Member Reviews

This ended up to be a little too boring for my taste. It was trying too hard to be different, espesially the main character. It did not work out.

Keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole novel. If you want a suspenseful story that will keep you engaged from one moment to another then this is the sorry for you.

I attempted to read this book a few times but just could not get immersed in the story. It started off confusing and nothing was really explained. I don't mind a bit of mystery in the books I read, but I think this one really would've benefitted from having a more clear cut plot and characters.

Thanks to Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to review this book.
Sadly, I didn't finish this book. I have picked it up many times but I just don't feel as though I know what's actually going on. I like the main character and the flashbacks which are intriguing. There is a lot of potential here but many of the scenes don't actually provide the reader with any information or move the story along. Without any background it is hard to connect with some of the characters, in particular Layton.
If you like slow-paced, sexy, supernatural novels then this might be for you.

This book was beautifully written. And it stayed away from the teen bad vampire trope. Some of it was a touch cringe but for the most it was a really good book!

Unfortunately, I was not a fan of this book, and while I did finish it, it was a close one. I found it confusing and I didn't really like the characters. Just not for me.

Thanks to NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this.
First of all, I need to say that I am done with this book. I don't find it in myself to be able to finish it and give a review because (if I have to be completely honest), I've been dreading to continue this book ever since I took a break to study for my exams. I don't find it in myself the motivation and the courage to continue reading when I know I won't enjoy it as much as I expected.
I don't even remember, I don't even know what this book is about. I don't like it and I just can't feel attached to the characters.
I have been reading in English for a long time and while it's true that sometimes I need to look some words up to the internet to get the full and official meaning, I just don't understand and comprehend what's happening and what's Ava explaining. Nor Layton. It hurts to say this but I just don't know what to do and I can't find any hope left that could make me change my opinion on it.
Vitality is incredibly slow-paced. And trust me, I love slow-paced books but this was on a whole new other level and it wore me out. I've been trying to finish it during these past 2 months but I can't. And it's not the writing style only, but also the plot and the characters. Honestly, I don't know what's been happening and how to feel about Ava and Layton. I do know, however, that Ava's roommate is cool.
My apologies to the author. I know writing a book must be difficult and I hope I can come across with her work some day in te future.

Author # Crysta Levere has a wonderful new novel #'Vitality'. It has been compared to Twilight twisted with The Vampire Chronicles.A debut novel that has romance, war of the souls, and a mind bender. This catch's you attention I'm sure!!
Thank you,
#Netgalley, # Crysta Levere, and # BooksGoSocial for the advanced copy

What did I just read? I honestly am barely able to comprehend what I read. Basically, this town has these immortal creatures that are kind of like vampires in the sense they drink blood but somehow they lose part of their soul, towards the end of the book there was an explanation of what they were but it was rushed. We follow our main character Ava who makes it known she wants a fresh start and has recently had some memory problems. The book will cut to scenes where Ava rapidly goes from scene to scene. Ava suddenly goes from being homeless to being able to have money to rent a house with another girl from her college in this small town. One note on the college, do colleges actually have lockers? It was almost as though the college scenes that were not in classes, so hallway or bathroom scenes were so high school. The scenes just rapidly from one place to the next where it seems rushed, but then at the end a character claims they manipulated her mind and made her think things happened that did not. But she sees the Immortal, Layton when she was partying one night and it was like instant love. So, they have their fling and other Immortals part of his coven want to change her and he does not want that yet. There are drama and violence from that, Ava is injured and Layton freaks out over her being healed. This causes Layton to tell Ava a bunch of confusing things and reveal his true colors. So, the reader is left at the end wondering what is reality and what is not.
This book receives 2 stars because I really cannot understand what I read but there was potential. If the ending was more romantic or on a positive note, I think I would have given this a 3 star. I guess the author might have tried to write the story in a way where you and Ava cannot tell what is and is not reality. What kills me is that there are a couple of chapters or sections in people’s viewpoint who are not Ava, so that means they have to be real. Right? I think that the idea of the story was interesting and that the author needs to reformat and improve the plot. I think people should take their own risks by reading this book. Would I read the sequel? Honesty, I want to read the sequel to see how the author improved and to get a better sense of what the plot is supposed to be.

This isn't much of a review. I personally couldn't get into it, and thus had to drop it. I was interested in the summary, but once I started reading I found myself not really enjoying myself.

i really enjoyed reading this book, the characters were great and I really enjoyed the story. I liked that it had a great supernatural element.

This book, is mind blowing, can’t wait till book 2.
Very detailed, a lot of twists, love, struggles, friendships, what was real and what not?
Definitely an awesome read 💕🤗🙌🏻

I really, really, REALLY tried to get into this. There were times I felt "YES! I think I get it!" and then something would happen and I'd realize that no, no I don't understand any of it. It was very disjointed. The writing wasn't bad; the thoughts/scenes just jumped around. The characters were quite shallow. At 40% in, I still had no idea who Layton or Ava really was. I really wanted to like the book because the plot, if i followed it correctly, was interesting. I just couldn't get a hold on what was actually happening and why.

I don’t even know what I just read. I was completely confused throughout this entire book. After finishing, I still have no idea what’s going on and I don’t even know if that’s good or bad?! It’s truly impossible to know what is real and what is hallucination. The ending only made me further question what events actually happened. I don’t know which characters are real and which are illusions. This book made my brain hurt and I can’t even decide if that’s good or bad! I’m so confused.
But I will be reading book 2, I need answers!!
*I received a copy through NetGalley for review

Thank you to the publishers and to NetGalley for providing me with a digital copy of this book to review!
The blurb for Vitality sounded really interesting and I signed up immediately to review it.
Unfortunately, I was confused from page 1. I found myself constantly re-reading sections in case I'd missed something and whenever I picked the book up, I had to go back and re-read several pages to remind myself of the characters and the plot.
I couldn't decide if it was a deliberate writing style meant to leave me confused, or if it was just me?!
For me, it read like a screenplay and I think it would make a great film.
If you prefer detailed description over dialogue, this book is probably for you.

Received a copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review:
This book reeked of vampire romance from the beginning and I was not disappointed in that. The protagonist was vain and selfish and it was too much like a twilight type novel to enjoy thoroughly.

This story was something I thought I would love, but I felt lost at times. The concept was there. It was unique and one of a kind. I just felt a disconnect with the story. It's hard to describe. The bones are there, however I felt like I could not connect with the characters. I did love that it was a vampire story that had its own ideals. That is what made this book interesting. The imagination of the author is unique and I am looking forward to what will come next to see this author progress.

I’m gonna classify this in the ‘not for me’ category. I spent the first portion of the book trying to figure out up from down, reality from hallucination, before I simply gave up and just went wherever the story was taking me.
The writing itself is well done, I think it was just the premise of the story that I had a hard time with.
I originally thought it was a romance, but found out later on that it’s more of a thriller. It’s just little things that came together and kept it from being something that was fantastic for me.

A most captivating and intriguing novel.
I was not sure what to make of it at first but by the time I got to the middles, I had to know how the book would end. I had the joy of enjoying the ride to Vitality.
The end left me a little bereft as I'm not entirely sure if the one theme in the book is mental disorders or if it's a paranormal novel.
A great read though.

Not sure where to start with this one.
This book was all over the place, was kind of confusing in the beginning. This has so much potential, it is definitely not your Average vampire romance for sure and on the darker side which is something I liked. But I feel like it needed more.
Curious about this author though so I might check out other books.