Member Reviews

A cute, sweet, feel-good read that is much needed. I could personally relate to this one as both a teacher and someone who has been sort of isolated during the pandemic. I appreciate James bringing mental health to the table in this book, even though the events are not very realistic; however, unrealistic is much appreciated these days!

Sophia, a law student turned school teacher, is finding herself exceptionally emotional and lonely when the pandemic strikes. When her upstairs neighbor, Jack, overhears her crying on her balcony below his, he strikes up a conversation. While kept apart and never having met face to face, they find comfort from each other and the community around them.
I found this one to be so comforting and cute! The title pretty much explains the entire book, and I’m glad that books are already being written about this weird time in our lives. It made me feel the genuine sense of community and how everyone has been pulling through the tough times together. There were some flashbacks to the beginning of the pandemic, like when everyone was buying all the toilet paper in the world. So it was a nice reminder that even when that was happening it passed and we kept moving forward, just like we will continue to do so and learn how to deal with this new “normal”, just as Sophia and Jack do.

3.5 stars. My first quarantine book and it was adorable. I was really into it couldn’t put it down. I could relate with multiple family members figuring out zoom weddings!!! We are all struggling right now it was really nice to read a refreshing love story and something positive during these difficult times.

Must read. During this time it was great read. Enjoyed it and was hooked. Just what I needed. Nice read

This was such a sweet, comforting read. I was a bit wary of reading a book set in lockdown when I am coming to the end of what feels like a never-ending second lockdown this week, as if live in one of the areas of Scotland with stricter restrictions, but actually it made me feel quite nostalgic of all the experiences we collectively shared back in March - the hunt for toilet roll, figuring out Zoom parties, doing shopping for our neighbours. There is such a nice community spirit in this book with some excellent side characters.
The romance aspect was soooo sickeningly sweet, but I expected that. There was nothing surprising either, no twists or turns, but I didn't mind too much about that either. My main gripe was the dialogue - a lot of it was so unrealistic. So STALE and boring and not at all how people talk in real life, only in scripts. Children don't sound like tat, adults don't sound like that. Better dialogue would have improved this overall, but still a decent read. I'm aware this book must have been planned, written and edited in record time so credit where credit is due.

The time of the release of this book is perfect. Absolutely adorable, sweet and easy reading.
The story is so cute and the characters absolutely loveable. Maybe not very realistic but in this times we don't need something realistic we need something just to take our mind off and this book is doing exactly this.
Thank you to Netgalley and to the publisher for opportunity to read this ARC for my honest opinion.

An interesting read which captures the experience of lockdown in a sweet and charming way. I loved the main characters, Sophia and Jack, who each had their own issues during the lockdown. This was a fun read and one that would be interesting to read even after this pandemic is over.

Sweet and uplifting, Love in Lockdown is the perfect antidote to 2020. Full of hope - and, of course, romance - this book counteracts the worry and negativity we've all had to deal with during the last year.
The two main characters are Jack and Sophia. They live in flats just metres apart yet until lockdown, they were complete strangers. As the streets cleared of people and everyone was stuck at home, Jack and Sophia struck up an unlikely friendship which developed over the course of the lockdown. Jack is shielding; Sophia and her flatmate are keyworkers, yet despite their different circumstances, it seems these two are destined to be together.
From the weekly NHS clap to the rise of community spirit, this book encapsulates the best and worst of the lockdown experienced by so many people earlier this year. However, instead of focusing on loneliness, isolation and anxiety, Jack and Sophia are soon able to bring out the very best qualities in each other - and help their other neighbours along the way.
Above all else, Love in Lockdown reminds us that there is light at the end of the tunnel and one day, we will get through the other side of this crisis. Heartwarming and all-too-familiar, this is an unorthodox love story for an unprecedented year. 2020 has certainly been memorable, but this story reminds us to look for the silver lining and keep hoping for a brighter future. It's a much-needed ray of sunshine and a thoroughly enjoyable feel-good story.

Romance set in the current Covid times with two leads getting to know each other without meeting properly. It was a little difficult to get into at first and took a while to pick up. Overall alright read but I didn’t connect with the story as much as I hoped I would after reading the blurb.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an electronic copy to read and review.
This was a sweet, yet sometimes heavy, book. It hits a bit close to home as new restrictions are being put into place as the pandemic continues. Nevertheless, the story starts in the spring of 2020 when the first set of lockdowns rippled across the world. Jack is housebound as he is in the vulnerable sector and cannot go outside. Sophia is a teacher for the kids of front line workers and takes on the role of caring for her neighbours, Jack included. Despite having never met in person, Jack and Sophia develop a deep friendship through chat on their respective balconies (Jack is above Sophia). It is a lovely story of the power of friendship, kindness, love, and taking care of each other when we all need it.

I didn’t hate this book or particularly love it. I think the fact that it was set during COVID bothered me more than I thought it would, as I felt there was nothing I was escaping while reading the book. The writing style was also not for me, but I see why people would be into this book.

Well, this is a novelty, a romance set in a completely unprecedented setting. Love in Lockdown does exactly what it says on the tin, it's the classic story of boy meets girl.... but they can't actually meet. Sophia and Jack live in the same apartment block and find themselves chatting one day on their respective balconies. What follows is a charming tale of burgeoning romance, friendship and community, alongside learning to live with one's own challenges.
It felt a little awkward when I first started reading the book, with the character's experiencing the first lockdown, and remembering quite how strange that was to all of us. But as you keep reading, you almost forget about that side of things, as you are swept along in the 'will they won't they' love story.

After reading a couple of nonfiction books this month, I decided to change things up by picking up a romance. This was meh tbh but now I’m in a mood for a better romance.😅
I ended up giving this a rating of ⭐️⭐️.

The book was cute but also a great view of romance during the covid area and lockdown. It did bother me, however, that it was written in the third person, but maybe it is just my personal preference. I liked the characters, they were authentic.

This was a really cute book. I’m guessing the author thought the pandemic would be in the rear view mirror by the time this was published, but that is not the case. Reading about routine changes that I’m still living with made me a bit anxious at first but that faded as I got more interested in the story. Thanks to Netgalley for an ARac.

I know a lot of people are not ready for book set during the pandemic because reading fiction is an escape for most people and I completely get that so this book may not be for everyone. I thought the premise sounded adorable and I don't mind current events finding their way into my fiction, especially if there is a nice component of romance to go with it, and this had romance in droves. I also found the characters in this book to be likeable and relateable and I absolutely loved the great humor spread throughout the novel. There were places here and there where the book lost its momentum and I found myself a little bored or skipping over parts, but overall it was a cute story set in this crazy time we are living in. I can only hope there are some people who have actually had these meet cute scenarios happen to them this last year and that they will have a great story to tell from this not so great time in history we are living through. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a light hearted romance.

Super Cute! This book was just the uplifting story we all need during these crazy times where so much of the world is entering into another stage of lockdown. A nice, lighthearted read.
Giving this 3 stars just because I do wish there was a touch more going on in the romance and in the ending of the book.

It was only going to be a matter of time before a lockdown love story was written. This one was cute with two likeable main characters. I did find it a bit ironic that they both suffered from health conditions and had similar situations with their exes. It was pushing the mark a bit much that they were meant to be. But as the author's note states at the back, it was a story written to give people hope in the tough time of lockdown and for this, I admire her getting pen to paper.
I read this book quite quickly and would recommend it to anyone looking for something light to put a smile on your face.

Disclaimer: Got this as an ARC from @NetGalley!
I ADORE THIS BOOK! It's perfect for quarantined life and I have been wondering when someone was finally going to write about it.

This was your typical boy meets girl cliché book but definitely just what I needed to read. I was a bit hesitant about reading a book about COVID-19 when Scotland is currently in a lockdown again but this was so light-hearted I just couldn’t not continue!
The story is told from two POV’s: Jack and Sophia. I could totally relate to everything in the book from the clapping for our heroes (NHS workers) and all the panic buying.
You could guess where the story was going and Jack and Sophia didn’t have any twists and turns throughout before getting their happy ending. It was simply beautiful.
Thank you to Chloe James and NetGalley for this ARC. It was a very enjoyable read.