Member Reviews

I really love these books set in Cornwall and makes me want to visit so much and eat cake there. It has a strong community feel to it and has a feel good factor when all people pull together to help each other. Lovely characters and great storyline.

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Thank you to Netgalley for a pre publication copy. In return for an honest review ##katiescornishkitchen #netgalley

Katie's finacee does not return from his stag do in order to live it up in Ibiza which makes Katie head off on a solo trip to Bali. Where she meets Agatha who is running her own community kitchen project and in turn offers Katie to return to Cornwall and run her derelict cafe. Will Katie be able to make it thrive? Can she manage to leave her past behind?

The name of the book and the cover drew me into this cosy read.

This book is a quick easy romance read which is lighthearted throughout. It does what it says on the tin.

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Not the most engaging story. Seeing that I just finished this book and still remember nothing is telling. No egregious issues but nothing exciting either.

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I enjoyed this book, but I was looking for more out of the ending and her cleaning habits drove me insane. I'm glad I read it though.

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This was a brilliant read and is being featured on my blog for my quick star reviews feature, which I have created on my blog so I can catch up with all the books I have read and therefore review.

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Before you start reading this book make sure to have a large number of snacks, especially cake nearby as it will definitely make you hungry.

It also though brought a massive smile to my face seeing how Katie gets to grips with running this cafe in Cornwall, and all of her wonderful initiatives.

As much as I enjoyed the authors first book, this was a clear step up and I am really impressed by all aspects of this story.

I loved the various characters in Cornwall, especially Jasper the florists enthusiasm for all things flowers, and Talia, oh Talia deserves her own book or series. The creativity of her various outfits and insanely brilliant hats as well as her love of astrology, plus her ability to just slightly misunderstand some words just gives us one woman who brightens up any page she is on.

Really enjoyed the setting in Cornwall and the whole community. As well as Katie's own development during the book.

A joy to read, definitely need to read more from this author in the future.

Thank you to HQ Digital and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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Wow! Read this in one sitting fantastic book.
Katie is a great character and she shines throughout the book. Loved the storyline that she is getting over a broken heart and prevails in the end.
Highly recommend

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Katie’s Cornish Kitchen by Rosie Chambers

Katie’s life as she knows it has fallen apart, she’s lost her job in spectacular form. Her fiancé has abandoned her four weeks before the wedding stealing all her money, Penniless, desolate she exchanged her honeymoon and goes backpacking to Bali to lick her wounds. Where she meets Agatha who will change her life as she knows it by giving her the opportunity of three months to start her new life and start a new chapter.

A beautifully written heartwarming book that will you leave you with a warm fuzzy feeling.

The wealth of characters she meets in her journey are fabulous and the descriptions just enter into her life as if your there and touches on some delicate issues beautifully.

You will have hysterical laughter, she’d had an odd year but you'll generally feel that fuzzy feel you get from cuddling up with a hot chocolate on a cold day leaving with a good feeling about human nature all round.

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A great book, perfectly set in Cornwall, which I loved. A definite feel-good read.

Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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I love books set in Cornwell.
Absolutely beautiful. Adored the characters.
Lovely!! Looking forward to reading more from Rosie.

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Katie's Cornish Kitchen is an enjoyable read. I would round up to 3.5 stars because even though I enjoyed it, there are times where it is a little bit predictable. However, this is definitely a book that will leave you happy and smiling. Lots of great character development in this book. Descriptions of the cafe and of course Cornwall itself are charming. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a free e-book in exchange for my honest review.

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After being dumped unceremoniously four weeks before her wedding, Katie goes to Bali on her pre paid honeymoon - alone. There she meets Agatha who she befriends and, feeling a bit down in the dumps, agrees to take on her cafe for three months.

So off she sets on her adventure to Cornwall - a little different to Bali - to see if she can make her dreams come true, with a little romance thrown in along the way.

This is a quaint little story about Katie and her trying to make a new life in Cornwall after her fiancé decided to stay on his stag do in Ibiza and take all their wedding savings with him.

I just admit the constant references to Bali really irked me. It was unnecessary, especially as the story itself is set in Cornwall (a place I’m very familiar with). I enjoyed the references to various places in the county and I was trying to figure out where the author had based the village of Perrinby (I kept thinking it should’ve been Perran Bay!)

I felt a little underwhelmed by the whole book. The characters, the setting, all of it really and I felt it finished really abruptly. Such a shame as I really wanted to love it .

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Book Review: Katie’s Cornish Kitchen

Katie is a 28 year old former wedding cake maker to the stars. She had it all: a dream job, friends and a wedding planned to her fiancé. Then the tiered, gold embellished cake, which is her life, falls down around her. Katie’s heart and her confidence are completely shattered by her fiancé Dominic, who parties off to Ibiza for his stag do and decides he wants to stay and live the dream. Without her! After then being fired from her job in spectacular style, Katie heads to Bali on a whim to tend to her wounds with the money from her honeymoon (Dominic leaves her with nothing else after emptying the wedding fund. It’s looking pretty grim for her, isn’t it?!) Here she meets Agatha, whose previous health scares have made her determined to live life in the way that she wants to. She lends a sympathetic ear to Katie’s troubles and hands Katie a life line in the shape of a weathered but loved café in an idyllic part of Cornwall. Katie doesn’t know if she has what it takes to make a success of it, but, with a gentle nudge from Agatha, Katie leaves with a glimmer of hope and ideas to make her mark on the coastal village.

What I thought of the book

Katie’s Cornish Kitchen is the perfect light-hearted, feel good romance that you can escape into over the summer months. Be warned though, it will make you hungry! As you read, you’ll be salivating at Katie’s creations and wanting to hop into your car and find the nearest coastal café to sample the delights. The book is set in Perrinby in Cornwall. If you love everything coastal, as I do, then the setting of the book will appeal to you. Katie is joined in Perrinby by an interesting mixture of people, including the self-styled property tycoon/shark, Greg, who wants his hands, quite literally, on Katie’s new project. However, Oscar is the sugar to Greg’s salt and he, along with her newly found friend, Jay- the florist across the road who makes it his mission to welcome Katie and support her venture, manage to whisk Greg out of the mixture before he knows what’s happening. There’s also the delightful Talia who entertains Katie and the reader with her ‘interesting clothes designs’ and love of all things astrological.

Throughout the book you root for Katie as she tries to overcome the lack of faith she has in herself to create a successful business. She is all things community and kindness and as it emanates from her, you will her to succeed and become a part of the place that she is very definitely falling in love with. Katie is determined and you can’t help but want everything to turn out well for her in the end. However, with Greg hovering over her like a dark rain cloud, Katie has to navigate her way through unchartered waters with the help of those around her. There’s also some personal demons she needs to deal with before she can be truly happy. If you don’t want to read anything too heavy, you enjoy a romantic sub-plot and you want to be transported to the seaside (at least until we’re allowed to go properly for real), then this book is one for you. Just make sure you eat something before you read, otherwise you’ll be heading straight for the cake tin!

How much is the book and how can you buy it?

Buy the kindle edition from Amazon here
£1.99 for the Kindle Edition or £7.91 for the paper back edition.

About the Author

Rosie Chambers’ stories are filled with tantalising treats that she hopes will bring a smile to her readers’ faces. She writes uplifting, feel-good fiction, set in Idyllic locations around the world. Rosie is never happier than when she has a pen in one hand a cup of tea and chocolate biscuit in the other.

Also read A Year of Chasing Love which was her debut novel.

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This book was beautiful!. The characters are lovely and you find yourself truly rooting for them from the start.
The setting was brought to life in my mind and I could picture myself dreaming of escaping to Cornwall myself.

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Katie’s Cornish Kitchen by Rosie Chambers was a lovely feel good read, perfect to while away a few hours escaping to Cornwall. Great likeable characters and a lovely setting.

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This was a lovely heart warming book. Katie has been spending time in Bali, nursing a heartbreak. Her friend Agatha, sensing her need for healing, sends her to take over a cafe in Cornwall. She needs to make a success of it and has to think of new ways to increase the footfall and make friends. You are willing her on and it is a lovely read.

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I can not review this book as it never downloaded for me to read. Such a shame as I was looking forwards to reading it
I have been able to review this book now as I got it to download. I enjoyed this book. A little bit predictable but with a few twists. I started reading it and found I had to keep reading because I needed to know what happened next.
Well worth the read.

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I do love a book set in Cornwall, it seems to bring a special as l kind of feeling to a story, even more so if a cafe is involved. I’ve read a variety of books with similar titles, so was expecting something along the same plot lines. However, Katie’s Cornish Kitchen was not same old story told in the same old way: Rosie Chambers has a wonderful skill of writing books in a way that immerse her readers fully into the characters’ lives and injects such warmth into her stories, way beyond the heat of the Cornish sunshine.
The eponymous Katie has had a tough and emotional few months after being dumped only weeks before her wedding by Dominic, who doesn’t sound at all suited to the caring, eco-loving, karmic-paying-forward Katie we get to know in the book. Having headed off to Bali on what would have been her honeymoon Katie encountered Balinese restaurant and cookery school owner, Agatha, a woman with a large & caring heart that has been badly bruised in the past, who has chosen to completely change her life and improve the lives of others. Agatha asks Katie to re-open the cafe in Cornwall Agatha had mothballed before her relocation to Bali. We, and Katie, come to realise that spending time with Agatha in Bali and being in Cornwall, surrounded by wonderful new friends while chasing her dream of running a successful cafe has changed Katie and she isn’t the person she was with Dominic. However, there remains a deep-rooted, long-standing part of Katie that has affected her mental health and unconscious responses towards romantic relationships, and Dominic’s behaviour reinforced those feelings, building further walls around Katie’s heart. Luckily, gallery owner, artist and neighbour, Oscar has the looks and personality that begins to allow Katie to pull down those walls brick by brick, but the final moment of enlightenment that leads to Katie taking a wrecking ball to that wall comes from the most unexpected person. Oscar also has his own story of deep sadness and loss to tell, and together he and Katie begin to see glimmers of light where once there was only darkness.
Such a well written, heartwarming story, set in a beautiful village, this book is completely filled to bursting with great characters and tasty cakes. Rosie Chambers has the perfect recipe for the perfect story.
I absolutely adored this book - please, please, please tell me that there’s to be a second books set in Perinby featuring Katie’s best friend Cara - I would snap that up in a millisecond!

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Such a sweet, uplifting story if second chances, loved it. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher, HQ Digital, for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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Thank you netgalley for the opportunity to read this lovely book. Just a feel-good book perfect for a rainy day!

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