Member Reviews

This beautifully illustrated children's book follows the story of Zippy the bunny, who has a really big dream. Zippy wants to go into space one day. Her brother Gus is willing to be her cheerleader.

Space Camp is coming to the area, but sippy as afraid to go. She's not sure she can compete with the other smart critters. Gus encourages her to try again. Zippy remembers some important truths that help her to pursue the first step in her big dream.

This book does a great job of explaining how bravery and courage happen one action step at a time, even when we are afraid! It is a great read for any age, whether you are in childhood or adulthood. Highly recommend!

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I received a free ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Love the art in this book. The pictures are so bright and colorful. The message is good too. The sentences can get a bit long but it's a good story.

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Thank you NetGalley and Zonderkidz for a free ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review! How Big is Your Brave is a sweet story about Zippy who wants to become an astronaut and must overcome her fear to start working toward achieving that dream. I especially appreciated the action steps that were highlighted throughout the story. You could easily point these out to your child and apply them to help your child start reaching for the goals they have for their own lives.

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I really loved the message in this book about facing your fears and trying things you want to do. Zippy Bunny wants loves outer space, but when their town is running a space camp, she won't sign up because she is scared that she won't be as good as the bigger kids. She eventually faces her fear and signs up after being encouraged by her family. All through camp she is worried and scared, but she is successful in building her rocket.

My grandson liked this story, but was more excited about space camp than the idea that Zippy faced her fears. His dad went to space camp when he was a kid, so we talked a bit about that. I encouraged some discussion about what he was afraid of and how he could face those worried and fears. He decided doing things with friends, his sister or maybe his parents would help. The pictures were really sweet and complemented the story nicely. My granddaughter liked the story because she liked the bunnies and she liked that she made a rocket. She wanted to get out the craft stuff and see if she could make a rocket when we finished. A great story for families, schools, preschools and public libraries.

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Zippy (the rabbit) loves looking up at the night sky and stars. She hopes to get to space one day. But for now, Space Camp will suffice. At first apprehensive, she quickly acclimates herself to the classes and children, enjoying the experience.

But a mishap at home has the power to bring her enthusiasm crashing down (her brother, Gus, has an accident with her carefully-built model rocket). Encouraged by her parents not to give up, she has an idea. Ultimately, there's a happy ending and Zippy receives a prize for her rocket's creative paint job. Five stars for a the tres charming illustrations, plot, layout, and lessons about not giving up, trying again, facing your fears, and creative problem solving.

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Not what I expected. I was looking for a peppy book for a youngster.

My struggle with this story was it felt like it was going in 2 directions: kid book and an adult book. I realize there will be kids that can grasp the concept of accountability and other "leadership" concepts, but I did not think this story really brought the concepts home for little ones. Additionally, putting on the bottom of the page "everyone needs accountability" or "action is the antidote to fear" didn't help bring the concept to life.

I think this could've benefited from stronger storytelling/examples, maybe some repetition to reinforce the concept. Maybe the concepts with the big words of accountability, etc. could've been wrapped up onto a final summary page.

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From bestselling author Ruth Soukup, this inspiring story about a brave little bunny who dreams of becoming an astronaut will empower children everywhere to face their fears & overcome obstacles in order to follow their dreams & reach their goals.

Thank you NetGalley for the eARC. My kids loved this story. I felt it was empowering and the illustrations were the sweetest. I can see myself gifting this at baby showers and birthday parties. Super cute!

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I would love to read this book unfortunately I cannot get the pdf to open. I have tried everything including contacting Netgalley :(. My boys would have loved this book.

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Oh, this is such a cute book! The pictures are adorable.

Zippy is nervous about going to space camp. She wants to but she thinks all the other critters will be better than her. She goes and has more dilemmas along the way. Will she overcome her fears and struggles or will she overcome them and be brave? How will you handle your struggles and fears? Will you over come them?

This is a great story for children to learn that pushing through and facing fears is worth is or if your child has a love of science or space. But really ever child should have this read to them.

This is my honest review for a Netgalley copy.

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I absolutely need to own this book! I read this to my two children and we all loved it. Such an amazing message and beautiful illustrations. Some books are just keepers and this one of them!

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<em>How Big is Your Brave?</em> by Ruth Soukup and illustrated by Alison Friend is a realistic and good story about believing in yourself and never giving up on your dreams. It's not <em>quite</em> the story that I thought it would be, for with a title like that I was kind of expecting something more like an adventure than a simple story about a bunny child going to space camp and overcoming everyday fears. But it's still good.

I'll admit, I didn't love this book. Nothing about it really blew me away or anything. I do, however, think it sent a great message for kids, which was nice. I think, for me, what I just didn't care for was the fact that the plot was so very much about how shy kids overcome their shyness by getting involved in activities they are passionate about. It's the same reason I don't really care for contemporary. I enjoy books that are much more focused on exciting things. I feel like <em>How Big is Your Brave? </em>overpromised excitement with its title and didn't actually deliver.

That said, this is clearly more a me problem than a book problem. This book sends a great message to kids, is very relatable, and gives kids adorable bunnies to look at the entire time.

Speaking of, the illustrations are very cute. They're again, not my favorite, but I think kids will love them all the same. The book is peppered with adorable animals and everything is very bright and colorful. It's definitely a book that I can see children engaging with and enjoying.

I think, overall, the general impression I leave this book with is that it's not one I like but definitely one worth reading. There is a lot to appreciate about it, from the message to the artwork. I imagine many kids will benefit from having read it. I felt a little underwhelmed while reading it but, at the end of the day, this is a book meant for young kids with dreams and not an adult like me.

<em>I was provided a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.</em>

This review will go live on the Reader Fox Blog on May 25, 2020.

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I review children's books with my preschooler. He followed the story intently. It's got a great underlying lesson about hard work and not giving up. I loved the illustrations. The attention to detail is great.

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"Your Why Must Be Bigger Than Your Fear"

I love this storybook for children!

A little bunny faces her fear and heads to space camp, where a mishap nearly makes her want to give up. She discovers "How Big is Your Brave?" and finds her resolve and courage - a perfect story with fantastic messaging!

The artwork is sweet and clear and bold and colorful, perfect for this story and age group. And the paintings of the stars will inspire children to dream big.

Highly recommended, 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and to Zonderkidz for an ARC for review. Honest opinion given.

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Being a lover of space, myself, we often have space-themed times, at our house. This book is absolutely a love of mine. The story of Zippy and the journey to dream and explore space is a wonderful one. It show children that they needn’t stop at Earth, when it comes to their dreams and that nothing, not even a moment of failure, should bring them down. A truly lovely book and stunning illustrations!

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I loved this cute story! Great message for kids about facing your fears told through a sweet story. The illustrations were also fantastic.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this title.

I love the illustrations - the detail on the animals is fantastic! I look forward to sharing this story of bravery with my children and will definitely recommend.

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This inspiring book encourages kids to think BIG and follow their dreams. Zippy, an adorable little bunny, dreams of travelling in space but worries she isn't brave enough to accomplish such a daunting challenge.

She signs up for space camp and once again is concerned that she will be unable to compete with the others that are attending. Empowered by books she reads and those around her she sets her sights high determined to banish her fears and achieve her goal. Will she be successful?

The delightful illustrations are colourful, vibrant and full of heart. They enrich the text and draw the reader into the story. Kid's will relate to the encouraging, positive message. ( adults too ) Zippy is a strong role model for kids everywhere to aim high and conquer fears. I highly recommend this book.

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Sweet little book that talks about some BIG feelings we experience. Soukup conveys overcoming, self-control, and the need for community within these pages. I love the precious sibling characters and their relationship. All around feel-good children’s book.

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This was such a sweet way to teach kids about facing fears.
The illustrations and characters are adorable and I think tiny humans will love this!
Big thanks to NetGalley and Zonderkidz-Books for my DRC.

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Zippy is a rabbit who loves everything about outer space and dreams of being an astronaut one day. Her little brother Gus loves gardening. One day Zippy learns that there will be a local Space Camp. She wants to go but is afraid to go. The other kids signing up look bigger and smarter than her. She won't know anyone there. But, she goes and learns a lot and makes friends.

This book has positive messages about being brave and personal accountability.

My son really liked the pictures and said they reminded him of Richard Scarry's illustrations in [book:I Am a Bunny|18887961] AND Zootopia. From him, that's high praise.

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