Member Reviews

My thoughts...I was delighted with the progression of this newest novel by Joanna Davidson Politano. I was intrigued by the cover and the book summary, but as I started reading I will confess I was kind of disappointed. I thought, "this isn't the romantic story I thought it would be." By the end, it became one of my favorite reads of 2020. I loved that the entire story is cleverly crafted around a mysterious love letter and how it impacts each person whose hands it falls into. Based on their individual perspectives, the love letter means something different. Willa believes she knows from the beginning who the original author was, but her search is for who it was written to. She is also using the love note as a direction for where she should go so that she can avoid an arranged marriage. I loved the twists and turns in the story as each person takes on their own journeys of discovery. I loved the relationship that developed between Willa and her patient. I don't want to give any spoilers, so I will conclude with saying that this book addresses expressions of love in many forms: romantic love, love for family and friends, and the love of God. I would definitely recommend this book!
*I received a complimentary copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley in order to share my honest opinions, which I did.*

In this highly engrossing, totally original Christian historical romantic fiction, Ms. Politano mixes science and faith to show the power of words. Words both expressed and unspoken, written words, careless words, honest words all have the power to affect lives. They hurt feelings, break hearts, change events. They also heal, give hope, and express love in various forms.
"… that’s what words do, when you choose ones with eternal impact. They are remembered, repeated, embraced. They burrow deep and remain, outliving short human lives and becoming a legacy.."
The Love Note is a departure for me from my usual reads. Its prayer-filled content is a far cry from the steamy stories I myself write. Nevertheless, I find myself enjoying this tale of how a mysterious unsent love letter transforms the lives of everyone in Crestwicke Manor.
Written in multiple points of view (first-person for the heroine Willa, third-person for others), the story takes shape in intriguing, unpredictable, and surprising ways. The named characters are so well drawn and properly developed that the sheer number of them doesn’t confuse the reader. There’s a strong theme of feminism that’s assertive but not too aggressive to be controversial. And the romance is not confined to one couple. At least three more found love restored or newly-discovered.
"Matched souls always find their way back to one another, for they seek refuge in the same place."
While I mostly enjoyed the story, I wish that humor was more consistently employed throughout the book. It was present in the beginning but was gone in the second half. As a romance writer, I want more focus on the romance between Willa and Gabe. There were lovely moments, but I always wish for more.

The Love Note
Joanna Davidson Politano
Miss Willa Duvall was the daughter of Dr. Phineas Duvall, a Dr. of renowned intelligence and knowledge. He wanted to open a Spa clinic to help his patients. She had tried to get into a medical school but was turned down because she was a woman. She had just turned down her fourth proposal.
She wasn't interested in marriage but being a doctor was her aim. She made a deal with her father and she picked a job and if she did a good job then she could choose and when. If she failed then her father chooses. She decided on Crestwicke and Golda Gresham.
Gabrial Gresham's second son and best friend. She hadn't seen him in five years and she had missed him. He ran the stables and hoped to raise the perfect horse and race him. He was still handsome, "with deep maturity, untold strength, the freshness of youth and traces of hurt".
She had found a note hidden in her desk and had come here to find to whom it was written and who wrote it. It was misplaced and Essie the maid got it and her whole attitude changed, she was lonely. Each one of the ladies somehow ended up with it and it changed them. It was a sincere and lovely note. There are a lot of stories woven into this book. It was romantic and so much was going on. She and Gabe had a lot to do even if they had to do it alone. Five years is a long time. It is written so it is romantic and leaving the person feeling better. I loved the writing and sentiment. It was so entertaining and engaging. You could not put it down and it was so worth the time. I was mesmerized.
I received this ARC from Net Galley and voluntarily reviewed it.

Joanna Davidson Politano has written an enchanting story about the power of words and the way they can touch our hearts. The story centers around Willa Duval, a nurse who wants to become a doctor in a time when that’s not a woman’s profession, and an anonymous love letter she finds in her desk. As the letter makes its way through the manor, touching each person in a different way, it sets changes in motion that alter the lives of its readers forever.
I absolutely loved the author's writing style and the beautiful way she crafted this deeply layered story. Willa is a bold and confident heroine, determined to reach her goals and still longing for a love that will give her the freedom to pursue her dreams. Gabe Gresham is a delightful hero, understated but charming in his own way. His tender heart allows him to see beyond the surface of everyone around him. The final chapters brought an unexpected yet satisfying conclusion - I never guessed the true author of the letter until it was revealed! This was the first of Joanna Davidson Politano’s books I’ve read, but it definitely won’t be the last.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

What I Loved: Love is in the air in the most unlikely of places. Where only bitterness and strife seem to survive, the members of the Crestwicke household has the makings for true love hidden around every corner. From the distant husband and wife, the unappreciated servant, the miscommunication between spouses, secret love between friends, and the desire for affection from all of those involved, the unsigned love letter touches everyone in its path in the most peculiar way.
It didn’t take long for me to be swept up in its path myself. And I promise you, this isn’t a novel you’ll want to miss reading for yourself.
The Biblical truths of genuine love and the destruction of bitterness are woven into every chapter in the most natural way.
I could go on and on, but some stories are best experienced, so please take my advice. Go. Pick. Up. A Copy. Then you can tell me how this memorable love letter touched your heart.
Rating and Recommendations: As one of the top books I’ve read all year, I give it 5 stars and then some. I highly recommend it to Christian historical fans of all shapes and sizes. Trust me, you’re going to love it.
~ I received a copy from Revell. All thoughts are my own. I was not compensated for this review or required to give a favorable one.

Another amazing story from Joanna Politano.
I am always in awe of the quotes she uses, usually one at the beginning of each chapter. These impart so much wisdom and truth, and complement the story beautifully.
In this story, the main character, Willa discovers an old love letter hidden away in a desk. She is determined to solve this forgotten mystery and figure out who missed out on the love of a lifetime.
She takes a position as a nurse at Crestwicke, the estate from where the letter originated.
On her arrival there, tho, the letter does nothing but create problems. It gets lost and found numerous times, and each time the finder assumes the letter is meant for them, and this brings many issues to the service.
This author has a way of weaving words, showing deep truths in beautiful prose, and it spoke right to my heart, down deep, right where I needed it most.
Truths about love, about marriage, about God, about forgiveness.
And the story. Oh my. Talk of surprises, this one is just full of them. I didn’t know what to think! Each character was displayed in so many ways. Their flaws were revealed bit by bit, but I really loved the way they found the redemption and resolution they needed.
Ms Politano just moved up another notch in my estimation and is at the top of my list, one of my must-read authors.
I find her stories to challenge me, and help me learn, and grow.
If you are looking for faith-filled fiction that challenges and inspires, you won’t want to miss it!
Disclaimer: I receive complimentary books from various sources, including, publishers, publicists, authors, and/or NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review, and have not received any compensation. The opinions shared here are my own entirely. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

It started with a note. A love note found in a secret compartment of a desk. Willa needed to return it to its intended. When she and her father strike up an agreement with a contract, she chooses to go to Crestwick to be a nurse. That’s where the letter originated. As she seeks answers, the note is passed from person to person affecting them all in different ways. Every character is on a journey and it’s a beautifully written novel. I was in awe of the content and how it was presented. I felt like it was a classic literature read. Truly, our words matter. And this novel displays that over and over again. I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All views stated are my own.

Brighton 1865.
An old love letter lost and then found, goes missing and changes the lives of those whom it touches.
Willa desperately wants to pursue her dream of medical college, while her father would rather that she married. She has one month to complete her assignment or marry the man of her father's choosing. But the lover letter has her rethinking her choices, and her future.
A beautiful heartfelt tale of love, forgiveness and second chances. I loved how this story quietly wove a spell over me, blending the present with touches from the past, with tastes of regret and lost love, in this beautiful tale of hope and enduring love.
This story is unique in that it isn't exactly a full on romance or mystery, but falls somewhere along those lines nonetheless. It shows various relationships at varying stages of longevity, as they are each touched by the letter, sometimes for the better and others for the worse.
I loved how well developed the characters and their relationships were, Gabe was one of my favorites in his gentle way that he trains horses, as well as how he loves enough to trust. There is also a strong foundation of faith that holds everything together. This book does an excellent job of showing so many different turning points in the lives of the characters that I came to know and love over the course of the book. Highly recommend!
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

This is one book I didn’t want to end; I believe it’s my favorite of the year! Truly amazing how the author took the subject of a “simple” love note and wove it into such a beautiful story. A love note is discovered by Willa in a writing desk, and in her quest to discover the actual writer and recipient she is led down a path of hidden family secrets. Willa wants to become a doctor and in order to prove that intent, she is put into service as a nurse to the quirky Golda Gersham in the mysterious Crestwicke Manor. As other members of the family happen onto the love note, hearts are opened and lives changed.
Don’t dismiss this book as just another love story; it is so much more than that. This is a book to savor and enjoy.
Thank you to Revell and NetGalley for allowing me to read this book. I was under no obligation to write a positive review; all opinions are my own.

The Love Note by Joanna Davidson Politano beautifully overwhelmed me. Twenty-four hours after finishing this novel I still have no idea how to adequately put into words how stupendous and marvelous this story is. The storyline is superb. I devoured this book in two days. I truly did not want to put this book down ever. In fact, I want to re-read it just to stay in that glorious book fog that comes when a reader has experienced a truly great piece of fiction. The characters are endearing and unique and very relatable. The heartache each character hides — some deeply, some not so much — ripped my heart into pieces. I actually ached for them because I know what it feels like to feel the way they do. The letter, the central object of The Love Note, is exquisite, but it’s more than that. The letter is a microcosm of the depth and complexity illustrated throughout the narrative. At first glance, the love note is just that, a note from one party to another, but by the end of the story it becomes so much more. It becomes a beacon of hope and illustrates a love greater than anything mere humans can experience. The Love Note is a breathtaking novel that, simply put, must be read immediately.
Let me just say that EVERYTHING about this novel is my favorite, but if I had to pare down to a single thematic idea, it would have to be moving out of God’s way. Willa is a force to be reckoned with. She is feisty, highly intelligent, and a woman of action. Her heart is always in the right place, but things often don’t work according to her plans and she gets frustrated and disheartened. I had to laugh at Willa’s antics because I definitely saw myself in her character a few times. There are two moments in the story that really stood out to me. First, a conversation between Willa and wise, old Aunt Maisie. In frustration Willa states, “Why can’t I ever seem to say the right thing? My words … they’re still wrong, Aunt Maisie.” Aunt Maisie tells Willa that the problem lies with Willa. Willa is using her words, not God’s. Willa rushes in to save the day instead of pausing, praying, and saturating herself in God’s Words. I may have blushed a little at Maisie’s brilliance while scenes of my past flitted across my mind’s eye. We humans would do well to pause a bit before we speak and act.
The second moment that stood out to me is when Willa contemplates her love story. She states, “My love story took longer than most to fully show itself.” This one phrase from the novel made me contemplate my own love story. Mine took a LONG time to show itself. Like Willa, I believed I was slated to be a spinster and that devastated me. I remember all the disastrous relationships I desperately entered into hoping with all my heart that this one would be the one. But they never worked out. It was when I gave up, when I stopped trying to do things my way, that I finally met the man who would be my husband. As Willa realizes in this novel, I had to come to the understanding that I was getting in the way of the story God had planned for me and along the way I made some pretty terrible mistakes. Don’t worry, Willa is much better than I am and her story is nothing like mine, but the idea of getting in God’s way is the same. Willa’s words and actions do get her and others into a little bit of trouble. My words and actions have done the same. The lesson is clear: to experience the best God has for us, we must stop, pause, saturate ourselves in His Word, and let God be God.
I could go on and on with this review. The Love Note is excellently written, highly engaging, and utterly breathtaking. This is a novel I will not ever forget. The Love Note is a must-read story, and I implore you to purchase a copy for yourself today. You will not regret your purchase.
I received a copy of this novel in eBook form from the publisher, Fleming H. Revell Company, via NetGalley, in order to review. I also received a paperback copy of this novel from the author, Joanna Politano, as well. In no way has this influenced my review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

"That means there's so much hope for new and beautiful chapters, because God's the one writing them and he isn't done yet. You never know what's coming - unexpected tender moments, closure and healing, delightful surprises, a chance to fix what's broken."
Joanna Davidson Politano knows how to cast a spell with her beautiful poetic words. The trope seems simple: find closure for the aged love letter found within the crevice of a desk. But the plot and the characters revolving around that letter are anything but simple. With writing style that is lyrical and powerful, characters who are so broken yet noble, intrigue around the love note that exposes hidden longings and layered secrets, and irrefutable spiritual truths, this book will enchant you and make you cry tears of heart-break and joy.
Willa is an energetic, impulsive, brilliant and intriguing woman who sets out to be a nurse to an ailing woman at Crestwicke Manor for a professional purpose but also to find a closure for the two people involved in the love note she discovers. There are multiple third person narratives from the secondary characters, which help to bring together a complex plot as the love note that Willa brings to the manor exchanges hands many times among the occupants in the manor. Gabe is a wonderful hero - a steadfast, loyal, tender, faith-filled protector and rescuer - who allows Willa's set ways to soften. The words from the love note becomes so much more meaningful in the end when Willa finally sees behind the mere words. There is humor hidden in this gem of a book, and you will find yourself laughing out loud at the banter and thoughts from the characters.
You won't want to miss this captivating masterpiece. It's one of my favorite reads of 2020.
I received a copy of the book from Revell/Baker Publishing Group and was under no obligation to post a positive review. All comments and opinions are solely my own.

“The air of Crestwicke had felt even thicker lately with the longing for authentic love, the silent pain of disappointment in dashed hopes. I’d come to uncover a single broken love story and encountered a house full of brokenness and unsettled hearts longing for a safe place to land.”
The Love Note is a difficult book to review because I neither loved it, nor disliked it. It had an interesting premise; a young woman who longs for a career in medicine, but whose father is determined to see married off instead. A compromise with her father, and the revelation of unsigned love letter hidden within a desk give her the opportunity to find out if she is to pursue a medical career or the love of a gentleman.
The story itself was also quite intriuguing. (I especially enjoyed how the letter was, ‘unleashed’ on Crestwicke Manor and found it’s way into various hands, some of which were quite mistaken as to whom the letter was intended!) However, the narrative of this book was a bit like listening to a vocalist who has a lovely voice, but not enough training to sustain an even pitch. There were so many good lines written, but also so many that fell short. I found the beginning especially to be a bit confusing. I felt that the author could have done a better job of introducing each of the characters. I will say, though, that she did do a good job of giving life and personality to each of the characters throughout the narrative. I also would have liked more information when the desk first came into the story about where it had come from, and why it was in their possession. This was revealed not long after, but it did make things a bit confusing while entering into the story.
I think many people would enjoy this story, as it was a pleasure to read for the most part. I am not sure that I would recommend it, though, just based on the fact that I believe it could have been a much better story with more editing and some rewriting.
*Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced digital copy of this book! A positive review was not required, and the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

What a wonderfully beautiful book!
I wanted to sigh with delight the entire way through it. So lovely. I really enjoyed the main character, Willa. She had faults, made mistakes, was too hasty with her words at times, but was also intelligent, independent, and real. It was nice to see an actual human portrayed in a Christian book. Many are too perfect all the time.
This book was reminiscent of a Jane Austen novel, but better. It was so well done. I loved all the side characters, and the color they brought to the story.
Who would've thought one letter could cause so much drama for so many people!
I am finding it hard to express what I enjoyed about this book, because it is one of the best books I have read in a very long time. I usually have critiques to share, because there are things that don't make sense, or are overdone, but this book was so perfect. I was so touched by parts of the book that I cried a few times. I loved the relationship between Willa and Gabe, and their love for the Lord. It was just so natural and sweet.
I would absolutely read another book by this author, and would love if it she continued this series by focusing on the others who lived at Crestwicke. I would love to see how all their stories play out- especially Celeste's. So many characters to love and remember- so much good advice lovingly given. Wonderful story, masterfully written. I couldn't put it down.
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Mystery, romance, suspense, incredible characters, author Politano has done it again. Moving at a good pace, Politano crafts a story with a wonderful storyline that is true to the time it was set in. Her research of history is second to none.
Written with incredible depth I really enjoyed the letter as a main feature in The Love Note. If you’re looking for something different in historical fiction then I highly recommend you give this one a try.
I received a complimentary copy of this book but was not required to leave a review.

The Love Note
by Joanna Davidson Politano
Back of the Book: “Focused on a career in medicine and not on romance, Willa Duvall is thrown slightly off course during the summer of 1865 when she discovers a never-opened love letter in a crack of her old writing desk. Compelled to find the passionate soul who penned it and the person who never received it, she takes a job as a nurse at the seaside estate of Crestwicke Manor.
Everyone at Crestwicke has feelings--mostly negative ones--about the man who wrote the letter, but he seems to have disappeared. With plenty of enticing clues but few answers, Willa's search becomes even more complicated when she misplaces the letter and it passes from person to person in the house, each finding a thrilling or disheartening message in its words.
Laced with mysteries large and small, this romantic Victorian-era tale of love lost, love deferred, and love found is sure to delight.”
Impressions: All romantics stop what you are doing and read this book. It will make you fall in love all over again.
Liked: This was such a wonderful novel. It was so well written. The intrigue and mystery of a simple letter was captivating. I pondered on my own love story throughout this book and fell a little more in love with my husband throughout.
Learned: There was much wisdom in this book. You’ll have to read it to find it all.
Disliked: Nothing really. I would like to know what happened with a few of the other characters.
Quotes: “I had a healthy obsession with love stories…” – As to I…
“It seems you have quite a path carved out for yourself. Have you asked God what He thinks of it all?”
“You needn’t be afraid of your words, Miss Duvall. Only careful. They’re as easy to gather as rocks, and just as easy to throw about, but don’t underestimate them. I’ve never happened upon a neutral word.”
“Let God be God, Willa. He knows a fair bit more that you, believe it or not.”
“People marry based on the scientific assumption that two halves make a whole, but that’s false. Only God makes something whole.”
“He’s a God of order and sense. He doesn’t ask us to do things for pomp and show. He’s wise to the ways of the world he created, and his instructions are meant to help us navigate it, even if we don’t understand them.”
“Do away with petty criticisms and subtle correction and leave the fixing of your spouse to God. It frees you up to simply love and enjoy them. Which will prove a greater influence in the end.”
I received a copy of this via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review shared here.

I always look forward to a Joanna Davidson Politano novel. She never disappoints! She always checks all the boxes with the gothic atmosphere at a mysterious manor, the mysterious but gentle hero, the plucky heroine. This captivating novel is more that just the story of a love letter that was never received. This novel is a love letter to love itself. Willa takes on the task of taking a love letter and returning it to its rightful owner. As the love letter accidentally moves around the manor and the inhabitants read it, each person has a different reaction to its beautiful contents. The story itself is a wild ride with characters so real and interesting. But the themes of human love and God's eternal love will touch your heart and bring tears to your eyes. 5 stars!
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and all opinions are my own.

One of the things I've come to love about Joanna Politano's books is that there are always unexpected layers to the story. This one was quite simply exquisite. One lost love note had the ability to transform more than just the recipient's life and proved the power of our words. And the ending? Well, let's just say it's not what you'll expect but I think you'll find, like me, that you loved it anyway.

A brilliant gently flowing work of fiction imbued with timeless truth. I laughed, I cried, and I stopped to pray. The ultimate successful result of a magnificent story. Joanna Davidson Politano writes a thoughtful and multi-layered tale about our desire to be known and loved in The Love Note. This letter meant for one person falls into the hands of many who wonder if it is for them. Each one, tenderly or angrily tucking the words of love into their hearts. What a creative and beautiful storyline.
There are so many quotes I highlighted, but here are just a few:
"My ultimate diagnosis was swift and complete: an overabundance of time and wealth complicated by an utter lack of skill and vainglorious delusions."
"What would you have me write, Lord? Do what you will with this letter, with this position at Crestwicke. With her life and mine." (Such a beautiful reminder to walk with God every day.)
" Wounds are only useful for reminding us when to duck next time."
"That plucky little nurse was right-there were second chances to be had....Time was short, and she had some living to do yet."
I highly recommend The Love Note by Joanna Davidson Politano. Thank you to the author and publisher for an early copy. All opinions are my own.

I felt like this book was very different from Joanna’s previous ones I have read. It was still good, just not what I expected based on her other books. It seemed more romance driven then mystery driven even though there is definitely a mystery in there that is driving the plot.
The letter getting passed around almost became comical.
The Gresham’s are an interesting family to say the least. And I so wanted to Willa to open her heart to Gabe but then a twist happens and I begin to question who will she end up with?
I adored Golda. She was grumpy, yet loveable. You knew deep down she really did love her family.
Overall, an enjoyable read.
A copy of this book was given to me through the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Portrait of Love, by Roseanna M. White, brings The Codebreakers series to a conclusion. Lily Blackwell, daughter of Captain Blackwell, has been secretly working with her father at England's Intelligence Division. Zivon Marin, a Russian cryptographer who fled the horrors in his homeland, has also joined the team. As you move forward on the pages of Portrait of Love, you will see all of the former characters of The CodeBreakers series work together in the infamous Room 40 to bring an end to the war!
As Lily works hard using her skills with photography, her feelings toward her new co-worker seem to move her in a direction she never expected. You see Zivon trying to adjust to this new land, as he also must deal with great losses he has left behind in Russia. When you witness Lily also experience an unexpected loss, you see Lily and Zivon drawn together in their mutual pain!
This tale becomes full of action, on the final pages, as you attempt to put all the pieces of this story together!