Member Reviews

While Paris Slept – A Powerful Story
Ruth Druart has written a powerful story, of love, family, survival and hope. Set in with the backdrop of Paris during the occupation and the round-up of the Jewish residents, when many looked the other way. A book that takes a look at the round-ups and how some people had no choice to work for the Nazi regime, and that hope did not die, even when tested.
Jean-Luc has been forced to work at Drancy the station and railway yard that the Nazi’s had chosen as the departure point for the rounded-up Jews to be sent east on the cattle trucks. Jean -Luc hates working there, and had attempted to sabotage the railways, but even that backfired.
Usually the trucks had left under the cover of darkness when the French workers were not onsite. That was until a derailment and the workers were roused to put everything back on track so the train could leave. In the chaos at the station, workers trying to get to the lines, the Jews being forced out on to the platform and soldiers screaming orders and dogs barking. Before he knows it a young Jewish mother forces into Jean-Lucs hands a small bundle.
Jean-Luc panics with a baby in hand what was he to do. Under pressure and discovered by a guard he has to get out as quickly as possible, before his actions are discovered. With his girlfriend, Charlotte, they have to escape Paris and France, and so begin a long journey to America.
1953, Jean-Luc is arrested in the USA for kidnapping a child and so begins the question of doing what is right for a child becomes central. Is letting go the right thing to do, or do you fight all the way.
Just some of the questions that are raised in this excellent novel. It is hard to believe that this is a debut novel, as it is written with a deft touch, and examines what is still a very taboo subject I France and even more so in Paris, the Nazi Occupation. This story will leave you breathless, hoping for the best and fearing the worst.
This is an excellent story, that will engross you from beginning to end.

While Paris Slept is an emotive and thought provoking book set in 1944 Paris and California in 1953. It is a very well researched and well written debut novel that asks the uncomfortable question "what would you do?". It's a story of the pain, suffering and consequences of the horrors of WW2, all handled with sensitivity. I enjoyed the story and think it would make a great book for book clubs opening up lots of avenues for discussion.
Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for an arc of this novel.

Achingly painful nuances of The Judgement of Solomon
The Biblical story of ‘Solomon’s Wisdom’ determines who is the real mother of a child claimed by two women. Solomon instructs that the child be cut in two, each woman to have one half. The real mother is revealed as the one who immediately surrenders the child to spare it from harm.
While Paris Slept is a heartbreakingly intense exploration of the bonds between parent (particularly mother) and child, given political, real time and place dimension. Occupied Paris, 1944 and the transportation of Jews to death camps.
Druart has 5 central characters here, and her story is told through their lenses. Two mothers, two fathers, one child. A French Jewish couple, and a French Gentile couple. The setting, Paris in 1944, America in 1953, where the Gentile couple and their son now live
Druart writes beautifully, steeping herself in creating real, layered characters, with difficult life choices. ‘Right’ and ‘wrong’ are not always obvious, and the reader is pulled into empathy with all characters. At times this is unbearable reading (in the best way) as the painful aspects (as well as the wondrous ones) of the complexity of being human, unford
So……….why, with all the above, have I 4 starred? There are some stylistic choices which jarred, and pulled me out of complete surrender. Prime here is Druart’s choice to write 2 voices in the 1st person, Charlotte, one of the mothers, and the child, Sam. All other stories are written in third person narrative. Inevitably, when something like this happens, an observant reader will find the question ‘why’ arising, and attempt to find sense in writerly decisions. Are we expected and being offered ‘privilege’ for Charlotte? Is she the one Druart is urging us to root for most? I tried hard to find a reason for Charlotte’s story to be first person, but couldn’t.
Sam, the child, is also first person. Had ONLY Sam been first person, the decision, whilst not perfect, would at least have been a clearer one. Except that major problems emerge. Sam, not speaking or understanding any French nonetheless from that first person perspective is somehow able to perfectly relate the hearing of sentences spoken in French. So….does this mean Sam’s ‘I’ is being narrated 10 or more years hence? When presumably he has acquired knowledge of the language and somehow perfectly recalled what was being said in French at certain times before he could speak or understand? Does all of this readerly mental chatter matter? Well it does if in the act of reading the reader is jerked out of the suspension of disbelief.
There were also odd occasions where Charlotte’s ‘I’ became problematic, where there was a detailed explanation of who a character and their history was – someone Charlotte knew, but the reader didn’t. So Charlotte’s internal monologue had to be twisted to give the reader information.
The ’I’ voice is beset with these sorts of traps, always, whereas third person, ‘God narrator’ sidesteps these.
This choice spoilt the novel in my opinion.
Finally – an error possibly of marketing. I could wish that the novel had been ‘sold’ differently. The reader knows from the off – should be able to guess, from the beginning of the 1944 sections, BECAUSE of the jacket cover and description, what secret is being harboured. So when the revelation happens, a good deal further on, what should have been a major twist is not.
I have tried, as far as possible, to avoid spoilers, but one major spoiler was put in place in the original marketing
I really want to see where Druart goes from here. This is an excellent book, in terms of character and narrative, as well as writing craft.
I’m very grateful to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read the ARC

I loved this book from the first chapter to the epilogue. It is a definite page turner which is beautifully written. I did not want it to finish but when it did there were tears rolling down my cheeks. This is one of the best books I have read in some time.

'While Paris Slept' was an evocative, heart-racing read. Full of emotion, wonderful characters and a past mystery that was waiting to unravel it has everything you could want in a gripping historical fiction book.
It took me a little while to get into the 1950s storyline, but there is generally always a timeline that I struggle with more than the other, and it just felt a little jarring in comparison to the 1940s which so effortlessly pulls you in with drama and tension.
Both though weave together to create a tightly woven, thrilling book which keeps you guessing, and has you crying, until the very end. A masterpiece.

A heart wrenching read which will grab your emotions from the very first page.
It evokes everything that is a mother’s love and the length and sacrifices she will make to keep her child safe and happy so they can grow into a beautiful human being.
It is an emotional read on many levels and will leave you in tears at the end.

The fate of a French Jewish family in 1944 and the strength of a mother's love for a newborn child. A story touching on the part French citizens had to play in World War II. The escape to American of a French couple thrown together by circumstances and the Jewish baby , Sam, they saved and continued to bring up as their own. Choices this couple made, caused another couple considerable heartache, but Sam grew up American spurning the attempt of returning to France, until much later when he became a father himself and could then understand and realise the love of a parent.
Well written and with intrigue to keep the pages turning.

A woman being sent to Auschwitz entrusts her most treasured possession to a man working on the railway. This is the beginning of a powerful story about love. Not the sentimental kind but the love that will make sacrifices and is unconditional.
It’s a beautiful story that will move you. The true ending of the book comes in the epilogue and when I read it, I felt as though I, as well as the characters had come a full circle - as love is a circle, never ending.

This was such an emotional read, a real roller coaster!
It's set in Paris 1944 and Santa Cruz 1953. The story flips between characters and time frames.
I really had to slow myself down whilst reading this, to savour the story and think about the implications of the character's decisions.
The author did a brilliant job of making you really feel empathy for Jean-Luc and Charlotte and David and Sarah.
This is a perfect story for book clubs and group reads. It naturally brings up so many questions.
I'm not going to say anything about the story as I wouldn't want to give away any spoilers.
I'm so pleased to have been given an arc of this ebook from Netgalley uk and Headline Publishing

'I loved While Paris Slept. I finished the novel with tears in my eyes. This book is truly uplifting and shows us what the human soul can survive and achieve. A great book for book clubs'.

A surprisingly moving and emotional book which I couldn't put down.
Jean Luc, a railway worker in Paris in WW2 rescues a Jewish baby called Samuel. 9 years later he is arrested in America and Samuel is returned to Paris. The description of Samuel trying to adapt to this new life is very moving.

A very different take on the Second World War and the plight of Jewish people in the hands of the Nazi's.
The story starts in California in the 1950s, and is told by a cast of characters, all of whom lived in Paris under Nazi rule. There is a railway worker and a nurse, unhappy with having to work for the Nazi's, but seeing little option. They meet and fall in love and want to make a difference. Then there is a Jewish couple who are trying to escape capture. Their lives cross in an unexpected way and this is their story.
I very much enjoyed the concept and it's execution. It is powerful and memorable.
While Paris Slept is well written, emotional and novel. I definitely recommend it.
Thank you to the author, the publishers and @NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this lovely novel.

This is an unusual WW2 story. When I first started it, I almost did not continue because I thought that there would be harrowing descriptions of the holocaust. This was hinted at but avoided, as it changed tack and became the story of a child who was rescued and taken to the USA. All falls apart when his real parents claim him back. The characters were well depicted and the little boy's voice was particularly strong. The authorities treated the case very harshly and all four parents were put through anguish as the child's world was torn apart. The novel is structured in the current fashion, with dual time sections in alternate chapters. This was unnecessary as some of the suspense was lost - a linear timeline with just a prologue would have been better. However, the ending and epilogue are poignant and satisfying.

This is a wonderful book,set in two timelines Paris 1944 and California 1953. The story is about two French Families who briefly connect during the war and the repercussions of their actions many years later .There is so much love,strength and sacrifice in this story .Wartime courage and desperation ,survival and never giving up is the theme running through this extraordinary book .Such an emotional story but so beautifully written and the ending was perfect .Many thanks to the Publisher ,the Author and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review .

Set in Paris during the Second World War war and America in the 1950's, this is an emotional, well researched book that not only pulls, but tugs (with great force) at your heart strings. The story is told through Jean-Luc, a railway worker in Paris, his girlfriend and a young jewish couple with a newborn baby. I really don't want to give anything away and spoil what is a heartbreaking story. But let's just say, I sobbed my way through this book. As I reached the end my children were begging me to tell them about the book but I could't speak for crying. That evening I went out for dinner with my husband and tried to tell him about the book but I couldn't tell him for crying either. It is 5 days since I finished the book and I can only now talk about it. I am telling everyone to READ THIS BOOK, especially fans of Kristen Hannah's The Nightingale. It is the BEST book I have read this year. It would make a great Bookclub book, as it explores familial love, moral and ethical dilemmas, courage, belonging and above all hope. Incase you are in any doubt, I loved this book and would give it 6 stars if I could.

Thank you to netgalley for the ARC of this book. I enjoyed this book I felt the characters were well developed and the narrative different enough to the mass of WWII fiction to warrant real interest. However I think is a perfect example of where the current style of writing over two time periods simply does not work. Because of the early sections the reader knows what happens to the main characters / whether or not they survive etc etc. It is like reading the end of the book before the beginning. For me this truly spoils the effect of the storyline which would have been much better suited to a linear approach.

Spanning the years from 1944 to 1953, we follow Jean-Luc, a Frenchman, working on the railways during the German occupation of Paris.
Together with Charlotte, his wife, they manage to flee to America, believing that the horrors of the past, although never forgotten, could never be repeated.
There is another couple involved in this tale and their combined history makes a story so heart-breaking and vividly real.
Written with such intensity, While Paris Slept feels real and is an emotional and unforgettable story of the enduring strength of love in all its forms.
Atmospheric and at times terrifying, your emotions will be torn by the situation these innocent people find themselves in, and although it was sometimes painful to read, I will remember this heart-breaking story for some time...

# when Paris Slept # Netgalley
A box going back many years to the 2 world war. A family’s journey through the horrors of occupied France by the Germans. A horrific time of survival, love loss and rebuilding your lives. Without some of your friends family and little support as everyone was in a similar situation. Yet in there own way they managed to support each other and slowly build a future fir themselves
A powerful book of betray, love, loss, determination. It will bring tears to your eyes in some parts, laughter in others sadness, even pride. It touches every human emotion. I found I just wanted to read it without putting it down. I was in the edges of my seat a few times I do recommend you read this book

While Paris Slept is an emotional story set in the time of world war 2 and then the 50’s of the USA.
It is a story of pain, suffering and heartbreak and the self sacrifice of a mother knowing there can be little hope for her child in the horrific nazi death camps. Leaving the child with Jean Luc a man she does not know, pleading with him to protect her son.
9 year later in America there is a knock on Jean Lucas door starting another chain of events when he is accused of kidnapping Sam the boy he is now bringing up as his son.
Historically accurate and beautifully written this is a truly unforgettable read of love, suffering and sacrifice but above all hope, it resonates with the sheer pain of those who lost their lives in those horrific concentration camps. This story will stay with me a long time, it is a time that should never be forgotten.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for the opportunity to review this book honestly.

I think for fans of World War Two historical fiction, this book will be just the ticket for you! This book has two main parallel timelines, 1944 Paris and 1953 California. The novel follows Charlotte and Jean-Luc living in Nazi Occupied France in the 1940s, who fall in love and make a life changing decision before fleeing to the United States. The implications of their decision back in 1944 comes back to haunt them in their new lives in America.
This book briefly touches on the Jewish experience in Nazi Occupied France and being taken to Auschwitz. But the novel deals with wider issues of identity, heritage, culture and the connection to home. This is a hard hitting historical fiction and beautifully written.
I have decided to give this book three stars only because I feel like historical fiction as a genre is oversaturated with World War Two novels. And while this was a compelling read, this book didn’t add anything particularly unique to this genre. But if you love World War novels, I highly recommend this book. A very strong story.
Thanks to the author Ruth Druart, Headline and NetGalley for a review copy in exchange for an honest review.