Member Reviews

I enjoy reading Portia’s books and this one didn’t disappoint. I’ve recently read a similar storyline but this one was better. I enjoy Cara’s character and Millsy. Just one little thing that annoyed me when his step-brother told her Millsy slept with his girlfriend, why Cara didn’t question him about it and still got together with him. She heard the truth in the end, but far too late for my liking. Enjoyable read and I’d look out for Portia’s next book. Thank you for accepting my request for a review.

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I have to admit that I haven't read as many of Portia MacIntosh's books as I feel I really should have (something which will be remedied as I am slowly stocking my Kindle with her backlist) but those I have read by her I have absolutely and utterly loved and this is no different!

The Plus One Pact is hilarious, it's a definite laugh-out-loud book so maybe read whilst alone otherwise you will get some funny looks when you start giggling. (Talking from personal experience)

As ever with this author you get all the wit and the romance you could ever want, full of humour and all-out joy, I loved it!!

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The Plus One Pact has been on my kindle for a loooooong long time but when I saw it was included in my audible membership I thought I’d download it and finally give it a go!

The story follows main character Cara. She’s not had much luck on the dating scene (who else can relate) and is about all out of options. She meets Millsy by chance at a night out and when they’re both in need of a regular plus one to keep their families at bay they fill those roles for each other. It’s a little predictable but it’s a sweet friends to lovers romance with down to earth characters.

This is the second book recently where I’ve listened to the audio and it’s been British accents. Yikes. We’ve both found this difficult although especially with Scottish ones! I feel like an American accent is so much easier on the ear - does anyone else feel like that or is it just us being weird?!

This is one of many books from this author on my kindle that I’ll slowly and surely make my way through! What’s your favourite?

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First of all a big thank you to netgalley, the author and the publishers for sending me a copy of this book to read and review.

I loved the relationship between Cara and Millsy. I thought that their meet cute was absolutely adorable. I love how Millsy goes over to Cara because she is on her own at the bar and has clearly just been stood up. I feel like this really shows Millsy true character and what we have to look forward to from the rest of the book. I loved seeing how they react to each other all the way throughout the book and at all the events they go to. One of my favourite things to see between characters is banter and chemistry. This has both.

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This book was fantastic! Loved getting to read before publishing date and will be recommending on Instagram, goodreads, and Amazon.

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This is a laugh out loud friends first romantic comedy that I thoroughly enjoyed from the first page right through to the last.

Such a great low key read that will keep you smiling!

According to the book there are three routes that a woman can choose from in life, the first - marriage & several kids, the second - giving all this up for the sake of a high flying career & the third - being in your 30's, unmarried, no kids, no husband, not owning your own home & jumping from job to job...guess which one I took!

This book was so much fun to read. Laugh out loud funny in places, lighthearted, full of fantastic characters, some relatable, some that just need a good shake! And I was not expecting that ending.

I highly recommend it!!!!! Loved it so much!

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This was a brilliant read and is being featured on my blog for my quick star reviews feature, which I have created on my blog so I can catch up with all the books I have read and therefore review.

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I've loved every book of Portia's I've read so far and this was no exception. This was a refreshing take on the fake dating trope, one of my favourites.

Some of the characters were a little too much, but I really loved Cara and Millsy. I loved watching them growing closer together, even with everything thrown in their way. As always, I'm excited to see where Portia goes next.

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This book was brilliant, funny, easy to read and now I can’t wait to read more by this author.

Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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The is the first book that I have read by Portia Macintosh. I was attracted by the synopsis - it’s not entirely unique but something that I’ve seen work well in other books and films, and it worked equally well here. Sometimes what you really need is a good-humored romantic comedy, especially during lockdown and The Plus One Pact was a nice easy read with likable characters - something that I find quite important and helps me warm to a story more. Cara and Millsy were a lot of fun! I’ll definitely look up more of the author’s books in the future.

(Waiting for Amazon to publish review)

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A genuinely funny, romantic and standout take on the 'fake relationship to romance' trope.

I'm a complete sucker for friends to lovers stories so this was completely and utterly up my street!

The Plus One Pact is genuinely funny and had me laughing out loud multiple times and grinning from ear to ear. The two leads are a breath of fresh air, compelling and relateable and the whole story fits together perfectly to weave a heartwarming tale of two people who don't quite see straight away that what they've been looking for has been under their noses this whole time!

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This was a classic romcom and i loved every minute, some of the characters were quite annoying but the main characters cara and millsy were lovely! Light, easy read and i thoroughly enjoyed

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The Plus One Pact is such a nice story. I’ve read it so quickly I had to say goodbye to these characters too soon.

Cara is a successful, smart, single woman. She meets the beautiful, friendly Millsy at a cool rooftop bar when her last match on a dating app stand her up.
They easily become friends so they decide to be each other’s plus one at their Summer events, weddings, parties and also a baby gender reveal.
What could go wrong? could the plus one pact become something more permanent?

I’ve enjoyed Cara and Milsy’s journey, I loved their relationship and the unforseen events that seem to follow them everywhere they go made me laugh out loud.

Portia MacIntosh took a recurring dynamic, like the fake dating, and made it something special and unique in her own style.
The characters, the plotline, the pace, and the not over the too humour never let you interest drop.

This book is everything you need to liven up your mood, especially during this gloomy time.

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Cara has officially run out of men. Her most recent dates have gone from bad to worse, and when her dating app informs her there is no one left in her area to choose from, she is at a dead end.

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This book was fantastic. Right from the beginning, I was drawn in to Cara and Millsy's story. You will find yourself cheering for them throughout the book. Even though all love stories kind of end the same, this one still surprised me.

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**I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. **

This book was totally delightful. Cara is so tired of meeting all the wrong men. Dating apps are ridiculous.
Millsy is the life of the party, a man whore. He’s lots of fun but nobody takes him very seriously.
I loved how they met and how they formed a friendship. This is the closest to a rom com that I have read. There was a small misunderstanding but it did not have to ridiculous level of drama that often occurs in books.
I am going to find this authors other books because I really enjoyed this book.

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This was a decent read. It was light and quick to read. The characters were likable and the overall plot was good. I recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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I really enjoyed this book! I was unable to put it down and really found myself rooting for them. The fake relationship story is always one of my favorites and is so much fun to read! Will definitely have to read more by MacIntosh!
I received a copy for a review, all opinions are my own.

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The Plus One by Portia MacIntosh

Ella is in her late twenties a successful career woman. All her old friends are married with children and she can’t even get a date. Her last chance match on a dating app stands her up & she meets Mr perfect- Joe ‘Millsy’ Mills. They instantaneously click and become friends and agree to be each others plus one for the season then the fun begins.

Hilarious read and it is has some sad and some really quirky moments we can all relate to in life. Great read for a lazy sunny Sunday afternoon or one wrapped up on the sofa. Couldn’t put down this real rom-com book. My guilty pleasure ! Loved it.

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You know that movie, The Wedding Date? It’s horribly cliché and so very, very nillies – but I unabashedly love it. The Plus One Pact? Basically the same kind of thing – only way, way better. (that’s right, I said it – I liked this book better than a movie I’ve seen about 8 times)

The story
What if your plus one could be the one…?

Cara has officially run out of men. Her most recent dates have gone from bad to worse, and when her dating app informs her there is no one left in her area to choose from, she is at a dead end.

But with a summer of events ahead of her, she needs to find a solution, fast; someone to keep her company at the never-ending weddings, family gatherings and gender reveal parties that she can’t face going to alone.

So when she meets handsome, confident, Millsy on a night out she may be in luck. They could not be more different in personality, but he too has a summer of events ahead and is desperate to get his family off his back about finding a ‘nice girl’. What if they made a pact to help each other out and be a plus one for the summer? Just as friends of course…?

The opinion

Leeds is one of those cities I’ve never really felt any need to go visit – which is weird, admittedly, as there’s hardly any part of the UK I haven’t felt the need to go and visit. After this book, though? I really want to. The descriptions from Cara’s apartment, to the night life, to the abbeys and surrounding villages? Portia MacIntosh basically makes it sound like the most attractive location ever.

What surprised me more, though, was that – while, as I said, the plot of this story is fairly obvious from the get-go? The author managed to hit me with a couple of surprises along the way. Like Cara’s brother’s feminism. Or Millsy’s insistance on “not the face”. A make-over that was actually really positive and respectful of who Cara really was. Or even which characters actually managed to get their feelings out there – and I’m not even just talking about Cara and Millsy for this one.

Writing-wise, and this is a hugely personal thing, I know, I’m not the biggest fan of a first person-, or a present-day narrative. Even with those (huge, in my case) strikes against it, though? The Plus One Pact got me from the first page, and I thoroughly enjoyed making (racing) my way through it in just one breezy Sunday night!

The rating: 3.5/5
It was really just a huge coincidence that I read this book on a weekend, but honestly? It kind of feels like the perfect book for that setting. Get a cocktail, a snack, a blanket – and just settle in for a fun and fluffy read that will leave you smiling and feeling infinitely better than you did beforehand!


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