Member Reviews

New neighborhood. New home. New life. New friends. Clean slate. etc etc.
Sounds like a dream and the perfect starting point for Janey, who is in need of a clean slate and new start, but is it everything she hopes it will be?
This was one of the most un-thrilling thrillers I have ever read. Seriously, it takes forever for anything to actually happen. And even when things start to finally happen, it takes sooo long to actually get to that point that I just couldn’t even be bothered to care anymore. Maybe harsh, but true.
By the 50% mark, I was just about ready to DNF this book in all honesty, because I was just that bored.
This book is pitched as ‘an unputdownable psychological thriller’ and i’m sitting here like…are we talking about the same book or? Because even if this were just a typical run of the mill contemporary fiction novel, this still wouldn’t have been unputdownable in my opinion.
It starts off as pretty intriguing and promising, as we are let in on the fact that Janey (the main character) has learned of a shocking deathbed secret from her mother. This secret has been stressing her out lately, and is one of the reasons she is in desperate need of a fresh start.
Her husband, Isaac, also seems to be under a bit of stress, and has been exhibiting strange behavior. Between his long work hours, drinking, and just overall odd behavior…what’s going on with him? Is there something to worry about? What exactly is he hiding?
They make the move to their new home on Buckingham Crescent, and once they get settled, Janey befriends a woman named Tanya and joins her exclusive clique of friends, and this is where things get so very dull and the story just drags on and on as nothing of interest happens for a good chunk of the book.
Janey is completely enamored by Tanya and her new friends, who I didn’t find to be interesting whatsoever, and I found myself putting the book down several times for lack of interest.
There were snippets throughout the story of a terrible, mysterious crime taking place that may or may not have to do with the mother’s secret hinted at at the beginning of the story, but even those short chapters weren’t enough to keep me intrigued as to what was going to happen and what the secret is.
This story moved at a snails pace for me. The tension, suspense, and drama just wasn’t there. Sure, there were a lot of questions: are Janey’s neighbors really all they seem to be? What is Isaac hiding from her? What terrible deathbed secret had her mother been keeping from her? But by the time it got to the point of the climax and all of the questions being answered, I was just so done with this book that I didn’t much care anymore.
I will say that all the pieces clicked into place nicely, and it was a very believable outcome, but it just took way too long to get there.
This just wasn’t the thriller for me.

This book has a slow start with nothing much happening for a long time. Once the plot thickens, it’s a racy ride with some good twists. If the reader can patiently proceed they will definitely not be disappointed. 4.5 stars

This is the second book I’ve read from K.L Slater, and it also did not disappoint. Just like her last book, she had me up at 4 am finishing the last bits of the book. This book had me on the edge of my seat, eager to find out how the plot unfolds. I will admit the beginning was a bit slow and I wondered if the “big secret” was going to be worth finishing the book, but I can gladly say it did not disappoint. Lastly, I want to add that the author did an excellent job of placing me in the same headspace as the main character. I truly felt all the roller coaster of emotions the main characters went thru throughout the book. I was shocked, angry, frustrated, confused, and relieved within the span of the two days it took me to finish this book.
I definitely recommend it to those who like books that they can’t put down (not even at 4 am), because this one is one of them!

This was another fun read from the author. There was enough mystery to keep me turning the pages. This is a book which I would recommend to others.

This book starts with a secret revealed to Janey while her mother is on her death bed ... and continues with secrets all the way through. This was an enjoyable, twisty thriller - the perfect kind!
I'd love to give the author one piece of advice though, that I've noticed in the last 2 books of hers that I've read: please stop making the female lead characters so naive/dumb!!! Women are not stupid. They are much quicker on the uptake than comes through in both this book and "The Apartment." Give women some credit and please portray them as strong and not naive/dumb. It was completely frustrating towards the end when Janey was being told what was happening and she was still wondering or trying to connect whether her husband was having an affair. Please!
Thank you to the author, Bookouture and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book! This review was also published on Goodreads.

I just love Kim's books and this was no exception. They get me involved in the story line from the very beginning with plenty of twists along the way and such easy reading that I cannot put down with well developed characters that I felt I knew them.
I can thoroughly recommend this book as all Kim's previous books, you will not be disappointed.
Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for giving me the opportunity to read yet another fantastic book from Kim.

I love all the books by this author and this book is no different. Janey feels like her luck has finally changed and she can finally get her family back on track. Her husband has a new job where his salary is doubled, the move into a great new house in a posh neighborhood. Janey befriends the clique of moms and she even gets a job she loves. Even though everything seems great she can’t help feeling that her husband is hiding something and her friends are what they seem. As she starts trying to figure it out her she gets involved in more then she bargained for at the same time as her family secret being exposed.
The book does a nice job of building the suspense and having a great twist at the end. Do yourself a favor and get a copy of this book.
Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to review this advanced copy

What a book!!
Oh my word, what a rollercoaster ride of emotions that was- utter surprise, shock, amusing scenes and gasp aloud moments.
I love K.L slaters books her novels have an amazing charm of enticing you in until the very last page, I love her style of writing in the first person narrative it really makes you feel like you can connect with the characters on a personal level. I could picture all of the extravagant houses on Buckingham Crescent, the flashy cars and the mums dressed to the nines in expensive designer wear.
Janey Markham, her husband Issac and their son Rowan move onto the crescent after Issac secures a new job which means they can now afford somewhat of a more luxurious lifestyle something they aren't used to after having to budget and watch the pennies before now and living previously in a small semi detached house. Janey feels out of place and is desperate to fit in with the posh Buckingham neighbours so that her son Rowan feels settled and can make new friends, She soon becomes friends with a Wag style group of mums from the crescent in particular a no nonsense lady called Tanya who seems to be the ring leader of their group and Janey soon starts confiding in Tanya about her marriage to Issac, other worries that she has and a dark secret she has been hiding from her past, she believes she can trust Tanya and that they are firm friends and finally feels that she belongs.
Their friendship is soon tested and it appears not everyone on this lavish and posh neighbourhood are as they seem
nor can be trusted, everyone is hiding secrets and the question is will Janet's be revealed and will it destroy her new found life?
This book was without a doubt an absolutely spectacular read that has so far blown the other books I've recently read out of the water- yes I'd go as far to say that I LOVED it, I felt I was part of a drama that was unfolding before my very eyes.
Thank you to netgalley for a copy of this fantastic book in exchange for my honest review.

I received this book from NetGallery.com for a honest review. Thank you, Netgalley.
I enjoyed Little Whispers from the very first page. It was an interesting combination of story lines that came together seamlessly at the end.
Janey was a mum that had not been working after caring for her mum who died 5 months ago. Janet’s mum laid a deep secret in her the day before she passed away that she has been struggling with. She was a housewife that lives on a budget and scraped by. How exciting for her when her husband gets a new job that doubles their income and allows them to move into an exclusive neighborhood.
Janey is quickly taken in to the “mum club” in the neighborhood. She had struggled to fit in and now her time has come. And that is just the beginning of this twisty story. This book had me turning pages to find the next twist! I really enjoyed it.

This is the 2nd book I have read by this author and loved it!
I have been buying this authors other books on Amazon since reading 2 ARCs I have found a new author to put on my favourites list.
Full of mystery and well paced I very much enjoyed this book and couldn't put it down once I had started it.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
I love K L Slater's other books, so I was pumped to be accepted to review this one. Unfortunately, it has one of my all time least favorite literary devices - the narrator has a Big Secret but even though it affects the narrative, the reader doesn't know what it is for 90% of the book. (Although, it's pretty obvious what it's going to be even though once it's revealed, makes absolutely no sense) This alone would've made me DNF, except that I committed to a review.
It's almost a quarter done before anything remotely related to the promised friend group happens and then it all takes place super fast - a couple of weeks maybe? The main character is likeable and relatable enough to root for - and isn't as stupid as you'd expect her to be. I only day that because I'm a lot of books like these, the main female is just so quick to tell herself she's crazy but Janey is able to think things through - for instance, in two separate situations she thinks to take cell phone pictures of what's in front of her. I also laughed and silently cheered for her when she's snooping on her husband's office and thinks "oh to hell with it " and just stuffs all the papers in her bag to look at later. Janet really is the only reason I could tolerate reading for - I couldn't find any other character that was more than two dimensional.
I didn't like this book, but I see a lot of other reviewers really enjoyed it, so give it a try. Personally, I recommend reading any other K L Slater book - the author really is great at twists and the kind of stories you can't out down. This just isn't one of them.

This book started out rather slow, but once it got going it went super fast. It was a great escape from life for a short period with fabulous characters I felt were my friends too. This book definitely had great character development and many twists that I did not see coming!

Every book by this author is amazing I always look forward to new book by them
I always recommend this author when people ask me if I no of any good authors

I received this book from netgalley in advance for a review.
Janey's husband gets a new job that enables their family to move to a posh neighborhood. She is excited to join the type of clique, of which she had always been on the outside. But she discovers that there is a sacrifice to be made for the windfall. And while she has her own secret, she finds her new friends have secrets, as well her husband.
It was pretty good, pretty fast read, though the secrets were a little underwhelming.

There’s always one thing with a Kim Slater book. You’ll have a riveting read. She knows just how to hook you and draw you in. You think you have a story figured then she puts in an extra twist. Fans new and old will love this book.
Janey and Isaac have been struggling. There’s never enough money at the end of the month. Then Issac gets a fab job offer. Double the salary, bonuses and relocation expenses. In now time at all they are moving to a posh crescent in West Bridgford.
Here it’s like living with the mothers mafia. Janey is desperate to make friends and is soon drawn into the Buckingham crescent social circle. Getting together, coffee in unique little cafes and designer shopping.
After a drunken session in the hot tub, janey divulges a long hidden family secret to her new friend Tanya.
While struggling with her marriage Janey takes on a job at the local school. However on the way there one day she sees an incident, involving Tanyas daughter Angel. Worrying she confronts Tanya but is told to mind her business as everyone has secrets!!
What should Janey do? Is the life she knows as it seems? What’s her hidden secret?
Don’t want to give an spoilers but safe to say it’s a cracking read.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to read an arc in return for an honest review.
#littlewhispers #klslater #netgalley

I get really excited when K.L. Slater has a new book coming out, and I trip over myself to request it on NetGalley. I even signed up in advance to the blog tour for this one as I have so much faith in her books. However, I’m afraid this was a bit of a miss and disappointed me somewhat. I’ve even had to pull out of the blog tour as I don’t think this review is the best one to promote it.
I really struggled with the book. It was very slow going, and I really felt like I was trudging through it. I had to force myself to get it read before today ended as I don’t like to be reading a book over the month’s end and into a new month (OCD!)
Janey is a very insipid character; she is naive and made some questionable decisions. She didn’t enamour herself to me at all, especially when the cool mums ignore her but then the next day are her besties. She was too over keen to be part of the ‘in’ crowd, and it made her appear pathetic.
We had a few tiny snippets of another story throughout the book. These were interesting and acted as little hooks, but as time went on, they weren’t often enough to be rememberable. I kept thinking I’d stumbled into a different book entirely when I did read them. Janey is also referring to a big secret, but every time she relays it to someone, we are not privy to any details. This was understandable throughout the book but at about 85% in it just became frustrating. It would have been nice to have been fed more and more of this over time to keep us interested.
I’m so used to being gripped by Slater’s books. I usually stay up until the small hours of the morning trying to get the book finished as I can’t put it down because it’s that fascinating. They are usually full of twists and surprises. This one, however, plodded on for about 90% of the book building the scene of Janey, her new life and her new friends. The twist and the ending of the story are crammed into the last 10%. If felt rushed, over-complicated and I had to reread a few paragraphs to really understand what was happening.
The book had a good premise and the twist at the end I didn’t see coming. The author had kept everything very much close to her chest. However, this wasn’t the usual standard that I expect and love from Slater. I wasn’t gripped until about 90% of the way in when at that point I just wanted the answers.
There were quite a few inconsistencies in the story as well; I hope these have been ironed out for the final proof. If not, it makes for very annoying reading. An example of one is that Janey says that Isaac has been at his new job for a couple of months now, but then in the next paragraph they have only been in their new lives for a week. He started his new job once they had moved to the new house so it can’t have been a few months and only a week. This is only one of the examples I can remember, but there were a few times when I stumbled over inconsistencies and small plot holes.
So, overall an interesting idea for a story I just wish there had been more to it to keep me interested and more invested in the characters and the storyline as a whole. Disappointing for a K.L. Slater book.

Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.
Expected publication date: May 21, 2020
Janey Markham has moved to upscale Buckingham Crescent with her son, so that her husband can start a high profile new job. When Janey falls in with the socialite circle of women from Buckingham, she can’t believe her luck. After a child hood of her mother telling her constantly that no one was trustworthy and friends were a liability, Janey is excited to finally have time for the female bonding she so craves. One night, while drinking wine with her new friend, Tanya, Janey reveals a long-kept, deep dark secret from her past that no one, except her husband, even knows. Tanya promises to keep her secret but after Janey sees Tanya’s daughter Angel, hanging out with some scary guys that are twice her age, and threatens to go to the police, things change. Soon, Janey’s secret is out, jeopardizing her job and her son. But who told? And why? When Janey finds out who else on Buckingham has secrets to keep, the questions only pile up.
“Little Whispers” is K. L Slater’s twelfth novel. That sounds impressive- and it is! I, myself, have only read four novels by the British author, but I hope to slowly make my way through them all. Slater is known for her psychological thriller suspense stories, full of family drama, doubt, intrigue and nasty closets full of skeletons.
I thoroughly enjoyed the second half of this novel. It was well-written, full of suspense, and I didn’t even come CLOSE to guessing the ending. It played out at a fast pace and I was glued to every page. I wish I felt the same about the beginning of the novel.
I will openly admit to my personal bias here. I am NOT a fan of the “petty housewives” genre, where bored trophy wives with nothing to do compete with each other, gossip and join little clubs so they can make themselves feel important. I am sure it holds some interest to some but it is pretty much the bane of my existence. The first half of this novel was full of Janey trying to get in with the “cool” Moms, and although it is supposed to add to Janey’s background of a woman desperate to fit in and be socially included, I found her choice of friends vapid and extremely irritating. It felt like I was trapped in a “Real Housewives of…(well, any one of them I guess)”. Needless to say when the plot moved on from this, I was finally pulled back into the writing style of Slater that I have come to enjoy.
The ending of the novel was unpredictable and satisfying, and Janey’s “pay attention to me!” desperation gave in to parental love and strength, which made her a far more relatable and enjoyable character. She also happens to have the same job as I do, so there was a personal connection made for me there. I was invested in the outcome, and was pleased at how it played out. Although the psychologically suspenseful twists and turns didn’t happen at the beginning, it was still a novel worth reading, especially to those familiar with Slater’s work. But don’t let this one be the first novel by Slater you read, or you will not get a solid picture of her writing talent.

Thank you so much for this ARC!
I recently finished reading The Apartment by this author, so I was thrilled when I received this title too!
Little Whispers is an addicting and exciting read! From the start, I was flying through the pages to figure out what happens next - what is the big secret? Is Isaac really having affair? What's up with Angel?
So many questions! Thoroughly enjoyed reading this. At first I was not so sure about the alternate kidnapping plot mixed in here and there, but it ended up tying together nicely!
Buckingham Crescent is a prime example that although things may appear one way on the outside, you never know what goes on behind closed doors!
I will definitely be reading more books by KL Slater!

Thank you to Bookouture and Netgalley for my honest review of Little Whispers.
Even the highest gates and shrubs can’t buy you privacy.
When Janey moves to an elite neighborhood she thinks this is the perfect opportunity to start anew after the death of her mother that burdened her with a deathbed secret. There’s just one catch. No matter what she does, it’s never enough for the judging eyes and her mother’s voice repeating in her head to be careful.
That is until she’s taken under the wing of the head of the mom clique, Janey finds the female friendship she’s always wanted but never had, which is especially needed when things are tense and secretive with her husband.
This was a nice read, though the beginning seems very slow in the drawing out in the cliquey “we’re rich but we have problems too” vibe. There was no push or drive with the “weighty secret”. While it picked up in the second half with the urgency of the mystery unfolding it still didn’t feel like a proper payout to me. It seemed like too much was wrapped up in the span of the last 10 % than the pace of the preceding buildup. If there had been more twists earlier and scattered throughout then I would have called this a stellar thriller. It was still enjoyable and I wanted to know the secret which we don’t find out till near the very end, so I was invested.

Little Whispers is an entertaining read that kept me turning the pages. There are several story threads that are woven together to create a book that at times reads like women's fiction, then a suspense novel, a police procedural, and finally, a thriller. The protagonist, Janey, is empathetic and we come to understand why she appears not to see the truth in her daily life and surroundings. I found it especially telling that she speaks warmly of the mum she cared for, when it was clear the mum was an emotional abuser that Janey could never please. Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing an ARC of the book for an honest review.