Member Reviews

I enjoyed the first book in The Hollow King series and was looking forward to seeing where this story went. It was a twisted, chaotic and tense ride; I appreciated the fast pace and plotting.
The magic in this series is well thought-out and I enjoyed all the chaotic turns the story took. Bastien is of course a particular favorite character but Thorne also does a good job of sketching out our villain AND some new characters. An excellent fantasy duology.

Nightborn is a wonderful wrap-up of a magical duology full of dark secrets and unexpected twists.
I really enjoyed Mageborn when I read it and couldn’t wait to get my hands on Nightborn soon enough. The story starts a short time after the end of Mageborn with Bastien and Grace safe in a whole new kingdom. Until that safety is pull out from under their feet when they’re faced with a decision Grace never saw coming. Either Bastien marries that kingdom’s youngest princess or everyone he cares for will suffer.
Their journey throughout this book was action-packed and thrilling with lots of twists and turns. Very fast-paced, between ambushes, stolen memories, kidnappings and dark powers brewing within our beloved characters, they fight to overcome everything thrown their way by multiple enemy forces.
The most surprising character in this book has to be Asher Kane. His motivations and his plans are unveiled in this instalment and we see a side of him we haven’t before. His cunning has no match

I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This is a hidden gem! It is such a great series. I cant wait for book three.
Thank you kindly to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for this review copy.

Apparently I'm in the minority on this one because I just did not like it. I was excited for the sequel to Mageborn and seeing where Grace and Bastien's relationship went. Knowing that there was the possibility of a love triangle (Bastien being married to a princess and all) I was prepared to see things unfold. I felt like how the marriage ended up coming to be was really rushed and forced, and I couldn't fully understand why things happened the way they did. I was not a fan of the princess Rynn and her attitude and personality had me wanting to skip any parts that involved her. I understand not wanting us to like her possibly and rooting for Grace and Bastien to be together but she was so overly whiney and clingy that it made the book less enjoyable for me
I also felt like Grace lost a lot of herself in this story and became love sick and whiney as well. It felt like she was this helpless thing for much of the story and then in the last 30 pages we are just supposed to accept that all of a sudden she gets her edge back and makes better decisions? Overall I was deeply disappointed in this story and although some reviewers claim this is a duology (I really hope so) if it does continue I don't think I will read the next installment.
I received a review copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Nightborn is the second in the Hollow King series, and you really do need to read Mageborn first, as this book picks up the plot running from where the previous book left off.
This is a fantasy / romance adventure in which tempestuous couple Grace (warrior and reluctant mage) and Bastien (reluctant prince and even more reluctant mage) have to fight political pressures, hordes of evil, and their own inner demons, to be with each other and save the kingdom that they have both devoted their lives to serving.
There is plenty of action and intrigue in the plot here, with the return of the nightborn – kind of like magical zombies, consumed by dark power – and the Deep Dark attempting to claim Grace for its own, and Bastien being pressured to wed a fellow noble to retain (and save) his kingdom. Other familiar characters like Danny, Ellyn, Misha and Kurt return, and some familiar villains too, which is great because they add real depth to the main storyline.
There is less focus on Bastien and Grace’s love life in this instalment, as they seem more mature and willing to focus more on what needs to be done than on their own desires, but there was still lots of repetitive bickering about whose duty should take precedence; I’ve never seen two characters so keen to throw themselves under a bus in the other’s best interests!
For the most part, though, this is a compelling fantasy adventure and the ending felt satisfying, with the door ever so slightly ajar for a return if necessary, but most of the plot points resolved. I do hope that there is a Book 3, if only to catch up with some of my side-character favourites… the team dynamic had me hooked more than the two main players!
Once upon a time a terrible plague known as the nightborn descended on the kingdom. Their magic was wild and dangerous, and nothing could control them. But legend had it there was a cure. So the three princes of the kingdom determined to go on a quest to find that cure.
– Jessica Thorne, Nightborn
Review by Steph Warren of Bookshine and Readbows blog

I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Just like the first book of The Hollow King Series, Nightborn was a pretty addicting read. It sort of picked up where the first book ended. By sort of, I mean a couple of months later which honestly isn't a big deal to me. In it, we are still with Bastien, Grace, and the rest of the gang while they are this grand adventure to find allies.
Now in the first book, I wasn't sure on how I felt about Bastien and Grace being together. Heck, I'm still now but I am glad that this one didn't go down the love triangle route. For some odd reason, there's always a book in a series that has one. Not sure why though because I'm not a huge fan of them. That being said, these two did become more likable to me. Not sure if that makes sense right now but I didn't love them in a relationship before diving into book two.. but I like them as people in this one?
Yeah, let's go with they were more likable in this one. Especially Grace. I don't know what water she is drinking... but she should keep at it. There was just something different about her this time around that drew me in. She was definitely a stronger character this time around and I'm enjoying her growth throughout the series.
In the end, I am hooked by all the betrayals and twists in this book. I am beyond excited to dive into the next one!

Thank you Netgalley, Jessica Thorn and Bookouture for the eArc of Nightborn.
This book picks up a couple of months after the end of Mageborn with Grace, Bastien and co arriving at the Valenti Islands.
Without giving too much away, I thought that there was a lot going on throughout this book and it didn't really I've you time to reflect on things before the next big thing.
Grace is someone I am liking even more as she has a strong head on her shoulders but isn't afraid to feel things either. I was a little annoyed that the series is called The Hollow King but Bastien took a back seat during this.
I would still recommend this book for any fantasy lovers.

Awww Grace and Bastien are just too cute for words, and I love Missha.
The book carries on from the first and it's pretty fast paced, giving you no time to process what happened before you're plummeted into another drama.
Thank you to Netgalley, publisher and author for a copy of this book

In terms of plot twists and character development this book was better than the first.
We start of basically where we left off, the multiple cliffhangers explained. In this book all the secrets come to light. All the hidden and obvious players come out to play. Grace lovers are gonna be happy. She is at the center stage here. There were some twists here that I went whoa!! A character that really surprised me by how much I liked him was Missha the musician.
There were quite some emotional moments here and there. I loved the way Bastien's and Grace's relationship developed. That angst and those romantic scenes 😍
Our heroes are faced with the consequences of the previous book. More so for Bastien and Grace. I kinda expected more from Bastien in this book given the previous one's revelation. But I was disappointed. It felt like he was just sitting in the backseat and needed most of the saving.
Throughout the book I had the same problem I had in Mageborn. Events happening too fast with no breathing space. In this book not only were they fast but there were so many such moments where the plot was going back and forth. The only way I can explain it is, the pace was one step forward 2 steps behind and on and on. I think here is why some readers might find it confusing with how much is going on and may loose their attention.
Thank You @netgalley and the Publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you to Netgalley, Jessica Thorne and Bookouture for my arc of Nightborn in exchange for an honest review.
Spoilers ahead for book one: Mageborn
Synopsis: following the events of Mageborn Grace and Bastien find themselves facing a new foe as the Mageborn begin to turn Nightborn. Eyes black, magic uncontrollable they succumb to the deep dark. And it's affecting Grace too as the darkness begins to whisper to her....
This is such an underrated fantasy series I seriously loved Mageborn and I loved Nightborn just as much. I love the chemistry between Grace & Bastien and the squad goals of the team who are such brilliant friends. The world building is awesome, the writing really good and the plot is one you want to follow. I can't wait to see more from this author.

I loved the first book but this one just.... I don't know is kind of dragging for me I can only read a few pages without just sitting it down and walking away. Not that it doesn't have action it's just..... Grace is supposed to be this "warrior" protector....ands she's acting like a love struck girl who can't get out of her feels long enough to see what she need to do, but that's just my thoughts on it....if there's another one I will totally read it

After reading Mageborn, I was super excited to read Nightborn. It is such an amazing 2nd installment, it has made it to my best reads of 2020. And I would totally recommend it. 4.5/5 ⭐ for this one

Holy crap! Such a good 2nd Installment on top of an already amazing 1st.
This book was fast-paced and action packed at every turn. I couldn’t put it down at all. Such a good read and a good Duology.
I highly recommend

ARC from NetGalley
3.5 stars
I did enjoy this book, but there were some failings. I feel like things were shoe-horned in too conveniently in order to move the plot along. I also found the lore a bit confusing, and there were entire chapters I had to reread trying to wrap my head around. I mean, at the end of it all I still don't 100% understand it.
An example of something a bit contrived: <spoiler>Grace knows full well that Bastien was completely under the control of the potion and commands he was given. She knows that this has been happening to him for years and he has forgotten entire lifetimes, and yet "She wanted to say it wasn't his fault. But she'd heard those words so many times from other women, women who made excuses and shouldered their burdens and made the best of it." I know that the Deep Dark is supposedly influencing her mind, but Grace is supposed to be sharp, cynical, intelligent, etc. I cannot believe this. It isn't believable. The whole purpose is to drive a wedge between them so that we can eventually have that rekindling of the romance. This happens often in books where the main love interests get together in the first book, and for the second book there needs to be something that keeps them apart so that the reader can enjoy them getting back together again. This was done poorly IMO.</spoiler>
I didn't have the same excitement over Grace/Bastien. I didn't find the bumps in the road of their relationship believable. I wish that some of the other characters had been fleshed out better, and I wish that it didn't end the way it did. It looks like another book is coming, but it wasn't really a cliffhanger so much as like hey look there's a cliff in the dista...
The cliffhanger isn't the kind of cliffhanger that gets you excited for a new book. It's the kind of cliffhanger that has you wondering whether you just read a cliffhanger or if the author is trying to fade out the chorus instead of ending the track properly.
Man I like to bitch a lot. All of this bitching aside, I liked it. I would read the next one. I would like to read more from this author. It was a decent read.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review. I was very excited to start reading this book as I had previously read Mageborn, the first book in the Hollow King series, only a few months ago and really enjoyed it.
I was really hoping this book would be a continuation of what we read in Mageborn. Unfortunately, I just couldn't get myself to enjoy it. Something about this book just didn't feel right, It dragged on in a lot of places, several relationships and plot points seemed forced, and many characters (particularly Bastien, our mighty Lord of Thorns) felt very weak and, often times, overly dramatic. I'm so disappointed I didn't like it as I was really expecting to. Less than halfway in I was already forcing myself to continue reading so I wouldn't have to DNF and by the end, I was honestly skimming. All in all, I highly preferred book 1 and this just wasn't it for me.

Thanks to Bookouture and Jessica Thorne for my advanced reader copy. I honestly requested this book because the first part I read left on a good cliff hanger, I am pleasantly surprised that I love Nightborn more than Mageborn which is not something I expected. I had qualms with the writing in the first part(it was also an ARC, so not sure if the final edits addressed these) but it is tremendously improved in the second book which is something I noticed immediately.
I really enjoyed the darker plot from the beginning and it did not disappoint as it delivered a great conclusion to this two book series.I love the MC's Grace Merchant and Bastien and their very matured chemistry, the plot has some twists and turns which you won't be expecting, Although I enjoyed the newly introduced characters and the character progression of older one's that come back in this book, I wished Bastien's character should have had a better justification, it almost felt like he is just a side kick for the most part of the story, his character had great potential that is certainly not put to use to its fullest. The ending left me with some questions which I guess will leave many readers wanting to know more or get some sort of closure which is why I knocked off one and a quarter star.All over it is a good duo-logy to pickup

I was left pretty speechless at the end of this one. Nightborn picks up right after Mageborn, and I forgot how addicting this story is.
The plot is fast-paced, and there was always something driving the story forward. There were also quite moments that I thoroughly enjoyed.
The writing style is simple and straightforward. I definitely saw an improvement from Mageborn. Everything is also organized, and I was never confused.
Now, the world-building in this one definitely expands further than Mageborn, but I was still left wanting more. I feel like the true magic of this world just skimmed the surface of how everything truly worked.
I'm going to be honest; lately, I have been reading so many books where I completely forget the character's names, that I have to look them up when I go to write the review. But I DONT THINK I CAN FORGET ABOUT GRACE AND BASTINE. I don't know what it is, but I finished this book two days ago, and I can't stop thinking about them. I absolutely loved their connection, banter, and everything that happened between them. These two are my favorites, but Nightborn also has a great cast of supporting characters as well.
I highly recommend this one for fans of Susan Dennard, Sarah J. Maas, and Victoria Schwab. If you are looking for fantasy with elemental magic and romance, then this one is for you.

First off... I loved this book. I REALLY REALLY loved the first book. This one was hard for me emotionally as a reader 😅 Like it gave me all the feels.
It was a roller coaster of emotions and so heartbreaking to see my OTP SUFFER. Whyyyy??? But honestly, the plot was so good. There were so many twists that had me 😯 and like 😡. It definitely made me mad sometimes, especially with Bastien. I won't spoil.
If you want a full spoiler-filled review, go check out my goodreads!
All in all, I think if you're a huge fan of fantasy, kick-ass heroines, a solid OTP, love, betrayal, and a roller coaster of many other emotions READ THIS BOOK.
Here is my break down!
Plot ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Characters ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
MC ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Enjoyment ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Final Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐.75.
It's a 5 star from me of course but THERE WAS ONE THING THAT MADE ME MAD. And it had to do with Bastien and I just had to be mad about it but that's just me being me 😂 My LOVES, GRACE, AND BASTIEN. THE SHIP MUST LIVE 🤩 so Rynn was cramping my style and yep 😅

Nightborn is the second book in the Hollow King series and after reading the first, Mageborn, I’ve been desperate to find out what happens next. Also look at that cover, it’s stunning.
It’s been three months since Grace, Bastien and the team managed to escape from evil Aurelie, Asher and Celeste. They are now in the Valenti Islands hoping to find support so Bastien can claim the throne. Since their departure though something is happening to the Mageborn, the deep dark is taking over and causing carnage and turning them into Nightborn.
When Grace died and Bastien brought her back it triggered the deep dark to surface again and only Grace and Bastien have the power to stop it but there’s always something to get in the way and the couple have a tremendous amount of obstacles thrown in their path.
Nightborn from the get go is action packed and it was fantastic being back with Grace and Bastien. I love that Mageborn gave us the character and world building so for this book we just get straight into it and know the characters.
Grace is a great character, she’s strong and courageous but not showy with it and she seems to have grown more into her skin in this second book. Her passion to protect her friends and Bastien and the fact that she’s more in tune with her power make her standout.
All the previous characters that feature in this story all seem to be well etched on my brain. It was easy to visualise them as I had before and sometimes when there’s a space between books it can take a little while for me to build them up again but as soon as one was mentioned they just popped into my mind, fully formed.
There are some new characters and as with the regular ones you’ll love the goodies and you’ll love hating the baddies.
Nightborn really took me on a roller coaster of a ride, it’s tense, it’s violent, it’s romantic, it’s thrilling and it’s just a pure joy to read. I’m not going to say anything about the plot, no spoilers here but be prepared for a journey that is magical and dark and full of surprises. It will have you’re pulse racing and the pages turning as fast as you can make them.
I’d highly recommend you read Mageborn first so you can get the full experience and understanding of Nightborn and not only that, it’s a blooming good book too. I can’t wait for the next instalment, this is series I never want to end.

I enjoyed this book just as much as the first one!
Nightborn is slightly darker than Mageborn (pun unintentional) and I actually really loved that; it worked well.
Seeing more of Bastien’s history and uncovering more memories was exactly what I was hoping for, and I wasn’t disappointed.
Ellen and Rynn are kind of unsung heroes a bit. They’re excellent supporting characters and I hope to see more from their POV if there’s a third book.
Kurt is awesome. I just love his sassy, don’t give a damn way he treats everyone; he’s rude equally and I’m just here for it. More Kurt!
I’m not sure if it’s a duology or if there will be a third book. It’s well wrapped up if it is a duology, but there’s definitely more to delve into and uncover if there’s more to the series. I’d definitely recommend this to my friends.