Member Reviews

An absolutely up-to-date to the minute book on climate change, covering the effects of coronavirus on the economy as well as broader and more long-term events of the efforts to stop climate change.
I found the analysis of the future of the economy and profit models of businesses as they adjust to climate change really interesting, from the perspective of someone with no education in Economics or Business at all - very easy to understand, and made some difficult concepts which I'd been questioning very clear.

I also found the focus on China's very helpful, and this was an approach I haven't seen before in any of the (many!) non-fiction books on climate change I've read recently.

The book also credits other writers for big ideas, many of which stood out to me on reading books such as THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING, THE UNINHABITABLE EARTH and DRAWDOWN. I was particularly pleased to see Drawdown credited with the hugely important emphasis needed on women's rights as a huge contributor to climate solutions.

Incredibly informative, valuable, and something that should be give out to all citizens.

The audiobook was great - I listened to it at 1.75x speed, as it was quite slow, but the speaker was clear and made difficult concepts easy to understand though pauses and careful enunciation.

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Most environmental books make for a bleak read - they tend to focus on the failure of previous governments to engage, and due to the ignorant deniers and the political lobbying they prophesize doom and gloom and the end of civilisation. Hope in Hell isn't immune to this, but it presents a far more balanced outlook, citing improvements in technology and options for climate engineering that could, alongside emission control, help reduce the effects of this climate crisis.

Sir Jonathon Porritt has been in the game for many years. He was a member of Greenpeace in the 70s, chaired multiple environmental organisations, and is a university chancellor, so he knows his stuff This come across clearly in this book. He covers what you'd expect - the inactivity of governments, failed opportunities, Green New Deal, etc. - but this book is broad. It covers historical civil disobedience, how other campaigns in the past, such as the Suffragettes and the anti-slavery movement, garnered public support and how we can learn from their experiences and their mistakes to get better traction on climate solutions.

This was my first audio book, and on whole it was a pretty good experience, but I do feel the medium wasn't being used effectively. For example, the narrator, Simon Slater, slips into an awful American accent when quoting or reading Americans, I can't see why (copyright ownership aside) the original recording couldn't be slipped in instead. The same for Greta Thurnberg's speeches.

But a very important and very timely book, one that everyone, especially those in industry and government, should be reading.

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I have read and listened to many books about this topic. The audiobook outlines the issues we are currently facing when it comes to climate change and although thinking about the doom and gloom of what could be coming, there was a constant theme woven throughout this audiobook, it was Hope. I felt this was really refreshing.

I liked this audiobook and would recommend it

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Hope in Hell covers a very broad range of climate related issues and gives a good clear introduction to all the major issues and concepts. The discussion of the depth of the problem itself feels like the dominant theme of the book so it's probably a good choice for anyone not entirely convinced that we all need to take action or that the crisis is truly so severe. The issues covered also extend to social and political issues and the rise of the far right and populism, since this is closely associated with science denial and this seems an important point to include.
There is discussion around reasons for hope and a lot of the potential solutions are discussed although perhaps not in the detail I was hoping for, I do feel though that there's a lot of further reading I can jump into from here and I definitely intend to do so.
Whilst the audiobook does make the material easier to consume, the narrator didn't feel as passionate about the content as the author clearly is and I found myself wanting to bookmark sections to revisit later so if you can fit in reading the ebook or print version easily then that might be better.
Overall I'd recommend it because even if you're familiar with some of the themes here, you'll probably still find enough of interest to make it worthwhile.

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