Member Reviews

Love love loved this book!! Sophie just knows how to write a book. I've read all her books now, just waiting for the new one in 2025.
Had me laughing, covering my eyes, shocked face and then tears.
Gorgeous gorgeous read.
Will always be an auto buy author for me.
Minnie and Quinn for life ♡

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This is a cute and festive New Year's-themed book. Sophie Cousens' books are always engaging from the start, and this is no exception. A fun escape.

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This was such a feel-good, quick, sweet read. Love stories with characters that are so relatable. I could see this being a Lifetime story! Highly recommend!

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Minnie and Quinn being born a minute apart on New Year’s is only the first of their near miss encounters the rest of their lives. Minnie’s mom *swears* Quinn’s mom stole her name, therefore Minnie thinks he stole all her fortune in life too. She has the worst day of the year on her birthday every year, whereas he has the best.

When they finally meet on New Year’s after she’s locked in a bathroom all night (remember the misfortune), Minnie realizes exactly who Quinn is and is determined to hate him. But how can you hate someone so attractive and charming? Over the next year, they start to form a friendship and both overcome previous barriers with each other.

The book bounces back and forth between present day and previous NYEs, making it a smidge hard to follow at first. The encounters are adorable though; you feel like they’ve known each other their entire lives. This is a very classic British rom-com and a cute, easy read. It didn’t stand out as the best romance I’ve ever read, but by no means bad. Just very average. 2.5/5 stars

Thank you to Netgalley and G.P Putnam’s Sons publishing for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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2020 has been a horribly distressing year and we’ve never needed uplifting fiction more, so Sophie Cousens’ brilliantly funny debut This Time Next Year couldn’t have been published at a more opportune time. Feel-good, deliciously readable and so addictive I couldn’t put it down, This Time Next Year is a must-read this summer.

Quinn and Minnie were born on the same day, in the same hospital with only a minute between them. Prior to their birth, their two mums had chatted and got to know one another and swapped tips and worries before bringing their two adorable babies into the world and then parting ways as went back to their lives. As the two babies grow, mature and develop, their lives take them both on many different journeys and although they came into the world at almost the same time, the worlds they end up inhabiting couldn’t have been more different. While Quinn comes from a wealthy and privileged background, Minnie finds herself battling with plenty of struggles and insecurities. Through the years, their two lives intersect, however, they never actually manage to meet and form any sort of relationship…until now. Fate has finally brought them back in each other’s lives after all this time, but what is going to happen now? Will they end up seeing where this initial spark will take them? Or will they retreat back into their separate and distinct worlds?

Serendipity has brought the two of them together in the most unexpected and surprising of ways. Having been born on the same day and practically at the same time, there is a special bond between Quinn and Minnie which they are very interested in taking further and in seeing whether it might develop into something deeper and meaningful. Are Quinn and Minnie ready to take a chance on love? Will they see if they truly are soulmates who have always been destined to be together? Or will Quinn and Minnie discover that they are simply not meant to be?

Sophie Cousens has written such a delightful and absorbing romantic comedy with This Time Next Year. Funny, whimsical, charming and so brilliantly written that readers will not be able to put it down, This Time Next Year is a gripping tale about love, fate and hope that is sure to go down a treat with fans of Sophie Kinsella and Lucy Diamond.

Minnie and Quinn are two adorable characters I just couldn’t help but fall in love with and cheer for. Both were protagonists who were nuanced, richly drawn and so vivid and compelling that they will feel like old friends by the end of the book.

A fabulous romantic comedy that touches the heart and tickles the funny bone, Sophie Cousens’ debut novel This Time Next Year heralds the arrival of an exciting new voice in the genre.

Rating: 4.5 Stars

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A quirky story of two people born on the same day with completely opposite fates! Loved the ways the author wove in tiny details of their past new years eves (birthdays)! No spoilers but the ending is firework worthy! Thank you NetGalley for this arc!

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Loved this book!!! Authentic characters, believable storylines, heartfelt moments… a rom -com that has you rooting for the MCs. Just what I needed after a full-on few weeks of work - a book to lose myself in!! 4*, hit the spot!!

Would it stand the test of time and be worth a re-read in a year’s time (or should I have said this time next year 😂)… possibly not, but there’s too many books out there to be re-reading!!!

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A lovely book, I enjoyed reading this book. The writing was excellent and flowed well. Thank you to both NetGalley and the publishers for gifting me his book

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This Time Next Year by Sophie Cousens is a unique, heartwarming story that brings readers on an incredible journey through fate, friendship and love. The characters Quinn and Minnie may have very different upbringings, but when their paths cross thirty years after their birth on New Year's Eve, an unexpected connection blossoms.

Filled with passionate emotions, unexpected surprises and powerful life lessons, this enchanting novel is one readers won't soon forget. From first meeting to eventual love, readers will take in every emotion felt by Quinn and Minnie and root for them every step of the way. As they experience setbacks and difficulties along the way, Quinn and Minnie prove to each other, and the world, that the power of true love knows no bounds.

This Time Next Year by Sophie Cousens is an inspiring story of hope, perseverance and learning to embrace each other’s differences, perfect for any time of the year. Highly recommended!

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3.5 stars. I typically don't like romance novels when the two MCs only get together at the very end, but I still enjoyed this one because their obstacles, though internal, were believable. I loved reading Minnie's journey and evolution. A lot can change in a year and while she didn't become an entirely new person, she became the best version of herself, by realizing she deserved more and was holding herself back with her own negativity. I loved the friendship between Minnie and Quinn's mothers and would have loved to see more. They were both stuck and ended up being exactly what the other needed. Throughout the book, we see that Minnie and Quinn's lives have long been connected and so I do wish we got more of a recognition of that when they finally got together. Overall a sweet enjoyable read, which could have been strengthened by seeing more of Quinn's perspective in the present day.

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Oh how I enjoyed this book. I was instantly attached to it. It was heartwarming. It was fluffy. Really had a great time reading it. Will gladly reread it.

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Thank you for this arc copy of this book. It wasn't; my type of book but others may like it. I did enjoy the cover picture though.

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-Minnie Cooper and Quinn Hamilton were born on the same day, and his family won the prize money, and he “stole” her name. Every birthday, Minnie has terrible luck, while Quinn appears to have lead a lucky, charmed life. They meet on their 30th birthday, and over the year form a friendship that leads to more feelings… [obviously Quinn’s life isn’t perfect: his parents are divorced and his mom has anxiety and agoraphobia/issues. Minnie is an idiot to Quinn and to her boyfriend Josh, and is a jerk to her bff about their business. It’s not until 45% that both M+Q are single; the swimming thing was a connection that we don’t hardly get to see. This was NOT a romance, but rather a ‘finding myself’ women’s fiction with a half-baked romantic subplot.]
-NOT A ROMANCE. Minnie was a total idiot, she just blamed the jinx for her problems, and put no effort or thought into many of the situations she was in. She was a terrible communicator with everyone in her life, and I didn’t feel that her character improved by the end of the book. Pace dragged and was bogged down by weird subplots of her bff’s proposal and by the pointless flashbacks. Minnie’s mom sucked and was harmful, until suddenly she’s best friends with Quinn’s mom and helps her, and then randomly apologizes to Minnie and is loving?? The mom conflict was not resolved and was infuriating. Very British book, actually to annoying levels. Also were random judgmental comments along the way having to do with India’s culture, people who cared about the environment, multiple weight-related evaluations, etc.

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*I received a free copy of this book via netgalley in exchange for an honest review*
This book is just not for me..
I didn't like the characters much, they were a little bit annoying especially Quinn, who has a lot of issues that got solved magically at the end of the book
For Minnie, it was hard to love her, she was the kind of character that was suitable for a side character not the main one, just so plain and boring
Also, although the book is considered a romance, it wasn't actually romantic, the story was lacking so much in the lovey dovey department .
The three stars are for the writing style, Leila and Fleur.

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I savored this book as my last read for the year because I was searching for a book to end the year with that brought all the feels, and who doesn’t love a holiday-themed read that takes place right at New Year every year?

Minnie is the quirky protagonist in This Time Next Year, and I thought she was such a fun character, with quite possibly the worst luck, as her New Years' birthday rolls around each year, bringing more shenanigans along with it.

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This Time Next Year is a delightful story about two people who were born on the same day and reconnect years later. Fate finds them at the same party many years later where their lives start to intertwine. Through flashbacks to previous New Year’s Eves we get to know each character and see how their story will play out. Fans of Romcoms and soulmates will enjoy this sweet story.

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What a wonderful feel good book! I read this in a couple of sittings, and filled me with happiness!

Was easy to read, believable, and had such relatable characters in it! Have some real depth behind the storyline too.

I loved it - 5/5 would recommend.

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High hopes for this one , but this was just boring and meh.
It was supposed to be extrordinary love story but it was not...really it for me...

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I found this book to be very good. It had me hooked from the beginning.. Was a great read. It would definitely be a book I would recommend.

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I was so excited when I got the notification for this book. I knocked it out in 3 hours and it was really delightful! So many sliding doors and missed chances throughout their lives - I wish the characters had more realizations of their previous interaction (I love an aha! moment).

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