Member Reviews

What an emotional rollercoaster this book was. I cried numerous times for both Josh and Amanda. I will admit to knowing little about depression and mental illness having never suffered or had someone close suffer and this book really opened my eyes. I have 2 boys similar ages to Josh and it's made me think about them and their lives and what I could do to help them. More so in the current pandemic and how it could be affecting them - particularly my youngest son. Someone I knew took their own life and I keep thinking about him and wondering if he went through similar turmoil to Josh. Such a shame he couldn't ask for help. Thus book is so worth reading and hats off to both of them for openly discussing this topic.

What a ride this book was. I adore Amanda Prowse as an author as her books are always so thought provoking. Teamed with her son this book kept me enthralled and desperate to continue reading. It is a sad book looking at life from both sides of the same dilemma. Josh 2ho suffers severe depression and Amanda as his mum. Josh’s final words explaining so much and pouring his heart felt feelings were so clearly expressed. I know now that I have changed my views on depression and also what causes it.
I highly recommend this as compulsory reading for as many people as possible to help spread the understanding of this terrible debilitating illness.

This book was so heart braking in places to read...The fact it was Amandas true story was always in the back of my mind. It really opened up my mind and thoguhts as to what goes on, how to cope, how to deal with depression anxiety, and how to overcome it all as a parent and a son.
Such a brave book to write but amazing to share and help other parents going through similar and the same illnesses.

This is my fourth book by Amanda Prowse but this one is non-fiction about her son who suffers from depression. Each chapter goes back and forth from her POV and then to his. I was worried if I could read this right now with what’s happened to our family in the last 3 months but I was ok. Our sons bf lost his life and we are still grieving over this loss! This book is brutally honest and was an eye-opener to me in many ways. Thank you Amanda and Josh for bringing this subject to light and being so honest. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review.

I'm used to being moved to tears by the characters in an Amanda Prowse book, but the ones in The Boy Between had a much deeper affect on me because they're not just characters, they're real people as you can see from the above book blurb.
This is an enormously courageous book written by both Amanda and her son, Josiah - known as Josh, about a family dealing with depression. We're given a very personal insight into their lives, from Josh's birth through to him attending university and planning to take his own life at the tender age of just nineteen. We get to follow both sides of the story as they share their feelings, warts and all - Josh's uncertainty about his feelings and wishing that everyone would just let him stay in bed and Amanda's struggle to cope with the changes in her beloved son, trying to do what she thinks is best for him, but not knowing that she could possibly be unintentionally adding to his emotional issues. I can't begin to imagine what it must have been like to re-live these times during the writing process.
My mum and I met Amanda and her husband, Simeon, at a local book festival several years ago and on the way home we talked about how friendly and gregarious they both were. It wasn't until after I finished reading this book that I realised we had met them at possibly one of the worst times of their lives but we had absolutely no idea what they were going through. It brought to mind the saying that you never know what people are going through and sometimes the people with the biggest smiles are struggling the most. This was certainly the case on that particular day and now, in hindsight, that day is tinged with a little sadness.
This book very deftly deals with a subject that some people would rather sweep under the metaphorical carpet and I think that a lot of the time this is because they don't understand it. Why would someone, who outwardly has everything going for them - good job, nice home, loving family etc - have any reason to be depressed? Sadly mental health issues are significantly more complicated than that and help doesn't come in a 'one size fits all' form as what works for one person may not work for another. According to the mental health charity MIND, one in four people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England and over the course of someone's lifetime one in five people have suicidal thoughts. That's some food for thought isn't it?
The Boy Between is a truly heart-wrenching book to read, but one which could be instrumental in helping others, raising awareness and encouraging conversations about a topic that should no longer be classed as taboo.
Finally, I'd like to send lots of love to Josh, Amanda and Simeon. The love that you and your family share shines out like a beacon in this book and thank you for sharing your story so candidly in an attempt to help others.

This books deserves more than 5 stars to be honest!
It’s the story of Josiah and his mum Amanda and his battle with depression over the years. It doesn’t sugar coat anything and it’s a completely raw, brutal and honest account of dealing with depression, but it is also an inspiring and hopeful account of his battle with this illness.
Whether you have experienced the affects of depression yourself, or know someone who has, or like myself didn’t really understand the true severity of it, then this book will open your eyes and change the way you think and see the world.
The story alternates between Josiah as he explains just exactly what he was thinking and feeling at his lowest points, and his mum Amanda as she explains the heartbreak of not knowing how to help your child through all of this.
Scattered throughout are also family photos of Josiah growing up which was so lovely to include and made the book even more personal.
Whilst this was heartbreaking to read at times it is without a doubt such an important book that I encourage everyone to read. As mentioned I haven’t experienced depression myself but it has helped me look at my own life, especially after reading Amanda’s chapters. I think the experience she has can help a lot of people, especially parents and not just those dealing with depression but for anyone who is struggling with any type of mental health issues.
This is a MUST read and remember to always be kind!

I have long been a fan of Amanda Prowse's books so when the opportunity came up to read this book, of course I jumped at the chance!
The thing is, I have been struggling with depression for the better part of 20 years and I understood how the world could look grey to Josh. I also understood how it is that you can have everything going for you on paper and yet be unable to function the way that everyone around you thinks that you should. I get why staying in bed for longer and longer periods of time would be something that happened, bed was my safe place too. I also understood the desire to opt out of life. One foot in front of the other, every day, that is all that you can do.
This is a very brave and honest portrayal of how depression can affect a person and I have to give some major kudos to Josh, and Amanda, for their decision to write this book. I think that a lot of people who have struggled with their mental health will, hopefully, realise that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I do think that Amanda should cut herself some slack though, as even though she is a wonderful mum and wanted to help out, at the end of the day, this had nothing to do with her. She didn't do anything wrong, she was just being herself. Josh didn't do anything wrong either, the monster had him in its grip and that is just how it was.
A powerful book, indeed, and a little bit triggering for me. I still battle my depression everyday and it never goes away, but I am still here and now that I am a grandmother, I am grateful for that :)
Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK.

This is a truly amazing read from the fantastic author Amanda Prowse and her son Josh. It’s so hard to review this as it’s such a heart breaking read but also one of hope.
I have struggled with depression for over twenty five years. For the last two years my youngest son has struggled and has had meltdowns. The fear in me is pure raw when I’m watching him during these times. Due to my personal experiences this was a hard book for me to read although I’m glad I did as maybe in the back of my mind I won’t feel as alone.
I rarely read non fiction but I’m so glad I read this. Will need to get it in paperback in the hope other family members pick it up and I can seek some solace when needed.

This writer writes from the heart in all her books but this takes it all to the next level! The heartbreak and worry come out in every sentence, beautifully written by Mandy and her son. Considering he is a first-time author he definitely takes after his mum and could become another top-selling author.
This also gives you an insight into their lives as they try to combat this terrible illness and the effect it has on them all. A very true account and emotional to read.

The Boy Between is an incredibly personal book - and yet is something that so many people need to read and will find themselves nodding with understanding and realisation. I think it’s the first accurate and honest account of depression that I’ve ever read.
This book will mean different things to different people. It might be a book that you read and absorb quietly. Or it might be one that you shout about. It might not be the time, right now, for you to read it. But whenever you do, because you should, there are many great things to be taken from this Memoir.
It’s not easy to write a book - let alone one so personal. My heart goes out to both Authors and they have my praise for their open and honest account of an incredibly traumatic period of their lives. It is Josiah's honesty and uncensored emotional expression coupled with Amanda's very raw despair that makes this book both compelling and heart-wrenching.

First, I want to thank Josiah Hartley, Amanda Prowse, Little A, NetGalley and BOTBSPublicity for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review.
Josiah Hartley and his mother Amanda Prowse are incredibly brave to open up their hearts and share both sides of their very personal stories in The Boy Between. This book focuses on some very important issues such as Depression, Anxiety, Sucide and the effects it has on the family. Their hope is that with writing this book that it will bring awareness and help someone in a similar situation.
Josh dedicates this book for all those who are living with depression. For all those who are thinking or have thought of suicide might be the best option. Josh is proof that there is life to be lived with depression-though it might not always feel like it.
Don’t give up. Talk it through, write it down, run, dance, read, paint, sleep, play,etc.
Right off the bat you knew this book was going to pull hard on your heart strings. I was tearing up actually in Josh’s prologue.
So many times I wanted to reach into the book and give both him and his Mom a huge hug! I hated reading that they were both suffering.
Never have I read a book where there was a second prologue. To me that was very unique and special.
Josh’s writing is very deep, insightful,Inspirational and made you think. I was blown away by it. I must admit and am ashamed to say I had not heard of his Mom until this book. I am an avid reader too. This being said I must read more of her stuff. I also hope Mandy and Josh team up again as they worked well together.
One thing was for sure is the unconditional love Mandy had for Josh and there was nothing she wouldn’t do for him. I just loved that part.
My heart went out to Mandy on how she kept wanting to fix him and give him a pill to make it all better. I recently had a tragedy with my loved one in my life and I have said those exact same words! But like Mandy I too have to realise that this is as normal as normal will be. Not that we like it or not.
Mandy and Josh brought awareness to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It isn’t a syndrome talked about much and seems painful.
I loved how pictures of Josh, Mandy and the family were included in the book. It made it more personal.
In the beginning of each chapter there was a meaningful quote from some well known celebrity such as Gildna Radner, Maya Angelou, Obama, etc.
Josh does a great job of educating us on Depression, Suicide, Mental Health, etc. He wants you to know you are not alone there are others out there that suffer too.

My Review
I would like to say a thank you to Amanda and Josh. A thank you for both being so incredibly brave to share your story with us. You have given me a better knowledge of how a person suffering from depression feels and sees the world. I personally feel that the word depression and the phrase mental health still brings a slight discomfort to people and this needs to change.
Awareness and support is how it will change and what your book will do is bring that awareness to people for this illness….. xx
The Boy Between tells the story of a mum and her son’s battle with severe depression.
This story brought me to tears on more than one occasion.
It broke my heart as it is such a raw account of someone battling with depression and not understanding what is happening to them.
A family not understanding what is happening to their son and feeling so helpless.
Life is shit sometimes. We have all these rules to follow and achievements to achieve but none of it matters in the grand scheme of things.
If your mind isn’t where it should be or you are struggling to process your surroundings, then what good are rules or achievements. The mind is powerful yet so fragile and we all take it for granted.
Today I walked out my front door slightly taller and more aware of those around me having finished The Boy Between. It upsets me greatly to know there are so many people out in this world struggling with the illness that is depression.
I noticed all the beautiful, autumn colours of the trees as I drove by and it saddened me to think that some people see none of this colour.
It is very hard to stand by and watch someone you love struggle and nothing you do making a difference.
What resonated with me Amanda is the paragraph where you talk about putting the key in your front door and calling out waiting for a response. I have walked in those shoes and it is a terrifying feeling and one that I don’t think ever leaves you…
To Josh, I don’t know you but what shines through the pages of what you have written is what a lovely, kind and gentle young man you are.
You have totally won me over with your love of dogs.
I hope that you will always find happiness in what you do in your life. You have shown me that happiness within ourselves is really all that matters.
Be proud of who you are and how your story will go on to help so many others. I know it has helped me.
I honestly thought I knew about depression Josh but reading your story I realise I knew nothing about it. I now have a better understanding and I am very grateful to you.
If I could recommend one book to all the followers on this book page, it is The Boy Between.
Read it, understand it and one day you may be in a position to notice a look or a sign from someone close to you that may need a little help.

I love Amanda’s books and have read all of them but this is a completely different book to her usual style so I wasn’t sure what to expect. It was a very honest and raw account of Josh’ s mental health problems which he has suffered with for most of his life and still continues to suffer with. Everyone should read this heart-breaking story to get a better understanding of a friend or loved one that is going through mental health problems. Thank you for sharing your story with us, it was very thought provoking.

I absolutely adore Amanda’s fictional work & will always respect her as an author, but this book opened my eyes and has helped me respect her also as a mother, and a human being.
This is an emotional, inspirational and honest memoir told through an original style, as mother and son write alongside each other to detail their descent into the “grey” world and their journey back out of it.
It was eye-opening and interesting to hear the details from two points of view, as it gave a whole new perspective on it each time you read the other person’s take on the situation. It was clear to see that Amanda’s actions came from a place of love, but also optimism and she seems almost blinded by the beauty of her son, which I think we all are when it comes to our children. Unconditional love, right? Whereas Josh’s take on the situations are very much blunt, dark and raw. At times, this makes it a difficult read, but it’s such an important one.
I loved how each chapter began with a quotation from a famous, usually literary, voice. This gave me time to pause, think and ponder and I found myself writing down many of the quotes for future reference. I also really felt the quotes related to motherhood resonated with me, as if they were almost universal truths. Being that my oldest child is not yet 3, I didn’t expect to relate so much.
This book is very much reminiscent to me, in some ways, of Matt Haig’s Reasons to Stay Alive and would recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed that book, or anyone who has ever dealt with depression, either as a caregiver or an individual themselves.
It is totally captivating and beautiful.

The Boy Between Amanda Prowse Josiah Hartley
This is a book that everyone needs to read. I feel like I have been on an emotional rollercoaster. I think most people have had their lives touched by suicide, and if you haven't then you probably will in future.
I typically stear clear of books that claim there is raw emotion in them, so for me to say that's what in this book is huge.
As a massive fan of Amanda's books, this was one of my most anticipated reads for 2020. In her fiction Amanda has never been afraid to tackle huge and emotional topics, so I was expecting high emotion in this true life story.
I laughed I cried and I gasped reading this.
Both Amanda and Josh poured their hearts out on these pages, and I really think this book will be an important read to so many people.
As a mum to 3 young girls, and stepmum to a 27 year old, I felt all of the pain on these pages. My stepson is in final year of PhD, having had to swap courses after 1st year in college, I've probably only seen a fraction of how difficult it was for him at times.
This is one of those books that will stay on your mind for a long time after you finish it, and when I was done I really just wanted to give Amanda a hug!
Josh really left nothing unsaid, and I truly hope he continues to see life in colour.

"Suicide is the leading cause of death among young people aged between twenty and thirty four years in the UK and it is considerably higher in men. One reason that men are more likely to complete suicide may be because they are less likely than women to ask for help or talk about depressive or suicidal feelings."
We need to smash the taboo and remove the stigma
I am a big fan of Amanda Prowse and her books always portray real life scenarios. This book is no different except that it IS real life. It is a joint effort between Amanda and her son Josh. It is a raw, emotional, brutally honest and open account of a young mans downward spiral with depression, the affects it has on himself and the affects it has on his family.
. I think this book should be available on prescription and in every university for young people who are in the grip of their illness or contemplating suicide because it will help them see that things can and often do get better.

Oh my goodness, what an I say about this book. It gave me chills, goosebumps and made me cry. I can’t believe how open, honest, and above all very brave you’ve been in the writing of this book Josh. This seems to be a very taboo subject, especially with young men. I have a chronic illness myself, and I can totally relate to some of your journey. Unfortunately my illness took a good few years before I got a proper diagnosis. I was backward and forward to the Doctors, who because they didn’t know what was wrong decided it must be in my head. I was given antidepressants and sent to a psychiatrist, which in the end had me doubting myself. I was fortunate enough to have healthcare and was sent to a specialist who finally discovered what was wrong. It felt like a great weight was lifted off my shoulders. I am sure this book will help lots of people. This is the most honest book I’ve read. I hope that you have many more good days then bad. Good luck with your future Josh. I am giving you 5 stars I only wish I could give you more this book deserves it. I highly recommend this book well done.

Thank-you Josh and Amanda for such a raw and honest account of what you have and continue to go through. I have no doubt that your willingness to open up about your own pain and struggles will help others do the same, and I hope, ultimately save lives. Whilst I rarely read non-fiction this was an absolute must for me and although it was hard to read as it was in parts so sad and heart wrenching, it was also uplifting and gives hope for other families going through similar dark times. I am so grateful to you both for sharing your stories. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. A must read.

No matter who you are or what your circumstances, everyone can take something from this brave, frank and heart breaking account of a 'family's' battle with an unseen demon. Two very brave individuals have taken the time to document their very individual battle with the same antagonist. It has attacked them both in very different ways.
As a mum, it tore me to pieces and even though this is a personal story and I am very lucky not to have experienced what they have, I can see a bit of us in here. Society today demands much of us all and never more than from our young people. I feel for them but cannot ever understand what it is like to be them. Expectations, exposure, information and choice - they are bombarded with it. The weight must be immense.
I would highly recommend this autobiographical account. I thank them both and I hope that it has gone a little way to lift some of the weight for them and the stigma attached for others, to a very real, very serious condition that could touch anyone of us, at any time.

You can’t even begin to imagine the fear, images and soul-consuming desperation you suffer every day, the lack of sleep and the sheer horror of your phone ringing. No, I don’t have depression but one of my grown-up children does. This book says it all. I knew every chapter that Amanda has written and I felt like I was inside my son’s head with the words of Josiah. I have sat by his hospital bed after attempts on his life, the last was so touch and go.
This is a book of raw and real emotions from both sides of this terrible black hole but at times it feels like the weight syndrome, you lose weight but put more back on, well each time it seems that depression finds a deeper place to go to. Medication is also talked about in the book, again from both sides. It can help some but can also have horrendous side effects too, which just take you down even more. Mental illness still has a stigma, like it is something you are using as an excuse.
A mother’s instinct is very strong, a feeling, seeing the little things when they are young, this is so true, so much I recognised in this book. The chapters of Josiah just tore me apart, the honesty is intense and physical as well as mental depletion disabling and draining.
If you know of anyone that suffers any sort of mental illness then this will help you understand it a little bit more. You can’t choose to pull yourself out of this, it isn’t a choice. I wish more good years than bad for you all. Just never give up.
I wish to thank Sarah Hardy and the publisher for an e-copy of this book which I have reviewed honestly.