Member Reviews

First, let's talk covers. The cover for this book is simultaneously unassuming and sinister with its flower petals strewn about, no longer attached to their stems. It's also a lovely cover that catches the eye, but it doesn't even come close to giving away the book's secrets. And that brings me to the second big thing I wanted to mention. I even jotted it down in my notes and underlined it. Secrets! This story has more secrets than you can shake a stick at. I did figure some things out, but Ruth Heald took me on a rather circuitous route so that I would guess one thing only to change my mind a bit later and quite possibly come back to that first guess a little further on. And that is what a good, twisty thriller should be. There were parts of the story where I felt like the pacing was slowing down, but looking back on it, I'm pretty sure the author was just lulling me into a false sense of security before hitting me with something else. After all, this one gives us not one, but two unreliable narrators, and at any given time, I was as likely to doubt one or both of them as I was to feel sympathy for one or both. I won't get into the details of this one so I don't give anything away - Just suffice it to say that I Know Your Secret is gripping and gritty, and it's a book I won't soon forget.

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This was a good read, though more in the domestic suspense than thriller genre. It centers on Beth, a therapist, and Danielle, who comes to see her to discuss her marriage issues. The chapters alternate back and forth between the 2 women, leading the reader to know that they are both hiding something, though it's a slow burn to figure it out.

I love a story with an unreliable narrator and enjoyed the fact that both Beth and Danielle clearly had issues. Beth got on my nerves a couple times regarding her ":woe is me" attitude about her marriage, but as the story unfolds, I did understand a little better where she was coming from.

The story picks up the pace quickly towards the end, almost abruptly, as if the author was in a hurry to get to the conclusion. The I figured out what the twist was before the characters did, I thought the twist was interesting and unique.

Overall, I'd recommend this book and think it was memorable. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I read this ARC for an honest review
All thoughts and opinions are mine

This is a new author for me and I will certainly be looking out for more

I really enjoyed this - lots of twists and turns = very unpredictable which I loved.
I liked seeing the story from the different points of view which I think added lots to the story

A great read

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I Know Your Secret is Ruth Heald’s third domestic-based psychological thriller and a thoroughly enjoyable read. The author’s fascination with psychology and finding out what drives people to violence, destruction and revenge really shows throughout this exciting book. Danielle: She thinks I’m here because I need help. She believes my marriage is falling apart at the seams, that my husband can barely look me in the eyes. She thinks I’m desperate for a baby, that my longing for a family keeps me up at night. As much as I hate to admit it, all of this is true. But there’s something else she doesn’t know. I know all about her dirty little secret. And I’m here for her. Beth: She thinks I’m the answer to her problems. She believes I’ve got it sorted. A devoted husband. A gorgeous son. She doesn’t know about the photographs someone sent me, of my husband having an affair. She has no idea that my bathroom cupboards are full of prescription pills to help me get through the days. But I know all about her. I know why she’s here and I know exactly what she’s up to. Two can play that game…

This is a solid and thoroughly entertaining domestic thriller with a well-woven plot and written in such a way that the tension slowly builds to a palpable level; by telling the story from the two different perspectives of Danielle and Beth and alternating their chapters the suspense is ratcheted up creating difficulty in putting it down. The author manages to keep you guessing as to who the perpetrator is till well into the story and the way it was structured worked really well in leaving you addicted to turning the pages. You learn a little more about the women with each chapter that passes giving you just enough to keep you engrossed without giving the game away. It's a fast and pacy read from the very beginning and will keep you in its vice-like grip for the entirety without a problem. Ruth Heald certainly understands what thriller readers desire and provides the mystery, suspense and twist-ridden narrative many crave and with secrets, lies, deceit, duplicity and ultimately betrayal and revenge you are kept on the edge of your seat throughout. Many thanks to Bookouture for an ARC.

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This is my first Ruth Heald book but it won't be my last. A really intriguing psychological thriller with lots of twists and turns that I did not anticipate. I liked that the story was told from two different viewpoints - Beth and Danielle and I fluctuated between feeling empathy for one and then the other. An excellent book that kept me reading well into the night.
Thank you Ruth Heald, Bookoutue and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this copy and to give my unbiased opinion.

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This was a slowly evolving tale fraught with interpersonal conflicts, marital discord, mind games, stalking, hidden agendas, habitual liars, cheating spouses, and mentally and emotionally unstable characters. I couldn’t decide who was the most unbalanced between the therapist and her new client, as they were both less than prime human beings in need of serious chemical assistance and a reality check. The tale was multi-layered and well textured with hidden clues and well placed red herrings. I was reluctant to put my Kindle down for fear I would miss something and was feeling rather smug thinking I had it cracked, yet I was well fooled by this sly and duplicitous wordsmith. Ruth Heald may appear to be a pleasant suburbanite like any other in your neighborhood coffee shop, but don't you believe it. She is undoubtedly a crafty and cunning trickster and quite likely quietly plotting someone's demise while sipping her coffee.

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I don't usually give any book one star but this one I felt like deserved one. It was listed under "Mystery and Thriller" and I would consider this book more of a fiction book than a mystery and thriller. I did not feel like it has a suspense aspect to it at all. From the second chapter I was able to predict most of the book and as you kept reading it continued to be predictable. It was an easy read and if you don't mind a predictable novel you might enjoy this book but I was looking for something with more suspense that kept me on the edge of my seat and this book just didn't do it.

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Thank you netgalley and bookouture for this amazing read!
Being a thriller seeker and not easy to please because I do not ever want for my thrillers to be boring - nor predictable !
Well this one didn’t disappoint !
Story of two woman who struggle with their past and are somehow connected !!!
One is a therapist and the other is her patient ! The twists this quickly takes had me allllll in !!!
I felt for Beth - therapist and understood her need for wanting to help Danielle (patient ) and how easily women want to protect each other from abusive males!
When the connection is finally revealed I was like what ??? Nooooo — yesssss!!!!! I love when I don’t see the twists coming !!!
Can not wait to read another by this author !!!!
The ending worked beautifully and surprised me and it left me feeling content !!!!

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I really enjoyed this book and ended up racing through it to find out the connections between the characters. A good, gripping thriller.

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Those who say that they don't like drama, clearly haven't invested time in the right sort! This, my friends, is the right sort.

Without giving too much away, this story keeps on giving. A bit like a pass the parcel present - so many layers hinting at the intriguing conclusion with their uncertain teasers.

Beth was definitely an interesting character to get to know as there seemed to be a lot more to her than what she let on. At times I wanted to feel sorry for her and what she was going through, yet there were other times where I wanted to shake her and tell her to get a hold of herself.

The overall story was so twisted and nearly tied me up in knots, whilst still managing to be enjoyable and suspenseful at the same time.

I thought that Ruth Heald really delivered with the psychological elements of the story, keeping me throughly engrossed until the very end. An all round intense and entertaining read.

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This is my second book by Ruth Heald. The first, The Woman Upstairs was so good that I decided to give this one I Know Your Secret a go, too! A bold, family drama based thriller, I was engrossed from start to finish.

Therapist Beth's marriage is falling apart after she finds out that her husband Richard has been having an affair and he wants to leave. Danielle, a lawyer, comes to her for help with her own marriage to husband Peter, for what is seemingly a failing relationship, and her desire to be a mother. As Beth tries to assist the couple and manage her own dysfunctional relationship, her life continues to come apart at the seams. As Danielle starts to doubt her own sanity, neither Beth nor Danielle are who they appear to be, but could they be in danger when the truth emerges?

As the viewpoint flipped between Beth and Danielle with each protagonist narrating alternating chapters, I found it extremely difficult to tell who was the victim and the perpetrator. Danielle and Beth are both young women who have been damaged by past relationships. Both protagonists had flaws that made them easy to like. I Know Your Secret was a perfectly executed thriller and I was eager to continue with the story to see what would happen next. The concise chapters made for an easy read and the interesting narrative meant I never lost interest. With some troubling themes as contributing factors to events, the reader eventually learns how these affect Beth and Danielle and how their lives converge, in a satisfying conclusion.

Ruth Heald told a wonderful story in this well-crafted intriguing family drama and she is becoming one of my favourite authors. Compulsive and addictive from the outset, I simply devoured it. Highly recommended!

I received a complimentary copy of this novel at my request from Bookouture via NetGalley and this review is my own unbiased opinion.

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First, I want to thank Ruth Heald, Bookouture and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review.

I was dying to know what Ruth Heald’s secret was in her must read book I Know Your Secret! Now most books have your fair share of secrets but nothing compares to this twisted read. You think you may know what the secrets are (as I thought I knew) but you have no clue as the final revelations will blow you away!

Ruth writes a phenomenal story filled with mystery, suspense, heartache galore, focus on mental illness, infidelity, secrets and shocking revelations galore!

As with many books I have read by Ruth and other Bookouture books it sucks you in from the very beginning. It is fast paced and if you are like me you can’t put it down til reach the last page! I just needed to know the big secret!! WOW!! Didn’t see that coming!!!

The cast of characters in this book all had a unique set of personalities that made for an interesting read. I can honestly say besides Charlie each of them at one point or another many of them annoyed me. Reason being for the secrets they were hiding or how they treated each other. However, for good reason. That rarely happens that more than one character annoys me!

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Who doesn't love a juicy secret?

Well, this book is full of them! Like all good thrillers, things are not what meets the eye as everyone has crafted a different version of themselves. The secrets we keep shape us. Beth and Danielle are no different. The author does a wonderful job of weaving their lives together, keeping the reader on their toes, and shocking them just when they think they know what's coming next.

If you're in the mood for something that will steal your attention and keep you up late at night wanting to know what happens, this is your book!

Thank you Netgalley, Bookouture, and Ruth Heald for allowing me to read this and give my honest opinion.

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I mistakingly started this book late at night before bed. I enjoyed it so much I stayed up most of the night to read it (a weeknight too). Overall, I enjoyed the story and was interested to see how it developed and concluded. The characters were believable for the most part, and Beth was only slightly frustrating in the middle, as most characters are when you're shouting at them "what the heck are you doing?! Don't be stupid!". This was my first book by this author and I'm definitely interested in reading more.

Thank you netgalley and publisher for the opportunity to read this arc and provide my honest feedback.

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Two lives based on events of the past. Two women who are not who they say they are. Life appears perfect for one and a bit unstable to the other. When they converge, is it by accident or by design?

The women are Beth, a marriage counselor who has a young child and who has been recently dumped. Then we have Danielle, a woman who has a face covered with burn scars, and who is a successful lawyer with a struggling marriage and who has recently become pregnant. As things develop, it becomes clear that the scars Danielle has many more scars than the ones on her face.

Grief is a huge factor in this book. In fact, it is grief in different fashions that drive both Beth and Danielle. How is up the reader to discover. Another equally huge factor in this book is revenge Again, the reader will ascertain how grief and revenge affect Beth and Danielle, and how their lives converge.

This is the third book that I have read by Ruth Heald. She manages to craft intriguing family dramas that bring in very disturbing factors. This is all done at a remarkably fast pace, which always leads to a riveting conclusion.

While reading this book I just knew the women were connected to the past and that their lives had converged at more than one point The fun thing about reading this book is the path that led them to their connection in the present. In true psychological thriller fashion, I Know Your Secret, this book delivered different viewpoints of unreliable narrators.

Many thanks to Bookouture and to NetGalley for this ARC to review. This is my honest opinion.

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A read that made me sit on the edge of my seat and that anx of a good book. Beth is a counsellor and is seeing Danielle as a client who has come to her about her marriage. Before the first appointment Beth's own husband Richard walks out on her. He had an affair which he ended but says that Beth was too possessive. Both women have pasts and secrets. Beth has a son Charlie whom she was to work around and Danielle is longing for a baby. When she arrives on the doorstep finally with her husband Peter she announces that she is finally pregnant, however some of the things she says make Beth wonder about the relationship she admitted to when separated from her husband a short time beforehand. Oh what a tangled web we weave…. I really enjoyed this and devoured it quickly. A tension filled read where you know, just know that something is off kilter. A well written book, a cleverly thought out plot and a stunning read.
For more reviews please see my blog
or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog

Amazon done- misfits farm

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Secrets and lies. Lies and secrets. Ruth Heald has crafted an almost perfect thriller. Two unreliable narrators. Both appear to be strong savvy women on the outside. BUT they both have A lot to HIDE, not to mention they both might be a little bit Cray Cray. Beth is a marriage counselor with a young adorable son. Her own marriage is currently in trouble and her husband has just moved out of the family home. Danielle is a young wife who has just started seeing Beth for marriage counseling, even though her husband does not join her. Danielle wears her scars on her inside and her out. Both women are running from something in their past and somehow this ties together? But how? And who is duping who?

This book was perfectly paste. The story unfolded quietly and subtly. The story had such a creepy and tents edge to it. I had so many jaw-dropping WTAF moments while reading this. A well told thriller with some crazy twists.

*** Big thank you to Bookouture for my gifted copy of this book. All opinions are my own. ***

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I have read and enjoyed a couple of Ruth's books now. I read the synopsis for 'I Know Your Secret' and it certainly sounded like the sort of dark, twisty thriller that I particularly enjoy. I was eager to start reading and so I settled down with a cup of tea in one hand and my Kindle in the other hand and started to read. 'I Know Your Secret' was definitely an interesting and tense read. I really enjoyed reading 'I Know Your Secret' but more about that in a bit.
I can honestly say that I didn't take to either of the female lead characters, called Beth and Danielle. Beth is a married mother of one and a therapist who specialises in marriage guidance counselling. Her marriage isn't happy either because her husband has been having an affair and he up sticks and leaves the family home. Beth got on my nerves quite a bit but that could just be me being too catty and not feeling very tolerant of others at the moment. Danielle was another funny old fish. She goes to see Beth using marriage guidance counselling as her cover. I just got the impression that both women were not exactly who they said they were, that they were keeping things hidden and that I couldn't totally trust what either woman was saying.
It took me a little while to get into 'I Know Your Secret' but I was tired and finding it hard to concentrate when I started to read the book. The more of the book that I read, the more intrigued I became as to what the 'secret' was and so I just had to keep reading to see how the story would pan out. 'I Know Your Secret' isn't a book that I could binge read over the course of a single day but I did manage to binge read the book over the course of a few days. I seemed to race through the latter half of the story as my desperation to find out what was going to happen grew and grew.
'I Know Your Secret' is very well written. The author has a writing style that grabs your attention from the start and then she subtly draws you into the story. Before you realise what is happening she tightens her grip on your attention. 'I Know Your Secret' was a gripping read, which certainly kept me guessing and on the edge of my seat several times throughout the story. There were more twists and turns to this story than you would find on a 'Snakes & Ladders' board.
In short, I did really enjoy reading 'I Know Your Secret' and I would recommend this book to other readers. I will certainly be reading more of Ruth's work in the future. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 4* out of 5*.

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Wow, a book full of twists, turns and dramas! I turned the pages quicker and quicker as I became engrossed in the characters and the plots. Huge thanks to the author and netgalley for this advance reading in return for a non biased review

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Twisted doesn’t even being to describe this one. It’s part cat and mouse, part psychological thriller, part domestic drama, and all fantastic. Told in alternating points of view between the two main characters, the plot moves along crisply. Every time I thought I had a handle on what was really going on, something else would happen that would make me question what I thought I knew. If ever there was a book that was aptly described as a roller coaster ride, this is the one. For a full review, please visit Fireflies and Free Kicks. Major thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for a digital ARC of this book.

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