also liked how she went about this theme of saying no, it wasn't central but it surfaced throughout the book at the right times. Such an important reminder that we as individuals can have great affects on others without even meaning to, just by working on being our best selves.
Fair warning about the slow burn btw, it was quite frustrating! So many times I felt like I was watching tv or a movie, wanting to scream at the screen or just shake Lottie (can't you see?!! cmon Lottie look alive!!). While I appreciated the build up, part of me wished the moment we were waiting for came sooner, so we could bask in the happily ever after part a bit more. And I totally get keeping the novel more on the PG side, it's just that after all that buildup I guess I just felt teased.
I find myself gravitating more towards lighter reads these days and this book was perfect. And now I have a new go-to author, totally checking out her past novels! Ty @bookandtonic @rachelsrandomresources for the early copy
Lottie has had a rough year, as many changes hit with a breakup from which her best friend convinced her that she needed to ‘put herself out there more’ and ‘say yes”. Now the year has changed and she is more than ready to start to say NO to everything that doesn’t interest her. While not quite retreating into the trope of the “people pleaser’ with her past year- she really is craving the ability to start directing her own life and not be at the whim of people who push her further outside of her normal self. She’s ready and willing to grab onto the ‘new her’ and she can’t wait to share the news with her friend Seb.
Seb is former military, has more than a bit of a crush on Lottie, and isn’t quite sure how to tell her. When he’s told of her new plan to ‘say no’ more often, he’s discouraged and more than a bit disconcerted, thinking that their relationship will change. Although his crush isn’t one-sided – Lottie feels the same for him, but his issues and a bit of back and forth with his dealing with them have her wondering if it is even possible. With her rescue dog Humphrey, she’s started to feel her own independence, knowing she doesn’t NEED a man, but Seb still intrigues her.
Morrey took a clever concept, and put a character into an opposite world: from never saying no to anything and running herself ragged, she’s been given the opportunity to truly decide what she does or does not agree to – without the guilt and second-guessing of her choice that so many of us encounter when trying to redirect and re-consider choices and options. There’s plenty of information and a rather fraught backstory for Seb, the solidity of the friendship between them and the reliance he has on Lottie, even when he’s pretty good at hiding just how much he needs her, is clever and easy to see as well as empathize with. I’m not saying that everyone SHOULD make such an effort as Lottie has – but taking time for yourself and not just ‘saying yes’ at the expense of yourself is a novel, if not quite revolutionary act for many. And so very much needed in this life of too many commitments, not enough time, and limited energy to do everything with full effort. I truly enjoyed this book and look forward to more from this author.
I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
Review first appeared at <a href=” /” > <a> I am, Indeed </a>
I just can't even. This book swept me off of my feet and surprised me in the best way possible. FIVE STARS. Lottie reminds me a bit of me - always wanting to please others and having a hard time saying 'no' to people, so in a way, she's inspired me to have my own 'year of saying no'.
As a wife to a veteran, I've seen the struggles veterans face coming back from war, especially injured and the author captured this PERFECTLY. It's hard to watch, and my heart hurt even just reading it because it hits so close to home. We've had friends struggle with survivor's guilt, as well as struggling with merging back into society after leaving the service. I truly hope that some veterans who may read this find some comfort and bravery about their struggles.
I am overjoyed with having been approved to read this. Thank you so much.
This is definitely a slow burning romance filled with laughs to boot. Lottie is a dear and after one too many bad date stories from her past, I totally get why she'd right off finding love for her career toot suite. Funny thing about love often finds us when we're least expecting. Enter the object of her noteworthy crush, Seb Marshall. Seb isn't only easy on the eyes. He's intelligent without being obnoxious. He's funny without being crass. He's a gentleman without wanting to chain a woman to the kitchen in order for his meal to be ready every night upon his arrival. He's chivalrous, kind, and an all around great guy...who also happens to be her BIGGEST client. Good thing we all know that business and pleasure don't mix well, right? Right...about that...
I gotta hand it to her, she stuck to her guns! Lottie harbored that crush like Fort Knox harbors currency, and there was nothing that could break down her defensive walls. Nope. Not a thing...or so she thought. In any case, she still held strong...almost to the point of TOO strong for her own good...and with those morals held at high standards, the obstacles that presented themselves as things seemed to slowly progress were somewhat a surprise. Yep...imagine that. The road to love not being the smoothest...who'd have thought! (LOL!) Thing is these hurdles were self made and not just by her, but by him. He had his reasons, and whereas I could see his point in some of them, others...not so much. Let's just say that're a really lucky guy to have a girl go out on a limb for you not just once, but twice over!
In the end, it provided the happy ending we were after with only tender tears to shed. You'll be rooting for the love connections throughout the story, while also shedding a few pounds laughing at their antics and banter. A definite must read to get you out of your head space whether you're a part of the self-quarantine crowd or one of the many essential workers out on the front lines.
After a year from hell in which she was persuaded to have a year saying yes to everything, including numerous terrible dates, on the stroke of midnight New Years’ Eve Lottie Wentworth decides that she is going to do the opposite and have a year of saying no to everyone and everything.
She decides to get herself a dog to keep her company as she will be spending more time at home. She also has the gorgeous Seb Marshall who she chats to regularly online but whilst she might have a crush on him she is unwilling to take it further as he is her best client.
Can Lottie actually see the year out saying no to all occasions and could love be in the stars for her and Seb?
My Year of Saying No is a fun, occasionally laugh-out-loud book about one woman who has had enough with trying to be positive and say yes to everything and deciding that this year is going to be the opposite, time just for herself and her new rescue dog.
The book did feel more of a will-they-won’t-they love story between Lottie and Seb than her determination not to take part in any events or go on dates she didn’t want to.
Whilst Lottie was a great character I found myself enjoying Seb’s parts more. He was funny, sarcastic and lovable. He had a kind heart and had been through some terrible times in his early Army days which make him feel quite sensitive and vulnerable at times.
If you are after a book that will make you smile throughout and has an enjoyable plot that will keep you turning the pages, plus you like reading about two people who are obviously meant for one another yet they take their time finding that out, then this is a book for you.
OK read.
Characters were nice. Actually, Seb was so nice, I found it hard to imagine what the attraction was, other than him being a friend.
My Year of Saying No follows the story of an introverted woman who works as a virtual personal assistant and considers herself as a people pleaser, therefore, making the resolution to say no to things she doesn't want to for a whole year. It was a cute love story as well, it is light and easy and it centers around her relationship with one of her client who is also her best friend. They develop a kinship over Mondays' Skype meetings and frequent video calls. However, I found myself struggling with the pacing of this story, it didn't pick up until the middle and somehow dragged off in the end as well.
This is my first time, after a long time, reading romantic fiction with less steam. I wouldn't say that I hate it, because I was looking for books with a similar tone as well. This story is set in England and it's one of those feel-good stories with a relatively stable mood. It is also a slow-burn romance but it's much much slower than the usual amount. Considering that, I wouldn't say I hate it because there were some aspects of this story that I like as well. First, the characters have great chemistry with each other. They were colleagues before they were friends and I like the relationship they had, which is very platonic, although it's clear as day that they are interested in each other.
The characters also have a unique background. Lottie is a reclused and comfortable with her routine, hence one of the factor to the year of saying no. Following the end of a long term relationship with her, she has issues to sort through and it affects her view of a relationship. But she is loyal to boot and does an excellent job as a virtual PA. Seb, on the other hand, is a perfect gentleman. He is an army veteran and still carries the burden and damage it done to him during his years abroad. Despite all that he still acts like the perfect gentleman. He is respected, generous, and very protective of those he cared about. I personally love these characters because they deserved a HEA more than anyone.
Aside from that, one of the things I also struggled with reading this book is that there were too few inner monologues. Maybe it's just the writing style of the author, but I always prefer getting to know the characters through what they're thinking instead of from their conversations. Which I found a lot of in this book. But it shouldn't bother anyone else that much. Overall, It is a good book. It's romantic, light, and witty. I'd recommend adding it to your tbr.
e-ARC kindly provided by author and publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
Meet Lottie a Virtual Personal Assistant, who loves her pj's a little too much but when you work from home does it really matter? After suffering heartbreak in the past her best friend convinces her to a year of saying yes. Yes to new opportunities, yes to new adventures and yes to dates that she'd rather not do.
The story starts at the end of this year with her first 'no' experience. Something which kick starts a year of saying no. The first person she tells is her client Seb via video chat. Over the last few years they have become friends as well as employer/employee. Although there is a complication, Lottie has a little bit of a crush on Seb. Of course, she couldn't, wouldn't do anything about it as he is a client. Her biggest client, in fact, so it would be both personally and financially stupid to pursue this little crush.
Follow Lottie through out the year, as she gets a dog, meets Seb in real life and says no to the things she doesn't want to do (and even some of the things she'd love to do).
Devoured this book in a day, too eager to see what happened next with Lottie and Seb. The chemistry between them leaping off the page. It had me laughing, cringing and crying along with them.
Loved this book!
Slow-burn, employer/employee, friends-to-lovers romance – My Year of Saying No has everything I love in romance fiction. It’s also British and it tells of a heroine who is an introvert. But somehow, it fell short in some aspects.
I love how slow-burn it is. I actually enjoyed following Lottie and Seb’s relationship, from mere employee-employer to friends and eventually to two people who are obviously in love with each other. But I only enjoyed it because I’m a major sucker for slow-burn. That said, I don’t think this pacing will work for everyone, even the ones who love slow-burn. The pacing is really slow. Not every scene is interesting. There’s no rise and fall of the plot, mostly it’s just straight line.
I do love the main characters. Lottie is very relatable for me. Her joy lies not in going out but on her couch in her pajamas and tea in hand. Later, she also got herself a pet dog who is absolutely precious. Lottie is also very kind-hearted and committed to her work. She’s very likable. Seb, on the other hand, is very admirable. He’s an army veteran and does charity works for other veterans. Lottie is his virtual assistant. Seb also has a prosthetic leg. I think the author did a good job of showing the reality of Seb’s situation. Like how it affected his past relationships and his effort to have one. By the way, I don’t judge his ex and the women he tries to date who end up realizing they can’t live with Seb’s situation. I’m actually thankful that this book is in Lottie’s POV so there’s never a scene with Seb and these women. And he also has his own dog.
Finally, I want to stress how positive this book is. Despite its title, My Year of Saying No, this book actually exudes so much positivity, which I think is already obvious because of the characters. I just didn’t get any negative vibe from reading it which is really nice.
Thank you to NetGalley, Boldwood Books and Maxine Morrey for the opportunity to read this book in advance in exchange for my honest opinion!
After getting out of a years-long serious relationship, Lottie’s best friend convinced her to embark on a year of saying yes. Now that the year of yes is over, all Lottie wants to do is say no, Thus begins her Year Of Saying No. One thing that Lottie can’t say no to is more time with her client turned crush turned friend. Lottie learns to say no to all the things she felt like she had to do. No more bad dates, baby showers for people she didn’t like or favors for her unappreciative sister. What Lottie doesn’t expect is how her decisions will influence and change not only her life, but the lives of her friends and family, as well.
If I could describe this book in three words it would be: Wholesome, friends to lovers romantic comedy. Lottie was such a refreshing character. While this book could be pegged as simply a contemporary romance, or a romantic comedy, I feel like it’s Lottie’s growth and the relationship she builds with herself that really shines! I’m a sucker for a friends-to-lovers story line because it’s the opposite of instant love. I felt like Lottie and Seb’s relationship was relatable and believable!
I would’ve liked to see a first book, The Year of Saying Yes, just to get a backstory on the characters. At the start of this book all the relationships and friendships are formed except for the main one, of course. I would’ve liked to see more of Lottie and Seb building a friendship. While this one didn’t blow me out of the water, it was a quick and fun read!
Maxine Morrey’s books always make for delightful reading and she is back with an effervescent, sparkling and compelling romantic comedy that is sure to brighten up anyone’s day: My Year of Saying No.
For most people, the New Year heralds new opportunities and daring adventures – but on January 1st, Lottie Wentworth wants absolutely none of that. She spent 365 days saying yes to everything after the acrimonious break-up of her relationship and promising her best friend to stop hiding in the shadows and she is now looking forward to retreating back to her quiet and sedate life. Forget about throwing herself into everything, it’s time for Lottie to spend a year saying a vehement no to whatever does not strike her fancy. However, there is someone she finds it hard to say no to – her crush and friend, Army Veteran Seb Marshall.
Lottie might have a mammoth crush on Seb, but she is working on not making a fool of herself and on keeping her emotions at bay. But that is easier said than done. With rescue dog Humphrey by her side, Lottie knows that she does not need a man to be happy and now that she is saying no to everything and not running around like a headless chicken trying to please everybody while putting herself on the backburner, Lottie knows that happiness can be within reach. But with her crush on Seb showing no signs of abating, maybe, just maybe some much needed change in Lottie’s life could be good for her….or will it?
As Lottie’s actions and determination send ripple effects throughout her life and of those closest to her, will she find herself regretting her stubborn resolve to say no to everything – as saying yes might just provide her with all the joy and happiness she has been looking for for so long.
My Year of Saying No is a fun, uplifting and captivating read that is just perfect for curling up with. Maxine Morrey sprinkles her story with all the heart, humour and warmth she has become known for and has created a fabulous read about taking chances, stepping out of your comfort zone and second chances. Lottie is a lovely heroine you are going to absolutely adore alongside a terrific cast of supporting characters sure to bring a smile to your face.
As feel-good and invigorating as a chat with your best friend over a couple of glasses of wine, My Year of Saying No is an irresistible and immensely enjoyable read you will love.
Just couldn’t connect with this, I was looking forward to it based on the premise and the start of the book had me interested, but it just lost my interest, too much dialogue, I like slow burn, but this was way too slow. It started with such promise but just seemed to go nowhere. Disappointed.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion
I've read and enjoyed books by Maxine Morrey in the past so jumped at the opportunity to read this one - and I'm so glad I did. This is one of those romances where everyone else knows the couple are meant to be together but the couple themselves aren't acknowledging it to anyone else, even though they know they're attracted they don't believe the other person will be attracted to them. Actually, for some of the time this meant I felt like figuratively banging their heads together - they were so frustrating!
Lottie Wentworth is a virtual PA who has a huge crush on her client Seb Marshall, who is also her friend even though they've never met in reality. They regularly chat and message each other online and on the phone and not only about work. When Lottie and her long term boyfriend broke up, her friend Jess challenged her to have a year of saying yes. Now that year is over, Lottie is determined to have a year of saying no. That's actually brilliant because it means she no longer agrees to do whatever others suggest (like hosting her sister's book club for her) and this causes some unexpected changes in her relationships and how others look at her.
Seb is an army veteran who was seriously injured, losing part of his leg, whilst on duty overseas. He's also harbouring some feelings of guilt that are impacting on his ability to relate to others and sees himself as no longer being whole, even though he's a very attractive, kind and considerate gentleman. When he invites Lottie to go to the theatre with him, will this be the kick start their potential romance needs or will it just fizzle and die?
This is another delightful easy read story from this talented author. There are lots of other great characters in the story, including their families, friends and their dogs. You just have to love Humphrey, especially. If you're looking for a fun read, I highly recommend you go get yourself a copy of this book to escape into!
I requested and was gifted a copy of this book via NetGalley and this is my honest review after choosing to read it and giggling my way through it.
This was a really lovely book. I really liked the main character Lottie and the philosophy behind the year of saying no and the way she changes. It is a slow inevitable storyline but an enjoyable one
This started out so promising, but ultimately just...fell flat with me. The premise had me hooked, and honestly, so did the first chapter, and then...I don't really know what happened? It seemed like entire chapters were just made up of dialogue, saying things like "you look tired" or "you have that face on" but leaving us in the dark as to what those things look like.
There is "slow burn" and then there is "comatose burn". This book was the latter. It's a shame because the characters were nice and the premise was good, but this author needs to craft stories with pace and in which the scenes contribute to the story.
This book really struggles with having any sort of intent. It feels like you're running meaningless errands with these two main characters for 90% of the book. There is no spark, no sizzle, and no focus. And the amount of times these two asked each other "are you okay?" and "are you alright?" was extremely annoying. I'm pretty sure that question was included 50 times in this book. But the answer never led anywhere.
Overall this book had promise, but lacked any sort of momentum.
Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review.
A huge thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a chance to read and review this book early.
I loved it. I have discovered Maxine Morrey after reading her previous book '#nofilter' and she is definitely one of my favourite authors. I love Lottie's story. She was funny, witty and very relatable and I couldn't put it down. The plot was definitely unique and I loved the romance. It was cute and hot at the same time. I would definitely recommend it to rom-com lovers. The cute cover, engaging plotline and lovely characters will melt your heart. It certainly melt mine. I couldn't put it down once I started reading it and I finished it in one sitting.
As I said earlier, I would highly recommend it and I can promise that you won't be disappointed. Hope you all like it as much as I did.
Happy reading!!
This was an absolute joy to read. It felt relaxing and easy to read, which was exactly what I needed! A real cosy book that with characters who feel like old friends.
Seb and Lottie have a beautiful friendship despite Seb being one of Lottie's clients. That being said, the pair of them infuriated me at times by not seeing what was plainly in front of their eyes. It's immediately obvious that the pair belong together but for most of book, they are determined to do anything but admit their feelings for one another.
I loved the concept of the book being about saying 'no' rather than saying 'yes' to everything. She's not forcing herself to do things she doesn't want to or restricting herself from being open to new opportunities either.
Seb is a unique character and I loved that he wasn't the typical hunky male romance archetype. He has more guilt and trauma than he's quite willing to admit as well as being sensitive and caring. He's very chivalrous and considerate of others without exception.
I've read and enjoyed books by Maxine Morrey before and have enjoyed them, this was no exception to this. Another superb book, I always enjoy books by this author.
A perfect read for when the world feels mad, a cosy book you can snuggle up with.