Member Reviews

The gimmick just wasn’t funny for me, and I didn’t like the art style. If you like reading manga about the manga-creation process, this does have a bunch of scenes revolving around that.

I wasn't able to download this in a proper it didn't download right. Didn't feel right to write a review or re view book couldn't read properly.

I absolutely loved this book, it was a really funny look into a dad who has a job that he can't share with his daughter, so he's trying his best to hide it. Since first reading this book, it's become an anime too, so I highly recommend checking that out as well if you can! You'll love this manga if you like funny stories about families and the lengths parents will go to for their kids. Thanks so much to Netgalley for this book!

This premise is just rife with the potential for gags but also a more serious exploration of the manga industry and a father's relationship with his daughter. The moments between Gotou and Hime are very sweet and reminiscent of dad-daughter relationships in other manga like Yotsubat&! and Sweetness & Lightning, with the added bonus of the running gag being Gotou trying to protect his daughter's eyes.
Unfortunately, the manga isn't for me as the gag got old pretty quickly but that's just a case of it not fitting my humor. One of my friends read the volume too and really enjoyed it! And there were some hilarious moments at the beginning nevertheless.

Kakushigoto: My Dad's Secret Ambition follows one doting father's hijinks to ensure his daughter never finds out he writes raunchy manga for a living. This volume begins with gorgeous colour paged that immediately had me in awe. Kumeta's style is highly stylized (think the anime of Masaaki Yuasa or perhaps Kumeta's best known work Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei) and I loved it. I think it may be more hit or miss for manga fans more steeped in the popular shounen adventure series as of late but is worth diving into. The humour in this is very light-hearted. I enjoyed it and am definitely interested in continuing with this series to see what the future holds for these characters.

I loved this. It was a great introduction into manga for me, I can't wait until I can read more from this series

This book just wasn't for me. I ended up not giving feedback a while back when I read it. However, I just wanted to say that, even though I didn't like this book, I'm sure many people will truly appreciate it. :)

I am a bit disappointed by this manga. The beginning it's confusing and I didn't like completely how the story is structured. I found the chapters confusing and didn't like nor the layout and neither the impagination. I actually do not know what exactlty I was expected, but I thought I was going to read something more thoughtful. I feel they wanted to be funny without achieving the purpose. It was an ok reading, but I think I will forget about it fast. It didn't left a message, or if there was, I didnt get it! I liked the illustrations, linear, not so rounded as some other artists, and in my opinion less expressive. As I feel it was an ok reading, as I didn't like it much and almost fall asleep I decided to give two stars. The story had a real potential, but I didn't feel carried by it.

I have never read any manga by Koji Kumeta before. His style of writing and his art style is extremely pleasant. It's a short read.
The story itself wasn't exactly captivating. It was quite simple yet enjoyable. I would recommend it for people looking for something to read when bored. As it is the first volume I suppose it will develop further. I would be interested in the next volumes.
Thank you netgalley

a heartwarming story about a dad trying to do good by his daughter, working so he can provide. Even if he can't tell her what he does.
and at the same time a funny story as he tries his best so that she can't find out he does hentai mangas as work. amazing hijinks to try and keep her innocently blind to it!
the art and story is just amazing, and a manga you can't drop before finishing up!

Kakushigoto is a masterpiece of comedy that balances humor with sentimentality. Kakushi is a sympathetic and relatable character not only because of his struggles as an artist but also his doting relationship with his daughter Hime. The extensive use of puns in the names of the cast is quite clever and every character livens up the story with their unique quirks. The art style is simple but bold and cute.

A humorous tongue in cheek manga. An easy read with some cute family moments. Not overly stand-out but still a fun read for the avid manga fan.

The coloured pages are extremely beautiful, and the drawing style is great, however, the topic isn't really my cup of tea. From the summary provided on NetGalley, I didn't know what the word "raunchy" meant, my bad for not being a native English speaker and not searching the words I don't know. I only read a little bit, but it did seem fun if you are interested in those types of things. Sorry for my mistake.

I thought it was a nice and cute manga about a single father raising his daughter and trying to keep his career a secret from her. But I just felt like it was missing something, and honestly, I thought it was a bit... exaggerated? Also, it was kind of weird that the pages were done the western way (left to right) but the text still read the Japanese way (right to left) so that was a bit confusing at first. I kind of wished they'd kept it the original manga way.

Kakushi Gotou has a secret he's keeping from his daughter, Hime. He doesn't work in a suit in an office; he draws hentai manga.
He doesn't want his daughter to end up getting teased because of his career so he puts up a front and shenanigans ensue. Gotou is just a decent guy trying to do the right thing by his daughter - who is too sweet for words. The framing device seems to be an older Hime returning to their old home and discovering her father's work so I wonder how the series will play out from here. But if you like manga like Komi or Way of the House Husband, I think you'll find this cute as well. 4.5 out of 5.

This is an endearing story and a beautifully drawn manga. The artwork is so clear and precise, and the translation into English is smooth. Sometimes translated mangas can be quite jarring to read because the translation doesn't fully express the full meaning of the manga and when this happens it may mean some of the story is lost.
Not so with this volume.
It is both an endearing and amusing story. Kakushi Gotou is a single father who is also the author of a raunchy manga series. He likes what he does for a living but he doesn't want his daughter to know what he does for a living.
So he ducks and dives and goes to extraordinary lengths to cover up what he really does and he makes sure his staff team do the same as well. The manga explores the life of a single parent, his love for his daughter and his efforts to hide and juggle his work.
This is volume one in the series and although we are not told why he is single we are quickly drawn into the life of Kakushi and the deep love he has for his daughter. Just a lovely manga to read and it looks like an engaging series to follow.
Copy provided by Kodansha Comics via Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

My interest was piqued the moment my eyes landed on the artwork, but it was the short blurb that really sold it to me. Could this volume be any cuter—or funnier—than I think it is? Yes, it can!
Like the father and daughter relationship depicted in here is priceless—oh, the extents he goes to shield her from the truth—so is the manga artist aspect. How an artist mentally gets into “creative” mode is not just funny but spot on! What creative person doesn’t have a ritual that gets them in the zone? Keep that in mind while laughing at the ones in here, you will probably laugh even harder. But there’s more than humour working its charm so well in this manga, at the end of every chapter we get the Writing the Truth about the Drawing Business interludes, where the author shares interesting facts about the real life of being a mangaka. These give a view of a fascinating industry that makes your read even more interesting, one I particularly love.
With a unique art-style, lots of funny misunderstandings and jokes, but quite the sweet moments as well, this is a very enjoyable manga I’m also curious to see the anime adaptation of.

This is such a refreshing slice of life manga with a fun twist. It's humorous and heartfelt, and I really enjoyed reading this first volume.

Kakushi Goto is a single father who just so happens to write ecchi (pornographic/adult/perverted) manga. He has this fear that if his sweet daughter, Hime, were to learn this is what he does for work that she would hate him and be alienated by her peers. It’s a slice of life story that starts off with Hime actually learning what her father does and then goes back in time to explain why the revelation happened. Goto-sensei, for all that he does everything possible to make sure Hime never learns about his job, such as wearing a suit and going into town every day that she goes to school, he is not very good at being “normal.”
I really enjoyed the volume even though slice-of-life isn’t my usual genre. I really enjoyed seeing all of Goto-sensei’s weird quirks like not being able to write unless he was naked. His love for his daughter was really apparent but I was paranoid the entire time that the only reason Hime learned at the beginning of the manga that her father does what he does is because he might be dead… but this is only volume 1 in a 12 volume series so I won’t know unless I read the rest of them!
I would highly recommend this to anyone that enjoys slice-of-life manga or that have read any of Koji Kumeta’s previous work.

A fun, funny story, and with a touch to the definition of a united family, is a manga with a lot of humor in which we see the relationship between father and daughter and how he treats the way his daughter grows up in a healthy environment without the little girl finding out about her real work, in this volume we are introduced to the story in different chapters, there are many things to discover in this manga and in each volume we can see how the story unfolds, in my case all the time that I was reading I was laughing (mostly, except in certain things in which they are giving information).
At the end of the volume you still have the desire to continue reading, but you will have to wait until volume 2.
Support this work is beautiful, it has a lot to offer.
Thank you very much for the advanced copy.