Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an electronic copy to read in exchange for an honest review.

I went up and down with this book. There were times I really loved it then other times I wasn't so sure. It was pretty cute and great summer read - light with just enough serious content to make you think and keep you engaged.

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** spoiler alert ** This book was not a good fit for me. In my defense, I do not remember being told Ed was a ghost when I first read the summary, though now it’s quite evident. That said, I never would have requested the book if I had known because ghosts are not my cup of tea. The ghost thing aside, this book had other issues that bugged me. Belle was such a hot mess. I’m so over female characters written as complete klutzes. Male characters are rarely ever written as such; why do female characters need to be? The fact that Belle loved the man who'd left her at the alter 6 years prior was just not believable to me. And while we’re on the subject of Ed, I hated him. He was incredibly selfish and misguided in his attempts to help, which just annoyed me. It took until 47% of the book to reveal he was a ghost and that is way too slow in my opinion. Nate was lovely. I wish he hadn’t shut down after meeting Ed. I wish we’d been privy to their conversation. I liked the wedding. Sadly, the wedding and Lovely Nate were not enough to save this book for me.

**Thank you to NetGalley and Lottie Lucas. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book. All opinions are my own.***

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This book, unfortunately, fell flat for me and I kept picking it up and putting it back down. It had a promising concept but was not for me.

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I really wanted to love this book, the premise sounded fab!
But it really missed the mark for me.

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This isn't your typical romance read and instead it has an interesting supernatural twist. For that reason, I enjoyed it. But the book was a little slow and hard to get into.

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The addition of a supernatural twist takes this book from light, fun, holiday read into the type of book you can’t put down. It’s funny and romantic, but different enough to keep you interested. Think Cathy Kelly for the romance and add in the supernatural aspect for a great read.

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This book isn't my usual cup of tea read and unfortunately it didn't quite work for me. Interesting premise.

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It was a fun book that I read super quickly because I didn’t want to put it down! I really enjoyed it and I am thrilled that I got an early copy!

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Tried reading this one and it just was not meant for me. This does not mean that it is not a good book, I just was not in the right place to be reading it and have decided to not try picking it up anytime in the near future.

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While on this February romance kick, next on my list was “How to Lose an Ex in Ten Days” by Lottie Lucas. This book follows Belle in the days leading up to her sister’s wedding. As the wedding gets closer, Belle can’t help but feel haunted by her past fiance who jilted her… literally haunted that is. Her ex is back as a ghost to wreak mayhem on Belle’s life, he might even ruin her chances with her swoony co-worker Nate, but maybe he’s here to help? Time will tell, but hopefully Ed will be moving on by the wedding in ten days.

This book was a trip. I have been really feeling the romance genre lately, but throwing in a ghost was an unusual twist from my typical reads. Belle was a great character and I loved her development arc throughout the book. Especially her awkward flirty banter with her co-worker Nate, while trying to balance her past hurts and secrets. But still, while cute this book was a bit of a stretch for me.

If her ex was a normal stalker or something, I think it would have been easier to take. I’m still not sure what Ed’s actual mission was- I guess to open Belle up to moving on from her past relationship? All that to say- I prefer my exes in human form, maybe with a good Real Housewives drink throwing scene??

However, I still enjoyed the overall storyline and feel like this was a good read if you’re looking for something light and quick. In the end, I gave this book a solid 3 stars.

Thanks to NetGalley and One More Chapter for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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I received this book complimentary from NetGalley but all opinions are my own.

This was sweet. I liked the characters and the plot. I didn’t love the speed - I didn’t see enough of Belle’s relationship to believe it was so strong by the end. But overall this was a fun sweet read. The setting was interesting and the writing was good.
Spice level: 1/5 not spicy at all.

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Pretty much same old on and off romance story with I want you I don’t want you style.
I liked the heroine but she did annoyed me at times.
Very grateful to the publisher for my review copy

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So wanted to like this book... I even loved the 'spiritual' twist which seemed to have upset so many readers. But as much as I wanted to root for the tale, the fact that Belle was such an indecisive character felt like a total let-down. The girl didn't seem to know her mind from one second to the next. And then Ed making so many unnecessary complications throughout the second half of the tale. It just stopped being fun at some point, unfortunately

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Started this book a year ago, got about 10% in, and couldn't really get into it. I picked it back up last week and while I did finish it, I didn't really want to. The characters felt very flat and one-dimensional and I really wasn't a fan of the unexpected supernatural element.

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A fun and entertaining take on the classic movie, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days! I really enjoyed this romance from Lucas -- lighthearted, witty, and simply overflowing with charm.

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I sadly didn't enjoy this book, as there are some heavy paranormal vibes to it and that is just not something that draws me to books. It's not my usual type so I thought I would give it a try, but sadly it wasn't for me.

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A fun and different romance story. I really enjoyed the twist, I think it made the story more fun and enjoyable. The characters were cool and fun but also flawed and that to me makes them even more realistic, sometimes though I just wanted to shake Belle, so she could wake up and see what was in front of her. But I also understood what she was going through.
This book has a strong talk on marriage, family, forgiveness and moving on, and I really enjoyed the conversation that it brought to the table.
Overall, a good and fun read, I definitely recommended it.

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I love the movie How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, so I was jazzed to read How to Lose an Ex in Ten Days by Lottie Lucas. Let me start by saying that the synopsis of this book gives some cheeky cues to a paranormal element, but if readers aren't open to a ghost as a character, it's unlikely that they'll connect with this book. Moving past that, it's a somewhat predictable tale of a woman coming to terms with her past to focus on her potential future.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for sharing this book with me. All thoughts are my own.

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DNF - did not finish. I did not connect with the writing style/plot and decided to put this one down. Thank you, NetGalley and publisher for the early copy.

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I might be the only reviewer of this book that doesn't really mind the twist. I don't mind a bit of the supernatural thrown into my romance. But it's not ideal that it clearly works so much against marketing and audience expectation, and so many readers were clearly thrown for a loop by this element. (I'm not spoiler-tagging this, because frankly the twist is more explicitly stated in the synopsis, so...) Still, that wasn't the thing that made me rate this down.

It's taken me forever to finish this book and get it reviewed, because I just didn't enjoy the act of reading it much at all. I found the writing to be mediocre, flat and unappealing. The characters are likewise unappealing - Belle is a mess, but not in an interestingly readable way, Nate is a jerk (the little we really know of him), and there isn't enough chemistry between them, while the side characters feel underdeveloped in general. The plot requires a bit too much suspension of disbelief at times - not for the supernatural element, but for a barrage of petty details like lack of communication at times when it doesn't fit into characters as we know them. On the whole, I thought this book was an ambitious attempt to explore things like grief and forgiveness and moving on, along with a more typical simple romantic story, but it fell short of those ambitions.

Thank you to NetGalley and One More Chapter for the advance review copy.

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